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Yeah, don't do this. Please. At all.

- <<Include(EditTheWiki)>>
- = External Processes =
- '''NOTE''': A much better way to do this is via the new HTTP Proxying 
feature. See the 
documentation]] for that topic.
- <<TableOfContents()>>
- CouchDB now allows for the ability to develop custom behaviors via processes 
that communicate over ''stdin'' and ''stdout''. Requests to CouchDB that are 
captured by the external process handler are passed via JSON object to the 
external process over ''stdin'' and reads a JSON object from ''stdout''. 
Without further ado...
- == JSON Requests ==
- Requests capture information about the incoming HTTP request and transform it 
into a JSON object. I've formatted the object here, though in real life this 
object would contain no new lines and all embedded white space would be 
normalized to a single ' ' (space) character.
- An example object:
- {{{#!highlight javascript
- {
-     'body': 'undefined',
-     'cookie': {
-         '__utma': 
-         '__utmz': '96992031.1224404084.1.1.utmcsr'
-     },
-     'form': {},
-     'info': {
-         'compact_running': False,
-         'db_name': 'couchbox',
-         'disk_size': 50559251,
-         'doc_count': 9706,
-         'doc_del_count': 0,
-         'purge_seq': 0,
-         'update_seq': 9706},
-     'path': [],
-     'query': {},
-     'method': 'GET'
- }
- }}}
- In order:
-  * ''body'' - Raw post body
-  * ''cookie'' - Cookie information passed on from mochiweb
-  * ''form'' - If the request's Content-Type is 
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded", a decoded version of the body
-  * ''info'' - Same structure as returned by
-  * ''path'' - Any extra path information after routing to the external process
-  * ''query'' - Decoded version of the query string parameters.
-  * ''method'' - HTTP request verb
-  * ''userCtx'' - Information about the User
- Note: Before CouchDB 0.11 `method` was `verb`.
- == JSON Response ==
- The response object has five possible elements
-  * ''code'' - HTTP response code [Default is 200]. Note that this must be a 
number and cannot be a string (no "").
-  * ''headers'' - An object with key-value pairs that specify HTTP headers to 
send to the client.
-  * ''json'' - An arbitrary JSON object to send the client. Automatically sets 
the Content-Type header to "application/json"
-  * ''body'' - An arbitrary CLOB to be sent to the client. Content-Type header 
defaults to "text/html"
-  * ''base64'' - Arbitrary binary data for the response body, base64-encoded
- While nothing breaks if you specify both a ''json'' and ''body'' member, it 
is undefined which response will be used. If you specify a Content-Type header 
in the ''headers'' member, it will override the default.
- == Common Pitfalls ==
-  * When responding to queries always remember to turn off buffering for 
''stdout'' or issue a ''flush()'' call on the file handle.
-  * All interaction is in the form of single lines. Each response should 
include *exactly* one new line that terminates the JSON object.
-  * When using base64 encoders, be sure to strip any CRLF from the result - 
most encoders will add CRLF after 76 characters and at the end.
-  * CouchDB 0.10 looks for a case-sensitive match of the Content-Type header 
-- a user-defined header must specify "Content-Type", not "content-type" or 
"CoNtEnT-type".  This is fixed in future releases.
-  * When developing handlers you need to restart CouchDB after each change  as 
it doesn't see the changes until you restart the server.
-  * '''Notes for OSX users:'''
-  If  you are using launchctl to load and unload your CouchDB instance, it by  
default starts the couchdb instance with user couchdb. External  handlers won't 
run if they are not executable by this user. Calls to  them will fail with a 
'OS Process timeout' error stack trace from  Erlang. If you start couchdb with 
sudo couchdb things will work fine.  Here is an article in more detail
- == Configuration ==
- Adding external processes is as easy as pie. Simply place key=command pairs 
in the ''[external]'' section of your ''local.ini'' and then map those handlers 
in the ''[httpd_db_handlers]'' section, like:
- {{{
- ;Including [log] and [update_notification] for context
- [log]
- level = info
- [external]
- test = python /usr/local/src/couchdb/
- [httpd_db_handlers]
- _test = {couch_httpd_external, handle_external_req, <<"test">>}
- [update_notification]
- ;unique notifier name=/full/path/to/exe -with "cmd line arg"
- }}}
- This configuration will make the ''/usr/local/src/couchdb/'' 
responsible for handling requests from the url:
- {{{
- }}}
- == Example External Process ==
- Here is a complete Python external process that does a whole lot of nothing 
except show the mechanics.
- {{{#!highlight python
- import sys
- try:
-     # Python 2.6
-     import json
- except:
-     # Prior to 2.6 requires simplejson
-     import simplejson as json
- def requests():
-     # 'for line in sys.stdin' won't work here
-     line = sys.stdin.readline()
-     while line:
-         yield json.loads(line)
-         line = sys.stdin.readline()
- def respond(code=200, data={}, headers={}):
-     sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % json.dumps({"code": code, "json": data, 
"headers": headers}))
-     sys.stdout.flush()
- def main():
-     for req in requests():
-         respond(data={"qs": req["query"]})
- if __name__ == "__main__":
-     main()
- }}}
- A Java example can be found here:
- = HTTP proxying =
- As of November 2010, Couchdb has gained the ability to
 external OS processes]]
- and to
 to an external HTTP server]].
- This lets you integrate an external HTTP app server, written in any language 
you like, without using the JSON protocol defined above. This means you can 
write extensions using regular frameworks and process binary (non-UTF8, 
non-JSON) data. It is intended to replace the [external] mechanism.

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