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The page "Git_At_Apache_Guide" has been deleted by JoanTouzet:

This is also outdated

- This page collects the guidelines established in the git experiment.
- This is a work in progress.
- ASF GIT repositories are currently hosted at
- For understanding the technical aspects of GIT and SVN please read 
[[SVNvsGIT]]. This will help you to grok the design decisions.
- GIT at the ASF is currently an experiment. We have defined criteria under 
which this experiment should be considered [[GitSuccessCriteria|successful]].
- == Hosting ==
- Canonical GIT repositories for Apache projects must be hosted on ASF 
hardware, under full control of the ASF infrastructure. This has quite a few 
-  1. Our Source Code Repositories are there for one reason: helping the 
community. This can best be supported by having one single canonical 
repository. Projects having multiple equitable repository clones tend to split 
the community.
-  1. UserIDs outside of are not reliable! We can only guarantee a 
fully trusted authentication for servers we host ourselves!
-  1. Authentication can later be extended to support login via ssh keys 
uploaded to (we need to drop this as infra ticket)
-  1. Relying on external infrastructure for our own core business is frankly 
spoken pretty unwise. This would not only split the community but also would us 
make lose our independence. We would have no access to the underlying hardware, 
thus no way to handle threats if someone tries to taint our repositories.
- == Project Structure ==
-  1. Each project has at least one GIT repository which contains the main 
project and is read/writable for all committers.
-  1. Each project can optionally have a separated PMC-private GIT repository 
which conains confidential legal stuff like trademark contracts, creds for 
community accounts like twitter, etc
-  1. Some projects might need additional GIT repositories containing project 
parts which have a completely separated lifecycle from the main project. This 
can be various build-tools (checkstyle-rules, project specific maven-plugins 
which are needed to build the project) or the project site. This is needed 
because a GIT branch and tag always affects the whole repository
- == GIT Hooks ==
- We need to apply some hooks to the GIT repos to prevent the user from 
changing a few things.
-  1. It must not be possible to change the history of a project or delete 
certain branches. Any sha1 in master or any productive branch must not be 
allowed to get changed!
-  1. git-rebase, git-stash and stashing via git-merge --interactive is only 
allowed if the history of external contributions remains preserved.
-  1. It must not be possible to delete release tags.
- ''grobmeier: deleting tags is possible with SVN, for example when the RC1 tag 
has failed the vote. Why isn't it allowed with git?''
- == Non-ASF repository collaboration ==
-  1. Doing a test feature branch in private or in a forked github repository 
is perfectly fine. But committers should push to the canonical ASF repository 
early and often to prevent a fragmentation of the community development effort.
-  1. Even if GIT supports the additional author information, the established 
policy that committers should apply their commits to the canonical repository 
themself remains intact.
-  1. Committers pushing changes to the canonical repository must make sure 
that the committerIds and authorIds in the changes they submit are trustworthy 
(authenticated and iCLA on file).
-  1. Pulling from some external (non hosted) repository must only 
happen if all the respective commits are done by a person which has an iCLA on 
file and if the diff of the pull-request is preserved on some ASF server. This 
can be done by extending JIRA to automatically download the diffs of a 
pull-request.The project shall not hesitate to animate people to sign our iCLA.
-  1. Incorporating changes from other contributors (no iCLA on file) must only 
be handled via JIRA attached patches because of legal reasons (the 'grant 
inclusion under ALv2' flag in JIRA).
-  1. The project documentation and project site shall mention the 
based GIT repo as the canonical source location.
- == Cutting Releases with GIT ==
- The release plan from couchdb can be found here:
- Apache Maven supports the usage of GIT with the 
[[|maven-scm-providers-git]] since 2008.
- Be aware that the branch created by a release with GIT always covers the 
whole repository.
- === Tagging during a VOTE ===
- Please note that the __only__ officially result of an ASF release is the 
__source tarball__! These zipped and signed sources are also the __only__ thing 
a VOTE is upon. All other artifacts produced during a build are just nice to 
have goodies which are __no____ ____official____ ASF products__. This includes 
the TAG on any SCM hosted at the ASF or elsewhere.
- ==== Tagging policy in CouchDB ====
- The following is true for CouchDB which decided to ''not'' use tagging at all 
while voting on a [[Release_procedure|release]]: Do not tag a release until the 
vote has passed.
- CouchDB does not issue release candidates in the same way that other projects 
do. When most users see a release candidate, they think of it as an officially 
sanctioned version of the software. If we tag our release artefacts (which may 
be prepared by anyone, at any time) as release candidates while we vote on 
them, we are sending the wrong message to anyone who finds that tag in the 
- Even if we avoid calling them release candidates, all tags live in the same 
namespace, so we risk confusing our users if we tag the release artefacts we 
are voting on, as well as the release artefacts we have actually released. 
Deleting tags that correspond to failed votes will not help, because Git does 
not reliably propagate tag deletion to downstream repositories.
- In answer to these concerns, vote emails must only reference the tree-ish 
used to prepare the release. When the vote passes must you tag the tree-ish. 
Preferably using the version number alone, as each Git repository corresponds 
to exactly one project. The resulting tags in Git form an accurate list of 
every official release, and every downstream repository will be eventually 
- ==== Other possible tagging policies ====
- The Apache Maven community suggests to create a tag during the release 
process (mvn release:prepare) and to just  not push the tag immediately but 
only when the artifacts will be moved  from staging to the main artifact 
- == Usecases / Workflow comparison GIT/SVN ==
- What are the current use cases with scm at the ASF?
- How does the known workflows with SVN compare to the new GIT workflows?
- === JIRA Integration ===
- <<Include(GitJiraIntegration)>>
- === Unresolved Issues ===
- When merging pull requests from GitHub, a merging practice which preserves 
authorship, minimizes history noise, and automatically closes the pull request 
issue would be ideal. Currently, no such flow is possible. Currently, either 
the contributor must close and re-issue a pull request in response to code 
review or the resulting merge has the "noise" of the post-review commits. Since 
we disallow merge commits as a policy, the pull request is not automatically 
closed. The committer should be able to close the pull request by stating so 
with the magic commit message commands (such as "fix #124"), but must take care 
if she wishes to make her commits in a way that preserves the original author 
- It's easy to conflate git and github, but the implications of each are 
significant. GitHub is a large community of coders who use a very slick 
interface to manage forks and branches across common projects, via issues, pull 
requests, and also wikis, websites and organisational structures and 
permissions. Do we want GitHub integration, or is an alternative like 
[[]] that can be directly hosted on ASF infrastructure, 
with an MIT license,going to meet the same ends?

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