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- #redirect HTTP_Document_API
- An introduction to the CouchDB HTTP document API.
- == Naming/Addressing ==
- Documents stored in a CouchDB have a DocID. DocIDs are case-sensitive string 
identifiers that uniquely identify a document. Two documents cannot have the 
same identifier in the same database, they are considered the same document.
- {{{
- http://localhost:5984/test/some_doc_id
- http://localhost:5984/test/another_doc_id
- http://localhost:5984/test/BA1F48C5418E4E68E5183D5BD1F06476
- }}}
- The above URLs point to ''some_doc_id'', ''another_doc_id'' and 
''BA1F48C5418E4E68E5183D5B!D1F06476'' in the database ''test''.
- === Valid Document Ids ===
-   Q: What's the rule on a valid document id? The examples suggest it's 
restricted to ''[a-zA-Z0-9_]''? What about multi-byte UTF-8 characters? Any 
other non alphanums other than ''_''?
-   A: There is no restriction yet on document ids at the database level. 
However, I haven't tested what happens when you try to use multibyte in the 
URL. It could be it "just works", but most likely there is a multi-byte char 
escaping/encoding/decoding step that needs to be done somewhere. For now, I'd 
just stick with valid URI characters and nothing "special".
-   The reason database names have strict restrictions is to simplify database 
name-to-file mapping. Since databases will need to replicate across operating 
systems, the file naming scheme needed to be the lowest common denominator.
- == JSON ==
- A CouchDB document is simply a JSON object. (Along with metadata revision 
info if ''?full=true'' is in the URL query arguments.
- This is an example document:
- {{{
- {
-  "_id":"discussion_tables",
-  "_rev":"D1C946B7",
-  "Subject":"I like Plankton",
-  "Author":"Rusty",
-  "PostedDate":"2006-08-15T17:30:12-04:00",
-  "Tags":["plankton", "baseball", "decisions"],
-  "Body":"I decided today that I don't like baseball. I like plankton."
- }
- }}}
- The document can be an arbitrary JSON object, but note that any top-level 
fields with a name that starts with a ''_'' prefix are reserved for use by 
CouchDB itself. Common examples for such fields are ''_id'' and ''_rev'', as 
shown above.
- Another example:
- {{{
- {
-  "_id":"discussion_tables",
-  "_rev":"D1C946B7",
-  "Subrise":true,
-  "Sunset":false,
-  "FullHours":[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],
-  "Activities": [
-    {"Name":"Football", "Duration":2, "DurationUnit":"Hours"},
-    {"Name":"Breakfast", "Duration":40, "DurationUnit":"Minutes", 
"Attendees":["Jan", "Damien", "Laura", "Gwendolyn", "Roseanna"]}
-  ]
- }
- }}}
- Note that by default the structure is flat; in this case, the ''Activities'' 
attribute is structure imposed by the user.
- == All Documents ==
- To get a listing of all documents in a database, use the special 
''_all_docs'' URI:
- {{{
- GET somedatabase/_all_docs HTTP/1.0
- Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 05:39:28 +0000GMT
- }}}
- Will return a listing of all documents and their revision IDs, ordered by 
DocID (case sensitive):
- {{{
- HTTP/1.1 200 OK
- Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 05:39:28 +0000GMT
- Content-Type: application/json
- Connection: close
- {
-   "total_rows": 3, "offset": 0, "rows": [
-     {"id": "doc1", "key": "doc1", "value": {"rev": "4324BB"}},
-     {"id": "doc2", "key": "doc2", "value": {"rev":"2441HF"}},
-     {"id": "doc3", "key": "doc3", "value": {"rev":"74EC24"}}
-   ]
- }
- }}}
- Use the query argument ''descending=true'' to reverse the order of the output 
- Will return the same as before but in reverse order:
- {{{
- HTTP/1.1 200 OK
- Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 05:39:28 +0000GMT
- Content-Type: application/json
- Connection: close
- {
-   "total_rows": 3, "offset": 0, "rows": [
-     {"id": "doc3", "key": "doc3", "value": {"_rev":"74EC24"}}
-     {"id": "doc2", "key": "doc2", "value": {"_rev":"2441HF"}},
-     {"id": "doc1", "key": "doc1", "value": {"_rev": "4324BB"}},
-   ]
- }
- }}}
- The query string parameters ''startkey'' and ''count'' may also be used to 
limit the result set. For example:
- {{{
- GET somedatabase/_all_docs?startkey=doc2&count=2 HTTP/1.0
- Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 05:39:28 +0000GMT
- }}}
- Will return:
- {{{
- HTTP/1.1 200 OK
- Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 05:39:28 +0000GMT
- Content-Type: application/json
- Connection: close
- {
-   "total_rows": 3, "offset": 1, "rows": [
-     {"id": "doc2", "key": "doc2", "value": {"_rev":"2441HF"}},
-     {"id": "doc3", "key": "doc3", "value": {"_rev":"74EC24"}}
-   ]
- }
- }}}
- And combined with ''descending'':
- {{{
- GET somedatabase/_all_docs?startkey=doc2&count=2&descending=true HTTP/1.0
- Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 05:39:28 +0000GMT
- }}}
- Will return:
- {{{
- HTTP/1.1 200 OK
- Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 05:39:28 +0000GMT
- Content-Type: application/json
- Connection: close
- {
-   "total_rows": 3, "offset": 1, "rows": [
-     {"id": "doc3", "key": "doc3", "value": {"_rev":"74EC24"}}
-     {"id": "doc2", "key": "doc2", "value": {"_rev":"2441HF"}},
-   ]
- }
- }}}
- == Working With Documents Over HTTP ==
- === GET ===
- To retrieve a document, simply perform a ''GET'' operation at the document's 
- {{{
- GET /somedatabase/some_doc_id HTTP/1.0
- Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 05:39:28 +0000GMT
- }}}
- Here is the server's response:
- {{{
- HTTP/1.1 200 OK
- Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 05:39:28 +0000GMT
- Content-Type: application/json
- Connection: close
- {
-  "_id":"123BAC",
-  "_rev":"946B7D1C",
-  "Subject":"I like Planktion",
-  "Author":"Rusty",
-  "PostedDate":"2006-08-15T17:30:12Z-04:00",
-  "Tags":["plankton", "baseball", "decisions"],
-  "Body":"I decided today that I don't like baseball. I like plankton."
- }
- }}}
- === Accessing Previous Revisions ===
- See [[DocumentRevisions]] for additional notes on revisions.
- The above example gets the current revision. You can get a specific revision 
by using the following syntax:
- {{{
- GET /somedatabase/some_doc_id?rev=946B7D1C HTTP/1.0
- Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 05:39:28 +0000GMT
- }}}
- To find out what revisions are available for a document, you can do:
- {{{
- GET /somedatabase/some_doc_id?revs=true HTTP/1.0
- Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 05:39:28 +0000GMT
- }}}
- This returns the current revision of the document, but with an additional 
field, ''_revs'', the value being a list of the available revision IDs. Note 
though that not every of those revisions of the document is necessarily still 
stored on disk. For example, the content of an old revision may get removed by 
compacting the database, or it may only exist in a different database if it was 
- To get more detailed information about the available document revisions, use 
the ''revs_info'' parameter instead. In this case, the JSON result will contain 
a ''_revs_info'' property, which is an array of objects, for example:
- {{{
- {
-   "_revs_info": [
-     {"rev": "123456", "status": "disk"},
-     {"rev": "234567", "status": "missing"},
-     {"rev": "345678", "status": "deleted"},
-   ]
- }
- }}}
- Here, ''disk'' means the revision content is stored on disk and can still be 
retrieved. The other values indicate that the content of that revision is not 
- === PUT ===
- To create new document you can either use a ''POST'' operation or a ''PUT'' 
operation. To create/update a named document using the PUT operation, the URL 
must point to the document's location.
- The following is an example HTTP ''PUT''. It will cause the CouchDB server to 
generate a new revision ID and save the document with it.
- {{{
- PUT /somedatabase/some_doc_id HTTP/1.0
- Content-Length: 245
- Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 05:39:28 +0000GMT
- Content-Type: application/json
- {
-   "Subject":"I like Planktion",
-   "Author":"Rusty",
-   "PostedDate":"2006-08-15T17:30:12-04:00",
-   "Tags":["plankton", "baseball", "decisions"],
-   "Body":"I decided today that I don't like baseball. I like plankton."
- }
- }}}
- Here is the server's response.
- {{{
- HTTP/1.1 201 OK
- Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 05:39:28 +0000GMT
- Content-Type: application/json
- Connection: close
- {"ok": true, "id": "some_doc_id", "rev": "946B7D1C"}
- }}}
- To update an existing document, you also issue a ''PUT'' request. In this 
case, the JSON body must contain a ''_rev'' property, which lets CouchDB know 
which revision the edits are based on. If the revision of the document 
currently stored in the database doesn't match, then a ''409'' conflict error 
is returned.
- If the revision number does match what's in the database, a new revision 
number is generated and returned to the client.
- For example:
- {{{
- PUT /somedatabase/some_doc_id HTTP/1.0
- Content-Length: 245
- Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 05:39:28 +0000GMT
- Content-Type: application/json
- {
-   "_id":"some_doc_id",
-   "_rev":"946B7D1C",
-   "Subject":"I like Planktion",
-   "Author":"Rusty",
-   "PostedDate":"2006-08-15T17:30:12-04:00",
-   "Tags":["plankton", "baseball", "decisions"],
-   "Body":"I decided today that I don't like baseball. I like plankton."
- }
- }}}
- Here is the server's response if what is stored in the database is revision 
''946B7D1C'' of document ''some_doc_id''.
- {{{
- HTTP/1.1 201 OK
- Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 05:39:28 +0000GMT
- Content-Type: application/json
- Connection: close
- {"ok":true, "id":"some_doc_id", "rev":"946B7D1C"}
- }}}
- And here is the server's response if there is an update conflict (what is 
currently stored in the database is not revision ''946B7D1C'' of document 
- {{{
- Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 05:39:28 +0000GMT
- Content-Length: 33
- Connection: close
- {"error":{"id":"conflict","reason":"3073715634"}}
- }}}
- === POST ===
- The ''POST'' operation can be used to create a new document with a server 
generated DocID. To create a named document, use the ''PUT'' method instead. It 
is recommended that you avoid ''POST'' when possible, because proxies and other 
network intermediaries will occasionally resend ''POST'' requests, which can 
result in duplicate document creation. If your client software is not capable 
of generating cryptographically secure UUIDs, use a ''POST'' to 
''/_uuids?count=100'' to retrieve a list of unused document IDs for future 
''PUT'' requests.
- The following is an example HTTP ''POST''. It will cause the CouchDB server 
to generate a new DocID and revision ID and save the document with it.
- {{{
- POST /somedatabase/ HTTP/1.0
- Content-Length: 245
- Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 05:39:28 +0000GMT
- Content-Type: application/json
- {
-   "Subject":"I like Planktion",
-   "Author":"Rusty",
-   "PostedDate":"2006-08-15T17:30:12-04:00",
-   "Tags":["plankton", "baseball", "decisions"],
-   "Body":"I decided today that I don't like baseball. I like plankton."
- }
- }}}
- Here is the server's response:
- {{{
- HTTP/1.1 201 Created
- Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 05:39:28 +0000GMT
- Content-Type: application/json
- Connection: close
- {"ok":true, "id":"123BAC", "rev":"946B7D1C"}
- }}}
- === Modify Multiple Documents With a Single Request ===
- CouchDB provides a bulk insert/update feature. To use this, you make a 
''POST'' request to the URI ''/{dbname}/_bulk_docs'', with the request body 
being a JSON document containing a list of new documents to be inserted or 
updated. The bulk post is a transactional operation - all updates/insertions 
succeed, or all fail. 
- Doc formats below are as per CouchDB 0.8.0.
- {{{
- {
-   "docs": [
-     {"_id": "0", "integer": 0, "string": "0"},
-     {"_id": "1", "integer": 1, "string": "1"},
-     {"_id": "2", "integer": 2, "string": "2"}
-   ]
- }
- }}}
- If you omit the per-document ''_id'' specification, CouchDB will generate 
unique IDs for you, as it does for regular ''POST'' requests to the database 
- The response to such a bulk request would look as follows:
- {{{
- {
-   "ok":true,
-   "new_revs": [
-     {"id": "0", "rev": "3682408536"},
-     {"id": "1", "rev": "3206753266"},
-     {"id": "2", "rev": "426742535"}
-   ]
- }
- }}}
- Updating existing documents requires setting the ''_rev'' member to the 
revision being updated. To delete a document set the ''_deleted'' member to 
- {{{
- {
-   "docs": [
-     {"_id": "0", "_rev": "3682408536", "_deleted": true},
-     {"_id": "1", "_rev": "3206753266", "integer": 2, "string": "2"},
-     {"_id": "2", "_rev": "426742535", "integer": 3, "string": "3"}
-   ]
- }
- }}}
- Note that CouchDB will return in the response an id and revision for every 
document passed as content to a bulk insert, even for those that were just 
- === DELETE ===
- To delete a document, perform a ''DELETE'' operation at the document's 
location, passing the ''rev'' parameter with the document's current revision. 
If successful, it will return the revision id for the deletion stub.
- {{{
- DELETE /somedatabase/some_doc?rev=1582603387 HTTP/1.0
- Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 05:39:28 +0000GMT
- }}}
- As an alternative you can submit the ''rev'' parameter with the etag header 
field ''If-Match''.
- {{{
- DELETE /somedatabase/some_doc HTTP/1.0
- Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 05:39:28 +0000GMT
- If-Match: "1582603387"
- }}}
- And the response:
- {{{
- HTTP/1.1 200 OK
- Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 05:39:28 +0000GMT
- Content-Type: application/json
- Connection: close
- {"ok":true,"rev":"2839830636"}
- }}}
- == Attachments ==
- Documents can have attachments just like email. There are two ways to use 
attachments. The first one is inline with your document and it described first. 
The second one is a separate REST API for attachments that is described a 
little further down.
- === Inline Attachments ===
- On creation, attachments go into a special ''_attachments'' attribute of the 
document. They are encoded in a JSON structure that holds the name, the 
content_type and the base64 encoded data of an attachment. A document can have 
any number of attachments.
- When retrieving documents, the attachment's actual data is not included, only 
the metadata. The actual data has to be fetched separately, using a special URI.
- Creating a document with an attachment:
- {{{
- {
-   "_id":"attachment_doc",
-   "_attachments":
-   {
-     "foo.txt":
-     {
-       "content_type":"text\/plain",
-       "data": "VGhpcyBpcyBhIGJhc2U2NCBlbmNvZGVkIHRleHQ="
-     }
-   }
- }
- }}}
- Please note that any base64 data you send has to be on '''a single line of 
characters''', so pre-process your data to remove any carriage returns and 
- Requesting said document:
- {{{
- GET /database/attachment_doc
- }}}
- CouchDB replies:
- {{{
- {
-   "_id":"attachment_doc",
-   "_rev":1589456116,
-   "_attachments":
-   {
-     "foo.txt":
-     {
-       "stub":true,
-       "content_type":"text\/plain",
-       "length":29
-     }
-   }
- }
- }}}
- Note that the ''"stub":true'' attribute denotes that this is not the complete 
attachment. Also, note the length attribute added automatically.
- Requesting the attachment:
- {{{
- GET /database/attachment_doc/foo.txt
- }}}
- CouchDB returns:
- {{{
- This is a base64 encoded text
- }}}
- Automatically decoded!
- === Multiple Attachments ===
- Creating a document with an attachment:
- {{{
- {
-   "_id":"attachment_doc",
-   "_attachments":
-   {
-     "foo.txt":
-     {
-       "content_type":"text\/plain",
-       "data": "VGhpcyBpcyBhIGJhc2U2NCBlbmNvZGVkIHRleHQ="
-     },
-    "bar.txt":
-     {
-       "content_type":"text\/plain",
-       "data": "VGhpcyBpcyBhIGJhc2U2NCBlbmNvZGVkIHRleHQ="
-     }
-   }
- }
- }}}
- === Standalone Attachments ===
- CouchDB allows to create, change and delete attachments without touching the 
actual document. As a bonus feature, you do not have to base64 encode your 
data. This can significantly speed up requests since CouchDB and your client do 
not have to do the base64 conversion.
- You need to specify a MIME type using the Content-Type header. CouchDB will 
serve the attachment with the specified Content-Type when asked.
- To create an attachment:
- {{{
- PUT somedatabase/document/attachment?rev=123 HTTP/1.0
- Content-Length: 245
- Content-Type: image/jpeg
- <JPEG data>
- }}}
- CouchDB replies:
- {{{
- {"ok": true, "id": "document", "rev": "765B7D1C"}
- }}}
- Note that you can do this on a non-existing document. The document and 
attachment will be created implicitly for you. A revision id must not be 
specified in this case.
- To change an attachment:
- {{{
- PUT somedatabase/document/attachment?rev=765B7D1C HTTP/1.0
- Content-Length: 245
- Content-Type: image/jpeg
- <JPEG data>
- }}}
- CouchDB replies:
- {{{
- {"ok": true, "id": "document", "rev": "766FC88G"}
- }}}
- To delete an attachment:
- {{{
- DELETE somedatabase/document/attachment?rev=765B7D1C HTTP/1.0
- }}}
- CouchDB replies:
- {{{
- {"ok":true,"id":"document","rev":"519558700"}
- }}}
- To retrieve an attachment:
- {{{
- GET somedatabase/document/attachment HTTP/1.0
- }}}
- CouchDB replies
- {{{
- Content-Type:image/jpeg
- <JPEG data>
- }}}
- == ETags/Caching ==
- CouchDB sends an ''ETag'' Header for document requests. The ETag Header is 
simply the document's revision in quotes.
- For example, a ''GET'' request:
- {{{
- GET /database/123182719287
- }}}
- Results in a reply with the following headers:
- {{{
- cache-control: no-cache,
- pragma: no-cache
- expires: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 23:09:50 GMT
- transfer-encoding: chunked
- content-type: text/plain;charset=utf-8
- etag: "615790463"
- }}}
- ''POST'' requests also return an ''ETag'' header for either newly created or 
updated documents.

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