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The page "PerDocumentAuthorization" has been deleted by JoanTouzet:

obsolete - we have couchperuser now, smart proxies are possible, doc encryption 
can't use views, VDR is horrible perf

- ||<#8080FF> This page forms a summary of the problem and possible solutions, 
it does not reflect current CouchDB features. ||
- <<TableOfContents(2)>>
- = Introduction =
- CouchDB has a good HTTP API which encourages you to put your client 
applications in direct contact with your database. However, most dynamic 
systems require some kind of authentication and authorization. Per database 
there is the possibility of using [[Authentication and Authorization]]. This 
wiki page tries to summarize the possible solutions to using per document 
authentication and authorization.
- '''Note:''' CouchDB has not be designed to support per-document read-control, 
and such a feature is not on the Roadmap. If you are reading this page, you 
should probably start thinking about using a database-per-security-group 
approach. In this model you create a database for a project, and grant only a 
certain set of users access to read and write to it. Filtered replication can 
be used to create subsets of a larger database when fine-grained control is 
-   '''The problem:''' For a given user, allow only specific access to a given 
document in the database.
- The user is authenticated using any kind of authentication method (HTTP basic 
auth, or otherwise) and is considered to be identified by a single identifying 
string. Under the term "specific access", this document considers three types: 
being able to verify existence, being able to read the document, and being able 
to update the document (deleting the document is considered an update of the 
- = Possible solutions =
- == Database per user ==
- Create one database for each user and use authentication on the database for 
that given user. Because views do not work across databases, you will have to 
replicate all needed data between the different user databases to allow for a 
view to contain both private and public/other users' data. Because normal users 
can not create/delete databases, you will need to have a separate process 
running which watches your database for changes and creates a new user database 
when a new user registers.
- Access protection this solution implements:
-  * Update: completely, the database can be protected against other users 
writing into it.
-  * Verify existence: it is still possible to verify existence of a document 
because other users are given either complete read possibilities or no read 
-  * Read: It is possible to deny all other users access to the database
- Limitations:
-  * Scalability: to support both readable and non-readable documents, you will 
have to replicate data from on user database to another users' database.
-  * Volume: replicating data per user will probably create way to much data.
-  * Views could still work if readable documents are copied between the 
different user databases.
- == Smart proxy ==
- Create a smart proxy that wraps all documents with the user credentials and 
filters all results.
- Access protection this solution implements:
-  * Update: completely, the proxy will request the document, inspect the 
credentials and then allow or deny the update
-  * Verify existence: it is still possible to verify the existence of the 
document, because trying to do an update will result in an Access denied 
instead of Not found.
-  * Read: protected by the proxy, which will filter the data out.
- Limitations:
-  * Scalability: each CouchDB node will require this kind of smart proxy in 
front of it.
-  * Speed: having a proxy will increase the request latency.
-  * Views are crippled, if the view depends on the user it will have to be 
done "live", by the proxy, which completely destroys the benefits of 
incremental map-reduce.
- == Document encryption on a per user basis ==
- This solution is described in 
 google document]] which was mentioned on the development mailinglist. The goal 
of this solution is to create a P2P like system, where you can replicate data 
to nodes which you don't trust.
- Access protection this solution implements:
-  * Update: partially, delete is still possible but the encrypted part can not 
be corrupted.
-  * Verify existence: It is still possible to verify the existence of a 
-  * Read: protected by the strength of the encryption.
- Limitations:
-  * As soon as you have encrypted data on the database end, queries become a 
-  * There is often no real-world need to freely distribute encrypted data. 
Therefore this approach is considered to P2P centric.
- == Validate_doc_read function ==
- Have a javascript function be called on every read, in the same manner as the 
validate_doc_update system is applied. A 
 has been posted]].
- Access protection this solution implements:
-  * Update: none, you need validate_doc_update for that
-  * Verify existence: complete if the right error codes are returned
-  * Read: only direct get requests
- Limitations:
-  * Performance is probably degraded because you have to execute a Javascript 
function on every read.
-  * Views are not protected in any way
-  * It may become a problem with replication.
- = See also =
-  *
-  *
-  *

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