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The page "Tips_&_Tricks_for_developers" has been deleted by JoanTouzet:

this doesn't work anymore, the entire build system has been reworked

- <<Include(EditTheWiki)>>
- Collecting tips and tricks that makes a CouchDB developer's life easier.
- If you find yourself building CouchDB from scratch a lot the following shell 
script function might save some typing. This is sh-script, but only tested on 
bash. Add it to your `.bashrc` or `.profile` file or wherever you store shell 
- {{{
- buildcouch()
- {
-     if test -z "$1"; then
-         echo "speficy target dir"
-         return
-     fi
-     ./bootstrap && \
-     ./configure --prefix=$1 && \
-     make -j4 && \
-     make install
- }
- }}}
- It gives you a new command in your shell `buildcouch` (just change the 
function name if you don't like it). Set the `make -j` value to the number of 
cores in your system `+1`.
- {{{
- cd Work/couchdb/trunk
- buildcouch /path/to/testinstall
- }}}

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