Author: buildbot
Date: Sun Apr  8 18:57:32 2018
New Revision: 1028079

Production update by buildbot for cxf


Modified: websites/production/cxf/content/cache/docs.pageCache
Binary files - no diff available.

Modified: websites/production/cxf/content/docs/openapifeature.html
--- websites/production/cxf/content/docs/openapifeature.html (original)
+++ websites/production/cxf/content/docs/openapifeature.html Sun Apr  8 
18:57:32 2018
@@ -118,12 +118,12 @@ Apache CXF -- OpenApiFeature
          <td height="100%">
            <!-- Content -->
            <div class="wiki-content">
-<div id="ConfluenceContent"><h2 
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+<div id="ConfluenceContent"><h2 
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-/*]]>*/</style></h2><div class="toc-macro rbtoc1523210199567">
+/*]]>*/</style></h2><div class="toc-macro rbtoc1523213815338">
 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#OpenApiFeature-"></a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#OpenApiFeature-Introduction">Introduction</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#OpenApiFeature-Setup">Setup</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#OpenApiFeature-Properties">Properties</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#OpenApiFeature-ConfiguringfromCode">Configuring from Code</a></li><li><a 
shape="rect" href="#OpenApiFeature-ConfiguringfromSpring">Configuring from 
Spring</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#OpenApiFeature-ConfiguringinBlueprint">Configuring in 
Blueprint</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#OpenApiFeature-ConfiguringinCXFNonSpringJaxrsServlet">Configuring in 
CXFNonSpringJaxrsServlet</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#OpenApiFeature-ConfiguringfromPropertyfiles">Configuring from Property 
files</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#OpenApiFeature-SpringBootAutoConfiguration">Spring Boot Auto 
Configuration</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
 abling Swagger UI</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
 </div><h2 id="OpenApiFeature-Introduction">Introduction</h2><p>The CXF 
<strong>OpenApiFeature</strong> allows you to generate <a shape="rect" 
rel="nofollow">OpenAPI v3.0</a> documents from JAX-RS service endpoints with a 
simple configuration. This feature can be configured programmatically in Java 
or using Spring or Blueprint beans.</p><h2 
id="OpenApiFeature-Setup">Setup</h2><div class="code panel pdl" 
style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <pre class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" 
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ feature.setSecurityDefinitions(Collectio
-</div></div><h2 id="OpenApiFeature-ConfiguringfromPropertyfiles">Configuring 
from Property files</h2><p>It is possible to supply the configuration from the 
property files. The default location for a properties file is 
"<strong>/</strong>". <strong>OpenApiFeature</strong> will 
pick it up if it is available, and the location can be overridden with 
a<strong> 'propertiesLocation</strong>' property.&#160; Additionally, the 
complete OpenAPI configuration could be supplied from the property file 
(usually <strong>openapi-configuration.json</strong> or 
<strong>openapi-configuration.yml</strong>), controlled by 
'<strong>configLocation'</strong> property. Please take into account that there 
is a certain level of the overlap between both.</p><p>Note that the properties, 
if available, do not override the properties which may have been set as 
suggested above from the code or Spring/Blueprint contexts or web.xml. Instead 
they complement and serve as the default configuration prop
 erties: for example, if some properties have been set from the code then the 
values for the same properties found in the properties file will not be 
used.</p><h2 id="OpenApiFeature-SpringBootAutoConfiguration">Spring Boot Auto 
Configuration</h2><p>Please consult <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/spring_boot</a> and on how to create 
<strong>OpenApiFeature</strong> as a @Bean and&#160;<a shape="rect" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/spring_boot_scan</a> on how to auto-enable 
it.</p><h2 id="OpenApiFeature-EnablingSwaggerUI">Enabling Swagger 
UI</h2><p>Adding a Swagger UI Maven dependency is all what is needed to start 
accessing Swagger documents with the help of Swagger UI.</p><div 
class="syntaxhighlighter nogutter xml"><
 p>&#160;</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div 
class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
+</div></div><h2 id="OpenApiFeature-ConfiguringfromPropertyfiles">Configuring 
from Property files</h2><p>It is possible to supply the configuration from the 
property files. The default location for a properties file is 
"<strong>/</strong>". <strong>OpenApiFeature</strong> will 
pick it up if it is available, and the location can be overridden with 
a<strong> 'propertiesLocation</strong>' property.&#160; Additionally, the 
complete OpenAPI configuration could be supplied from the property file 
(usually <strong>openapi-configuration.json</strong> or 
<strong>openapi-configuration.yml</strong>), controlled by 
'<strong>configLocation'</strong> property. Please take into account that there 
is a certain level of the overlap between both.</p><p>Note that the properties, 
if available, do not override the properties which may have been set as 
suggested above from the code or Spring/Blueprint contexts or web.xml. Instead 
they complement and serve as the default configuration prop
 erties: for example, if some properties have been set from the code then the 
values for the same properties found in the properties file will not be 
used.</p><h2 id="OpenApiFeature-SpringBootAutoConfiguration">Spring Boot Auto 
Configuration</h2><p>Please consult <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/spring_boot</a> and on how to create 
<strong>OpenApiFeature</strong> as a @Bean or/and&#160;<a shape="rect" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/spring_boot_scan</a> on how to auto-enable 
it.</p><h2 id="OpenApiFeature-EnablingSwaggerUI">Enabling Swagger 
UI</h2><p>Adding a Swagger UI Maven dependency is all what is needed to start 
accessing Swagger documents with the help of Swagge
 r UI.</p><div class="syntaxhighlighter nogutter xml"><p>&#160;</p><div 
class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent 
panelContent pdl">
 <pre class="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" 

Modified: websites/production/cxf/content/docs/swagger2feature.html
--- websites/production/cxf/content/docs/swagger2feature.html (original)
+++ websites/production/cxf/content/docs/swagger2feature.html Sun Apr  8 
18:57:32 2018
@@ -118,11 +118,11 @@ Apache CXF -- Swagger2Feature
            <!-- Content -->
            <div class="wiki-content">
 <div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 
-div.rbtoc1523210198632 {padding: 0px;}
-div.rbtoc1523210198632 ul {list-style: disc;margin-left: 0px;}
-div.rbtoc1523210198632 li {margin-left: 0px;padding-left: 0px;}
+div.rbtoc1523213814463 {padding: 0px;}
+div.rbtoc1523213814463 ul {list-style: disc;margin-left: 0px;}
+div.rbtoc1523213814463 li {margin-left: 0px;padding-left: 0px;}
-/*]]>*/</style></p><div class="toc-macro rbtoc1523210198632">
+/*]]>*/</style></p><div class="toc-macro rbtoc1523213814463">
 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a shape="rect" 
shape="rect" href="#Swagger2Feature-Setup">Setup</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#Swagger2Feature-Properties">Properties</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#Swagger2Feature-ConfiguringfromCode">Configuring from 
Code</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#Swagger2Feature-ConfiguringinSpring">Configuring in 
Spring</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#Swagger2Feature-ConfiguringinBlueprint">Configuring in 
Blueprint</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#Swagger2Feature-ConfiguringinCXFNonSpringJaxrsServlet">Configuring in 
CXFNonSpringJaxrsServlet</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#Swagger2Feature-New:ConfiguringfromPropertiesfile">New: Configuring from 
Properties file</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#Swagger2Feature-EnablinginSpringBoot">Enabling in Spring 
Boot</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#Swagger2Feature-AccessingSwaggerDocuments">Accessing Swagger 
 i><a shape="rect" href="#Swagger2Feature-EnablingSwaggerUI">Enabling Swagger 
 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#Swagger2Feature-AutomaticUIActivation">Automatic UI 
Activation</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#Swagger2Feature-UnpackingSwaggerUIresources">Unpacking Swagger UI 
 </li><li><a shape="rect" href="#Swagger2Feature-ReverseProxy">Reverse 
Proxy</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
href="#Swagger2Feature-ConvertingtoOpenAPIJSON">Converting to OpenAPI 
JSON</a></li><li><a shape="rect" 
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.swagger.Swag
-</div></div><h1 id="Swagger2Feature-New:ConfiguringfromPropertiesfile">New: 
Configuring from Properties file</h1><p>Starting from CXF 3.1.13 and 3.2.0 it 
is possible to configure Swagger2Feature with a Properties file.</p><p>For 
example, while a <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/spring_boot</a> demo configures the feature <a 
shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow">from the code</a>, a &#160;<a shape="rect" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/spring_boot_scan</a> demo has it configured from 
<a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="https://gith"
 rel="nofollow">the properties file</a>.</p><p>Default location for a 
properties file is "<strong>/</strong>". Swagger2Feature will 
pick it up if it is available, and the location can be overridden with a new 
Swagger2Feature '<strong>swaggerPropertiesLocation</strong>' 
property.&#160;</p><p>Note that the properties, if available, do not override 
the properties which may have been set as suggested above from the code or 
Spring/Blueprint contexts or web.xml. Instead they complement and serve as the 
default configuration properties: for example, if some properties have been set 
from the code then the values for the same properties found in the properties 
file will not be used.</p><h1 
id="Swagger2Feature-EnablinginSpringBoot">Enabling in Spring Boot</h1><p>See <a 
shape="rect" class="external-link" href="
rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/spring_boot</a> and on how to create 
Swagger2Feature in a @Bean method and&#160;<a shape="rect" 
 rel="nofollow"><span class="inline-comment-marker" 
 on how to auto-enable it.</p><p>&#160;</p><h1 
id="Swagger2Feature-AccessingSwaggerDocuments">Accessing Swagger 
Documents</h1><p>When Swagger is enabled by Swagger feature, the Swagger 
documents will be available at the location URL constructed of the service 
endpoint location followed by /swagger.json or /swagger.yaml.</p><p>For 
example, lets assume a JAX-RS endpoint is published at 
'http://host:port/context/services/' where 'context' is a web application 
context,&#160; "/services" is a servlet URL. In this case its 
 Swagger documents are available at 
'http://host:port/context/services/swagger.json' and 
'http://host:port/context/services/swagger.yaml'.</p><p>Starting from CXF 3.1.7 
the CXF Services page will link to Swagger documents if Swagger2Feature is 
active.&#160;</p><p>In the above example, go 
to&#160;'<span>http://host:port/context/services/</span>services' and follow a 
Swagger link which will return a Swagger JSON document.</p><p>If <a 
shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow">CORS support</a> is needed to access the definition from a 
Swagger UI on another host, the <a shape="rect" 
href="jax-rs-cors.html">CrossOriginResourceSharingFilter from 
cxf-rt-rs-security-cors</a> can be added.</p><p>&#160;</p><h1 
id="Swagger2Feature-EnablingSwaggerUI">Enabling Swagger UI</h1><p>First one 
needs to add the following</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 
1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent
+</div></div><h1 id="Swagger2Feature-New:ConfiguringfromPropertiesfile">New: 
Configuring from Properties file</h1><p>Starting from CXF 3.1.13 and 3.2.0 it 
is possible to configure Swagger2Feature with a Properties file.</p><p>For 
example, while a <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/spring_boot</a> demo configures the feature <a 
shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow">from the code</a>, a &#160;<a shape="rect" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/spring_boot_scan</a> demo has it configured from 
<a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="https://gith"
 rel="nofollow">the properties file</a>.</p><p>Default location for a 
properties file is "<strong>/</strong>". Swagger2Feature will 
pick it up if it is available, and the location can be overridden with a new 
Swagger2Feature '<strong>swaggerPropertiesLocation</strong>' 
property.&#160;</p><p>Note that the properties, if available, do not override 
the properties which may have been set as suggested above from the code or 
Spring/Blueprint contexts or web.xml. Instead they complement and serve as the 
default configuration properties: for example, if some properties have been set 
from the code then the values for the same properties found in the properties 
file will not be used.</p><h1 
id="Swagger2Feature-EnablinginSpringBoot">Enabling in Spring Boot</h1><p>See <a 
shape="rect" class="external-link" href="
rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/spring_boot</a> and on how to create 
Swagger2Feature in a @Bean method or/and <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow"><span class="inline-comment-marker" 
 on how to auto-enable it.</p><p>&#160;</p><h1 
id="Swagger2Feature-AccessingSwaggerDocuments">Accessing Swagger 
Documents</h1><p>When Swagger is enabled by Swagger feature, the Swagger 
documents will be available at the location URL constructed of the service 
endpoint location followed by /swagger.json or /swagger.yaml.</p><p>For 
example, lets assume a JAX-RS endpoint is published at 
'http://host:port/context/services/' where 'context' is a web application 
 ; "/services" is a servlet URL. In this case its Swagger documents are 
available at 'http://host:port/context/services/swagger.json' and 
'http://host:port/context/services/swagger.yaml'.</p><p>Starting from CXF 3.1.7 
the CXF Services page will link to Swagger documents if Swagger2Feature is 
active.&#160;</p><p>In the above example, go 
to&#160;'<span>http://host:port/context/services/</span>services' and follow a 
Swagger link which will return a Swagger JSON document.</p><p>If <a 
shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow">CORS support</a> is needed to access the definition from a 
Swagger UI on another host, the <a shape="rect" 
href="jax-rs-cors.html">CrossOriginResourceSharingFilter from 
cxf-rt-rs-security-cors</a> can be added.</p><p>&#160;</p><h1 
id="Swagger2Feature-EnablingSwaggerUI">Enabling Swagger UI</h1><p>First one 
needs to add the following</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-
 width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <pre class="brush: xml; gutter: false; theme: Default" 
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.swagger.Swag
-</div></div><p>The newest version 3.x of swagger-ui can also be used.</p><h2 
id="Swagger2Feature-AutomaticUIActivation">Automatic UI Activation</h2><p>This 
feature is available starting from CXF 3.1.7: Adding a Swagger UI Maven 
dependency is all what is needed to start accessing Swagger documents with the 
help of Swagger UI.</p><p>For example, lets assume a JAX-RS endpoint is 
published at '<span>http://host:port/context/services/</span>'.</p><p>Open the 
browser and go to <span class="inline-comment-marker" 
 which will return a Swagger UI page.</p><p>CXF Services page will also link to 
Swagger UI. Go 
to&#160;'<span>http://host:port/context/services/</span>services' and follow 
 a Swagger link which will return a Swagger UI page.</p><p>See <a shape="rect" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/description_swagger2</a>,&#160;<a shape="rect" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/description_swagger2_web</a>, <a shape="rect" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/spring_boot</a> and <a shape="rect" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/spring_boot_scan</a>&#160;</p><p>Note that CXF 
OSGI endpoints can only depend on this feature starting from CXF 3.1.8.</p><h2 
 wagger2Feature-UnpackingSwaggerUIresources">Unpacking Swagger UI 
resources</h2><p>Up until CXF 3.1.7 unpacking Swagger UI resources into the 
local folder was the only option. It is demoed in <a shape="rect" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/description_swagger2_spring</a> and <a 
shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/description_swagger2_osgi</a>.</p><p>In CXF 
3.1.8: set Swagger2Feature 'supportSwaggerUi' property to 'false' to disable 
the automatic UI activation described in the previous section</p><h1 
id="Swagger2Feature-ReverseProxy">Reverse Proxy</h1><p>Set a CXFServlet init 
parameter 'use-x-forwarded-headers' to 'true' if you access Swagger JSON and/or 
UI via the reverse proxy. If you use CXF Spri
 ngBoot starters then this property is prefixed with a "cxf.servlet.init.", 
"cxf.servlet.init.use-x-forwarded-headers".</p><p>You may also need to set 
Swagger2Feature 'usePathBasedConfig' property to 'true' to prevent Swagger from 
caching the 'basePath' value.</p><h1 
id="Swagger2Feature-ConvertingtoOpenAPIJSON">Converting to OpenAPI 
JSON</h1><p><a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow">OpenAPI specification</a> has been released and the CXF team 
has started working on the new feature which will produce OpenAPI JSON with the 
help of the new core and jaxrs libraries being currently developed by the 
Swagger community.</p><p>In meantime, while the new feature development is 
taking place, one can experiment with converting the Swagger JSON produced by 
CXF Swagger2Feature into Open API JSON.</p><p>All what is needed is registering 
<a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="
 rel="nofollow">SwaggerToOpenApiConversionFilter</a> with the JAX-RS endpoint 
and requesting an "openapi.json" as opposed to "swagger.json". The filter will 
let Swagger2Feature generate JSON as usual and then convert the response to 
OpenAPI JSON if requested by the user or leave it intact otherwise. By issuing 
either "swagger.json" or "openapi.json" queries one can easily see the 
difference&#160; between the two formats.</p><p>The cxf-rt-rs-json-basic 
dependency must be on the classpath as well.</p><p><span 
data-ref="0182cc9a-9bcb-467e-ba6e-ecea683448e8">Note, OpenAPI JSON</span> 
allows referring to its new "components/requestBodies" section from the 
multiple "requestBody" elements (which can be found under the specific 
path/http verb sub-sections). By default the filter will instead inline the the 
"requestBody" definition
 s inside of "requestBody" elements, but one can experiment with referring to 
the&#160;"components/requestBodies" by <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow">configuring</a> <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow">the filter</a> to create the request bodies.&#160; 
&#160;</p><p>The conversion filter is available starting from CXF 3.1.15 and 
3.2.2</p><h1 id="Swagger2Feature-Samples">Samples</h1><p><span>CXF's 
distribution contains the following samples.</span></p><ul><li><a shape="rect" 
 rs/description_swagger</a>: Swagger 1.2 sample using SwaggerFeature 
programatically</li><li><a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/description_swagger2</a>:&#160;Swagger 2.0 
standalone sample using Swagger2Feature programatically</li><li><a shape="rect" 
2.0 standalone sample using Swagger2Feature using Spring</li><li><a 
shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/description_swagger2_web</a>:&#160;Swagger 2.0 
web application sample using Swagger2Feature using Spring</li><li><a shape="rect
 " class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/description_swagger2_osgi</a>:&#160;Swagger 2.0 
OSGi application sample using Swagger2Feature using Blueprint<br 
clear="none"><br clear="none"></li></ul><p>&#160;</p></div>
+</div></div><p>The newest version 3.x of swagger-ui can also be used.</p><h2 
id="Swagger2Feature-AutomaticUIActivation">Automatic UI Activation</h2><p>This 
feature is available starting from CXF 3.1.7: Adding a Swagger UI Maven 
dependency is all what is needed to start accessing Swagger documents with the 
help of Swagger UI.</p><p>For example, lets assume a JAX-RS endpoint is 
published at '<span>http://host:port/context/services/</span>'.</p><p>Open the 
browser and go to <span class="inline-comment-marker" 
 which will return a Swagger UI page.</p><p>CXF Services page will also link to 
Swagger UI. Go 
to&#160;'<span>http://host:port/context/services/</span>services' and follow 
 a Swagger link which will return a Swagger UI page.</p><p>See <a shape="rect" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/description_swagger2</a>,&#160;<a shape="rect" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/description_swagger2_web</a>, <a shape="rect" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/spring_boot</a> and <a shape="rect" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/spring_boot_scan</a>&#160;</p><p>Note that CXF 
OSGI endpoints can only depend on this feature starting from CXF 3.1.8.</p><h2 
 wagger2Feature-UnpackingSwaggerUIresources">Unpacking Swagger UI 
resources</h2><p>Up until CXF 3.1.7 unpacking Swagger UI resources into the 
local folder was the only option. It is demoed in <a shape="rect" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/description_swagger2_spring</a> and <a 
shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/description_swagger2_osgi</a>.</p><p>In CXF 
3.1.8: set Swagger2Feature 'supportSwaggerUi' property to 'false' to disable 
the automatic UI activation described in the previous section</p><h1 
id="Swagger2Feature-ReverseProxy">Reverse Proxy</h1><p>Set a CXFServlet init 
parameter 'use-x-forwarded-headers' to 'true' if you access Swagger JSON and/or 
UI via the reverse proxy. If you use CXF Spri
 ngBoot starters then this property is prefixed with a "cxf.servlet.init.", 
"cxf.servlet.init.use-x-forwarded-headers".</p><p>You may also need to set 
Swagger2Feature 'usePathBasedConfig' property to 'true' to prevent Swagger from 
caching the 'basePath' value.</p><h1 
id="Swagger2Feature-ConvertingtoOpenAPIJSON">Converting to OpenAPI 
JSON</h1><p><a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow">OpenAPI specification</a> has been released and the CXF team 
has started working on the new feature which will produce OpenAPI JSON with the 
help of the new core and jaxrs libraries being currently developed by the 
Swagger community.</p><p>In meantime, while the new feature development is 
taking place, one can experiment with converting the Swagger JSON produced by 
CXF Swagger2Feature into Open API JSON.</p><p>All what is needed is registering 
<a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="
 rel="nofollow">SwaggerToOpenApiConversionFilter</a> with the JAX-RS endpoint 
and requesting an "openapi.json" as opposed to "swagger.json". The filter will 
let Swagger2Feature generate JSON as usual and then convert the response to 
OpenAPI JSON if requested by the user or leave it intact otherwise. By issuing 
either "swagger.json" or "openapi.json" queries one can easily see the 
difference&#160; between the two formats.</p><p>The cxf-rt-rs-json-basic 
dependency must be on the classpath as well.</p><p><span 
data-ref="0182cc9a-9bcb-467e-ba6e-ecea683448e8">Note, <a shape="rect" 
 rel="nofollow">OpenAPI JSON</a></span> (see also <a shape="rect" 
href="openapifeature.html">OpenApiFeature</a>) allows referring to its new 
 ents/requestBodies" section from the multiple "requestBody" elements (which 
can be found under the specific path/http verb sub-sections). By default the 
filter will instead inline the the "requestBody" definitions inside of 
"requestBody" elements, but one can experiment with referring to 
the&#160;"components/requestBodies" by <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow">configuring</a> <a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow">the filter</a> to create the request bodies.&#160; 
&#160;</p><p>The conversion filter is available starting from CXF 3.1.15 and 
3.2.2</p><h1 id="Swagger2Feature-Samples">Samples</h1><p><span>CXF's 
distribution contains the foll
 owing samples.</span></p><ul><li><a shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/description_swagger</a>: Swagger 1.2 sample 
using SwaggerFeature programatically</li><li><a shape="rect" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/description_swagger2</a>:&#160;Swagger 2.0 
standalone sample using Swagger2Feature programatically</li><li><a shape="rect" 
2.0 standalone sample using Swagger2Feature using Spring</li><li><a 
shape="rect" class="external-link" 
rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/description_swagger2_web</a>:&#160;Swagger 2.0 
web application sample using Swagger2Feature using Spring</li><li><a 
shape="rect" class="external-link" 
 rel="nofollow">samples/jax_rs/description_swagger2_osgi</a>:&#160;Swagger 2.0 
OSGi application sample using Swagger2Feature using Blueprint<br 
clear="none"><br clear="none"></li></ul><p>&#160;</p></div>
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