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new file mode 100644
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transform="translate(74.875 330.25)" fill="black"><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="0" 
y="10" textLength="132.28027">Network Partition Scenario  – </tspan><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="132.10449" y="10" textLength="6.1083984">T</tspan><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="137.10449" y="10" textLength="67.265625">otal weight of 1</tspan><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="203.63281" y="10" textLength="5.5615234">1</tspan><tspa
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x="208.45703" y="10" textLength="5.5615234">1</tspan></text></g><text 
transform="translate(315.30357 488)" fill="#fc0006"><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" fill="#fc0006" 
x=".9980469" y="11" textLength="8.0039062">X</tspan></text><path d="M 75.375 
371.15372 L 75.375 621.0963 C 75.375006 633.4695 85.405485 643.5 97.77871 643.5 
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371.15372 L 75.375 371.15372 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" 
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transform="translate(79.375 352.95186)" fill="black"><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="65.64746" y="11" textLength="76.70508">Surviving Side</tspan></text><path 
d="M 93.285 378.35156 L 169.965 378.35156 C 173.64322 378.35156 176.625 
381.33334 176.625 385.01156 L 176.625 437.2228 C 176.625 440.90103 173.64322 
443.8828 169.965 443.8828 L 93.285 443.8828 C 89.606783 443.8828 86.625 
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378.35156 93.285 378.35156 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_3)"/><path d="M 93.285 
378.35156 L 169.965 378.35156 C 173.64322 378.35156 176.625 381.33334 176.625 
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443.8828 L 93.285 443.8828 C 89.606783 443.8828 86.625 440.90103 86.625 
437.2228 L 86.625 385.01156 C 86.625 381.33334 89.606783 378.35156 93.285 378
 .35156 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(90.625 382.35156)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="32.66504" y="11" textLength="16.669922">M1</tspan><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="16.126953" y="24" textLength="49.746094"> (weight=3)</tspan></text><path 
d="M 89.91 417.53572 L 178.965 417.53572 C 182.64322 417.53572 185.625 420.5175 
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178.965 444.53572 L 89.91 444.53572 C 86.231783 444.53572 83.25 441.55394 83.25 
437.87572 L 83.25 424.19572 C 83.25 420.5175 86.231783 417.53572 89.91 
417.53572 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_4)"/><path d="M 89.91 417.53572 L 178.965 
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444.53572 C 86
 .231783 444.53572 83.25 441.55394 83.25 437.87572 L 83.25 424.19572 C 83.25 
420.5175 86.231783 417.53572 89.91 417.53572 Z" stroke="#252525" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(87.25 420.03572)" fill="black"><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="1.9172363" y="9" textLength="93.041016">Locator &amp; Membership 
</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="23.67456" y="20" 
textLength="47.02588">Coordinator</tspan></text><path d="M 196.785 379.6172 L 
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280.125 438.48844 C 280.125 442.16666 277.14322 445.14844 273.465 445.14844 L 
196.785 445.14844 C 193.10678 445.14844 190.125 442.16666 190.125 438.48844 L 
190.125 386.2772 C 190.125 382.59897 193.10678 379.6172 196.785 379.6172 Z" 
fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_5)"/><path d="M 196.785 379.6172 L 273.465 379.6172 C 
277.14322 379.
 6172 280.125 382.59897 280.125 386.2772 L 280.125 438.48844 C 280.125 
442.16666 277.14322 445.14844 273.465 445.14844 L 196.785 445.14844 C 193.10678 
445.14844 190.125 442.16666 190.125 438.48844 L 190.125 386.2772 C 190.125 
382.59897 193.10678 379.6172 196.785 379.6172 Z" stroke="#252525" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(194.125 383.6172)" fill="black"><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="32.66504" y="11" textLength="16.669922">M2</tspan><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="14.735352" y="24" textLength="52.529297">(weight=15)</tspan></text><path 
d="M 201.285 418.46987 L 268.965 418.46987 C 272.64322 418.46987 275.625 
421.45165 275.625 425.12987 L 275.625 438.80987 C 275.625 442.48809 272.64322 
445.46987 268.965 445.46987 L 201.285 445.46987 C 197.60678 445.46987 194.625 
442.48809 194.625 438.80987 L 194.625 425.12987 C 194.625 421.
 45165 197.60678 418.46987 201.285 418.46987 Z" 
fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_6)"/><path d="M 201.285 418.46987 L 268.965 418.46987 C 
272.64322 418.46987 275.625 421.45165 275.625 425.12987 L 275.625 438.80987 C 
275.625 442.48809 272.64322 445.46987 268.965 445.46987 L 201.285 445.46987 C 
197.60678 445.46987 194.625 442.48809 194.625 438.80987 L 194.625 425.12987 C 
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font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="4.736328" y="9" textLength="66.027832">Cache Server &amp; </tspan><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="8.7353516" y="20" textLength="55.529297">Lead Member</tspan></text><path 
d="M 95.535 453.65625 L 172.215 453.65625 C 175.89322 453.65625 178.875 
456.63803 178.875 460.31625 L 178.875 512.5275 C 178.875 5
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519.1875 88.875 516.20572 88.875 512.5275 L 88.875 460.31625 C 88.875 456.63803 
91.856783 453.65625 95.535 453.65625 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_7)"/><path d="M 
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172.215 519.1875 L 95.535 519.1875 C 91.856783 519.1875 88.875 516.20572 88.875 
512.5275 L 88.875 460.31625 C 88.875 456.63803 91.856783 453.65625 95.535 
453.65625 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(92.875 457.65625)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="32.66504" y="11" textLength="16.669922">M3</tspan><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="13.3461914" y="24" textLength="55.307617"> (weight=10)</tspan></text><path 
d="M 199
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282.375 460.5975 L 282.375 512.80874 C 282.375 516.48696 279.39322 519.46874 
275.715 519.46874 L 199.035 519.46874 C 195.35678 519.46874 192.375 516.48696 
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199.035 519.46874 C 195.35678 519.46874 192.375 516.48696 192.375 512.80874 L 
192.375 460.5975 C 192.375 456.91927 195.35678 453.9375 199.035 453.9375 Z" 
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stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(196.375 457.9375)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="32.66504" y="11" textLength="16.669922">M4</tspan><tspan 
 " font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="13.3461914" y="24" 
textLength="55.307617"> (weight=10)</tspan></text><path d="M 200.7225 531 L 
277.4025 531 C 281.08072 531 284.0625 533.98177 284.0625 537.66 L 284.0625 
589.87124 C 284.0625 593.54946 281.08072 596.53124 277.4025 596.53124 L 
200.7225 596.53124 C 197.04428 596.53124 194.0625 593.54946 194.0625 589.87124 
L 194.0625 537.66 C 194.0625 533.98177 197.04428 531 200.7225 531 Z" 
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531 284.0625 533.98177 284.0625 537.66 L 284.0625 589.87124 C 284.0625 
593.54946 281.08072 596.53124 277.4025 596.53124 L 200.7225 596.53124 C 
197.04428 596.53124 194.0625 593.54946 194.0625 589.87124 L 194.0625 537.66 C 
194.0625 533.98177 197.04428 531 200.7225 531 Z" stroke="#252525" 
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transform="translate(198.0625 535)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="12" font-weight="50
 0" fill="black" x="32.66504" y="11" textLength="16.669922">M6</tspan><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="13.3461914" y="24" textLength="55.307617"> (weight=10)</tspan></text><path 
d="M 100.035 493.7143 L 167.715 493.7143 C 171.39322 493.7143 174.375 496.69607 
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167.715 520.7143 L 100.035 520.7143 C 96.356783 520.7143 93.375 517.7325 93.375 
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493.7143 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_a)"/><path d="M 100.035 493.7143 L 167.715 
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520.7143 C 96.356783 520.7143 93.375 517.7325 93.375 514.0543 L 93.375 500.3743 
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textLength="55.023926">Cache Server</tspan></text><path d="M 203.535 494.35714 
L 271.215 494.35714 C 274.89322 494.35714 277.875 497.33892 277.875 501.01714 L 
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203.535 521.35714 C 199.85678 521.35714 196.875 518.37536 196.875 514.69714 L 
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203.535 571.5 L 271.215 571.5 C 274.89322 571.5 277.875 574.4818 277.875 578.16 
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stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(200.875 579.5)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica"
  font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="8.988037" y="9" 
textLength="55.023926">Cache Server</tspan></text><path d="M 95.535 531 L 
172.215 531 C 175.89322 531 178.875 533.98177 178.875 537.66 L 178.875 
589.87124 C 178.875 593.54946 175.89322 596.53124 172.215 596.53124 L 95.535 
596.53124 C 91.856783 596.53124 88.875 593.54946 88.875 589.87124 L 88.875 
537.66 C 88.875 533.98177 91.856783 531 95.535 531 Z" 
fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_d)"/><path d="M 95.535 531 L 172.215 531 C 175.89322 
531 178.875 533.98177 178.875 537.66 L 178.875 589.87124 C 178.875 593.54946 
175.89322 596.53124 172.215 596.53124 L 95.535 596.53124 C 91.856783 596.53124 
88.875 593.54946 88.875 589.87124 L 88.875 537.66 C 88.875 533.98177 91.856783 
531 95.535 531 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" 
stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(92.875 535)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="12" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="32.66504" y="11" textLength=
 "16.669922">M5</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" 
font-weight="500" fill="black" x="13.3461914" y="24" textLength="55.307617"> 
(weight=10)</tspan></text><path d="M 100.035 571.5 L 167.715 571.5 C 171.39322 
571.5 174.375 574.4818 174.375 578.16 L 174.375 591.84 C 174.375 595.5182 
171.39322 598.5 167.715 598.5 L 100.035 598.5 C 96.356783 598.5 93.375 595.5182 
93.375 591.84 L 93.375 578.16 C 93.375 574.4818 96.356783 571.5 100.035 571.5 
Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_e)"/><path d="M 100.035 571.5 L 167.715 571.5 C 
171.39322 571.5 174.375 574.4818 174.375 578.16 L 174.375 591.84 C 174.375 
595.5182 171.39322 598.5 167.715 598.5 L 100.035 598.5 C 96.356783 598.5 93.375 
595.5182 93.375 591.84 L 93.375 578.16 C 93.375 574.4818 96.356783 571.5 
100.035 571.5 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" 
stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(97.375 579.5)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
 x="8.988037" y="9" textLength="55.023926">Cache Server</tspan></text><text 
transform="translate(103.1859 603.72283)" fill="black"><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="0" 
y="8" textLength="131.16016">- Detects membership weight loss of </tspan><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="0" 
y="18" textLength="16.011719">47%</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="8" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="0" y="28" 
textLength="4.8867188">- </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" 
font-weight="500" fill="black" x="4.7460938" y="28" textLength="113.82031">This 
distributed system stays up</tspan></text><path d="M 340.785 379.61718 L 
417.465 379.61718 C 421.14322 379.61718 424.125 382.59896 424.125 386.27718 L 
424.125 438.48843 C 424.125 442.16665 421.14322 445.14843 417.465 445.14843 L 
340.785 445.14843 C 337.10678 445.14843 334.125 442.16665 334.125 438.48843 L 
334.125 386.27718 C 334.125 382.598
 96 337.10678 379.61718 340.785 379.61718 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_f)"/><path 
d="M 340.785 379.61718 L 417.465 379.61718 C 421.14322 379.61718 424.125 
382.59896 424.125 386.27718 L 424.125 438.48843 C 424.125 442.16665 421.14322 
445.14843 417.465 445.14843 L 340.785 445.14843 C 337.10678 445.14843 334.125 
442.16665 334.125 438.48843 L 334.125 386.27718 C 334.125 382.59896 337.10678 
379.61718 340.785 379.61718 Z" stroke="#fc0006" stroke-linecap="round" 
stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2.1600001"/><text 
transform="translate(338.125 383.61718)" fill="black"><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="32.66504" y="11" textLength="16.669922">M7</tspan><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="17.516113" y="24" textLength="46.967773">(weight=3)</tspan></text><path d="M 
345.285 418.6607 L 412.965 418.6607 C 416.64322 418.6607 419.625 421.6425 
419.625 425.3207 L 419.625 439.0007 C 419.625 442.67893 416.64322 445
 .6607 412.965 445.6607 L 345.285 445.6607 C 341.60678 445.6607 338.625 
442.67893 338.625 439.0007 L 338.625 425.3207 C 338.625 421.6425 341.60678 
418.6607 345.285 418.6607 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_10)"/><path d="M 345.285 
418.6607 L 412.965 418.6607 C 416.64322 418.6607 419.625 421.6425 419.625 
425.3207 L 419.625 439.0007 C 419.625 442.67893 416.64322 445.6607 412.965 
445.6607 L 345.285 445.6607 C 341.60678 445.6607 338.625 442.67893 338.625 
439.0007 L 338.625 425.3207 C 338.625 421.6425 341.60678 418.6607 345.285 
418.6607 Z" stroke="#fc0006" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width="2.1600001"/><text transform="translate(342.625 426.6607)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="21.490479" y="9" 
textLength="30.019043">Locator</tspan></text><path d="M 320.625 371.15372 L 
320.625 621.0963 C 320.625 633.4695 330.65549 643.5 343.0287 643.5 L 516.4713 
643.5 C 528.8445 643.5 538.875 633.4695 538.875 621.0963 L 538.8
 75 371.15372 L 320.625 371.15372 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" 
stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><path d="M 538.875 371.1537 L 
320.625 371.1537 C 320.625 358.78049 330.65549 348.75 343.0287 348.75 L 
516.4713 348.75 C 528.8445 348.75 538.875 358.78049 538.875 371.1537 Z" 
fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_11)"/><path d="M 538.875 371.1537 L 320.625 371.1537 C 
320.625 358.78049 330.65549 348.75 343.0287 348.75 L 516.4713 348.75 C 528.8445 
348.75 538.875 358.78049 538.875 371.1537 Z" stroke="#252525" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(324.625 352.95186)" fill="black"><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="73.768555" y="11" textLength="62.71289">Losing Side</tspan></text><path d="M 
341.10643 452.25 L 417.78643 452.25 C 421.46465 452.25 424.44643 455.23177 
424.44643 458.91 L 424.44643 511.12124 C 424.44643 514.79946 421.46465 
517.78124 417.78643 517.78124 L 341.1064
 3 517.78124 C 337.42821 517.78124 334.44643 514.79946 334.44643 511.12124 L 
334.44643 458.91 C 334.44643 455.23177 337.42821 452.25 341.10643 452.25 Z" 
fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_12)"/><path d="M 341.10643 452.25 L 417.78643 452.25 C 
421.46465 452.25 424.44643 455.23177 424.44643 458.91 L 424.44643 511.12124 C 
424.44643 514.79946 421.46465 517.78124 417.78643 517.78124 L 341.10643 
517.78124 C 337.42821 517.78124 334.44643 514.79946 334.44643 511.12124 L 
334.44643 458.91 C 334.44643 455.23177 337.42821 452.25 341.10643 452.25 Z" 
stroke="#fc0006" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width="2.1600001"/><text transform="translate(338.44643 456.25)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="32.66504" y="11" textLength="16.669922">M9</tspan><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="13.3461914" y="24" textLength="55.307617"> (weight=10)</tspan></text><path 
d="M 345.60643 493.39286 L 413.2
 8643 493.39286 C 416.96465 493.39286 419.94643 496.37464 419.94643 500.05286 L 
419.94643 513.73286 C 419.94643 517.41108 416.96465 520.39286 413.28643 
520.39286 L 345.60643 520.39286 C 341.92821 520.39286 338.94643 517.41108 
338.94643 513.73286 L 338.94643 500.05286 C 338.94643 496.37464 341.92821 
493.39286 345.60643 493.39286 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_13)"/><path d="M 
345.60643 493.39286 L 413.28643 493.39286 C 416.96465 493.39286 419.94643 
496.37464 419.94643 500.05286 L 419.94643 513.73286 C 419.94643 517.41108 
416.96465 520.39286 413.28643 520.39286 L 345.60643 520.39286 C 341.92821 
520.39286 338.94643 517.41108 338.94643 513.73286 L 338.94643 500.05286 C 
338.94643 496.37464 341.92821 493.39286 345.60643 493.39286 Z" stroke="#fc0006" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2.1600001"/><text 
transform="translate(342.94643 501.39286)" fill="black"><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="8.988037" y="9" textLength="55.023
 926">Cache Server</tspan></text><path d="M 342.39214 531 L 419.07214 531 C 
422.75036 531 425.73214 533.98177 425.73214 537.66 L 425.73214 589.87124 C 
425.73214 593.54946 422.75036 596.53124 419.07214 596.53124 L 342.39214 
596.53124 C 338.71392 596.53124 335.73214 593.54946 335.73214 589.87124 L 
335.73214 537.66 C 335.73214 533.98177 338.71392 531 342.39214 531 Z" 
fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_14)"/><path d="M 342.39214 531 L 419.07214 531 C 
422.75036 531 425.73214 533.98177 425.73214 537.66 L 425.73214 589.87124 C 
425.73214 593.54946 422.75036 596.53124 419.07214 596.53124 L 342.39214 
596.53124 C 338.71392 596.53124 335.73214 593.54946 335.73214 589.87124 L 
335.73214 537.66 C 335.73214 533.98177 338.71392 531 342.39214 531 Z" 
stroke="#fc0006" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width="2.1600001"/><text transform="translate(339.73214 535)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="29.770508" y="11" textLength="16.669922">
 M1</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="45.555664" y="11" textLength="6.673828">1</tspan><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="13.3461914" y="24" textLength="55.307617"> (weight=10)</tspan></text><path 
d="M 346.89214 572.7857 L 414.57214 572.7857 C 418.25036 572.7857 421.23214 
575.7675 421.23214 579.4457 L 421.23214 593.1257 C 421.23214 596.80393 
418.25036 599.7857 414.57214 599.7857 L 346.89214 599.7857 C 343.21392 599.7857 
340.23214 596.80393 340.23214 593.1257 L 340.23214 579.4457 C 340.23214 
575.7675 343.21392 572.7857 346.89214 572.7857 Z" 
fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_15)"/><path d="M 346.89214 572.7857 L 414.57214 
572.7857 C 418.25036 572.7857 421.23214 575.7675 421.23214 579.4457 L 421.23214 
593.1257 C 421.23214 596.80393 418.25036 599.7857 414.57214 599.7857 L 
346.89214 599.7857 C 343.21392 599.7857 340.23214 596.80393 340.23214 593.1257 
L 340.23214 579.4457 C 340.23214 575.7675 343.21392 
 572.7857 346.89214 572.7857 Z" stroke="#fc0006" stroke-linecap="round" 
stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2.1600001"/><text 
transform="translate(344.23214 580.7857)" fill="black"><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="8.988037" y="9" textLength="55.023926">Cache Server</tspan></text><path d="M 
445.89214 452.89285 L 522.57214 452.89285 C 526.25036 452.89285 529.23214 
455.87463 529.23214 459.55285 L 529.23214 511.7641 C 529.23214 515.44232 
526.25036 518.4241 522.57214 518.4241 L 445.89214 518.4241 C 442.21392 518.4241 
439.23214 515.44232 439.23214 511.7641 L 439.23214 459.55285 C 439.23214 
455.87463 442.21392 452.89285 445.89214 452.89285 Z" 
fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_16)"/><path d="M 445.89214 452.89285 L 522.57214 
452.89285 C 526.25036 452.89285 529.23214 455.87463 529.23214 459.55285 L 
529.23214 511.7641 C 529.23214 515.44232 526.25036 518.4241 522.57214 518.4241 
L 445.89214 518.4241 C 442.21392 518.4241 439.23214 515.44232 439.23214 511.7641
  L 439.23214 459.55285 C 439.23214 455.87463 442.21392 452.89285 445.89214 
452.89285 Z" stroke="#fc0006" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width="2.1600001"/><text transform="translate(443.23214 456.89285)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="29.328125" y="11" textLength="23.34375">M10</tspan><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="13.3461914" y="24" textLength="55.307617"> (weight=10)</tspan></text><path 
d="M 450.39214 494.03572 L 518.07214 494.03572 C 521.75036 494.03572 524.73214 
497.0175 524.73214 500.69572 L 524.73214 514.37572 C 524.73214 518.05394 
521.75036 521.03572 518.07214 521.03572 L 450.39214 521.03572 C 446.71392 
521.03572 443.73214 518.05394 443.73214 514.37572 L 443.73214 500.69572 C 
443.73214 497.0175 446.71392 494.03572 450.39214 494.03572 Z" 
fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_17)"/><path d="M 450.39214 494.03572 L 518.07214 
494.03572 C 521.75036 494.03572 524.
 73214 497.0175 524.73214 500.69572 L 524.73214 514.37572 C 524.73214 518.05394 
521.75036 521.03572 518.07214 521.03572 L 450.39214 521.03572 C 446.71392 
521.03572 443.73214 518.05394 443.73214 514.37572 L 443.73214 500.69572 C 
443.73214 497.0175 446.71392 494.03572 450.39214 494.03572 Z" stroke="#fc0006" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2.1600001"/><text 
transform="translate(447.73214 502.03572)" fill="black"><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="8.988037" y="9" textLength="55.023926">Cache Server</tspan></text><path d="M 
447.17786 531.64285 L 523.85786 531.64285 C 527.53608 531.64285 530.51786 
534.62463 530.51786 538.30285 L 530.51786 590.5141 C 530.51786 594.1923 
527.53608 597.1741 523.85786 597.1741 L 447.17786 597.1741 C 443.49964 597.1741 
440.51786 594.1923 440.51786 590.5141 L 440.51786 538.30285 C 440.51786 
534.62463 443.49964 531.64285 447.17786 531.64285 Z" 
fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_18)"/><path d="M 447.1778
 6 531.64285 L 523.85786 531.64285 C 527.53608 531.64285 530.51786 534.62463 
530.51786 538.30285 L 530.51786 590.5141 C 530.51786 594.1923 527.53608 
597.1741 523.85786 597.1741 L 447.17786 597.1741 C 443.49964 597.1741 440.51786 
594.1923 440.51786 590.5141 L 440.51786 538.30285 C 440.51786 534.62463 
443.49964 531.64285 447.17786 531.64285 Z" stroke="#fc0006" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2.1600001"/><text 
transform="translate(444.51786 535.64285)" fill="black"><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="29.328125" y="11" textLength="23.34375">M12</tspan><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="13.3461914" y="24" textLength="55.307617"> (weight=10)</tspan></text><path 
d="M 451.67786 574.07143 L 519.35786 574.07143 C 523.03608 574.07143 526.01786 
577.0532 526.01786 580.73143 L 526.01786 594.41143 C 526.01786 598.08965 
523.03608 601.07143 519.35786 601.07143 L 451.67786 601.07143 C 
 447.99964 601.07143 445.01786 598.08965 445.01786 594.41143 L 445.01786 
580.73143 C 445.01786 577.0532 447.99964 574.07143 451.67786 574.07143 Z" 
fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_19)"/><path d="M 451.67786 574.07143 L 519.35786 
574.07143 C 523.03608 574.07143 526.01786 577.0532 526.01786 580.73143 L 
526.01786 594.41143 C 526.01786 598.08965 523.03608 601.07143 519.35786 
601.07143 L 451.67786 601.07143 C 447.99964 601.07143 445.01786 598.08965 
445.01786 594.41143 L 445.01786 580.73143 C 445.01786 577.0532 447.99964 
574.07143 451.67786 574.07143 Z" stroke="#fc0006" stroke-linecap="round" 
stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2.1600001"/><text 
transform="translate(449.01786 582.07143)" fill="black"><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="8.988037" y="9" textLength="55.023926">Cache Server</tspan></text><path d="M 
446.535 378.96428 L 523.215 378.96428 C 526.89322 378.96428 529.875 381.94606 
529.875 385.62428 L 529.875 437.83553 C 529.875 441.51375 526.89322
  444.49553 523.215 444.49553 L 446.535 444.49553 C 442.85678 444.49553 439.875 
441.51375 439.875 437.83553 L 439.875 385.62428 C 439.875 381.94606 442.85678 
378.96428 446.535 378.96428 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_1a)"/><path d="M 446.535 
378.96428 L 523.215 378.96428 C 526.89322 378.96428 529.875 381.94606 529.875 
385.62428 L 529.875 437.83553 C 529.875 441.51375 526.89322 444.49553 523.215 
444.49553 L 446.535 444.49553 C 442.85678 444.49553 439.875 441.51375 439.875 
437.83553 L 439.875 385.62428 C 439.875 381.94606 442.85678 378.96428 446.535 
378.96428 Z" stroke="#fc0006" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width="2.1600001"/><text transform="translate(443.875 382.96428)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="32.66504" y="11" textLength="16.669922">M8</tspan><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="13.3461914" y="24" textLength="55.307617"> (weight=10)</tspan></text><path 
 d="M 451.035 419.4643 L 518.715 419.4643 C 522.39322 419.4643 525.375 
422.44607 525.375 426.1243 L 525.375 439.8043 C 525.375 443.4825 522.39322 
446.4643 518.715 446.4643 L 451.035 446.4643 C 447.35678 446.4643 444.375 
443.4825 444.375 439.8043 L 444.375 426.1243 C 444.375 422.44607 447.35678 
419.4643 451.035 419.4643 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_1b)"/><path d="M 451.035 
419.4643 L 518.715 419.4643 C 522.39322 419.4643 525.375 422.44607 525.375 
426.1243 L 525.375 439.8043 C 525.375 443.4825 522.39322 446.4643 518.715 
446.4643 L 451.035 446.4643 C 447.35678 446.4643 444.375 443.4825 444.375 
439.8043 L 444.375 426.1243 C 444.375 422.44607 447.35678 419.4643 451.035 
419.4643 Z" stroke="#fc0006" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width="2.1600001"/><text transform="translate(448.375 427.4643)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="8.988037" y="9" textLength="55.023926">Cache 
Server</tspan></text><text transform="tran
 slate(344.875 606)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" 
font-weight="500" fill="black" x="0" y="8" textLength="147.171875">- Detects 
membership weight loss of 52%</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="8" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="0" y="18" textLength="162.75">- 
Locator assumes coordinator role and shuts </tspan><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="0" 
y="28" textLength="46.683594">system down</tspan></text><path d="M 277.875 
503.15625 L 309.375 499.5 L 304.875 490.5 L 322.875 495" stroke="black" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
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146.92157 384.26076 L 148.77482 389.42455 L 144.86462 393.27286 L 150.05731 
395.0435 L 150.62807 400.5 L 155.25 397.54417 L 159.87193 400.5 L 160.44269 
395.0435 L 165.63538 393.27286 L 161.72518 389.42455 L 163.57843 384.26152 L 
158.13173 384.9185 L 155.25 380.25 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_3)"/><path d="M 
152.44052 384.9185 L 146.92157 384.26076 L 148.77482 389.42455 L 144.86462 
393.27286 L 150.05731 395.0435 L 150.62807 400.5 L 155.25 397.54417 L 159.87193 
400.5 L 160.44269 395.0435 L 165.63538 393.27286 L 161.72518 389.42455 L 
163.57843 384.26152 L 158.13173 384.9185 L 155.25 380.25 Z" stroke="#252525" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(148.5 386.875)" fill="black"><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" fon
 t-weight="500" fill="black" x="2.5026855" y="9" 
textLength="8.494629">W</tspan></text></g><g id="id7_Graphic"><path d="M 179.91 
382.5 L 184.59 382.5 C 188.26822 382.5 191.25 385.48178 191.25 389.16 L 191.25 
393.84 C 191.25 397.51822 188.26822 400.5 184.59 400.5 L 179.91 400.5 C 
176.23178 400.5 173.25 397.51822 173.25 393.84 L 173.25 389.16 C 173.25 
385.48178 176.23178 382.5 179.91 382.5 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_4)"/><path 
d="M 179.91 382.5 L 184.59 382.5 C 188.26822 382.5 191.25 385.48178 191.25 
389.16 L 191.25 393.84 C 191.25 397.51822 188.26822 400.5 184.59 400.5 L 179.91 
400.5 C 176.23178 400.5 173.25 397.51822 173.25 393.84 L 173.25 389.16 C 173.25 
385.48178 176.23178 382.5 179.91 382.5 Z" stroke="#252525" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(177.25 386)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="1.9985352" y="9" 
textLength="6.0029297">X</tspan></text></g><path d="M
  126 441 L 288 441 L 288 494.5275 L 126 494.5275 Z" stroke="#252525" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003" 
stroke-dasharray="8,5"/><text transform="translate(128 443)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="52.016602" y="10" textLength="41.137695">Logical 
V</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="92.978516" y="10" textLength="15.004883">iew</tspan></text><g 
id="id9_Graphic"><path d="M 152.59802 465.446 L 147.07907 464.78826 L 148.93232 
469.95205 L 145.02212 473.80036 L 150.21481 475.571 L 150.78557 481.0275 L 
155.4075 478.07167 L 160.02943 481.0275 L 160.60019 475.571 L 165.79288 
473.80036 L 161.88268 469.95205 L 163.73593 464.78902 L 158.28923 465.446 L 
155.4075 460.7775 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_5)"/><path d="M 152.59802 465.446 
L 147.07907 464.78826 L 148.93232 469.95205 L 145.02212 473.80036 L 150.21481 
475.571 L 150.78557 481.0275 L 155.4075 47
 8.07167 L 160.02943 481.0275 L 160.60019 475.571 L 165.79288 473.80036 L 
161.88268 469.95205 L 163.73593 464.78902 L 158.28923 465.446 L 155.4075 
460.7775 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(148.6575 467.4025)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="2.5026855" y="9" textLength="8.494629">W</tspan></text></g><g 
id="id10_Graphic"><path d="M 180.0675 463.0275 L 184.7475 463.0275 C 188.42572 
463.0275 191.4075 466.00928 191.4075 469.6875 L 191.4075 474.3675 C 191.4075 
478.04572 188.42572 481.0275 184.7475 481.0275 L 180.0675 481.0275 C 176.38928 
481.0275 173.4075 478.04572 173.4075 474.3675 L 173.4075 469.6875 C 173.4075 
466.00928 176.38928 463.0275 180.0675 463.0275 Z" 
fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_6)"/><path d="M 180.0675 463.0275 L 184.7475 463.0275 C 
188.42572 463.0275 191.4075 466.00928 191.4075 469.6875 L 191.4075 474.3675 C 
191.4075 478.04572 188.42572
  481.0275 184.7475 481.0275 L 180.0675 481.0275 C 176.38928 481.0275 173.4075 
478.04572 173.4075 474.3675 L 173.4075 469.6875 C 173.4075 466.00928 176.38928 
463.0275 180.0675 463.0275 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" 
stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(177.4075 466.5275)" fill="black"><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="1.9985352" y="9" textLength="6.0029297">X</tspan></text></g><g 
id="id11_Graphic"><rect x="250.7175" y="463.0275" width="18" height="18" 
fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_7)"/><rect x="250.7175" y="463.0275" width="18" 
height="18" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(254.7175 466.5275)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="2.2512207" y="9" textLength="5.4975586">Z</tspan></text></g><g 
id="id12_Graphic"><path d="M 232.7175 463.0275 L 232.7175 463.0275 C 
 237.68806 463.0275 241.7175 467.05694 241.7175 472.0275 L 241.7175 472.0275 C 
241.7175 476.99806 237.68806 481.0275 232.7175 481.0275 L 232.7175 481.0275 C 
227.74694 481.0275 223.7175 476.99806 223.7175 472.0275 L 223.7175 472.0275 C 
223.7175 467.05694 227.74694 463.0275 232.7175 463.0275 Z" 
fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_8)"/><path d="M 232.7175 463.0275 L 232.7175 463.0275 C 
237.68806 463.0275 241.7175 467.05694 241.7175 472.0275 L 241.7175 472.0275 C 
241.7175 476.99806 237.68806 481.0275 232.7175 481.0275 L 232.7175 481.0275 C 
227.74694 481.0275 223.7175 476.99806 223.7175 472.0275 L 223.7175 472.0275 C 
223.7175 467.05694 227.74694 463.0275 232.7175 463.0275 Z" stroke="#252525" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(227.7175 466.5275)" fill="black"><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="1.9985352" y="9" textLength="6.0029297">Y</tspan></text></g><g 
id="id13_Graphic"><path d="M 348.66 229
 .5 L 533.34 229.5 C 537.01822 229.5 540 232.48178 540 236.16 L 540 411.84 C 
540 415.51822 537.01822 418.5 533.34 418.5 L 348.66 418.5 C 344.98178 418.5 342 
415.51822 342 411.84 L 342 236.16 C 342 232.48178 344.98178 229.5 348.66 229.5 
Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_9)"/><path d="M 348.66 229.5 L 533.34 229.5 C 
537.01822 229.5 540 232.48178 540 236.16 L 540 411.84 C 540 415.51822 537.01822 
418.5 533.34 418.5 L 348.66 418.5 C 344.98178 418.5 342 415.51822 342 411.84 L 
342 236.16 C 342 232.48178 344.98178 229.5 348.66 229.5 Z" stroke="#252525" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(346 233.5)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="14" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="105.993164" y="14" 
textLength="84.006836">Member (M2)</tspan></text></g><g id="id14_Graphic"><path 
d="M 366.66 265.5 L 516.15 265.5 C 519.82822 265.5 522.81 268.48178 522.81 
272.16 L 522.81 330.84 C 522.81 334.51822 519.82822 337.5 516.15 337.5 L 36
 6.66 337.5 C 362.98178 337.5 360 334.51822 360 330.84 L 360 272.16 C 360 
268.48178 362.98178 265.5 366.66 265.5 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_a)"/><path 
d="M 366.66 265.5 L 516.15 265.5 C 519.82822 265.5 522.81 268.48178 522.81 
272.16 L 522.81 330.84 C 522.81 334.51822 519.82822 337.5 516.15 337.5 L 366.66 
337.5 C 362.98178 337.5 360 334.51822 360 330.84 L 360 272.16 C 360 268.48178 
362.98178 265.5 366.66 265.5 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" 
stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(362 267.5)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="40.378145" y="10" 
textLength="73.930664">Partition Region </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="113.761934" y="10" 
textLength="6.669922">A</tspan></text></g><rect x="369" y="288" width="67.5" 
height="40.5" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transfor
 m="translate(371 290)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="7.7407227" y="9" 
textLength="50.018555">primary data</tspan></text><g id="id16_Graphic"><path 
d="M 386.44052 308.4185 L 380.92157 307.76076 L 382.77482 312.92455 L 378.86462 
316.77286 L 384.0573 318.5435 L 384.62807 324 L 389.25 321.04417 L 393.87193 
324 L 394.4427 318.5435 L 399.63538 316.77286 L 395.72518 312.92455 L 397.57843 
307.76152 L 392.13173 308.4185 L 389.25 303.75 Z" 
fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_b)"/><path d="M 386.44052 308.4185 L 380.92157 
307.76076 L 382.77482 312.92455 L 378.86462 316.77286 L 384.0573 318.5435 L 
384.62807 324 L 389.25 321.04417 L 393.87193 324 L 394.4427 318.5435 L 
399.63538 316.77286 L 395.72518 312.92455 L 397.57843 307.76152 L 392.13173 
308.4185 L 389.25 303.75 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" 
stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(382.5 310.375)" fill="black"><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" fo
 nt-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="2.5026855" y="9" 
textLength="8.494629">W</tspan></text></g><g id="id17_Graphic"><path d="M 
413.91 306 L 418.59 306 C 422.26822 306 425.25 308.98178 425.25 312.66 L 425.25 
317.34 C 425.25 321.01822 422.26822 324 418.59 324 L 413.91 324 C 410.23178 324 
407.25 321.01822 407.25 317.34 L 407.25 312.66 C 407.25 308.98178 410.23178 306 
413.91 306 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_c)"/><path d="M 413.91 306 L 418.59 306 C 
422.26822 306 425.25 308.98178 425.25 312.66 L 425.25 317.34 C 425.25 321.01822 
422.26822 324 418.59 324 L 413.91 324 C 410.23178 324 407.25 321.01822 407.25 
317.34 L 407.25 312.66 C 407.25 308.98178 410.23178 306 413.91 306 Z" 
stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(411.25 309.5)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="1.9985352" y="9" 
textLength="6.0029297">X</tspan></text></g><rect x="442.125" y="288" wi
 dth="71.685" height="40.5" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" 
stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(444.125 290)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="4.0719922" y="9" 
textLength="61.541016">secondary data</tspan></text><g id="id19_Graphic"><rect 
x="484.56" y="306" width="18" height="18" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_d)"/><rect 
x="484.56" y="306" width="18" height="18" stroke="#252525" 
stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(488.56 309.5)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="2.2512207" y="9" 
textLength="5.4975586">Z</tspan></text></g><g id="id20_Graphic"><path d="M 
466.56 306 L 466.56 306 C 471.53056 306 475.56 310.02944 475.56 315 L 475.56 
315 C 475.56 319.97056 471.53056 324 466.56 324 L 466.56 324 C 461.58944 324 
457.56 319.97056 457.56 315 L 457.56 315 C 457.56 310.02944 46
 1.58944 306 466.56 306 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_e)"/><path d="M 466.56 306 L 
466.56 306 C 471.53056 306 475.56 310.02944 475.56 315 L 475.56 315 C 475.56 
319.97056 471.53056 324 466.56 324 L 466.56 324 C 461.58944 324 457.56 
319.97056 457.56 315 L 457.56 315 C 457.56 310.02944 461.58944 306 466.56 306 
Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(461.56 309.5)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="1.9985352" y="9" 
textLength="6.0029297">Y</tspan></text></g><path d="M 360 346.9725 L 522 
346.9725 L 522 400.5 L 360 400.5 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" 
stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003" stroke-dasharray="8,5"/><text 
transform="translate(362 348.9725)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" 
font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="102.033203" y="10" 
textLength="41.137695">Logical V</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" f
 ont-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="142.99512" y="10" 
textLength="15.004883">iew</tspan></text><g id="id22_Graphic"><path d="M 
386.59802 371.4185 L 381.07907 370.76076 L 382.93232 375.92455 L 379.02212 
379.77286 L 384.2148 381.5435 L 384.78557 387 L 389.4075 384.04417 L 394.02943 
387 L 394.6002 381.5435 L 399.79288 379.77286 L 395.88268 375.92455 L 397.73593 
370.76152 L 392.28923 371.4185 L 389.4075 366.75 Z" 
fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_f)"/><path d="M 386.59802 371.4185 L 381.07907 
370.76076 L 382.93232 375.92455 L 379.02212 379.77286 L 384.2148 381.5435 L 
384.78557 387 L 389.4075 384.04417 L 394.02943 387 L 394.6002 381.5435 L 
399.79288 379.77286 L 395.88268 375.92455 L 397.73593 370.76152 L 392.28923 
371.4185 L 389.4075 366.75 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" 
stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(382.6575 373.375)" fill="black"><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="2.5026855" y="9" t
 extLength="8.494629">W</tspan></text></g><g id="id23_Graphic"><path d="M 
414.0675 369 L 418.7475 369 C 422.42572 369 425.4075 371.98178 425.4075 375.66 
L 425.4075 380.34 C 425.4075 384.01822 422.42572 387 418.7475 387 L 414.0675 
387 C 410.38928 387 407.4075 384.01822 407.4075 380.34 L 407.4075 375.66 C 
407.4075 371.98178 410.38928 369 414.0675 369 Z" 
fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_10)"/><path d="M 414.0675 369 L 418.7475 369 C 
422.42572 369 425.4075 371.98178 425.4075 375.66 L 425.4075 380.34 C 425.4075 
384.01822 422.42572 387 418.7475 387 L 414.0675 387 C 410.38928 387 407.4075 
384.01822 407.4075 380.34 L 407.4075 375.66 C 407.4075 371.98178 410.38928 369 
414.0675 369 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(411.4075 372.5)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="1.9985352" y="9" textLength="6.0029297">X</tspan></text></g><g 
id="id24_Graphic"><rect x="484.717
 5" y="369" width="18" height="18" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_11)"/><rect 
x="484.7175" y="369" width="18" height="18" stroke="#252525" 
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transform="translate(488.7175 372.5)" fill="black"><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="2.2512207" y="9" textLength="5.4975586">Z</tspan></text></g><g 
id="id25_Graphic"><path d="M 466.7175 369 L 466.7175 369 C 471.68806 369 
475.7175 373.02944 475.7175 378 L 475.7175 378 C 475.7175 382.97056 471.68806 
387 466.7175 387 L 466.7175 387 C 461.74694 387 457.7175 382.97056 457.7175 378 
L 457.7175 378 C 457.7175 373.02944 461.74694 369 466.7175 369 Z" 
fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_12)"/><path d="M 466.7175 369 L 466.7175 369 C 
471.68806 369 475.7175 373.02944 475.7175 378 L 475.7175 378 C 475.7175 
382.97056 471.68806 387 466.7175 387 L 466.7175 387 C 461.74694 387 457.7175 
382.97056 457.7175 378 L 457.7175 378 C 457.7175 373.02944 461.74694 369 466.
 7175 369 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(461.7175 372.5)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="1.9985352" y="9" textLength="6.0029297">Y</tspan></text></g><g 
id="id26_Graphic"><path d="M 348.66 432 L 533.34 432 C 537.01822 432 540 
434.98178 540 438.66 L 540 614.34 C 540 618.0182 537.01822 621 533.34 621 L 
348.66 621 C 344.98178 621 342 618.0182 342 614.34 L 342 438.66 C 342 434.98178 
344.98178 432 348.66 432 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_13)"/><path d="M 348.66 432 
L 533.34 432 C 537.01822 432 540 434.98178 540 438.66 L 540 614.34 C 540 
618.0182 537.01822 621 533.34 621 L 348.66 621 C 344.98178 621 342 618.0182 342 
614.34 L 342 438.66 C 342 434.98178 344.98178 432 348.66 432 Z" 
stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(346 436)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica"
  font-size="14" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="105.993164" y="14" 
textLength="84.006836">Member (M3)</tspan></text></g><g id="id27_Graphic"><path 
d="M 366.66 468 L 516.15 468 C 519.82822 468 522.81 470.98178 522.81 474.66 L 
522.81 533.34 C 522.81 537.01822 519.82822 540 516.15 540 L 366.66 540 C 
362.98178 540 360 537.01822 360 533.34 L 360 474.66 C 360 470.98178 362.98178 
468 366.66 468 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_14)"/><path d="M 366.66 468 L 516.15 
468 C 519.82822 468 522.81 470.98178 522.81 474.66 L 522.81 533.34 C 522.81 
537.01822 519.82822 540 516.15 540 L 366.66 540 C 362.98178 540 360 537.01822 
360 533.34 L 360 474.66 C 360 470.98178 362.98178 468 366.66 468 Z" 
stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(362 470)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="40.378145" y="10" textLength="73.930664">Partition Region 
</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" f
 ont-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="113.761934" y="10" 
textLength="6.669922">A</tspan></text></g><rect x="367.065" y="490.5" 
width="76.185" height="40.5" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" 
stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003"/><text 
transform="translate(369.065 492.5)" fill="black"><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="12.083223" y="9" textLength="50.018555">primary data</tspan></text><g 
id="id29_Graphic"><rect x="409.5" y="508.5" width="18" height="18" 
fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_15)"/><rect x="409.5" y="508.5" width="18" height="18" 
stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(413.5 512)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="2.2512207" y="9" textLength="5.4975586">Z</tspan></text></g><g 
id="id30_Graphic"><path d="M 391.5 508.5 L 391.5 508.5 C 396.47056 508.5 400.5 
512.52944 400.5 517.5 L 400
 .5 517.5 C 400.5 522.47056 396.47056 526.5 391.5 526.5 L 391.5 526.5 C 
386.52944 526.5 382.5 522.47056 382.5 517.5 L 382.5 517.5 C 382.5 512.52944 
386.52944 508.5 391.5 508.5 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_16)"/><path d="M 391.5 
508.5 L 391.5 508.5 C 396.47056 508.5 400.5 512.52944 400.5 517.5 L 400.5 517.5 
C 400.5 522.47056 396.47056 526.5 391.5 526.5 L 391.5 526.5 C 386.52944 526.5 
382.5 522.47056 382.5 517.5 L 382.5 517.5 C 382.5 512.52944 386.52944 508.5 
391.5 508.5 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" 
stroke-width=".72000003"/><text transform="translate(386.5 512)" 
fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="9" font-weight="500" 
fill="black" x="1.9985352" y="9" 
textLength="6.0029297">Y</tspan></text></g><path d="M 360 549.4725 L 522 
549.4725 L 522 603 L 360 603 Z" stroke="#252525" stroke-linecap="round" 
stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width=".72000003" stroke-dasharray="8,5"/><text 
transform="translate(362 551.4725)" fill="black"><tspan font-
 family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="102.033203" y="10" textLength="41.137695">Logical V</tspan><tspan 
font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" fill="black" 
x="142.99512" y="10" textLength="15.004883">iew</tspan></text><g 
id="id32_Graphic"><path d="M 386.59802 573.9185 L 381.07907 573.26076 L 
382.93232 578.42455 L 379.02212 582.27286 L 384.2148 584.0435 L 384.78557 589.5 
L 389.4075 586.54417 L 394.02943 589.5 L 394.6002 584.0435 L 399.79288 
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