Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-26 Thread via GitHub

codope merged PR #12336:

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-26 Thread via GitHub

hudi-bot commented on PR #12336:

   ## CI report:
   * 647f20e3c4f377425c1cce7988491c3aef1b3746 Azure: 
   Bot commands
 @hudi-bot supports the following commands:
- `@hudi-bot run azure` re-run the last Azure build

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-26 Thread via GitHub

lokeshj1703 commented on code in PR #12336:

@@ -162,18 +164,49 @@ object RecordLevelIndexSupport {
 var literals: List[String] = List.empty
 inQuery.list.foreach {
-  case literal: Literal => literals = literals :+ 
+  case literal: Literal =>
+val recordKeyLiteral = 
getRecordKeyLiteral(inQuery.value.asInstanceOf[AttributeReference], literal, 
+literals = literals :+ recordKeyLiteral
   case _ => validINQuery = false
 if (validINQuery) {
   Option.apply(inQuery, literals)
 } else {
+  // Handle And expression (composite filter)
+  case andQuery: And =>
+val leftResult = filterQueryWithRecordKey(andQuery.left, recordKeyOpt, 
isComplexRecordKey, attributeFetcher)
+val rightResult = filterQueryWithRecordKey(andQuery.right, 
recordKeyOpt, isComplexRecordKey, attributeFetcher)
+// If both left and right filters are valid, concatenate their results
+(leftResult, rightResult) match {
+  case (Some((leftExp, leftKeys)), Some((rightExp, rightKeys))) =>
+// Return concatenated expressions and record keys
+Option.apply(And(leftExp, rightExp), leftKeys ++ rightKeys)

Review Comment:
   This case is already handled. Test cases are added for this.

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-26 Thread via GitHub

lokeshj1703 commented on code in PR #12336:

@@ -155,32 +158,59 @@ abstract class SparkBaseIndexSupport(spark: SparkSession,
   (List.empty, List.empty)
 } else {
   var recordKeyQueries: List[Expression] = List.empty
-  var recordKeys: List[String] = List.empty
-  for (query <- queryFilters) {
-val recordKeyOpt = getRecordKeyConfig
-  case (exp: Expression, recKeys: List[String]) =>
-recordKeys = recordKeys ++ recKeys
-recordKeyQueries = recordKeyQueries :+ exp
+  var compositeRecordKeys: List[String] = List.empty
+  val recordKeyOpt = getRecordKeyConfig
+  val isComplexRecordKey = => 
recordKeys.length).getOrElse(0) > 1
+  recordKeyOpt.foreach { recordKeysArray =>
+// Handle composite record keys
+breakable {
+  for (recordKey <- recordKeysArray) {
+var recordKeys: List[String] = List.empty
+for (query <- queryFilters) {
+  {
Option.apply(recordKey), isComplexRecordKey).foreach {
+  case (exp: Expression, recKeys: List[String]) =>
+exp match {
+  // For IN, add each element individually to recordKeys
+  case _: In => recordKeys = recordKeys ++ recKeys
+  // For other cases, basically EqualTo, concatenate 
recKeys with the default separator
+  case _ => recordKeys = recordKeys ++ recKeys
+recordKeyQueries = recordKeyQueries :+ exp
+  }
+if (recordKeys.isEmpty) {
+  recordKeyQueries = List.empty
+  compositeRecordKeys = List.empty
+  break()
+} else if (!isComplexRecordKey || compositeRecordKeys.isEmpty) {
+  compositeRecordKeys = recordKeys
+} else {
+  var tempCompositeRecordKeys: List[String] = List.empty
+  for (compRecKey <- compositeRecordKeys) {

Review Comment:
   Added test cases. These cases are handled.

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-26 Thread via GitHub

lokeshj1703 commented on code in PR #12336:

@@ -240,4 +269,63 @@ class TestRecordLevelIndexWithSQL extends 
RecordLevelIndexTestBase {
 val fileNames = rliIndexSupport.computeCandidateFileNames(fileIndex, 
Seq(dataFilter), null, prunedPaths, false)
 assertEquals(if (includeLogFiles) 2 else 1, fileNames.get.size)
+  @Test
+  def testRLIWithMultipleRecordKeyFields(): Unit = {
+val tableName = "dummy_table_multi_pk"
+val dummyTablePath = 
+val hudiOpts = Map(
+  "hoodie.insert.shuffle.parallelism" -> "4",
+  "hoodie.upsert.shuffle.parallelism" -> "4",
+  HoodieWriteConfig.TBL_NAME.key -> tableName,
+  DataSourceWriteOptions.RECORDKEY_FIELD.key -> "record_key_col,name",
+  DataSourceWriteOptions.PARTITIONPATH_FIELD.key -> "partition_key_col",
+  DataSourceReadOptions.ENABLE_DATA_SKIPPING.key -> "true"
+) ++ metadataOpts
+  s"""
+ |create table $tableName (
+ |  record_key_col string,
+ |  name string,
+ |  not_record_key_col string,
+ |  partition_key_col string
+ |) using hudi
+ | options (
+ |  primaryKey ='record_key_col,name',
+ |  hoodie.metadata.enable = 'true',
+ |  hoodie.metadata.record.index.enable = 'true',
+ |  hoodie.datasource.write.recordkey.field = 'record_key_col,name',
+ | = 'true'
+ | )
+ | partitioned by(partition_key_col)
+ | location '$dummyTablePath'
+   """.stripMargin)
+spark.sql(s"insert into $tableName values('row1', 'name1', 'a', 'p1')")
+spark.sql(s"insert into $tableName values('row2', 'name2', 'b', 'p2')")
+spark.sql(s"insert into $tableName values('row3', 'name3', 'c', 'p3')")
+val latestSnapshotDf ="hudi").options(hudiOpts).load(dummyTablePath)
+this.metaClient = HoodieTableMetaClient.builder()
+  .setBasePath(dummyTablePath)
+  .setConf(HoodieTestUtils.getDefaultStorageConf)
+  .build()
+verifyEqualToQuery(hudiOpts, Seq("record_key_col", "name"), tableName, 
latestSnapshotDf, HoodieTableMetaClient.reload(metaClient))
+verifyInQuery(hudiOpts, Array("record_key_col", "name"), latestSnapshotDf, 
tableName, "partition_key_col", Seq("p2", "p3"), true)

Review Comment:
   Added test cases for this.

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-26 Thread via GitHub

lokeshj1703 commented on code in PR #12336:

@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class FunctionalIndexSupport(spark: SparkSession,
   def filterQueriesWithFunctionalFilterKey(queryFilters: Seq[Expression], 
sourceFieldOpt: Option[String]): List[Tuple2[Expression, List[String]]] = {
 var functionalIndexQueries: List[Tuple2[Expression, List[String]]] = 
 for (query <- queryFilters) {
-  filterQueryWithRecordKey(query, sourceFieldOpt, (expr: Expression) => {
+  filterQueryWithRecordKey(query, sourceFieldOpt, false, (expr: 
Expression) => {

Review Comment:

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-26 Thread via GitHub

hudi-bot commented on PR #12336:

   ## CI report:
   * 885e80032a81b10256e258dca03f4a10b6580858 Azure: 
   * 647f20e3c4f377425c1cce7988491c3aef1b3746 Azure: 
   Bot commands
 @hudi-bot supports the following commands:
- `@hudi-bot run azure` re-run the last Azure build

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-26 Thread via GitHub

hudi-bot commented on PR #12336:

   ## CI report:
   * 885e80032a81b10256e258dca03f4a10b6580858 Azure: 
   * 647f20e3c4f377425c1cce7988491c3aef1b3746 UNKNOWN
   Bot commands
 @hudi-bot supports the following commands:
- `@hudi-bot run azure` re-run the last Azure build

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-26 Thread via GitHub

codope commented on code in PR #12336:

@@ -162,18 +164,49 @@ object RecordLevelIndexSupport {
 var literals: List[String] = List.empty
 inQuery.list.foreach {
-  case literal: Literal => literals = literals :+ 
+  case literal: Literal =>
+val recordKeyLiteral = 
getRecordKeyLiteral(inQuery.value.asInstanceOf[AttributeReference], literal, 
+literals = literals :+ recordKeyLiteral
   case _ => validINQuery = false
 if (validINQuery) {
   Option.apply(inQuery, literals)
 } else {
+  // Handle And expression (composite filter)
+  case andQuery: And =>
+val leftResult = filterQueryWithRecordKey(andQuery.left, recordKeyOpt, 
isComplexRecordKey, attributeFetcher)
+val rightResult = filterQueryWithRecordKey(andQuery.right, 
recordKeyOpt, isComplexRecordKey, attributeFetcher)
+// If both left and right filters are valid, concatenate their results
+(leftResult, rightResult) match {
+  case (Some((leftExp, leftKeys)), Some((rightExp, rightKeys))) =>
+// Return concatenated expressions and record keys
+Option.apply(And(leftExp, rightExp), leftKeys ++ rightKeys)

Review Comment:
   How are we checking the order of the keys? For examples, table config has 
keys in the following order : `recordKeyField1, recordKeyField2` while the 
query filter is `recordKeyField2='key2' AND re ordKeyField1='key1`. In that 
case, do we lookup RLI with key as `key2key1` or `key1key2`. Note that RLI will 
have keys in same order as keygen which has same order as fields in table config

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-26 Thread via GitHub

danny0405 commented on code in PR #12336:

@@ -240,4 +269,63 @@ class TestRecordLevelIndexWithSQL extends 
RecordLevelIndexTestBase {
 val fileNames = rliIndexSupport.computeCandidateFileNames(fileIndex, 
Seq(dataFilter), null, prunedPaths, false)
 assertEquals(if (includeLogFiles) 2 else 1, fileNames.get.size)
+  @Test
+  def testRLIWithMultipleRecordKeyFields(): Unit = {
+val tableName = "dummy_table_multi_pk"
+val dummyTablePath = 
+val hudiOpts = Map(
+  "hoodie.insert.shuffle.parallelism" -> "4",
+  "hoodie.upsert.shuffle.parallelism" -> "4",
+  HoodieWriteConfig.TBL_NAME.key -> tableName,
+  DataSourceWriteOptions.RECORDKEY_FIELD.key -> "record_key_col,name",
+  DataSourceWriteOptions.PARTITIONPATH_FIELD.key -> "partition_key_col",
+  DataSourceReadOptions.ENABLE_DATA_SKIPPING.key -> "true"
+) ++ metadataOpts
+  s"""
+ |create table $tableName (
+ |  record_key_col string,
+ |  name string,
+ |  not_record_key_col string,
+ |  partition_key_col string
+ |) using hudi
+ | options (
+ |  primaryKey ='record_key_col,name',
+ |  hoodie.metadata.enable = 'true',
+ |  hoodie.metadata.record.index.enable = 'true',
+ |  hoodie.datasource.write.recordkey.field = 'record_key_col,name',
+ | = 'true'
+ | )
+ | partitioned by(partition_key_col)
+ | location '$dummyTablePath'
+   """.stripMargin)
+spark.sql(s"insert into $tableName values('row1', 'name1', 'a', 'p1')")
+spark.sql(s"insert into $tableName values('row2', 'name2', 'b', 'p2')")
+spark.sql(s"insert into $tableName values('row3', 'name3', 'c', 'p3')")
+val latestSnapshotDf ="hudi").options(hudiOpts).load(dummyTablePath)
+this.metaClient = HoodieTableMetaClient.builder()
+  .setBasePath(dummyTablePath)
+  .setConf(HoodieTestUtils.getDefaultStorageConf)
+  .build()
+verifyEqualToQuery(hudiOpts, Seq("record_key_col", "name"), tableName, 
latestSnapshotDf, HoodieTableMetaClient.reload(metaClient))
+verifyInQuery(hudiOpts, Array("record_key_col", "name"), latestSnapshotDf, 
tableName, "partition_key_col", Seq("p2", "p3"), true)

Review Comment:
   Need to validate the `AND` with different predicates sequence:
   - `record_key_col = k1 and name = n1`
   - `name = n1 and record_key_col =  k1`.
   Need to validate the `IN` with different predicates sequence:
   - `record_key_col in (k1, k2) and name in (n1, n2)`
   - `name in (n1, n2) and record_key_col in (k1, k2)` .

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-26 Thread via GitHub

danny0405 commented on code in PR #12336:

@@ -155,32 +158,59 @@ abstract class SparkBaseIndexSupport(spark: SparkSession,
   (List.empty, List.empty)
 } else {
   var recordKeyQueries: List[Expression] = List.empty
-  var recordKeys: List[String] = List.empty
-  for (query <- queryFilters) {
-val recordKeyOpt = getRecordKeyConfig
-  case (exp: Expression, recKeys: List[String]) =>
-recordKeys = recordKeys ++ recKeys
-recordKeyQueries = recordKeyQueries :+ exp
+  var compositeRecordKeys: List[String] = List.empty
+  val recordKeyOpt = getRecordKeyConfig
+  val isComplexRecordKey = => 
recordKeys.length).getOrElse(0) > 1
+  recordKeyOpt.foreach { recordKeysArray =>
+// Handle composite record keys
+breakable {
+  for (recordKey <- recordKeysArray) {
+var recordKeys: List[String] = List.empty
+for (query <- queryFilters) {
+  {
Option.apply(recordKey), isComplexRecordKey).foreach {
+  case (exp: Expression, recKeys: List[String]) =>
+exp match {
+  // For IN, add each element individually to recordKeys
+  case _: In => recordKeys = recordKeys ++ recKeys
+  // For other cases, basically EqualTo, concatenate 
recKeys with the default separator
+  case _ => recordKeys = recordKeys ++ recKeys
+recordKeyQueries = recordKeyQueries :+ exp
+  }
+if (recordKeys.isEmpty) {
+  recordKeyQueries = List.empty
+  compositeRecordKeys = List.empty
+  break()
+} else if (!isComplexRecordKey || compositeRecordKeys.isEmpty) {
+  compositeRecordKeys = recordKeys
+} else {
+  var tempCompositeRecordKeys: List[String] = List.empty
+  for (compRecKey <- compositeRecordKeys) {

Review Comment:
   Still we need to check all the fields of the composition records keys are 
involved in the query predicates, for e.g. if we have `col_0,col_1,col_2` as 
the record key fields, then the query predicate `col_0 = val_0 and col_1 = 
val_1` does not work? Only `col_0 = val_0 and col_1 = val_1 and col_2 = val_2` 
should work if we do not matches the MDT RLI with prefix search of the keys.
   Also we should be very careful with the field sequence in the returned 
`compositeRecordKeys`, if `col_0,col_1,col_2` are the record key fields, then 
literal `col_0:val_0,col_2:val_2,col_1:val_1` does not work either.

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-26 Thread via GitHub

danny0405 commented on code in PR #12336:

@@ -155,32 +158,59 @@ abstract class SparkBaseIndexSupport(spark: SparkSession,
   (List.empty, List.empty)
 } else {
   var recordKeyQueries: List[Expression] = List.empty
-  var recordKeys: List[String] = List.empty
-  for (query <- queryFilters) {
-val recordKeyOpt = getRecordKeyConfig
-  case (exp: Expression, recKeys: List[String]) =>
-recordKeys = recordKeys ++ recKeys
-recordKeyQueries = recordKeyQueries :+ exp
+  var compositeRecordKeys: List[String] = List.empty
+  val recordKeyOpt = getRecordKeyConfig
+  val isComplexRecordKey = => 
recordKeys.length).getOrElse(0) > 1
+  recordKeyOpt.foreach { recordKeysArray =>
+// Handle composite record keys
+breakable {
+  for (recordKey <- recordKeysArray) {
+var recordKeys: List[String] = List.empty
+for (query <- queryFilters) {
+  {
Option.apply(recordKey), isComplexRecordKey).foreach {
+  case (exp: Expression, recKeys: List[String]) =>
+exp match {
+  // For IN, add each element individually to recordKeys
+  case _: In => recordKeys = recordKeys ++ recKeys
+  // For other cases, basically EqualTo, concatenate 
recKeys with the default separator
+  case _ => recordKeys = recordKeys ++ recKeys
+recordKeyQueries = recordKeyQueries :+ exp
+  }
+if (recordKeys.isEmpty) {
+  recordKeyQueries = List.empty
+  compositeRecordKeys = List.empty
+  break()
+} else if (!isComplexRecordKey || compositeRecordKeys.isEmpty) {
+  compositeRecordKeys = recordKeys
+} else {
+  var tempCompositeRecordKeys: List[String] = List.empty
+  for (compRecKey <- compositeRecordKeys) {

Review Comment:
   Still we need to check all the fields of the composition records keys are 
involved in the query predicates, for e.g. if we have `col_0,col_1,col_2` as 
the record key fields, then the query predicate `col_0 = val_0 and col_1 = 
val_1` does not work? Only `col_0 = val_0 and col_1 = val_1 and col_2 = val_2` 
should work if we do not matches the MDT RLI with prefix search of the keys. 
(need to add UT to confirm this part.)
   Also we should be very careful with the field sequence in the returned 
`compositeRecordKeys`, if `col_0,col_1,col_2` are the record key fields, then 
literal `col_0:val_0,col_2:val_2,col_1:val_1` does not work either.

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-26 Thread via GitHub

danny0405 commented on code in PR #12336:

@@ -155,32 +158,59 @@ abstract class SparkBaseIndexSupport(spark: SparkSession,
   (List.empty, List.empty)
 } else {
   var recordKeyQueries: List[Expression] = List.empty
-  var recordKeys: List[String] = List.empty
-  for (query <- queryFilters) {
-val recordKeyOpt = getRecordKeyConfig
-  case (exp: Expression, recKeys: List[String]) =>
-recordKeys = recordKeys ++ recKeys
-recordKeyQueries = recordKeyQueries :+ exp
+  var compositeRecordKeys: List[String] = List.empty
+  val recordKeyOpt = getRecordKeyConfig
+  val isComplexRecordKey = => 
recordKeys.length).getOrElse(0) > 1
+  recordKeyOpt.foreach { recordKeysArray =>
+// Handle composite record keys
+breakable {
+  for (recordKey <- recordKeysArray) {
+var recordKeys: List[String] = List.empty
+for (query <- queryFilters) {
+  {
Option.apply(recordKey), isComplexRecordKey).foreach {
+  case (exp: Expression, recKeys: List[String]) =>
+exp match {
+  // For IN, add each element individually to recordKeys
+  case _: In => recordKeys = recordKeys ++ recKeys
+  // For other cases, basically EqualTo, concatenate 
recKeys with the default separator
+  case _ => recordKeys = recordKeys ++ recKeys
+recordKeyQueries = recordKeyQueries :+ exp
+  }
+if (recordKeys.isEmpty) {
+  recordKeyQueries = List.empty
+  compositeRecordKeys = List.empty
+  break()
+} else if (!isComplexRecordKey || compositeRecordKeys.isEmpty) {
+  compositeRecordKeys = recordKeys
+} else {
+  var tempCompositeRecordKeys: List[String] = List.empty
+  for (compRecKey <- compositeRecordKeys) {

Review Comment:
   This is for "Cartesian product" for m * n pattern: where m and n are 
enumerations of the possible values for a record key field.

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-26 Thread via GitHub

danny0405 commented on code in PR #12336:

@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class FunctionalIndexSupport(spark: SparkSession,
   def filterQueriesWithFunctionalFilterKey(queryFilters: Seq[Expression], 
sourceFieldOpt: Option[String]): List[Tuple2[Expression, List[String]]] = {
 var functionalIndexQueries: List[Tuple2[Expression, List[String]]] = 
 for (query <- queryFilters) {
-  filterQueryWithRecordKey(query, sourceFieldOpt, (expr: Expression) => {
+  filterQueryWithRecordKey(query, sourceFieldOpt, false, (expr: 
Expression) => {

Review Comment:
   why hard code as false?

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-26 Thread via GitHub

codope commented on PR #12160:

   Closing this PR in favor of #12336 
   The update PR has all the comments addressed from this PR.

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-26 Thread via GitHub

codope closed pull request #12160: [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if 
record key is composite

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-26 Thread via GitHub

hudi-bot commented on PR #12336:

   ## CI report:
   * 885e80032a81b10256e258dca03f4a10b6580858 Azure: 
   Bot commands
 @hudi-bot supports the following commands:
- `@hudi-bot run azure` re-run the last Azure build

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-26 Thread via GitHub

hudi-bot commented on PR #12336:

   ## CI report:
   * 885e80032a81b10256e258dca03f4a10b6580858 Azure: 
   Bot commands
 @hudi-bot supports the following commands:
- `@hudi-bot run azure` re-run the last Azure build

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-25 Thread via GitHub

lokeshj1703 commented on PR #12160:

   @nsivabalan @danny0405 I have pushed a new PR with comments addressed PTAL.

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-25 Thread via GitHub

lokeshj1703 commented on code in PR #12160:

@@ -122,47 +123,78 @@ object RecordLevelIndexSupport {
-   * If the input query is an EqualTo or IN query on simple record key 
columns, the function returns a tuple of
+   * If the input query is an EqualTo or IN query on record key columns, the 
function returns a tuple of
* list of the query and list of record key literals present in the query 
otherwise returns an empty option.
* @param queryFilter The query that need to be filtered.
* @return Tuple of filtered query and list of record key literals that need 
to be matched
-  def filterQueryWithRecordKey(queryFilter: Expression, recordKeyOpt: 
Option[String]): Option[(Expression, List[String])] = {
+  def filterQueryWithRecordKey(queryFilter: Expression, recordKeyOpt: 
Array[String]): Option[(Expression, List[String])] = {
+val isComplexRecordKey = recordKeyOpt.length > 1
 queryFilter match {
+  // Handle EqualTo expressions
   case equalToQuery: EqualTo =>
 val attributeLiteralTuple = 
getAttributeLiteralTuple(equalToQuery.left, equalToQuery.right).orNull
 if (attributeLiteralTuple != null) {
   val attribute = attributeLiteralTuple._1
   val literal = attributeLiteralTuple._2
-  if (attribute != null && != null && 
attributeMatchesRecordKey(, recordKeyOpt)) {
-Option.apply(equalToQuery, List.apply(literal.value.toString))
+  if (attribute != null && != null && 
recordKeyOpt.contains( {
+val recordKeyLiteral = getRecordKeyLiteral(attribute, literal, 

Review Comment:

@@ -122,47 +123,78 @@ object RecordLevelIndexSupport {
-   * If the input query is an EqualTo or IN query on simple record key 
columns, the function returns a tuple of
+   * If the input query is an EqualTo or IN query on record key columns, the 
function returns a tuple of
* list of the query and list of record key literals present in the query 
otherwise returns an empty option.
* @param queryFilter The query that need to be filtered.
* @return Tuple of filtered query and list of record key literals that need 
to be matched
-  def filterQueryWithRecordKey(queryFilter: Expression, recordKeyOpt: 
Option[String]): Option[(Expression, List[String])] = {
+  def filterQueryWithRecordKey(queryFilter: Expression, recordKeyFields: 
Array[String]): Option[(Expression, List[String])] = {
+val isComplexRecordKey = recordKeyFields.length > 1
 queryFilter match {
+  // Handle EqualTo expressions
   case equalToQuery: EqualTo =>
 val attributeLiteralTuple = 
getAttributeLiteralTuple(equalToQuery.left, equalToQuery.right).orNull
 if (attributeLiteralTuple != null) {
   val attribute = attributeLiteralTuple._1
   val literal = attributeLiteralTuple._2
-  if (attribute != null && != null && 
attributeMatchesRecordKey(, recordKeyOpt)) {
-Option.apply(equalToQuery, List.apply(literal.value.toString))
+  if (attribute != null && != null && 
attributeMatchesRecordKey(, recordKeyFields)) {
+val recordKeyLiteral = getRecordKeyLiteral(attribute, literal, 
+Option.apply(equalToQuery, List.apply(recordKeyLiteral))
   } else {
 } else {
+  // Handle In expressions
   case inQuery: In =>
 var validINQuery = true
 inQuery.value match {
   case attribute: AttributeReference =>
-if (!attributeMatchesRecordKey(, recordKeyOpt)) {
+if (!attributeMatchesRecordKey(, recordKeyFields)) {
   validINQuery = false
   case _ => validINQuery = false
 var literals: List[String] = List.empty
 inQuery.list.foreach {
-  case literal: Literal => literals = literals :+ 
+  case literal: Literal => literals = literals :+ 
getRecordKeyLiteral(inQuery.value.asInstanceOf[AttributeReference], literal, 
   case _ => validINQuery = false
 if (validINQuery) {
   Option.apply(inQuery, literals)
 } else {
+  // Handle And expression (composite filter)
+  case andQuery: And =>
+val leftResult = filterQueryWithR

Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-25 Thread via GitHub

lokeshj1703 commented on code in PR #12160:

@@ -164,29 +164,34 @@ abstract class SparkBaseIndexSupport(spark: SparkSession,
   var recordKeys: List[String] = List.empty
   for (query <- queryFilters) {
 val recordKeyOpt = getRecordKeyConfig
-  case (exp: Expression, recKeys: List[String]) =>
-recordKeys = recordKeys ++ recKeys
-recordKeyQueries = recordKeyQueries :+ exp
+recordKeyOpt.foreach { recordKeysArray =>
+  // Handle composite record keys
+  RecordLevelIndexSupport.filterQueryWithRecordKey(query, 
recordKeysArray).foreach {
+case (exp: Expression, recKeys: List[String]) =>
+  exp match {
+// For IN, add each element individually to recordKeys
+case _: In =>
+  recordKeys = recordKeys ++ recKeys
+// For other cases, basically EqualTo, concatenate recKeys 
with the default separator
+case _ =>
+  recordKeys = recordKeys :+ 
+  }
+  recordKeyQueries = recordKeyQueries :+ exp
+  }
-  Tuple2.apply(recordKeyQueries, recordKeys)
+  (recordKeyQueries, recordKeys)
-   * Returns the configured record key for the table if it is a simple record 
key else returns empty option.
+   * Returns the configured record key for the table.
-  private def getRecordKeyConfig: Option[String] = {
+  private def getRecordKeyConfig: Option[Array[String]] = {
 val recordKeysOpt: org.apache.hudi.common.util.Option[Array[String]] = 
-val recordKeyOpt =[String](JFunction.toJavaFunction[Array[String], String](arr =>
-  if (arr.length == 1) {
-  } else {
-  }))
+// Convert the Hudi Option to Scala Option and return if present

Review Comment:
   It does work. Filter would only work on Some option type.

@@ -240,4 +251,61 @@ class TestRecordLevelIndexWithSQL extends 
RecordLevelIndexTestBase {
 val fileNames = rliIndexSupport.computeCandidateFileNames(fileIndex, 
Seq(dataFilter), null, prunedPaths, false)
 assertEquals(if (includeLogFiles) 2 else 1, fileNames.get.size)
+  @Test
+  def testRLIWithMultipleRecordKeyFields(): Unit = {
+val tableName = "dummy_table_multi_pk"
+val dummyTablePath = 
+val hudiOpts = Map(
+  "hoodie.insert.shuffle.parallelism" -> "4",
+  "hoodie.upsert.shuffle.parallelism" -> "4",
+  HoodieWriteConfig.TBL_NAME.key -> tableName,
+  DataSourceWriteOptions.RECORDKEY_FIELD.key -> "record_key_col,name",
+  DataSourceWriteOptions.PARTITIONPATH_FIELD.key -> "partition_key_col",
+  DataSourceReadOptions.ENABLE_DATA_SKIPPING.key -> "true"
+) ++ metadataOpts
+  s"""
+ |create table $tableName (
+ |  record_key_col string,
+ |  name string,
+ |  not_record_key_col string,
+ |  partition_key_col string
+ |) using hudi
+ | options (
+ |  primaryKey ='record_key_col,name',
+ |  hoodie.metadata.enable = 'true',
+ |  hoodie.metadata.record.index.enable = 'true',
+ |  hoodie.datasource.write.recordkey.field = 'record_key_col,name',
+ | = 'true'
+ | )
+ | partitioned by(partition_key_col)
+ | location '$dummyTablePath'
+   """.stripMargin)
+spark.sql(s"insert into $tableName values('row1', 'name1', 'a', 'p1')")
+spark.sql(s"insert into $tableName values('row2', 'name2', 'b', 'p2')")
+spark.sql(s"insert into $tableName values('row3', 'name3', 'c', 'p3')")
+val latestSnapshotDf ="hudi").options(hudiOpts).load(dummyTablePath)
+this.metaClient = HoodieTableMetaClient.builder()
+  .setBasePath(dummyTablePath)
+  .setConf(HoodieTestUtils.getDefaultStorageConf)
+  .build()
+verifyEqualToQuery(hudiOpts, Seq("record_key_col", "name"), tableName, 
latestSnapshotDf, HoodieTableMetaClient.reload(metaClient))
+  }
+  def verifyEqualToQuery(hudiOpts: Map[String, String], colNames: Seq[String], 
tableName: String, latestSnapshotDf: DataFrame, metaClient: 
HoodieTableMetaClient): Unit = {

Review Comment:


Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-25 Thread via GitHub

hudi-bot commented on PR #12336:

   ## CI report:
   * 885e80032a81b10256e258dca03f4a10b6580858 UNKNOWN
   Bot commands
 @hudi-bot supports the following commands:
- `@hudi-bot run azure` re-run the last Azure build

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-21 Thread via GitHub

danny0405 commented on code in PR #12160:

@@ -240,4 +251,61 @@ class TestRecordLevelIndexWithSQL extends 
RecordLevelIndexTestBase {
 val fileNames = rliIndexSupport.computeCandidateFileNames(fileIndex, 
Seq(dataFilter), null, prunedPaths, false)
 assertEquals(if (includeLogFiles) 2 else 1, fileNames.get.size)
+  @Test
+  def testRLIWithMultipleRecordKeyFields(): Unit = {
+val tableName = "dummy_table_multi_pk"
+val dummyTablePath = 
+val hudiOpts = Map(
+  "hoodie.insert.shuffle.parallelism" -> "4",
+  "hoodie.upsert.shuffle.parallelism" -> "4",
+  HoodieWriteConfig.TBL_NAME.key -> tableName,
+  DataSourceWriteOptions.RECORDKEY_FIELD.key -> "record_key_col,name",
+  DataSourceWriteOptions.PARTITIONPATH_FIELD.key -> "partition_key_col",
+  DataSourceReadOptions.ENABLE_DATA_SKIPPING.key -> "true"
+) ++ metadataOpts
+  s"""
+ |create table $tableName (
+ |  record_key_col string,
+ |  name string,
+ |  not_record_key_col string,
+ |  partition_key_col string
+ |) using hudi
+ | options (
+ |  primaryKey ='record_key_col,name',
+ |  hoodie.metadata.enable = 'true',
+ |  hoodie.metadata.record.index.enable = 'true',
+ |  hoodie.datasource.write.recordkey.field = 'record_key_col,name',
+ | = 'true'
+ | )
+ | partitioned by(partition_key_col)
+ | location '$dummyTablePath'
+   """.stripMargin)
+spark.sql(s"insert into $tableName values('row1', 'name1', 'a', 'p1')")
+spark.sql(s"insert into $tableName values('row2', 'name2', 'b', 'p2')")
+spark.sql(s"insert into $tableName values('row3', 'name3', 'c', 'p3')")
+val latestSnapshotDf ="hudi").options(hudiOpts).load(dummyTablePath)
+this.metaClient = HoodieTableMetaClient.builder()
+  .setBasePath(dummyTablePath)
+  .setConf(HoodieTestUtils.getDefaultStorageConf)
+  .build()
+verifyEqualToQuery(hudiOpts, Seq("record_key_col", "name"), tableName, 
latestSnapshotDf, HoodieTableMetaClient.reload(metaClient))
+  }
+  def verifyEqualToQuery(hudiOpts: Map[String, String], colNames: Seq[String], 
tableName: String, latestSnapshotDf: DataFrame, metaClient: 
HoodieTableMetaClient): Unit = {

Review Comment:
   also valite `IN` and `AND`.

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-21 Thread via GitHub

danny0405 commented on code in PR #12160:

@@ -164,29 +164,34 @@ abstract class SparkBaseIndexSupport(spark: SparkSession,
   var recordKeys: List[String] = List.empty
   for (query <- queryFilters) {
 val recordKeyOpt = getRecordKeyConfig
-  case (exp: Expression, recKeys: List[String]) =>
-recordKeys = recordKeys ++ recKeys
-recordKeyQueries = recordKeyQueries :+ exp
+recordKeyOpt.foreach { recordKeysArray =>
+  // Handle composite record keys
+  RecordLevelIndexSupport.filterQueryWithRecordKey(query, 
recordKeysArray).foreach {
+case (exp: Expression, recKeys: List[String]) =>
+  exp match {
+// For IN, add each element individually to recordKeys
+case _: In =>
+  recordKeys = recordKeys ++ recKeys
+// For other cases, basically EqualTo, concatenate recKeys 
with the default separator
+case _ =>
+  recordKeys = recordKeys :+ 
+  }
+  recordKeyQueries = recordKeyQueries :+ exp
+  }
-  Tuple2.apply(recordKeyQueries, recordKeys)
+  (recordKeyQueries, recordKeys)
-   * Returns the configured record key for the table if it is a simple record 
key else returns empty option.
+   * Returns the configured record key for the table.
-  private def getRecordKeyConfig: Option[String] = {
+  private def getRecordKeyConfig: Option[Array[String]] = {
 val recordKeysOpt: org.apache.hudi.common.util.Option[Array[String]] = 
-val recordKeyOpt =[String](JFunction.toJavaFunction[Array[String], String](arr =>
-  if (arr.length == 1) {
-  } else {
-  }))
+// Convert the Hudi Option to Scala Option and return if present

Review Comment:
   The `nonEmpty` does now work when the record key is null.

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-21 Thread via GitHub

danny0405 commented on code in PR #12160:

@@ -122,47 +123,78 @@ object RecordLevelIndexSupport {
-   * If the input query is an EqualTo or IN query on simple record key 
columns, the function returns a tuple of
+   * If the input query is an EqualTo or IN query on record key columns, the 
function returns a tuple of
* list of the query and list of record key literals present in the query 
otherwise returns an empty option.
* @param queryFilter The query that need to be filtered.
* @return Tuple of filtered query and list of record key literals that need 
to be matched
-  def filterQueryWithRecordKey(queryFilter: Expression, recordKeyOpt: 
Option[String]): Option[(Expression, List[String])] = {
+  def filterQueryWithRecordKey(queryFilter: Expression, recordKeyFields: 
Array[String]): Option[(Expression, List[String])] = {
+val isComplexRecordKey = recordKeyFields.length > 1
 queryFilter match {
+  // Handle EqualTo expressions
   case equalToQuery: EqualTo =>
 val attributeLiteralTuple = 
getAttributeLiteralTuple(equalToQuery.left, equalToQuery.right).orNull
 if (attributeLiteralTuple != null) {
   val attribute = attributeLiteralTuple._1
   val literal = attributeLiteralTuple._2
-  if (attribute != null && != null && 
attributeMatchesRecordKey(, recordKeyOpt)) {
-Option.apply(equalToQuery, List.apply(literal.value.toString))
+  if (attribute != null && != null && 
attributeMatchesRecordKey(, recordKeyFields)) {
+val recordKeyLiteral = getRecordKeyLiteral(attribute, literal, 
+Option.apply(equalToQuery, List.apply(recordKeyLiteral))
   } else {
 } else {
+  // Handle In expressions
   case inQuery: In =>
 var validINQuery = true
 inQuery.value match {
   case attribute: AttributeReference =>
-if (!attributeMatchesRecordKey(, recordKeyOpt)) {
+if (!attributeMatchesRecordKey(, recordKeyFields)) {
   validINQuery = false
   case _ => validINQuery = false
 var literals: List[String] = List.empty
 inQuery.list.foreach {
-  case literal: Literal => literals = literals :+ 
+  case literal: Literal => literals = literals :+ 
getRecordKeyLiteral(inQuery.value.asInstanceOf[AttributeReference], literal, 

Review Comment:
   We need to check all the record key fields are got involved.

@@ -122,47 +123,78 @@ object RecordLevelIndexSupport {
-   * If the input query is an EqualTo or IN query on simple record key 
columns, the function returns a tuple of
+   * If the input query is an EqualTo or IN query on record key columns, the 
function returns a tuple of
* list of the query and list of record key literals present in the query 
otherwise returns an empty option.
* @param queryFilter The query that need to be filtered.
* @return Tuple of filtered query and list of record key literals that need 
to be matched
-  def filterQueryWithRecordKey(queryFilter: Expression, recordKeyOpt: 
Option[String]): Option[(Expression, List[String])] = {
+  def filterQueryWithRecordKey(queryFilter: Expression, recordKeyOpt: 
Array[String]): Option[(Expression, List[String])] = {
+val isComplexRecordKey = recordKeyOpt.length > 1
 queryFilter match {
+  // Handle EqualTo expressions
   case equalToQuery: EqualTo =>
 val attributeLiteralTuple = 
getAttributeLiteralTuple(equalToQuery.left, equalToQuery.right).orNull
 if (attributeLiteralTuple != null) {
   val attribute = attributeLiteralTuple._1
   val literal = attributeLiteralTuple._2
-  if (attribute != null && != null && 
attributeMatchesRecordKey(, recordKeyOpt)) {
-Option.apply(equalToQuery, List.apply(literal.value.toString))
+  if (attribute != null && != null && 
recordKeyOpt.contains( {
+val recordKeyLiteral = getRecordKeyLiteral(attribute, literal, 

Review Comment:
   We need to check all the record key fields are got involved.

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To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.


Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-21 Thread via GitHub

danny0405 commented on code in PR #12160:

@@ -122,47 +123,78 @@ object RecordLevelIndexSupport {
-   * If the input query is an EqualTo or IN query on simple record key 
columns, the function returns a tuple of
+   * If the input query is an EqualTo or IN query on record key columns, the 
function returns a tuple of
* list of the query and list of record key literals present in the query 
otherwise returns an empty option.
* @param queryFilter The query that need to be filtered.
* @return Tuple of filtered query and list of record key literals that need 
to be matched
-  def filterQueryWithRecordKey(queryFilter: Expression, recordKeyOpt: 
Option[String]): Option[(Expression, List[String])] = {
+  def filterQueryWithRecordKey(queryFilter: Expression, recordKeyFields: 
Array[String]): Option[(Expression, List[String])] = {
+val isComplexRecordKey = recordKeyFields.length > 1
 queryFilter match {
+  // Handle EqualTo expressions
   case equalToQuery: EqualTo =>
 val attributeLiteralTuple = 
getAttributeLiteralTuple(equalToQuery.left, equalToQuery.right).orNull
 if (attributeLiteralTuple != null) {
   val attribute = attributeLiteralTuple._1
   val literal = attributeLiteralTuple._2
-  if (attribute != null && != null && 
attributeMatchesRecordKey(, recordKeyOpt)) {
-Option.apply(equalToQuery, List.apply(literal.value.toString))
+  if (attribute != null && != null && 
attributeMatchesRecordKey(, recordKeyFields)) {
+val recordKeyLiteral = getRecordKeyLiteral(attribute, literal, 
+Option.apply(equalToQuery, List.apply(recordKeyLiteral))
   } else {
 } else {
+  // Handle In expressions
   case inQuery: In =>
 var validINQuery = true
 inQuery.value match {
   case attribute: AttributeReference =>
-if (!attributeMatchesRecordKey(, recordKeyOpt)) {
+if (!attributeMatchesRecordKey(, recordKeyFields)) {
   validINQuery = false
   case _ => validINQuery = false
 var literals: List[String] = List.empty
 inQuery.list.foreach {
-  case literal: Literal => literals = literals :+ 
+  case literal: Literal => literals = literals :+ 
getRecordKeyLiteral(inQuery.value.asInstanceOf[AttributeReference], literal, 
   case _ => validINQuery = false
 if (validINQuery) {
   Option.apply(inQuery, literals)
 } else {
+  // Handle And expression (composite filter)
+  case andQuery: And =>
+val leftResult = filterQueryWithRecordKey(andQuery.left, 
+val rightResult = filterQueryWithRecordKey(andQuery.right, 
+// If both left and right filters are valid, concatenate their results
+(leftResult, rightResult) match {
+  case (Some((leftExp, leftKeys)), Some((rightExp, rightKeys))) =>
+// Return concatenated expressions and record keys
+Option.apply(And(leftExp, rightExp), leftKeys ++ rightKeys)
+  case _ => Option.empty
+  // Handle Or expression (for completeness, though usually not used for 
record key filtering)
+  case orQuery: Or =>

Review Comment:
   I guess the `OR` does not work as expected.

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-21 Thread via GitHub

codope commented on code in PR #12160:

@@ -122,47 +123,78 @@ object RecordLevelIndexSupport {
-   * If the input query is an EqualTo or IN query on simple record key 
columns, the function returns a tuple of
+   * If the input query is an EqualTo or IN query on record key columns, the 
function returns a tuple of
* list of the query and list of record key literals present in the query 
otherwise returns an empty option.
* @param queryFilter The query that need to be filtered.
* @return Tuple of filtered query and list of record key literals that need 
to be matched
-  def filterQueryWithRecordKey(queryFilter: Expression, recordKeyOpt: 
Option[String]): Option[(Expression, List[String])] = {
+  def filterQueryWithRecordKey(queryFilter: Expression, recordKeyOpt: 
Array[String]): Option[(Expression, List[String])] = {
+val isComplexRecordKey = recordKeyOpt.length > 1
 queryFilter match {
+  // Handle EqualTo expressions
   case equalToQuery: EqualTo =>
 val attributeLiteralTuple = 
getAttributeLiteralTuple(equalToQuery.left, equalToQuery.right).orNull
 if (attributeLiteralTuple != null) {
   val attribute = attributeLiteralTuple._1
   val literal = attributeLiteralTuple._2
-  if (attribute != null && != null && 
attributeMatchesRecordKey(, recordKeyOpt)) {
-Option.apply(equalToQuery, List.apply(literal.value.toString))
+  if (attribute != null && != null && 
recordKeyOpt.contains( {
+val recordKeyLiteral = getRecordKeyLiteral(attribute, literal, 

Review Comment:
   We don't support range queries with RLI, so it will fallback to no data 
skipping (exxcept for partition pruning which is done before we read RLI).

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-11-21 Thread via GitHub

nsivabalan commented on code in PR #12160:

@@ -122,47 +123,78 @@ object RecordLevelIndexSupport {
-   * If the input query is an EqualTo or IN query on simple record key 
columns, the function returns a tuple of
+   * If the input query is an EqualTo or IN query on record key columns, the 
function returns a tuple of
* list of the query and list of record key literals present in the query 
otherwise returns an empty option.
* @param queryFilter The query that need to be filtered.
* @return Tuple of filtered query and list of record key literals that need 
to be matched
-  def filterQueryWithRecordKey(queryFilter: Expression, recordKeyOpt: 
Option[String]): Option[(Expression, List[String])] = {
+  def filterQueryWithRecordKey(queryFilter: Expression, recordKeyOpt: 
Array[String]): Option[(Expression, List[String])] = {
+val isComplexRecordKey = recordKeyOpt.length > 1
 queryFilter match {
+  // Handle EqualTo expressions
   case equalToQuery: EqualTo =>
 val attributeLiteralTuple = 
getAttributeLiteralTuple(equalToQuery.left, equalToQuery.right).orNull
 if (attributeLiteralTuple != null) {
   val attribute = attributeLiteralTuple._1
   val literal = attributeLiteralTuple._2
-  if (attribute != null && != null && 
attributeMatchesRecordKey(, recordKeyOpt)) {
-Option.apply(equalToQuery, List.apply(literal.value.toString))
+  if (attribute != null && != null && 
recordKeyOpt.contains( {
+val recordKeyLiteral = getRecordKeyLiteral(attribute, literal, 

Review Comment:
   - lets do RLI look up only when all fields in complex key gen are part of 
the predicates. 
   - If I am not wrong, we already only support "IN" and "EQUAL"s. So, not sure 
what Danny is bringing up. 

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-10-25 Thread via GitHub

danny0405 commented on code in PR #12160:

@@ -122,47 +123,78 @@ object RecordLevelIndexSupport {
-   * If the input query is an EqualTo or IN query on simple record key 
columns, the function returns a tuple of
+   * If the input query is an EqualTo or IN query on record key columns, the 
function returns a tuple of
* list of the query and list of record key literals present in the query 
otherwise returns an empty option.
* @param queryFilter The query that need to be filtered.
* @return Tuple of filtered query and list of record key literals that need 
to be matched
-  def filterQueryWithRecordKey(queryFilter: Expression, recordKeyOpt: 
Option[String]): Option[(Expression, List[String])] = {
+  def filterQueryWithRecordKey(queryFilter: Expression, recordKeyOpt: 
Array[String]): Option[(Expression, List[String])] = {
+val isComplexRecordKey = recordKeyOpt.length > 1
 queryFilter match {
+  // Handle EqualTo expressions
   case equalToQuery: EqualTo =>
 val attributeLiteralTuple = 
getAttributeLiteralTuple(equalToQuery.left, equalToQuery.right).orNull
 if (attributeLiteralTuple != null) {
   val attribute = attributeLiteralTuple._1
   val literal = attributeLiteralTuple._2
-  if (attribute != null && != null && 
attributeMatchesRecordKey(, recordKeyOpt)) {
-Option.apply(equalToQuery, List.apply(literal.value.toString))
+  if (attribute != null && != null && 
recordKeyOpt.contains( {
+val recordKeyLiteral = getRecordKeyLiteral(attribute, literal, 

Review Comment:
   > For now, we can just see if all record key fields are present or not. If 
not, then don't use RLI. What do you think?
   I kind of think we should also restrain all the expression type to `EQUALS`. 
For e.g, we have record key `col_0,col_1` and expression `col_0 >0 && col_1 
<100`, you can not utilitize RLI in sucn use case.

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For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at:

Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-10-25 Thread via GitHub

hudi-bot commented on PR #12160:

   ## CI report:
   * cbeb41bdd47f5cc0064d95002885ad03b788718e Azure: 
   * 2ecc9e7fa8e65aad7b919b2ae0a4f6b9deaf129b UNKNOWN
   Bot commands
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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-10-25 Thread via GitHub

hudi-bot commented on PR #12160:

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-10-25 Thread via GitHub

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-10-25 Thread via GitHub

hudi-bot commented on PR #12160:

   ## CI report:
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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-10-25 Thread via GitHub

hudi-bot commented on PR #12160:

   ## CI report:
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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-10-25 Thread via GitHub

codope commented on code in PR #12160:

@@ -122,47 +123,78 @@ object RecordLevelIndexSupport {
-   * If the input query is an EqualTo or IN query on simple record key 
columns, the function returns a tuple of
+   * If the input query is an EqualTo or IN query on record key columns, the 
function returns a tuple of
* list of the query and list of record key literals present in the query 
otherwise returns an empty option.
* @param queryFilter The query that need to be filtered.
* @return Tuple of filtered query and list of record key literals that need 
to be matched
-  def filterQueryWithRecordKey(queryFilter: Expression, recordKeyOpt: 
Option[String]): Option[(Expression, List[String])] = {
+  def filterQueryWithRecordKey(queryFilter: Expression, recordKeyOpt: 
Array[String]): Option[(Expression, List[String])] = {
+val isComplexRecordKey = recordKeyOpt.length > 1
 queryFilter match {
+  // Handle EqualTo expressions
   case equalToQuery: EqualTo =>
 val attributeLiteralTuple = 
getAttributeLiteralTuple(equalToQuery.left, equalToQuery.right).orNull
 if (attributeLiteralTuple != null) {
   val attribute = attributeLiteralTuple._1
   val literal = attributeLiteralTuple._2
-  if (attribute != null && != null && 
attributeMatchesRecordKey(, recordKeyOpt)) {
-Option.apply(equalToQuery, List.apply(literal.value.toString))
+  if (attribute != null && != null && 
recordKeyOpt.contains( {
+val recordKeyLiteral = getRecordKeyLiteral(attribute, literal, 

Review Comment:
   good point.. we should check if the predicate contains all of record key 
fields. Technically, we can support subset of record key fields as well but 
that involves pulling all records in RLI and checking for subset match. 
Something to followup. For now, we can just see if all record key fields are 
present or not. If not, then don't use RLI. What do you think?

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-10-25 Thread via GitHub

hudi-bot commented on PR #12160:

   ## CI report:
   * cbeb41bdd47f5cc0064d95002885ad03b788718e Azure: 
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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-10-24 Thread via GitHub

danny0405 commented on code in PR #12160:

@@ -122,47 +123,78 @@ object RecordLevelIndexSupport {
-   * If the input query is an EqualTo or IN query on simple record key 
columns, the function returns a tuple of
+   * If the input query is an EqualTo or IN query on record key columns, the 
function returns a tuple of
* list of the query and list of record key literals present in the query 
otherwise returns an empty option.
* @param queryFilter The query that need to be filtered.
* @return Tuple of filtered query and list of record key literals that need 
to be matched
-  def filterQueryWithRecordKey(queryFilter: Expression, recordKeyOpt: 
Option[String]): Option[(Expression, List[String])] = {
+  def filterQueryWithRecordKey(queryFilter: Expression, recordKeyOpt: 
Array[String]): Option[(Expression, List[String])] = {
+val isComplexRecordKey = recordKeyOpt.length > 1
 queryFilter match {
+  // Handle EqualTo expressions
   case equalToQuery: EqualTo =>
 val attributeLiteralTuple = 
getAttributeLiteralTuple(equalToQuery.left, equalToQuery.right).orNull
 if (attributeLiteralTuple != null) {
   val attribute = attributeLiteralTuple._1
   val literal = attributeLiteralTuple._2
-  if (attribute != null && != null && 
attributeMatchesRecordKey(, recordKeyOpt)) {
-Option.apply(equalToQuery, List.apply(literal.value.toString))
+  if (attribute != null && != null && 
recordKeyOpt.contains( {
+val recordKeyLiteral = getRecordKeyLiteral(attribute, literal, 

Review Comment:
   How can we ensure all the consitituent record key values got involved in the 

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-10-24 Thread via GitHub

hudi-bot commented on PR #12160:

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Re: [PR] [HUDI-8432] Fix data skipping with RLI if record key is composite [hudi]

2024-10-24 Thread via GitHub

hudi-bot commented on PR #12160:

   ## CI report:
   * cbeb41bdd47f5cc0064d95002885ad03b788718e UNKNOWN
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