Added test cases for PARTITION_AWARE behavior.



Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 9ba79daead85cb84759582e1aacf41eea0d43054
Parents: 937c85f
Author: Neil Conway <>
Authored: Mon Sep 19 15:47:09 2016 -0700
Committer: Vinod Kone <>
Committed: Mon Sep 19 15:47:09 2016 -0700

 src/tests/partition_tests.cpp | 514 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 510 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/tests/partition_tests.cpp b/src/tests/partition_tests.cpp
index 34622b3..efdb49e 100644
--- a/src/tests/partition_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/tests/partition_tests.cpp
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ TEST_P(PartitionTest, ReregisterSlavePartitionAware)
   // Allow the master to PING the slave, but drop all PONG messages
   // from the slave. Note that we don't match on the master / slave
-  // PIDs because it's actually the SlaveObserver Process that sends
+  // PIDs because it's actually the `SlaveObserver` process that sends
   // the pings.
   Future<Message> ping = FUTURE_MESSAGE(
       Eq(PingSlaveMessage().GetTypeName()), _, _);
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ TEST_P(PartitionTest, ReregisterSlaveNotPartitionAware)
   // Allow the master to PING the slave, but drop all PONG messages
   // from the slave. Note that we don't match on the master / slave
-  // PIDs because it's actually the SlaveObserver Process that sends
+  // PIDs because it's actually the `SlaveObserver` process that sends
   // the pings.
   Future<Message> ping = FUTURE_MESSAGE(
       Eq(PingSlaveMessage().GetTypeName()), _, _);
@@ -458,6 +458,512 @@ TEST_P(PartitionTest, ReregisterSlaveNotPartitionAware)
+// This tests that an agent can reregister with the master after a
+// partition in which the master has failed over while the agent was
+// partitioned. We use one agent and two schedulers; one scheduler
+// enables the PARTITION_AWARE capability, while the other does
+// not. Both tasks should survive the reregistration of the partitioned
+// agent: we allow the non-partition-aware task to continue running for
+// backward compatibility with the "non-strict" Mesos 1.0 behavior.
+TEST_P(PartitionTest, PartitionedSlaveReregistrationMasterFailover)
+  Clock::pause();
+  master::Flags masterFlags = CreateMasterFlags();
+  masterFlags.registry_strict = GetParam();
+  Try<Owned<cluster::Master>> master = StartMaster(masterFlags);
+  ASSERT_SOME(master);
+  // Allow the master to PING the slave, but drop all PONG messages
+  // from the slave. Note that we don't match on the master / slave
+  // PIDs because it's actually the `SlaveObserver` process that sends
+  // the pings.
+  Future<Message> ping = FUTURE_MESSAGE(
+      Eq(PingSlaveMessage().GetTypeName()), _, _);
+  DROP_PROTOBUFS(PongSlaveMessage(), _, _);
+  slave::Flags slaveFlags = CreateSlaveFlags();
+  slaveFlags.resources = "cpus:2;mem:1024";
+  StandaloneMasterDetector detector(master.get()->pid);
+  Try<Owned<cluster::Slave>> slave = StartSlave(&detector, slaveFlags);
+  ASSERT_SOME(slave);
+  // Connect the first scheduler (not PARTITION_AWARE).
+  MockScheduler sched1;
+  TestingMesosSchedulerDriver driver1(&sched1, &detector);
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched1, registered(&driver1, _, _));
+  Future<vector<Offer>> offers;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched1, resourceOffers(&driver1, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&offers))
+    .WillRepeatedly(Return()); // Ignore subsequent offers.
+  driver1.start();
+  AWAIT_READY(offers);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(offers.get().empty());
+  Offer offer = offers.get()[0];
+  Resources taskResources = Resources::parse("cpus:1;mem:512").get();
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Resources(offer.resources()).contains(taskResources));
+  // Launch `task1` using `sched1`.
+  TaskInfo task1 = createTask(offer.slave_id(), taskResources, "sleep 60");
+  Future<TaskStatus> runningStatus1;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched1, statusUpdate(&driver1, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&runningStatus1));
+  Future<Nothing> statusUpdateAck1 = FUTURE_DISPATCH(
+      slave.get()->pid, &Slave::_statusUpdateAcknowledgement);
+  driver1.launchTasks(, {task1});
+  AWAIT_READY(runningStatus1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(TASK_RUNNING, runningStatus1.get().state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(task1.task_id(), runningStatus1.get().task_id());
+  const SlaveID slaveId = runningStatus1.get().slave_id();
+  AWAIT_READY(statusUpdateAck1);
+  // Connect the second scheduler (PARTITION_AWARE).
+  FrameworkInfo frameworkInfo2 = DEFAULT_FRAMEWORK_INFO;
+  frameworkInfo2.add_capabilities()->set_type(
+      FrameworkInfo::Capability::PARTITION_AWARE);
+  MockScheduler sched2;
+  TestingMesosSchedulerDriver driver2(&sched2, &detector, frameworkInfo2);
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched2, registered(&driver2, _, _));
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched2, resourceOffers(&driver2, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&offers))
+    .WillRepeatedly(Return()); // Ignore subsequent offers.
+  driver2.start();
+  AWAIT_READY(offers);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(offers.get().empty());
+  offer = offers.get()[0];
+  EXPECT_TRUE(Resources(offer.resources()).contains(taskResources));
+  // Launch the second task.
+  TaskInfo task2 = createTask(offer.slave_id(), taskResources, "sleep 60");
+  Future<TaskStatus> runningStatus2;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched2, statusUpdate(&driver2, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&runningStatus2));
+  Future<Nothing> statusUpdateAck2 = FUTURE_DISPATCH(
+      slave.get()->pid, &Slave::_statusUpdateAcknowledgement);
+  driver2.launchTasks(, {task2});
+  AWAIT_READY(runningStatus2);
+  EXPECT_EQ(TASK_RUNNING, runningStatus2.get().state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(task2.task_id(), runningStatus2.get().task_id());
+  EXPECT_EQ(slaveId, runningStatus2.get().slave_id());
+  AWAIT_READY(statusUpdateAck2);
+  // Now, induce a partition of the slave by having the master
+  // timeout the slave.
+  Future<TaskStatus> lostStatus;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched1, statusUpdate(&driver1, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&lostStatus));
+  Future<TaskStatus> unreachableStatus;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched2, statusUpdate(&driver2, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&unreachableStatus));
+  // Note that we expect to get `slaveLost` callbacks in both
+  // schedulers, regardless of PARTITION_AWARE.
+  Future<Nothing> slaveLost1;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched1, slaveLost(&driver1, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureSatisfy(&slaveLost1));
+  Future<Nothing> slaveLost2;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched2, slaveLost(&driver2, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureSatisfy(&slaveLost2));
+  size_t pings = 0;
+  while (true) {
+    AWAIT_READY(ping);
+    pings++;
+    if (pings == masterFlags.max_agent_ping_timeouts) {
+      break;
+    }
+    ping = FUTURE_MESSAGE(Eq(PingSlaveMessage().GetTypeName()), _, _);
+    Clock::advance(masterFlags.agent_ping_timeout);
+  }
+  Clock::advance(masterFlags.agent_ping_timeout);
+  // `sched1` should see TASK_LOST.
+  AWAIT_READY(lostStatus);
+  EXPECT_EQ(TASK_LOST, lostStatus.get().state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(TaskStatus::REASON_SLAVE_REMOVED, lostStatus.get().reason());
+  EXPECT_EQ(task1.task_id(), lostStatus.get().task_id());
+  EXPECT_EQ(slaveId, lostStatus.get().slave_id());
+  // `sched2` should see TASK_UNREACHABLE.
+  AWAIT_READY(unreachableStatus);
+  EXPECT_EQ(TASK_UNREACHABLE, unreachableStatus.get().state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(task2.task_id(), unreachableStatus.get().task_id());
+  EXPECT_EQ(slaveId, unreachableStatus.get().slave_id());
+  // The master should notify both schedulers that the slave was lost.
+  AWAIT_READY(slaveLost1);
+  AWAIT_READY(slaveLost2);
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched1, disconnected(&driver1));
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched2, disconnected(&driver2));
+  // Simulate master failover.
+  master->reset();
+  master = StartMaster();
+  ASSERT_SOME(master);
+  // Settle the clock to ensure the master finishes recovering the registry.
+  Clock::settle();
+  Future<SlaveReregisteredMessage> slaveReregistered = FUTURE_PROTOBUF(
+      SlaveReregisteredMessage(), master.get()->pid, slave.get()->pid);
+  Future<Nothing> registered1;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched1, registered(&driver1, _, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureSatisfy(&registered1));
+  Future<Nothing> registered2;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched2, registered(&driver2, _, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureSatisfy(&registered2));
+  // Simulate a new master detected event to the slave and the schedulers.
+  detector.appoint(master.get()->pid);
+  // Wait for slave to reregister.
+  AWAIT_READY(slaveReregistered);
+  // Wait for both schedulers to reregister.
+  AWAIT_READY(registered1);
+  AWAIT_READY(registered2);
+  // Have each scheduler perform explicit reconciliation. Both `task1` and
+  // `task2` should be running: `task2` because it is PARTITION_AWARE,
+  // `task1` because the master has failed over and we emulate the old
+  // "non-strict" semantics.
+  TaskStatus status1;
+  status1.mutable_task_id()->CopyFrom(task1.task_id());
+  status1.mutable_slave_id()->CopyFrom(slaveId);
+  status1.set_state(TASK_STAGING); // Dummy value.
+  Future<TaskStatus> reconcileUpdate1;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched1, statusUpdate(&driver1, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&reconcileUpdate1));
+  driver1.reconcileTasks({status1});
+  AWAIT_READY(reconcileUpdate1);
+  EXPECT_EQ(TASK_RUNNING, reconcileUpdate1.get().state());
+  TaskStatus status2;
+  status2.mutable_task_id()->CopyFrom(task2.task_id());
+  status2.mutable_slave_id()->CopyFrom(slaveId);
+  status2.set_state(TASK_STAGING); // Dummy value.
+  Future<TaskStatus> reconcileUpdate2;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched2, statusUpdate(&driver2, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&reconcileUpdate2));
+  driver2.reconcileTasks({status2});
+  AWAIT_READY(reconcileUpdate2);
+  EXPECT_EQ(TASK_RUNNING, reconcileUpdate2.get().state());
+  Clock::resume();
+  driver1.stop();
+  driver1.join();
+  driver2.stop();
+  driver2.join();
+// This test case causes a slave to be partitioned while it is running
+// a task for a PARTITION_AWARE scheduler. The scheduler disconnects
+// before the partition heals. Right now, the task is left running as
+// an orphan; once MESOS-4659 is fixed, the task should be shutdown.
+TEST_P(PartitionTest, PartitionedSlaveOrphanedTask)
+  Clock::pause();
+  master::Flags masterFlags = CreateMasterFlags();
+  masterFlags.registry_strict = GetParam();
+  Try<Owned<cluster::Master>> master = StartMaster(masterFlags);
+  ASSERT_SOME(master);
+  // Allow the master to PING the slave, but drop all PONG messages
+  // from the slave. Note that we don't match on the master / slave
+  // PIDs because it's actually the `SlaveObserver` process that sends
+  // the pings.
+  Future<Message> ping = FUTURE_MESSAGE(
+      Eq(PingSlaveMessage().GetTypeName()), _, _);
+  DROP_PROTOBUFS(PongSlaveMessage(), _, _);
+  StandaloneMasterDetector detector(master.get()->pid);
+  Try<Owned<cluster::Slave>> slave = StartSlave(&detector);
+  ASSERT_SOME(slave);
+  FrameworkInfo frameworkInfo = DEFAULT_FRAMEWORK_INFO;
+  frameworkInfo.add_capabilities()->set_type(
+      FrameworkInfo::Capability::PARTITION_AWARE);
+  MockScheduler sched;
+  MesosSchedulerDriver driver(
+      &sched, frameworkInfo, master.get()->pid, DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL);
+  Future<FrameworkID> frameworkId;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched, registered(&driver, _, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&frameworkId));
+  Future<vector<Offer>> offers;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched, resourceOffers(&driver, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&offers));
+  driver.start();
+  AWAIT_READY(frameworkId);
+  AWAIT_READY(offers);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(offers.get().empty());
+  Offer offer = offers.get()[0];
+  // Launch `task` using `sched`.
+  TaskInfo task = createTask(offer, "sleep 60");
+  Future<TaskStatus> runningStatus;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched, statusUpdate(&driver, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&runningStatus));
+  Future<Nothing> statusUpdateAck = FUTURE_DISPATCH(
+      slave.get()->pid, &Slave::_statusUpdateAcknowledgement);
+  driver.launchTasks(, {task});
+  AWAIT_READY(runningStatus);
+  EXPECT_EQ(TASK_RUNNING, runningStatus.get().state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(task.task_id(), runningStatus.get().task_id());
+  const SlaveID slaveId = runningStatus.get().slave_id();
+  AWAIT_READY(statusUpdateAck);
+  // Now, induce a partition of the slave by having the master
+  // timeout the slave.
+  Future<TaskStatus> unreachableStatus;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched, statusUpdate(&driver, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&unreachableStatus));
+  Future<Nothing> slaveLost;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched, slaveLost(&driver, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureSatisfy(&slaveLost));
+  size_t pings = 0;
+  while (true) {
+    AWAIT_READY(ping);
+    pings++;
+    if (pings == masterFlags.max_agent_ping_timeouts) {
+      break;
+    }
+    ping = FUTURE_MESSAGE(Eq(PingSlaveMessage().GetTypeName()), _, _);
+    Clock::advance(masterFlags.agent_ping_timeout);
+  }
+  Clock::advance(masterFlags.agent_ping_timeout);
+  AWAIT_READY(unreachableStatus);
+  EXPECT_EQ(TASK_UNREACHABLE, unreachableStatus.get().state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(task.task_id(), unreachableStatus.get().task_id());
+  EXPECT_EQ(slaveId, unreachableStatus.get().slave_id());
+  AWAIT_READY(slaveLost);
+  // Disconnect the scheduler. The default `failover_timeout` is 0, so
+  // the framework's tasks should be shutdown when the slave
+  // reregisters, but this is currently not implemented (MESOS-4659).
+  driver.stop();
+  driver.join();
+  // Simulate a master loss event at the slave and then cause the
+  // slave to reregister with the master.
+  detector.appoint(None());
+  Future<SlaveReregisteredMessage> slaveReregistered = FUTURE_PROTOBUF(
+      SlaveReregisteredMessage(), master.get()->pid, slave.get()->pid);
+  detector.appoint(master.get()->pid);
+  AWAIT_READY(slaveReregistered);
+  // Check if `task` is still running by querying master's state endpoint.
+  Future<Response> response = process::http::get(
+      master.get()->pid,
+      "state",
+      None(),
+      createBasicAuthHeaders(DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL));
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_RESPONSE_STATUS_EQ(OK().status, response);
+  Try<JSON::Object> parse = JSON::parse<JSON::Object>(response.get().body);
+  ASSERT_SOME(parse);
+  JSON::Object state = parse.get();
+  JSON::Array completedFrameworks =
+    state.values["completed_frameworks"].as<JSON::Array>();
+  EXPECT_EQ(1u, completedFrameworks.values.size());
+  JSON::Object jsonFramework =
+    completedFrameworks.values.front().as<JSON::Object>();
+  JSON::String jsonFrameworkId = jsonFramework.values["id"].as<JSON::String>();
+  EXPECT_EQ(frameworkId.get(), jsonFrameworkId.value);
+  // TODO(neilc): Update this when MESOS-4659 is fixed.
+  JSON::Array orphanTasks = state.values["orphan_tasks"].as<JSON::Array>();
+  EXPECT_EQ(1u, orphanTasks.values.size());
+  JSON::Object jsonTask = orphanTasks.values.front().as<JSON::Object>();
+  JSON::String jsonTaskId = jsonTask.values["id"].as<JSON::String>();
+  EXPECT_EQ(task.task_id(), jsonTaskId.value);
+  Clock::resume();
+// This test checks that when a registered slave reregisters with the
+// master (e.g., because of a spurious Zk leader flag at the slave),
+// the master does not kill any tasks on the slave, even if those
+// tasks are not PARTITION_AWARE.
+TEST_P(PartitionTest, SpuriousSlaveReregistration)
+  Clock::pause();
+  master::Flags masterFlags = CreateMasterFlags();
+  masterFlags.registry_strict = GetParam();
+  Try<Owned<cluster::Master>> master = StartMaster(masterFlags);
+  ASSERT_SOME(master);
+  StandaloneMasterDetector detector(master.get()->pid);
+  Try<Owned<cluster::Slave>> slave = StartSlave(&detector);
+  ASSERT_SOME(slave);
+  // The framework should not be PARTITION_AWARE, since tasks started
+  // by PARTITION_AWARE frameworks will never be killed on reregistration.
+  FrameworkInfo frameworkInfo = DEFAULT_FRAMEWORK_INFO;
+  CHECK(!protobuf::frameworkHasCapability(
+      frameworkInfo, FrameworkInfo::Capability::PARTITION_AWARE));
+  MockScheduler sched;
+  MesosSchedulerDriver driver(
+      &sched, frameworkInfo, master.get()->pid, DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL);
+  Future<FrameworkID> frameworkId;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched, registered(&driver, _, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&frameworkId));
+  Future<vector<Offer>> offers;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched, resourceOffers(&driver, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&offers));
+  driver.start();
+  AWAIT_READY(frameworkId);
+  AWAIT_READY(offers);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(offers.get().empty());
+  Offer offer = offers.get()[0];
+  // Launch `task` using `sched`.
+  TaskInfo task = createTask(offer, "sleep 60");
+  Future<TaskStatus> runningStatus;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched, statusUpdate(&driver, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&runningStatus));
+  Future<Nothing> statusUpdateAck = FUTURE_DISPATCH(
+      slave.get()->pid, &Slave::_statusUpdateAcknowledgement);
+  driver.launchTasks(, {task});
+  AWAIT_READY(runningStatus);
+  EXPECT_EQ(TASK_RUNNING, runningStatus.get().state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(task.task_id(), runningStatus.get().task_id());
+  const SlaveID slaveId = runningStatus.get().slave_id();
+  AWAIT_READY(statusUpdateAck);
+  // Simulate a master loss event at the slave and then cause the
+  // slave to reregister with the master. From the master's
+  // perspective, the slave reregisters while it was still both
+  // connected and registered.
+  detector.appoint(None());
+  Future<SlaveReregisteredMessage> slaveReregistered = FUTURE_PROTOBUF(
+      SlaveReregisteredMessage(), master.get()->pid, slave.get()->pid);
+  detector.appoint(master.get()->pid);
+  AWAIT_READY(slaveReregistered);
+  // Perform explicit reconciliation. The task should still be running.
+  TaskStatus status;
+  status.mutable_task_id()->CopyFrom(task.task_id());
+  status.mutable_slave_id()->CopyFrom(slaveId);
+  status.set_state(TASK_STAGING); // Dummy value.
+  Future<TaskStatus> reconcileUpdate;
+  EXPECT_CALL(sched, statusUpdate(&driver, _))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<1>(&reconcileUpdate));
+  driver.reconcileTasks({status});
+  AWAIT_READY(reconcileUpdate);
+  EXPECT_EQ(TASK_RUNNING, reconcileUpdate.get().state());
+  EXPECT_EQ(TaskStatus::REASON_RECONCILIATION, reconcileUpdate.get().reason());
+  driver.stop();
+  driver.join();
+  Clock::resume();
 // This test checks how Mesos behaves when a slave is removed because
 // it fails health checks, and then the slave sends a status update
 // (because it does not realize that it is partitioned from the
@@ -476,7 +982,7 @@ TEST_P(PartitionTest, PartitionedSlaveStatusUpdates)
   // Drop both PINGs from master to slave and PONGs from slave to
   // master. Note that we don't match on the master / slave PIDs
-  // because it's actually the SlaveObserver Process that sends pings
+  // because it's actually the `SlaveObserver` process that sends pings
   // and receives pongs.
   DROP_PROTOBUFS(PingSlaveMessage(), _, _);
   DROP_PROTOBUFS(PongSlaveMessage(), _, _);
@@ -627,7 +1133,7 @@ TEST_P(PartitionTest, PartitionedSlaveExitedExecutor)
   // Allow the master to PING the slave, but drop all PONG messages
   // from the slave. Note that we don't match on the master / slave
-  // PIDs because it's actually the SlaveObserver Process that sends
+  // PIDs because it's actually the `SlaveObserver` process that sends
   // the pings.
   Future<Message> ping = FUTURE_MESSAGE(
       Eq(PingSlaveMessage().GetTypeName()), _, _);

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