Add experimental Go TO proxying old Perl app


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: aa901953ae5ba309ae97a793cf90818b0096ea08
Parents: 9c4eccc
Author: Robert Butts <>
Authored: Sat Jul 8 21:02:56 2017 -0600
Committer: Dewayne Richardson <>
Committed: Thu Aug 10 09:46:02 2017 -0600

 .../go-monitoring/to-go-monitoring.go           | 528 -------------------
 traffic_ops/experimental/goto/config.go         |  80 +++
 traffic_ops/experimental/goto/config.json       |  13 +
 traffic_ops/experimental/goto/goto.go           |  56 ++
 traffic_ops/experimental/goto/monitoring.go     | 398 ++++++++++++++
 traffic_ops/experimental/goto/routes.go         |  95 ++++
 traffic_ops/experimental/goto/wrappers.go       |  55 ++
 traffic_ops/experimental/tocookie/tocookie.go   |   6 +
 8 files changed, 703 insertions(+), 528 deletions(-)
diff --git a/traffic_ops/experimental/go-monitoring/to-go-monitoring.go 
deleted file mode 100644
index a508212..0000000
--- a/traffic_ops/experimental/go-monitoring/to-go-monitoring.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,528 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package main
-import (
-       "database/sql"
-       "encoding/json"
-       "flag"
-       "fmt"
-       ""
-       "net/http"
-       "strings"
-       "time"
-const CacheMonitorConfigFile = ""
-const MonitorType = "RASCAL"
-const RouterType = "CCR"
-const MonitorProfilePrefix = "RASCAL"
-const MonitorConfigFile = "rascal-config.txt"
-const KilobitsPerMegabit = 1000
-const DeliveryServiceStatus = "REPORTED"
-// Args encapsulates the command line arguments
-type Args struct {
-       HTTPPort string
-       DBUser   string
-       DBPass   string
-       DBServer string
-       DBDB     string
-       DBSSL    bool
-       Auth     bool
-       TOSecret string
-// getFlags parses and returns the command line arguments. The returned error
-// will be non-nil if any expected arg is missing.
-func getFlags() (Args, error) {
-       var args Args
-       flag.StringVar(&args.HTTPPort, "port", "", "the port to serve on")
-       flag.StringVar(&args.DBUser, "user", "", "the database user")
-       flag.StringVar(&args.DBPass, "pass", "", "the database password")
-       flag.StringVar(&args.DBServer, "server", "", "the database server IP or 
FQDN, without scheme")
-       flag.StringVar(&args.DBDB, "db", "", "the database name")
-       flag.BoolVar(&args.DBSSL, "ssl", true, "whether to require or disable 
SSL connecting to the database")
-       flag.StringVar(&args.TOSecret, "secret", "", "the Traffic Ops secret, 
used to authenticate mojolicious cookies")
-       flag.BoolVar(&args.Auth, "authenticate", true, "whether to authenticate 
requests, requiring valid Traffic Ops cookies")
-       flag.Parse()
-       if args.HTTPPort == "" {
-               return args, fmt.Errorf("missing port")
-       }
-       if args.DBUser == "" {
-               return args, fmt.Errorf("missing user")
-       }
-       if args.DBPass == "" {
-               return args, fmt.Errorf("missing password")
-       }
-       if args.DBServer == "" {
-               return args, fmt.Errorf("missing server")
-       }
-       if args.DBDB == "" {
-               return args, fmt.Errorf("missing database")
-       }
-       if args.Auth && args.TOSecret == "" {
-               return args, fmt.Errorf("missing secret")
-       }
-       return args, nil
-func printUsage() {
-       fmt.Println("Usage:")
-       flag.PrintDefaults()
-       fmt.Println("Example: to-go-monitoring -port 80 -user bill -pass 
thelizard -server -db to")
-type BasicServer struct {
-       Profile    string `json:"profile"`
-       Status     string `json:"status"`
-       IP         string `json:"ip"`
-       IP6        string `json:"ip6"`
-       Port       int    `json:"port"`
-       Cachegroup string `json:"cachegroup"`
-       HostName   string `json:"hostName"`
-       FQDN       string `json:"fqdn"`
-type Monitor struct {
-       BasicServer
-type Cache struct {
-       BasicServer
-       InterfaceName string `json:"interfaceName"`
-       Type          string `json:"type"`
-       HashID        string `json:"hashId"`
-type Cachegroup struct {
-       Name        string      `json:"name"`
-       Coordinates Coordinates `json:"coordinates"`
-type Coordinates struct {
-       Latitude  float64 `json:"latitude"`
-       Longitude float64 `json:"longitude"`
-type Profile struct {
-       Name       string            `json:"name"`
-       Type       string            `json:"type"`
-       Parameters map[string]string `json:"parameters"`
-type Monitoring struct {
-       TrafficServers   []Cache           `json:"trafficServers"`
-       TrafficMonitors  []Monitor         `json:"trafficMonitors"`
-       Cachegroups      []Cachegroup      `json:"cacheGroups"`
-       Profiles         []Profile         `json:"profiles"`
-       DeliveryServices []DeliveryService `json:"deliveryServices"`
-       Config           map[string]string `json:"config"`
-type MonitoringResponse struct {
-       Response Monitoring `json:"response"`
-type Router struct {
-       Type    string
-       Profile string
-type DeliveryService struct {
-       XMLID              string  `json:"xmlId"`
-       TotalTPSThreshold  float64 `json:"totalTpsThreshold"`
-       Status             string  `json:"status"`
-       TotalKBPSThreshold float64 `json:"totalKbpsThreshold"`
-func getServers(db *sql.DB, cdn string) ([]Monitor, []Cache, []Router, error) {
-       query := `SELECT
-me.host_name as hostName,
-CONCAT(me.host_name, '.', me.domain_name) as fqdn, as status, as cachegroup,
-me.tcp_port as port,
-me.ip_address as ip,
-me.ip6_address as ip6, as profile,
-me.interface_name as interfaceName, as type,
-me.xmpp_id as hashId
-FROM server me
-JOIN type type ON = me.type
-JOIN status status ON = me.status
-JOIN cachegroup cachegroup ON = me.cachegroup
-JOIN profile profile ON = me.profile
-JOIN cdn cdn ON = me.cdn_id
-WHERE = $1`
-       rows, err := db.Query(query, cdn)
-       if err != nil {
-               return nil, nil, nil, err
-       }
-       defer rows.Close()
-       monitors := []Monitor{}
-       caches := []Cache{}
-       routers := []Router{}
-       for rows.Next() {
-               var hostName sql.NullString
-               var fqdn sql.NullString
-               var status sql.NullString
-               var cachegroup sql.NullString
-               var port sql.NullInt64
-               var ip sql.NullString
-               var ip6 sql.NullString
-               var profile sql.NullString
-               var interfaceName sql.NullString
-               var ttype sql.NullString
-               var hashId sql.NullString
-               if err := rows.Scan(&hostName, &fqdn, &status, &cachegroup, 
&port, &ip, &ip6, &profile, &interfaceName, &ttype, &hashId); err != nil {
-                       return nil, nil, nil, err
-               }
-               if ttype.String == MonitorType {
-                       monitors = append(monitors, Monitor{
-                               BasicServer: BasicServer{
-                                       Profile:    profile.String,
-                                       Status:     status.String,
-                                       IP:         ip.String,
-                                       IP6:        ip6.String,
-                                       Port:       int(port.Int64),
-                                       Cachegroup: cachegroup.String,
-                                       HostName:   hostName.String,
-                                       FQDN:       fqdn.String,
-                               },
-                       })
-               } else if strings.HasPrefix(ttype.String, "EDGE") || 
strings.HasPrefix(ttype.String, "MID") {
-                       caches = append(caches, Cache{
-                               BasicServer: BasicServer{
-                                       Profile:    profile.String,
-                                       Status:     status.String,
-                                       IP:         ip.String,
-                                       IP6:        ip6.String,
-                                       Port:       int(port.Int64),
-                                       Cachegroup: cachegroup.String,
-                                       HostName:   hostName.String,
-                                       FQDN:       fqdn.String,
-                               },
-                               InterfaceName: interfaceName.String,
-                               Type:          ttype.String,
-                               HashID:        hashId.String,
-                       })
-               } else if ttype.String == RouterType {
-                       routers = append(routers, Router{
-                               Type:    ttype.String,
-                               Profile: profile.String,
-                       })
-               }
-       }
-       return monitors, caches, routers, nil
-func getCachegroups(db *sql.DB, cdn string) ([]Cachegroup, error) {
-       query := `
-SELECT name, latitude, longitude
-FROM cachegroup
-  (SELECT cachegroup FROM server WHERE server.cdn_id =
-    (SELECT id FROM cdn WHERE name = $1));`
-       rows, err := db.Query(query, cdn)
-       if err != nil {
-               return nil, err
-       }
-       defer rows.Close()
-       cachegroups := []Cachegroup{}
-       for rows.Next() {
-               var name sql.NullString
-               var lat sql.NullFloat64
-               var lon sql.NullFloat64
-               if err := rows.Scan(&name, &lat, &lon); err != nil {
-                       return nil, err
-               }
-               cachegroups = append(cachegroups, Cachegroup{
-                       Name: name.String,
-                       Coordinates: Coordinates{
-                               Latitude:  lat.Float64,
-                               Longitude: lon.Float64,
-                       },
-               })
-       }
-       return cachegroups, nil
-func getProfiles(db *sql.DB, caches []Cache, routers []Router) ([]Profile, 
error) {
-       cacheProfileTypes := map[string]string{}
-       profiles := map[string]Profile{}
-       profileNames := []string{}
-       for _, router := range routers {
-               profiles[router.Profile] = Profile{
-                       Name: router.Profile,
-                       Type: router.Type,
-               }
-       }
-       for _, cache := range caches {
-               if _, ok := cacheProfileTypes[cache.Profile]; !ok {
-                       cacheProfileTypes[cache.Profile] = cache.Type
-                       profiles[cache.Profile] = Profile{
-                               Name: cache.Profile,
-                               Type: cache.Type,
-                       }
-                       profileNames = append(profileNames, cache.Profile)
-               }
-       }
-       query := `
-SELECT as profile,, pr.value
-FROM parameter pr
-JOIN profile p ON = ANY($1)
-JOIN profile_parameter pp ON pp.profile = and pp.parameter =
-WHERE pr.config_file = $2;
-       rows, err := db.Query(query, pq.Array(profileNames), 
-       if err != nil {
-               return nil, err
-       }
-       defer rows.Close()
-       for rows.Next() {
-               var profileName sql.NullString
-               var name sql.NullString
-               var value sql.NullString
-               if err := rows.Scan(&profileName, &name, &value); err != nil {
-                       return nil, err
-               }
-               if name.String == "" {
-                       return nil, fmt.Errorf("null name") // TODO continue 
and warn?
-               }
-               profile := profiles[profileName.String]
-               if profile.Parameters == nil {
-                       profile.Parameters = map[string]string{}
-               }
-               profile.Parameters[name.String] = value.String
-               profiles[profileName.String] = profile
-       }
-       profilesArr := []Profile{} // TODO make for efficiency?
-       for _, profile := range profiles {
-               profilesArr = append(profilesArr, profile)
-       }
-       return profilesArr, nil
-func getDeliveryServices(db *sql.DB, routers []Router) ([]DeliveryService, 
error) {
-       profileNames := []string{}
-       for _, router := range routers {
-               profileNames = append(profileNames, router.Profile)
-       }
-       query := `
-SELECT ds.xml_id, ds.global_max_tps, ds.global_max_mbps
-FROM deliveryservice ds
-JOIN profile profile ON = ds.profile
-WHERE = ANY($1)
-AND = true
-       rows, err := db.Query(query, pq.Array(profileNames))
-       if err != nil {
-               return nil, err
-       }
-       defer rows.Close()
-       dses := []DeliveryService{}
-       for rows.Next() {
-               var xmlid sql.NullString
-               var tps sql.NullFloat64
-               var mbps sql.NullFloat64
-               if err := rows.Scan(&xmlid, &tps, &mbps); err != nil {
-                       return nil, err
-               }
-               dses = append(dses, DeliveryService{
-                       XMLID:              xmlid.String,
-                       TotalTPSThreshold:  tps.Float64,
-                       Status:             DeliveryServiceStatus,
-                       TotalKBPSThreshold: mbps.Float64 * KilobitsPerMegabit,
-               })
-       }
-       return dses, nil
-func getConfig(db *sql.DB) (map[string]string, error) {
-       // TODO remove 'like' in query? Slow?
-       query := fmt.Sprintf(`
-SELECT, pr.value
-FROM parameter pr
-JOIN profile p ON LIKE '%s%%'
-JOIN profile_parameter pp ON pp.profile = and pp.parameter =
-WHERE pr.config_file = '%s'
-`, MonitorProfilePrefix, MonitorConfigFile)
-       rows, err := db.Query(query)
-       if err != nil {
-               return nil, err
-       }
-       defer rows.Close()
-       cfg := map[string]string{}
-       for rows.Next() {
-               var name sql.NullString
-               var val sql.NullString
-               if err := rows.Scan(&name, &val); err != nil {
-                       return nil, err
-               }
-               cfg[name.String] = val.String
-       }
-       return cfg, nil
-func getMonitoringJson(cdnName string, db *sql.DB) (*MonitoringResponse, 
error) {
-       monitors, caches, routers, err := getServers(db, cdnName)
-       if err != nil {
-               return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting servers: %v", err)
-       }
-       cachegroups, err := getCachegroups(db, cdnName)
-       if err != nil {
-               return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting cachegroups: %v", err)
-       }
-       profiles, err := getProfiles(db, caches, routers)
-       if err != nil {
-               return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting profiles: %v", err)
-       }
-       deliveryServices, err := getDeliveryServices(db, routers)
-       if err != nil {
-               return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting deliveryservices: %v", 
-       }
-       config, err := getConfig(db)
-       if err != nil {
-               return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting config: %v", err)
-       }
-       resp := MonitoringResponse{
-               Response: Monitoring{
-                       TrafficServers:   caches,
-                       TrafficMonitors:  monitors,
-                       Cachegroups:      cachegroups,
-                       Profiles:         profiles,
-                       DeliveryServices: deliveryServices,
-                       Config:           config,
-               },
-       }
-       return &resp, nil
-// authenticate attempts to authenticate the given request, looking for an 
auth cookie, using the auth settings in args. Returns nil if authentication 
succeeds, or a descriptive error if authentication fails (which should NOT be 
returned to clients, for security reasons).
-func authenticate(r *http.Request, args Args) error {
-       if !args.Auth {
-               return nil
-       }
-       cookie, err := r.Cookie(tocookie.Name)
-       if err != nil {
-               return fmt.Errorf("getting cookie: %v", err)
-       }
-       if cookie == nil {
-               return fmt.Errorf("no auth cookie")
-       }
-       if _, err := tocookie.Parse(args.TOSecret, cookie.Value); err != nil {
-               return fmt.Errorf("parsing cookie: %v", err)
-       }
-       return nil
-func rootHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, db *sql.DB, args 
Args) {
-       start := time.Now()
-       defer func() {
-               now := time.Now()
-               fmt.Printf("%v %v served %v in %v\n", now, r.RemoteAddr, 
r.URL.Path, now.Sub(start))
-       }()
-       handleErr := func(err error, status int) {
-               fmt.Printf("%v %v error %v\n", time.Now(), r.RemoteAddr, err)
-               w.WriteHeader(status)
-               fmt.Fprintf(w, http.StatusText(status))
-       }
-       if err := authenticate(r, args); err != nil {
-               handleErr(err, http.StatusUnauthorized)
-               return
-       }
-       pathParts := strings.Split(r.URL.Path, "/")
-       if len(pathParts) < 5 {
-               handleErr(fmt.Errorf("nonexistent path requested: '%v'", 
r.URL.Path), http.StatusNotFound)
-               return
-       }
-       cdnName := pathParts[4]
-       resp, err := getMonitoringJson(cdnName, db)
-       if err != nil {
-               handleErr(err, http.StatusInternalServerError)
-               return
-       }
-       respBts, err := json.Marshal(resp)
-       if err != nil {
-               handleErr(err, http.StatusInternalServerError)
-               return
-       }
-       w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
-       fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", respBts)
-func main() {
-       args, err := getFlags()
-       if err != nil {
-               fmt.Println(err)
-               printUsage()
-               return
-       }
-       sslStr := "require"
-       if !args.DBSSL {
-               sslStr = "disable"
-       }
-       db, err := sql.Open("postgres", 
fmt.Sprintf("postgres://%s:%s@%s/%s?sslmode=%s", args.DBUser, args.DBPass, 
args.DBServer, args.DBDB, sslStr))
-       if err != nil {
-               fmt.Printf("Error opening database: %v\n", err)
-               return
-       }
-       defer db.Close()
-       http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
-               rootHandler(w, r, db, args)
-       })
-       if err := http.ListenAndServe(":"+args.HTTPPort, nil); err != nil {
-               fmt.Printf("Error stopping server: %v\n", err)
-               return
-       }
diff --git a/traffic_ops/experimental/goto/config.go 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0f3401
--- /dev/null
+++ b/traffic_ops/experimental/goto/config.go
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+package main
+import (
+       "encoding/json"
+       "fmt"
+       "io/ioutil"
+       "net/url"
+type Config struct {
+       HTTPPort string   `json:"port"`
+       DBUser   string   `json:"db_user"`
+       DBPass   string   `json:"db_pass"`
+       DBServer string   `json:"db_server"`
+       DBDB     string   `json:"db_name"`
+       DBSSL    bool     `json:"db_ssl"`
+       TOSecret string   `json:"to_secret"`
+       TOURLStr string   `json:"to_url"`
+       TOURL    *url.URL `json:"-"`
+       NoAuth   bool     `json:"no_auth"`
+       CertPath string   `json:"cert_path"`
+       KeyPath  string   `json:"key_path"`
+func LoadConfig(fileName string) (Config, error) {
+       if fileName == "" {
+               return Config{}, fmt.Errorf("no filename")
+       }
+       configBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileName)
+       if err != nil {
+               return Config{}, err
+       }
+       cfg := Config{}
+       if err := json.Unmarshal(configBytes, &cfg); err != nil {
+               return Config{}, err
+       }
+       if cfg, err = ParseConfig(cfg); err != nil {
+               return Config{}, err
+       }
+       return cfg, nil
+// ParseConfig validates required fields, and parses non-JSON types
+func ParseConfig(cfg Config) (Config, error) {
+       if cfg.HTTPPort == "" {
+               return Config{}, fmt.Errorf("missing port")
+       }
+       if cfg.DBUser == "" {
+               return Config{}, fmt.Errorf("missing database user")
+       }
+       if cfg.DBPass == "" {
+               return Config{}, fmt.Errorf("missing database password")
+       }
+       if cfg.DBServer == "" {
+               return Config{}, fmt.Errorf("missing database server")
+       }
+       if cfg.DBDB == "" {
+               return Config{}, fmt.Errorf("missing database name")
+       }
+       if cfg.TOSecret == "" {
+               return Config{}, fmt.Errorf("missing secret")
+       }
+       if cfg.CertPath == "" {
+               return Config{}, fmt.Errorf("missing certificate path")
+       }
+       if cfg.KeyPath == "" {
+               return Config{}, fmt.Errorf("missing certificate key path")
+       }
+       var err error
+       if cfg.TOURL, err = url.Parse(cfg.TOURLStr); err != nil {
+               return Config{}, fmt.Errorf("Invalid Traffic Ops URL '%v': 
err", cfg.TOURL, err)
+       }
+       return cfg, nil
diff --git a/traffic_ops/experimental/goto/config.json 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19d2599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/traffic_ops/experimental/goto/config.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+  "port": "443",
+  "db_user": "bill",
+  "db_pass": "thelizard",
+  "db_server": "",
+  "db_name": "trafficops",
+  "db_ssl": true,
+  "to_secret": "walrus",
+  "to_url": "";,
+  "no_auth": false,
+  "cert_path": "/opt/traffic_ops/cert",
+  "key_path": "/opt/traffic_ops/key"
diff --git a/traffic_ops/experimental/goto/goto.go 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48d3c4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/traffic_ops/experimental/goto/goto.go
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package main
+import (
+       "database/sql"
+       "flag"
+       "fmt"
+       _ ""
+       "net/http"
+const DefaultConfigPath = "/etc/goto/config.json"
+func main() {
+       configFileName := flag.String("cfg", "", "The config file path")
+       flag.Parse()
+       if *configFileName == "" {
+               *configFileName = DefaultConfigPath
+       }
+       cfg, err := LoadConfig(*configFileName)
+       if err != nil {
+               fmt.Println("Error loading config '" + *configFileName + "': " 
+ err.Error())
+               return
+       }
+       sslStr := "require"
+       if !cfg.DBSSL {
+               sslStr = "disable"
+       }
+       db, err := sql.Open("postgres", 
fmt.Sprintf("postgres://%s:%s@%s/%s?sslmode=%s", cfg.DBUser, cfg.DBPass, 
cfg.DBServer, cfg.DBDB, sslStr))
+       if err != nil {
+               fmt.Printf("Error opening database: %v\n", err)
+               return
+       }
+       defer db.Close()
+       RegisterRoutes(ServerData{DB: db, Config: cfg})
+       fmt.Println("Listening on " + cfg.HTTPPort)
+       if err := http.ListenAndServeTLS(":"+cfg.HTTPPort, cfg.CertPath, 
cfg.KeyPath, nil); err != nil {
+               fmt.Printf("Error stopping server: %v\n", err)
+               return
+       }
diff --git a/traffic_ops/experimental/goto/monitoring.go 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b353fb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/traffic_ops/experimental/goto/monitoring.go
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+package main
+import (
+       "database/sql"
+       "encoding/json"
+       "fmt"
+       ""
+       "net/http"
+       "strings"
+       "time"
+const CacheMonitorConfigFile = ""
+const MonitorType = "RASCAL"
+const RouterType = "CCR"
+const MonitorProfilePrefix = "RASCAL"
+const MonitorConfigFile = "rascal-config.txt"
+const KilobitsPerMegabit = 1000
+const DeliveryServiceStatus = "REPORTED"
+type BasicServer struct {
+       Profile    string `json:"profile"`
+       Status     string `json:"status"`
+       IP         string `json:"ip"`
+       IP6        string `json:"ip6"`
+       Port       int    `json:"port"`
+       Cachegroup string `json:"cachegroup"`
+       HostName   string `json:"hostName"`
+       FQDN       string `json:"fqdn"`
+type Monitor struct {
+       BasicServer
+type Cache struct {
+       BasicServer
+       InterfaceName string `json:"interfaceName"`
+       Type          string `json:"type"`
+       HashID        string `json:"hashId"`
+type Cachegroup struct {
+       Name        string      `json:"name"`
+       Coordinates Coordinates `json:"coordinates"`
+type Coordinates struct {
+       Latitude  float64 `json:"latitude"`
+       Longitude float64 `json:"longitude"`
+type Profile struct {
+       Name       string            `json:"name"`
+       Type       string            `json:"type"`
+       Parameters map[string]string `json:"parameters"`
+type Monitoring struct {
+       TrafficServers   []Cache           `json:"trafficServers"`
+       TrafficMonitors  []Monitor         `json:"trafficMonitors"`
+       Cachegroups      []Cachegroup      `json:"cacheGroups"`
+       Profiles         []Profile         `json:"profiles"`
+       DeliveryServices []DeliveryService `json:"deliveryServices"`
+       Config           map[string]string `json:"config"`
+type MonitoringResponse struct {
+       Response Monitoring `json:"response"`
+type Router struct {
+       Type    string
+       Profile string
+type DeliveryService struct {
+       XMLID              string  `json:"xmlId"`
+       TotalTPSThreshold  float64 `json:"totalTpsThreshold"`
+       Status             string  `json:"status"`
+       TotalKBPSThreshold float64 `json:"totalKbpsThreshold"`
+// TODO change to use the ParamMap, instead of parsing the URL
+func monitoringHandler(db *sql.DB) RegexHandlerFunc {
+       return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, p ParamMap) {
+               handleErr := func(err error, status int) {
+                       fmt.Printf("%v %v error %v\n", time.Now(), 
r.RemoteAddr, err)
+                       w.WriteHeader(status)
+                       fmt.Fprintf(w, http.StatusText(status))
+               }
+               cdnName := p["cdn"]
+               resp, err := getMonitoringJson(cdnName, db)
+               if err != nil {
+                       handleErr(err, http.StatusInternalServerError)
+                       return
+               }
+               respBts, err := json.Marshal(resp)
+               if err != nil {
+                       handleErr(err, http.StatusInternalServerError)
+                       return
+               }
+               w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+               fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", respBts)
+       }
+func getServers(db *sql.DB, cdn string) ([]Monitor, []Cache, []Router, error) {
+       query := `SELECT
+me.host_name as hostName,
+CONCAT(me.host_name, '.', me.domain_name) as fqdn, as status, as cachegroup,
+me.tcp_port as port,
+me.ip_address as ip,
+me.ip6_address as ip6, as profile,
+me.interface_name as interfaceName, as type,
+me.xmpp_id as hashId
+FROM server me
+JOIN type type ON = me.type
+JOIN status status ON = me.status
+JOIN cachegroup cachegroup ON = me.cachegroup
+JOIN profile profile ON = me.profile
+JOIN cdn cdn ON = me.cdn_id
+WHERE = $1`
+       rows, err := db.Query(query, cdn)
+       if err != nil {
+               return nil, nil, nil, err
+       }
+       defer rows.Close()
+       monitors := []Monitor{}
+       caches := []Cache{}
+       routers := []Router{}
+       for rows.Next() {
+               var hostName sql.NullString
+               var fqdn sql.NullString
+               var status sql.NullString
+               var cachegroup sql.NullString
+               var port sql.NullInt64
+               var ip sql.NullString
+               var ip6 sql.NullString
+               var profile sql.NullString
+               var interfaceName sql.NullString
+               var ttype sql.NullString
+               var hashId sql.NullString
+               if err := rows.Scan(&hostName, &fqdn, &status, &cachegroup, 
&port, &ip, &ip6, &profile, &interfaceName, &ttype, &hashId); err != nil {
+                       return nil, nil, nil, err
+               }
+               if ttype.String == MonitorType {
+                       monitors = append(monitors, Monitor{
+                               BasicServer: BasicServer{
+                                       Profile:    profile.String,
+                                       Status:     status.String,
+                                       IP:         ip.String,
+                                       IP6:        ip6.String,
+                                       Port:       int(port.Int64),
+                                       Cachegroup: cachegroup.String,
+                                       HostName:   hostName.String,
+                                       FQDN:       fqdn.String,
+                               },
+                       })
+               } else if strings.HasPrefix(ttype.String, "EDGE") || 
strings.HasPrefix(ttype.String, "MID") {
+                       caches = append(caches, Cache{
+                               BasicServer: BasicServer{
+                                       Profile:    profile.String,
+                                       Status:     status.String,
+                                       IP:         ip.String,
+                                       IP6:        ip6.String,
+                                       Port:       int(port.Int64),
+                                       Cachegroup: cachegroup.String,
+                                       HostName:   hostName.String,
+                                       FQDN:       fqdn.String,
+                               },
+                               InterfaceName: interfaceName.String,
+                               Type:          ttype.String,
+                               HashID:        hashId.String,
+                       })
+               } else if ttype.String == RouterType {
+                       routers = append(routers, Router{
+                               Type:    ttype.String,
+                               Profile: profile.String,
+                       })
+               }
+       }
+       return monitors, caches, routers, nil
+func getCachegroups(db *sql.DB, cdn string) ([]Cachegroup, error) {
+       query := `
+SELECT name, latitude, longitude
+FROM cachegroup
+  (SELECT cachegroup FROM server WHERE server.cdn_id =
+    (SELECT id FROM cdn WHERE name = $1));`
+       rows, err := db.Query(query, cdn)
+       if err != nil {
+               return nil, err
+       }
+       defer rows.Close()
+       cachegroups := []Cachegroup{}
+       for rows.Next() {
+               var name sql.NullString
+               var lat sql.NullFloat64
+               var lon sql.NullFloat64
+               if err := rows.Scan(&name, &lat, &lon); err != nil {
+                       return nil, err
+               }
+               cachegroups = append(cachegroups, Cachegroup{
+                       Name: name.String,
+                       Coordinates: Coordinates{
+                               Latitude:  lat.Float64,
+                               Longitude: lon.Float64,
+                       },
+               })
+       }
+       return cachegroups, nil
+func getProfiles(db *sql.DB, caches []Cache, routers []Router) ([]Profile, 
error) {
+       cacheProfileTypes := map[string]string{}
+       profiles := map[string]Profile{}
+       profileNames := []string{}
+       for _, router := range routers {
+               profiles[router.Profile] = Profile{
+                       Name: router.Profile,
+                       Type: router.Type,
+               }
+       }
+       for _, cache := range caches {
+               if _, ok := cacheProfileTypes[cache.Profile]; !ok {
+                       cacheProfileTypes[cache.Profile] = cache.Type
+                       profiles[cache.Profile] = Profile{
+                               Name: cache.Profile,
+                               Type: cache.Type,
+                       }
+                       profileNames = append(profileNames, cache.Profile)
+               }
+       }
+       query := `
+SELECT as profile,, pr.value
+FROM parameter pr
+JOIN profile p ON = ANY($1)
+JOIN profile_parameter pp ON pp.profile = and pp.parameter =
+WHERE pr.config_file = $2;
+       rows, err := db.Query(query, pq.Array(profileNames), 
+       if err != nil {
+               return nil, err
+       }
+       defer rows.Close()
+       for rows.Next() {
+               var profileName sql.NullString
+               var name sql.NullString
+               var value sql.NullString
+               if err := rows.Scan(&profileName, &name, &value); err != nil {
+                       return nil, err
+               }
+               if name.String == "" {
+                       return nil, fmt.Errorf("null name") // TODO continue 
and warn?
+               }
+               profile := profiles[profileName.String]
+               if profile.Parameters == nil {
+                       profile.Parameters = map[string]string{}
+               }
+               profile.Parameters[name.String] = value.String
+               profiles[profileName.String] = profile
+       }
+       profilesArr := []Profile{} // TODO make for efficiency?
+       for _, profile := range profiles {
+               profilesArr = append(profilesArr, profile)
+       }
+       return profilesArr, nil
+func getDeliveryServices(db *sql.DB, routers []Router) ([]DeliveryService, 
error) {
+       profileNames := []string{}
+       for _, router := range routers {
+               profileNames = append(profileNames, router.Profile)
+       }
+       query := `
+SELECT ds.xml_id, ds.global_max_tps, ds.global_max_mbps
+FROM deliveryservice ds
+JOIN profile profile ON = ds.profile
+WHERE = ANY($1)
+AND = true
+       rows, err := db.Query(query, pq.Array(profileNames))
+       if err != nil {
+               return nil, err
+       }
+       defer rows.Close()
+       dses := []DeliveryService{}
+       for rows.Next() {
+               var xmlid sql.NullString
+               var tps sql.NullFloat64
+               var mbps sql.NullFloat64
+               if err := rows.Scan(&xmlid, &tps, &mbps); err != nil {
+                       return nil, err
+               }
+               dses = append(dses, DeliveryService{
+                       XMLID:              xmlid.String,
+                       TotalTPSThreshold:  tps.Float64,
+                       Status:             DeliveryServiceStatus,
+                       TotalKBPSThreshold: mbps.Float64 * KilobitsPerMegabit,
+               })
+       }
+       return dses, nil
+func getConfig(db *sql.DB) (map[string]string, error) {
+       // TODO remove 'like' in query? Slow?
+       query := fmt.Sprintf(`
+SELECT, pr.value
+FROM parameter pr
+JOIN profile p ON LIKE '%s%%'
+JOIN profile_parameter pp ON pp.profile = and pp.parameter =
+WHERE pr.config_file = '%s'
+`, MonitorProfilePrefix, MonitorConfigFile)
+       rows, err := db.Query(query)
+       if err != nil {
+               return nil, err
+       }
+       defer rows.Close()
+       cfg := map[string]string{}
+       for rows.Next() {
+               var name sql.NullString
+               var val sql.NullString
+               if err := rows.Scan(&name, &val); err != nil {
+                       return nil, err
+               }
+               cfg[name.String] = val.String
+       }
+       return cfg, nil
+func getMonitoringJson(cdnName string, db *sql.DB) (*MonitoringResponse, 
error) {
+       monitors, caches, routers, err := getServers(db, cdnName)
+       if err != nil {
+               return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting servers: %v", err)
+       }
+       cachegroups, err := getCachegroups(db, cdnName)
+       if err != nil {
+               return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting cachegroups: %v", err)
+       }
+       profiles, err := getProfiles(db, caches, routers)
+       if err != nil {
+               return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting profiles: %v", err)
+       }
+       deliveryServices, err := getDeliveryServices(db, routers)
+       if err != nil {
+               return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting deliveryservices: %v", 
+       }
+       config, err := getConfig(db)
+       if err != nil {
+               return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting config: %v", err)
+       }
+       resp := MonitoringResponse{
+               Response: Monitoring{
+                       TrafficServers:   caches,
+                       TrafficMonitors:  monitors,
+                       Cachegroups:      cachegroups,
+                       Profiles:         profiles,
+                       DeliveryServices: deliveryServices,
+                       Config:           config,
+               },
+       }
+       return &resp, nil
diff --git a/traffic_ops/experimental/goto/routes.go 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc14450
--- /dev/null
+++ b/traffic_ops/experimental/goto/routes.go
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+package main
+import (
+       "crypto/tls"
+       "database/sql"
+       "net/http"
+       "net/http/httputil"
+       "regexp"
+       "strings"
+type ServerData struct {
+       Config
+       DB *sql.DB
+type ParamMap map[string]string
+type RegexHandlerFunc func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, params 
+func getMonitoringRoute(d ServerData) RegexHandlerFunc {
+       return wrapLogTime(wrapAuth(monitoringHandler(d.DB), d.NoAuth, 
+// getRootHandler returns the / handler for the service, which reverse-proxies 
the old Perl Traffic Ops
+func getRootHandler(d ServerData) http.Handler {
+       // debug
+       tr := &http.Transport{
+               TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},
+       }
+       rp := httputil.NewSingleHostReverseProxy(d.TOURL)
+       rp.Transport = tr
+       return rp
+// GetRoutes returns the map of regex routes, and a catchall route if no regex 
+func GetRoutes(d ServerData) (map[string]RegexHandlerFunc, http.Handler) {
+       return map[string]RegexHandlerFunc{
+               "api/1.2/cdns/{cdn}/configs/monitoring.json": 
+       }, getRootHandler(d)
+type CompiledRoute struct {
+       Handler RegexHandlerFunc
+       Regex   *regexp.Regexp
+       Params  []string
+func CompileRoutes(routes *map[string]RegexHandlerFunc) 
map[string]CompiledRoute {
+       compiledRoutes := map[string]CompiledRoute{}
+       for route, handler := range *routes {
+               originalRoute := route
+               var params []string
+               for open := strings.Index(route, "{"); open > 0; open = 
strings.Index(route, "{") {
+                       close := strings.Index(route, "}")
+                       if close < 0 {
+                               panic("malformed route")
+                       }
+                       param := route[open+1 : close]
+                       params = append(params, param)
+                       route = route[:open] + `(.+)` + route[close+1:]
+               }
+               regex := regexp.MustCompile(route)
+               compiledRoutes[originalRoute] = CompiledRoute{Handler: handler, 
Regex: regex, Params: params}
+       }
+       return compiledRoutes
+func Handler(routes map[string]CompiledRoute, catchall http.Handler, w 
http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+       requested := r.URL.Path[1:]
+       for _, compiledRoute := range routes {
+               match := compiledRoute.Regex.FindStringSubmatch(requested)
+               if len(match) == 0 {
+                       continue
+               }
+               params := map[string]string{}
+               for i, v := range compiledRoute.Params {
+                       params[v] = match[i+1]
+               }
+               compiledRoute.Handler(w, r, params)
+               return
+       }
+       catchall.ServeHTTP(w, r)
+func RegisterRoutes(d ServerData) {
+       routes, catchall := GetRoutes(d)
+       compiledRoutes := CompileRoutes(&routes)
+       http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+               Handler(compiledRoutes, catchall, w, r)
+       })
diff --git a/traffic_ops/experimental/goto/wrappers.go 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daf5e34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/traffic_ops/experimental/goto/wrappers.go
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+package main
+import (
+       "fmt"
+       "log" // TODO change to traffic_monitor_golang/common/log
+       "net/http"
+       "time"
+func wrapAuth(h RegexHandlerFunc, noAuth bool, secret string) RegexHandlerFunc 
+       if noAuth {
+               return h
+       }
+       return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, p ParamMap) {
+               handleUnauthorized := func(reason string) {
+                       log.Printf("%v %v %v sent 401 - %v\n", time.Now(), 
r.RemoteAddr, r.URL.Path, reason)
+                       status := http.StatusUnauthorized
+                       w.WriteHeader(status)
+                       fmt.Fprintf(w, http.StatusText(status))
+               }
+               cookie, err := r.Cookie(tocookie.Name)
+               if err != nil {
+                       handleUnauthorized("error getting cookie: " + 
+                       return
+               }
+               if cookie == nil {
+                       handleUnauthorized("no auth cookie")
+                       return
+               }
+               oldCookie, err := tocookie.Parse(secret, cookie.Value)
+               if err != nil {
+                       handleUnauthorized("cookie error: " + err.Error())
+                       return
+               }
+               newCookieVal := tocookie.Refresh(oldCookie, secret)
+               http.SetCookie(w, &http.Cookie{Name: tocookie.Name, Value: 
+               h(w, r, p)
+       }
+func wrapLogTime(h RegexHandlerFunc) RegexHandlerFunc {
+       return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, p ParamMap) {
+               start := time.Now()
+               defer func() {
+                       now := time.Now()
+                       log.Printf("%v %v served %v in %v\n", now, 
r.RemoteAddr, r.URL.Path, now.Sub(start))
+               }()
+               h(w, r, p)
+       }
diff --git a/traffic_ops/experimental/tocookie/tocookie.go 
index 4dd319b..658224d 100644
--- a/traffic_ops/experimental/tocookie/tocookie.go
+++ b/traffic_ops/experimental/tocookie/tocookie.go
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import (
 const Name = "mojolicious"
+const DefaultDuration = time.Hour
 type Cookie struct {
        AuthData    string `json:"auth_data"`
@@ -95,3 +96,8 @@ func New(user string, expiration time.Time, key string) 
string {
        msg, _ := json.Marshal(cookieMsg)
        return NewRawMsg(msg, []byte(key))
+// Update takes an existing cookie and returns a new serialized cookie with an 
updated expiration
+func Refresh(c *Cookie, key string) string {
+       return New(c.AuthData, time.Now().Add(DefaultDuration), key)

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