 Wed Apr  3 01:46:39 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.hadoop.mapred.gridmix;
+import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
+import org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger;
+import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
+import org.apache.hadoop.util.ExitUtil;
+import org.apache.log4j.Level;
+import org.junit.AfterClass;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+public class TestGridmixSubmission extends CommonJobTest {
+  private static File inSpace = new File("src" + File.separator + "test"
+          + File.separator + "resources" + File.separator + "data");
+  static {
+    ((Log4JLogger) LogFactory.getLog("org.apache.hadoop.mapred.gridmix"))
+            .getLogger().setLevel(Level.DEBUG);
+  }
+//  private static final int NJOBS = 1;
+//  private static final long GENDATA = 3; // in megabytes
+  @BeforeClass
+  public static void init() throws IOException {
+    GridmixTestUtils.initCluster(TestGridmixSubmission.class);
+    System.setProperty("", inSpace.getAbsolutePath());
+  }
+  @AfterClass
+  public static void shutDown() throws IOException {
+    GridmixTestUtils.shutdownCluster();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Verifies that the given {@code JobStory} corresponds to the checked-in
+   * WordCount {@code JobStory}. The verification is effected via JUnit
+   * assertions.
+   *
+   * @param js the candidate JobStory.
+   */
+  private void verifyWordCountJobStory(JobStory js) {
+    assertNotNull("Null JobStory", js);
+    String expectedJobStory = "WordCount:johndoe:default:1285322645148:3:1";
+    String actualJobStory = js.getName() + ":" + js.getUser() + ":"
+            + js.getQueueName() + ":" + js.getSubmissionTime() + ":"
+            + js.getNumberMaps() + ":" + js.getNumberReduces();
+    assertEquals("Unexpected JobStory", expectedJobStory, actualJobStory);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Expands a file compressed using {@code gzip}.
+   *
+   * @param fs  the {@code FileSystem} corresponding to the given file.
+   * @param in  the path to the compressed file.
+   * @param out the path to the uncompressed output.
+   * @throws Exception if there was an error during the operation.
+   */
+  private void expandGzippedTrace(FileSystem fs, Path in, Path out)
+          throws Exception {
+    byte[] buff = new byte[4096];
+    GZIPInputStream gis = new GZIPInputStream(;
+    FSDataOutputStream fsdos = fs.create(out);
+    int numRead;
+    while ((numRead =, 0, buff.length)) != -1) {
+      fsdos.write(buff, 0, numRead);
+    }
+    gis.close();
+    fsdos.close();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Tests the reading of traces in GridMix3. These traces are generated by
+   * Rumen and are in the JSON format. The traces can optionally be compressed
+   * and uncompressed traces can also be passed to GridMix3 via its standard
+   * input stream. The testing is effected via JUnit assertions.
+   *
+   * @throws Exception if there was an error.
+   */
+  @Test  (timeout=50000)
+  public void testTraceReader() throws Exception {
+    Configuration conf = new Configuration();
+    FileSystem lfs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf);
+    Path rootInputDir = new Path(System.getProperty(""));
+    rootInputDir = rootInputDir.makeQualified(lfs.getUri(),
+            lfs.getWorkingDirectory());
+    Path rootTempDir = new Path(System.getProperty("",
+            System.getProperty("")), "testTraceReader");
+    rootTempDir = rootTempDir.makeQualified(lfs.getUri(),
+            lfs.getWorkingDirectory());
+    Path inputFile = new Path(rootInputDir, "wordcount.json.gz");
+    Path tempFile = new Path(rootTempDir, "gridmix3-wc.json");
+    InputStream origStdIn =;
+    InputStream tmpIs = null;
+    try {
+      DebugGridmix dgm = new DebugGridmix();
+      JobStoryProducer jsp = dgm.createJobStoryProducer(inputFile.toString(),
+              conf);
+"Verifying JobStory from compressed trace...");
+      verifyWordCountJobStory(jsp.getNextJob());
+      expandGzippedTrace(lfs, inputFile, tempFile);
+      jsp = dgm.createJobStoryProducer(tempFile.toString(), conf);
+"Verifying JobStory from uncompressed trace...");
+      verifyWordCountJobStory(jsp.getNextJob());
+      tmpIs =;
+      System.setIn(tmpIs);
+"Verifying JobStory from trace in standard input...");
+      jsp = dgm.createJobStoryProducer("-", conf);
+      verifyWordCountJobStory(jsp.getNextJob());
+    } finally {
+      System.setIn(origStdIn);
+      if (tmpIs != null) {
+        tmpIs.close();
+      }
+      lfs.delete(rootTempDir, true);
+    }
+  }
+  @Test  (timeout=500000)
+  public void testReplaySubmit() throws Exception {
+    policy = GridmixJobSubmissionPolicy.REPLAY;
+" Replay started at " + System.currentTimeMillis());
+    doSubmission(null, false);
+" Replay ended at " + System.currentTimeMillis());
+  }
+  @Test  (timeout=500000)
+  public void testStressSubmit() throws Exception {
+    policy = GridmixJobSubmissionPolicy.STRESS;
+" Stress started at " + System.currentTimeMillis());
+    doSubmission(null, false);
+" Stress ended at " + System.currentTimeMillis());
+  }
+  // test empty request should be hint message
+  @Test  (timeout=5000)
+  public void testMain() throws Exception {
+    SecurityManager securityManager = System.getSecurityManager();
+    final ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+    final PrintStream out = new PrintStream(bytes);
+    final PrintStream oldOut = System.out;
+    System.setErr(out);
+    ExitUtil.disableSystemExit();
+    try {
+      String[] argv = new String[0];
+      DebugGridmix.main(argv);
+    } catch (ExitUtil.ExitException e) {
+      assertEquals("ExitException", e.getMessage());
+      ExitUtil.resetFirstExitException();
+    } finally {
+      System.setErr(oldOut);
+      System.setSecurityManager(securityManager);
+    }
+    String print = bytes.toString();
+    // should be printed tip in std error stream
+    assertTrue(print
+            .contains("Usage: gridmix [-generate <MiB>] [-users URI] 
[-Dname=value ...] <iopath> <trace>"));
+    assertTrue(print.contains("e.g. gridmix -generate 100m foo -"));
+  }

 Wed Apr  3 01:46:39 2013
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public class TestGridmixSummary {
    * Test {@link DataStatistics}.
-  @Test
+  @Test (timeout=10000)
   public void testDataStatistics() throws Exception {
     // test data-statistics getters with compression enabled
     DataStatistics stats = new DataStatistics(10, 2, true);
@@ -133,7 +133,8 @@ public class TestGridmixSummary {
    * A fake {@link JobFactory}.
-  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+  @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
   private static class FakeJobFactory extends JobFactory {
      * A fake {@link JobStoryProducer} for {@link FakeJobFactory}.
@@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ public class TestGridmixSummary {
    * Test {@link ExecutionSummarizer}.
-  @Test
+  @Test  (timeout=10000)
   public void testExecutionSummarizer() throws IOException {
     Configuration conf = new Configuration();
@@ -344,8 +345,7 @@ public class TestGridmixSummary {
    * Test {@link ClusterSummarizer}.
-  @Test
-  @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
+  @Test  (timeout=10000)
   public void testClusterSummarizer() throws IOException {
     ClusterSummarizer cs = new ClusterSummarizer();
     Configuration conf = new Configuration();

 Wed Apr  3 01:46:39 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * <p/>
+ *
+ * <p/>
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.hadoop.mapred.gridmix;
+import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
+import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
+import org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger;
+import org.apache.log4j.Level;
+import org.junit.AfterClass;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Test;
+ Test LoadJob Gridmix sends data to job and after that
+ */
+public class TestLoadJob extends CommonJobTest {
+  public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(Gridmix.class);
+  static {
+    ((Log4JLogger) LogFactory.getLog("org.apache.hadoop.mapred.gridmix"))
+            .getLogger().setLevel(Level.DEBUG);
+    ((Log4JLogger) LogFactory.getLog(StressJobFactory.class)).getLogger()
+            .setLevel(Level.DEBUG);
+  }
+  @BeforeClass
+  public static void init() throws IOException {
+    GridmixTestUtils.initCluster(TestLoadJob.class);
+  }
+  @AfterClass
+  public static void shutDown() throws IOException {
+    GridmixTestUtils.shutdownCluster();
+  }
+  /*
+  * test serial policy  with LoadJob. Task should execute without exceptions
+  */
+  @Test  (timeout=500000)
+  public void testSerialSubmit() throws Exception {
+    policy = GridmixJobSubmissionPolicy.SERIAL;
+"Serial started at " + System.currentTimeMillis());
+    doSubmission(, false);
+"Serial ended at " + System.currentTimeMillis());
+  }
+  /*
+   * test reply policy with LoadJob
+   */
+  @Test  (timeout=500000)
+  public void testReplaySubmit() throws Exception {
+    policy = GridmixJobSubmissionPolicy.REPLAY;
+" Replay started at " + System.currentTimeMillis());
+    doSubmission(, false);
+" Replay ended at " + System.currentTimeMillis());
+  }

 Wed Apr  3 01:46:39 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * <p/>
+ *
+ * <p/>
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.hadoop.mapred.gridmix;
+import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
+import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
+import org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger;
+import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
+import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputSplit;
+import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job;
+import org.apache.log4j.Level;
+import org.junit.AfterClass;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import java.util.List;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+public class TestSleepJob extends CommonJobTest {
+  public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(Gridmix.class);
+  static {
+    ((Log4JLogger) LogFactory.getLog("org.apache.hadoop.mapred.gridmix"))
+            .getLogger().setLevel(Level.DEBUG);
+  }
+  static GridmixJobSubmissionPolicy policy = GridmixJobSubmissionPolicy.REPLAY;
+  @BeforeClass
+  public static void init() throws IOException {
+    GridmixTestUtils.initCluster(TestSleepJob.class);
+  }
+  @AfterClass
+  public static void shutDown() throws IOException {
+    GridmixTestUtils.shutdownCluster();
+  }
+  /*
+  * test RandomLocation
+  */
+  @Test (timeout=100000)
+  public void testRandomLocation() throws Exception {
+    UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.getLoginUser();
+    testRandomLocation(1, 10, ugi);
+    testRandomLocation(2, 10, ugi);
+  }
+  @Test (timeout=500000)
+  public void testMapTasksOnlySleepJobs() throws Exception {
+    Configuration configuration = GridmixTestUtils.mrvl.getConfig();
+    DebugJobProducer jobProducer = new DebugJobProducer(5, configuration);
+    configuration.setBoolean(SleepJob.SLEEPJOB_MAPTASK_ONLY, true);
+    UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.getLoginUser();
+    JobStory story;
+    int seq = 1;
+    while ((story = jobProducer.getNextJob()) != null) {
+      GridmixJob gridmixJob = 
JobCreator.SLEEPJOB.createGridmixJob(configuration, 0,
+              story, new Path("ignored"), ugi, seq++);
+      gridmixJob.buildSplits(null);
+      Job job =;
+      assertEquals(0, job.getNumReduceTasks());
+    }
+    jobProducer.close();
+    assertEquals(6, seq);
+  }
+  // test Serial submit
+  @Test (timeout=500000)
+  public void testSerialSubmit() throws Exception {
+    // set policy
+    policy = GridmixJobSubmissionPolicy.SERIAL;
+"Serial started at " + System.currentTimeMillis());
+    doSubmission(, false);
+"Serial ended at " + System.currentTimeMillis());
+  }
+  @Test (timeout=500000)
+  public void testReplaySubmit() throws Exception {
+    policy = GridmixJobSubmissionPolicy.REPLAY;
+" Replay started at " + System.currentTimeMillis());
+    doSubmission(, false);
+" Replay ended at " + System.currentTimeMillis());
+  }
+  @Test (timeout=500000)
+  public void testStressSubmit() throws Exception {
+    policy = GridmixJobSubmissionPolicy.STRESS;
+" Replay started at " + System.currentTimeMillis());
+    doSubmission(, false);
+" Replay ended at " + System.currentTimeMillis());
+  }
+  private void testRandomLocation(int locations, int njobs,
+                                  UserGroupInformation ugi) throws Exception {
+    Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
+    DebugJobProducer jobProducer = new DebugJobProducer(njobs, configuration);
+    Configuration jconf = GridmixTestUtils.mrvl.getConfig();
+    jconf.setInt(JobCreator.SLEEPJOB_RANDOM_LOCATIONS, locations);
+    JobStory story;
+    int seq = 1;
+    while ((story = jobProducer.getNextJob()) != null) {
+      GridmixJob gridmixJob = JobCreator.SLEEPJOB.createGridmixJob(jconf, 0,
+              story, new Path("ignored"), ugi, seq++);
+      gridmixJob.buildSplits(null);
+      List<InputSplit> splits = new SleepJob.SleepInputFormat()
+              .getSplits(gridmixJob.getJob());
+      for (InputSplit split : splits) {
+        assertEquals(locations, split.getLocations().length);
+      }
+    }
+    jobProducer.close();
+  }

 Wed Apr  3 01:46:39 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+  "priority" : "NORMAL",
+  "jobID" : "job_201009241532_0001",
+  "user" : "johndoe",
+  "jobName" : "WordCount",
+  "mapTasks" : [ {
+    "startTime" : 1285322651360,
+    "taskID" : "task_201009241532_0001_m_000000",
+    "taskType" : "MAP",
+    "attempts" : [ {
+      "location" : null,
+      "hostName" : "/default-rack/",
+      "startTime" : 1285322651366,
+      "finishTime" : 1285322658262,
+      "result" : "SUCCESS",
+      "attemptID" : "attempt_201009241532_0001_m_000000_0",
+      "shuffleFinished" : -1,
+      "sortFinished" : -1,
+      "hdfsBytesRead" : 704270,
+      "hdfsBytesWritten" : -1,
+      "fileBytesRead" : -1,
+      "fileBytesWritten" : 48266,
+      "mapInputRecords" : 13427,
+      "mapOutputBytes" : 1182333,
+      "mapOutputRecords" : 126063,
+      "combineInputRecords" : 126063,
+      "reduceInputGroups" : -1,
+      "reduceInputRecords" : -1,
+      "reduceShuffleBytes" : -1,
+      "reduceOutputRecords" : -1,
+      "spilledRecords" : 6612,
+      "mapInputBytes" : -1
+    } ],
+    "finishTime" : 1285322660778,
+    "preferredLocations" : [ {
+      "layers" : [ "default-rack", "" ]
+    } ],
+    "taskStatus" : "SUCCESS",
+    "inputBytes" : 704270,
+    "inputRecords" : 13427,
+    "outputBytes" : 48266,
+    "outputRecords" : 126063
+  }, {
+    "startTime" : 1285322651361,
+    "taskID" : "task_201009241532_0001_m_000001",
+    "taskType" : "MAP",
+    "attempts" : [ {
+      "location" : null,
+      "hostName" : "/default-rack/",
+      "startTime" : 1285322651378,
+      "finishTime" : 1285322657906,
+      "result" : "SUCCESS",
+      "attemptID" : "attempt_201009241532_0001_m_000001_0",
+      "shuffleFinished" : -1,
+      "sortFinished" : -1,
+      "hdfsBytesRead" : 577214,
+      "hdfsBytesWritten" : -1,
+      "fileBytesRead" : -1,
+      "fileBytesWritten" : 58143,
+      "mapInputRecords" : 13015,
+      "mapOutputBytes" : 985534,
+      "mapOutputRecords" : 108400,
+      "combineInputRecords" : 108400,
+      "reduceInputGroups" : -1,
+      "reduceInputRecords" : -1,
+      "reduceShuffleBytes" : -1,
+      "reduceOutputRecords" : -1,
+      "spilledRecords" : 8214,
+      "mapInputBytes" : -1
+    } ],
+    "finishTime" : 1285322660781,
+    "preferredLocations" : [ {
+      "layers" : [ "default-rack", "" ]
+    } ],
+    "taskStatus" : "SUCCESS",
+    "inputBytes" : 577214,
+    "inputRecords" : 13015,
+    "outputBytes" : 58143,
+    "outputRecords" : 108400
+  }, {
+    "startTime" : 1285322660789,
+    "taskID" : "task_201009241532_0001_m_000002",
+    "taskType" : "MAP",
+    "attempts" : [ {
+      "location" : null,
+      "hostName" : "/default-rack/",
+      "startTime" : 1285322660807,
+      "finishTime" : 1285322664865,
+      "result" : "SUCCESS",
+      "attemptID" : "attempt_201009241532_0001_m_000002_0",
+      "shuffleFinished" : -1,
+      "sortFinished" : -1,
+      "hdfsBytesRead" : 163907,
+      "hdfsBytesWritten" : -1,
+      "fileBytesRead" : -1,
+      "fileBytesWritten" : 21510,
+      "mapInputRecords" : 3736,
+      "mapOutputBytes" : 275796,
+      "mapOutputRecords" : 30528,
+      "combineInputRecords" : 30528,
+      "reduceInputGroups" : -1,
+      "reduceInputRecords" : -1,
+      "reduceShuffleBytes" : -1,
+      "reduceOutputRecords" : -1,
+      "spilledRecords" : 3040,
+      "mapInputBytes" : -1
+    } ],
+    "finishTime" : 1285322666805,
+    "preferredLocations" : [ {
+      "layers" : [ "default-rack", "" ]
+    } ],
+    "taskStatus" : "SUCCESS",
+    "inputBytes" : 163907,
+    "inputRecords" : 3736,
+    "outputBytes" : 21510,
+    "outputRecords" : 30528
+  } ],
+  "finishTime" : 1285322675837,
+  "reduceTasks" : [ {
+    "startTime" : 1285322660790,
+    "taskID" : "task_201009241532_0001_r_000000",
+    "taskType" : "REDUCE",
+    "attempts" : [ {
+      "location" : null,
+      "hostName" : "/default-rack/",
+      "startTime" : 1285322660807,
+      "finishTime" : 1285322670759,
+      "result" : "SUCCESS",
+      "attemptID" : "attempt_201009241532_0001_r_000000_0",
+      "shuffleFinished" : 1285322667962,
+      "sortFinished" : 1285322668146,
+      "hdfsBytesRead" : -1,
+      "hdfsBytesWritten" : 122793,
+      "fileBytesRead" : 111026,
+      "fileBytesWritten" : 111026,
+      "mapInputRecords" : -1,
+      "mapOutputBytes" : -1,
+      "mapOutputRecords" : -1,
+      "combineInputRecords" : 0,
+      "reduceInputGroups" : 11713,
+      "reduceInputRecords" : 17866,
+      "reduceShuffleBytes" : 127823,
+      "reduceOutputRecords" : 11713,
+      "spilledRecords" : 17866,
+      "mapInputBytes" : -1
+    } ],
+    "finishTime" : 1285322672821,
+    "preferredLocations" : [ ],
+    "taskStatus" : "SUCCESS",
+    "inputBytes" : 127823,
+    "inputRecords" : 17866,
+    "outputBytes" : 122793,
+    "outputRecords" : 11713
+  } ],
+  "submitTime" : 1285322645148,
+  "launchTime" : 1285322645614,
+  "totalMaps" : 3,
+  "totalReduces" : 1,
+  "otherTasks" : [ {
+    "startTime" : 1285322648294,
+    "taskID" : "task_201009241532_0001_m_000004",
+    "taskType" : "SETUP",
+    "attempts" : [ {
+      "location" : null,
+      "hostName" : "/default-rack/",
+      "startTime" : 1285322648482,
+      "finishTime" : 1285322649588,
+      "result" : "SUCCESS",
+      "attemptID" : "attempt_201009241532_0001_m_000004_0",
+      "shuffleFinished" : -1,
+      "sortFinished" : -1,
+      "hdfsBytesRead" : -1,
+      "hdfsBytesWritten" : -1,
+      "fileBytesRead" : -1,
+      "fileBytesWritten" : -1,
+      "mapInputRecords" : -1,
+      "mapOutputBytes" : -1,
+      "mapOutputRecords" : -1,
+      "combineInputRecords" : -1,
+      "reduceInputGroups" : -1,
+      "reduceInputRecords" : -1,
+      "reduceShuffleBytes" : -1,
+      "reduceOutputRecords" : -1,
+      "spilledRecords" : 0,
+      "mapInputBytes" : -1
+    } ],
+    "finishTime" : 1285322651351,
+    "preferredLocations" : [ ],
+    "taskStatus" : "SUCCESS",
+    "inputBytes" : -1,
+    "inputRecords" : -1,
+    "outputBytes" : -1,
+    "outputRecords" : -1
+  }, {
+    "startTime" : 1285322672829,
+    "taskID" : "task_201009241532_0001_m_000003",
+    "taskType" : "CLEANUP",
+    "attempts" : [ {
+      "location" : null,
+      "hostName" : "/default-rack/",
+      "startTime" : 1285322672838,
+      "finishTime" : 1285322673971,
+      "result" : "SUCCESS",
+      "attemptID" : "attempt_201009241532_0001_m_000003_0",
+      "shuffleFinished" : -1,
+      "sortFinished" : -1,
+      "hdfsBytesRead" : -1,
+      "hdfsBytesWritten" : -1,
+      "fileBytesRead" : -1,
+      "fileBytesWritten" : -1,
+      "mapInputRecords" : -1,
+      "mapOutputBytes" : -1,
+      "mapOutputRecords" : -1,
+      "combineInputRecords" : -1,
+      "reduceInputGroups" : -1,
+      "reduceInputRecords" : -1,
+      "reduceShuffleBytes" : -1,
+      "reduceOutputRecords" : -1,
+      "spilledRecords" : 0,
+      "mapInputBytes" : -1
+    } ],
+    "finishTime" : 1285322675835,
+    "preferredLocations" : [ ],
+    "taskStatus" : "SUCCESS",
+    "inputBytes" : -1,
+    "inputRecords" : -1,
+    "outputBytes" : -1,
+    "outputRecords" : -1
+  } ],
+  "computonsPerMapInputByte" : -1,
+  "computonsPerMapOutputByte" : -1,
+  "computonsPerReduceInputByte" : -1,
+  "computonsPerReduceOutputByte" : -1,
+  "heapMegabytes" : 1024,
+  "outcome" : "SUCCESS",
+  "jobtype" : "JAVA",
+  "directDependantJobs" : [ ],
+  "successfulMapAttemptCDFs" : [ {
+    "maximum" : 9223372036854775807,
+    "minimum" : -9223372036854775808,
+    "rankings" : [ ],
+    "numberValues" : 0
+  }, {
+    "maximum" : 9223372036854775807,
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+  }, {
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+    "rankings" : [ ],
+    "numberValues" : 0
+  }, {
+    "maximum" : 6896,
+    "minimum" : 4058,
+    "rankings" : [ {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.05
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.1
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.15
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.2
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.25
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.3
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.35
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.4
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.45
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.5
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.55
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.6
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.65
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 6528,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.7
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 6528,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.75
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 6528,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.8
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 6528,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.85
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 6528,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.9
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 6528,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.95
+    } ],
+    "numberValues" : 3
+  } ],
+  "failedMapAttemptCDFs" : [ {
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+    "minimum" : -9223372036854775808,
+    "rankings" : [ ],
+    "numberValues" : 0
+  }, {
+    "maximum" : 9223372036854775807,
+    "minimum" : -9223372036854775808,
+    "rankings" : [ ],
+    "numberValues" : 0
+  }, {
+    "maximum" : 9223372036854775807,
+    "minimum" : -9223372036854775808,
+    "rankings" : [ ],
+    "numberValues" : 0
+  }, {
+    "maximum" : 9223372036854775807,
+    "minimum" : -9223372036854775808,
+    "rankings" : [ ],
+    "numberValues" : 0
+  } ],
+  "successfulReduceAttemptCDF" : {
+    "maximum" : 9952,
+    "minimum" : 9952,
+    "rankings" : [ {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.05
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.1
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.15
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.2
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.25
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.3
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.35
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.4
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.45
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.5
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.55
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.6
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.65
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.7
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.75
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.8
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.85
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.9
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.95
+    } ],
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+  },
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+    "minimum" : -9223372036854775808,
+    "rankings" : [ ],
+    "numberValues" : 0
+  },
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+  "clusterReduceMB" : -1,
+  "jobMapMB" : 1024,
+  "jobReduceMB" : 1024

 Wed Apr  3 01:46:39 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,828 @@
+  "priority" : "NORMAL",
+  "jobID" : "job_201009241532_0001",
+  "user" : "johndoe",
+  "jobName" : "WordCount",
+  "mapTasks" : [ {
+    "startTime" : 1285322651360,
+    "taskID" : "task_201009241532_0001_m_000000",
+    "taskType" : "MAP",
+    "attempts" : [ {
+      "location" : null,
+      "hostName" : "/default-rack/",
+      "startTime" : 1285322651366,
+      "finishTime" : 1285322658262,
+      "result" : "SUCCESS",
+      "attemptID" : "attempt_201009241532_0001_m_000000_0",
+      "shuffleFinished" : -1,
+      "sortFinished" : -1,
+      "hdfsBytesRead" : 704270,
+      "hdfsBytesWritten" : -1,
+      "fileBytesRead" : -1,
+      "fileBytesWritten" : 48266,
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+      "mapOutputRecords" : 126063,
+      "combineInputRecords" : 126063,
+      "reduceInputGroups" : -1,
+      "reduceInputRecords" : -1,
+      "reduceShuffleBytes" : -1,
+      "reduceOutputRecords" : -1,
+      "spilledRecords" : 6612,
+      "mapInputBytes" : -1
+    } ],
+    "finishTime" : 1285322660778,
+    "preferredLocations" : [ {
+      "layers" : [ "default-rack", "" ]
+    } ],
+    "taskStatus" : "SUCCESS",
+    "inputBytes" : 704270,
+    "inputRecords" : 13427,
+    "outputBytes" : 48266,
+    "outputRecords" : 126063
+  }, {
+    "startTime" : 1285322651361,
+    "taskID" : "task_201009241532_0001_m_000001",
+    "taskType" : "MAP",
+    "attempts" : [ {
+      "location" : null,
+      "hostName" : "/default-rack/",
+      "startTime" : 1285322651378,
+      "finishTime" : 1285322657906,
+      "result" : "SUCCESS",
+      "attemptID" : "attempt_201009241532_0001_m_000001_0",
+      "shuffleFinished" : -1,
+      "sortFinished" : -1,
+      "hdfsBytesRead" : 577214,
+      "hdfsBytesWritten" : -1,
+      "fileBytesRead" : -1,
+      "fileBytesWritten" : 58143,
+      "mapInputRecords" : 13015,
+      "mapOutputBytes" : 985534,
+      "mapOutputRecords" : 108400,
+      "combineInputRecords" : 108400,
+      "reduceInputGroups" : -1,
+      "reduceInputRecords" : -1,
+      "reduceShuffleBytes" : -1,
+      "reduceOutputRecords" : -1,
+      "spilledRecords" : 8214,
+      "mapInputBytes" : -1
+    } ],
+    "finishTime" : 1285322660781,
+    "preferredLocations" : [ {
+      "layers" : [ "default-rack", "" ]
+    } ],
+    "taskStatus" : "SUCCESS",
+    "inputBytes" : 577214,
+    "inputRecords" : 13015,
+    "outputBytes" : 58143,
+    "outputRecords" : 108400
+  }, {
+    "startTime" : 1285322660789,
+    "taskID" : "task_201009241532_0001_m_000002",
+    "taskType" : "MAP",
+    "attempts" : [ {
+      "location" : null,
+      "hostName" : "/default-rack/",
+      "startTime" : 1285322660807,
+      "finishTime" : 1285322664865,
+      "result" : "SUCCESS",
+      "attemptID" : "attempt_201009241532_0001_m_000002_0",
+      "shuffleFinished" : -1,
+      "sortFinished" : -1,
+      "hdfsBytesRead" : 163907,
+      "hdfsBytesWritten" : -1,
+      "fileBytesRead" : -1,
+      "fileBytesWritten" : 21510,
+      "mapInputRecords" : 3736,
+      "mapOutputBytes" : 275796,
+      "mapOutputRecords" : 30528,
+      "combineInputRecords" : 30528,
+      "reduceInputGroups" : -1,
+      "reduceInputRecords" : -1,
+      "reduceShuffleBytes" : -1,
+      "reduceOutputRecords" : -1,
+      "spilledRecords" : 3040,
+      "mapInputBytes" : -1
+    } ],
+    "finishTime" : 1285322666805,
+    "preferredLocations" : [ {
+      "layers" : [ "default-rack", "" ]
+    } ],
+    "taskStatus" : "SUCCESS",
+    "inputBytes" : 163907,
+    "inputRecords" : 3736,
+    "outputBytes" : 21510,
+    "outputRecords" : 30528
+  } ],
+  "finishTime" : 1285322675837,
+  "reduceTasks" : [ {
+    "startTime" : 1285322660790,
+    "taskID" : "task_201009241532_0001_r_000000",
+    "taskType" : "REDUCE",
+    "attempts" : [ {
+      "location" : null,
+      "hostName" : "/default-rack/",
+      "startTime" : 1285322660807,
+      "finishTime" : 1285322670759,
+      "result" : "SUCCESS",
+      "attemptID" : "attempt_201009241532_0001_r_000000_0",
+      "shuffleFinished" : 1285322667962,
+      "sortFinished" : 1285322668146,
+      "hdfsBytesRead" : -1,
+      "hdfsBytesWritten" : 122793,
+      "fileBytesRead" : 111026,
+      "fileBytesWritten" : 111026,
+      "mapInputRecords" : -1,
+      "mapOutputBytes" : -1,
+      "mapOutputRecords" : -1,
+      "combineInputRecords" : 0,
+      "reduceInputGroups" : 11713,
+      "reduceInputRecords" : 17866,
+      "reduceShuffleBytes" : 127823,
+      "reduceOutputRecords" : 11713,
+      "spilledRecords" : 17866,
+      "mapInputBytes" : -1
+    } ],
+    "finishTime" : 1285322672821,
+    "preferredLocations" : [ ],
+    "taskStatus" : "SUCCESS",
+    "inputBytes" : 127823,
+    "inputRecords" : 17866,
+    "outputBytes" : 122793,
+    "outputRecords" : 11713
+  } ],
+  "submitTime" : 1285322645148,
+  "launchTime" : 1285322645614,
+  "totalMaps" : 3,
+  "totalReduces" : 1,
+  "otherTasks" : [ {
+    "startTime" : 1285322648294,
+    "taskID" : "task_201009241532_0001_m_000004",
+    "taskType" : "SETUP",
+    "attempts" : [ {
+      "location" : null,
+      "hostName" : "/default-rack/",
+      "startTime" : 1285322648482,
+      "finishTime" : 1285322649588,
+      "result" : "SUCCESS",
+      "attemptID" : "attempt_201009241532_0001_m_000004_0",
+      "shuffleFinished" : -1,
+      "sortFinished" : -1,
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+      "hdfsBytesWritten" : -1,
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+      "reduceInputRecords" : -1,
+      "reduceShuffleBytes" : -1,
+      "reduceOutputRecords" : -1,
+      "spilledRecords" : 0,
+      "mapInputBytes" : -1
+    } ],
+    "finishTime" : 1285322651351,
+    "preferredLocations" : [ ],
+    "taskStatus" : "SUCCESS",
+    "inputBytes" : -1,
+    "inputRecords" : -1,
+    "outputBytes" : -1,
+    "outputRecords" : -1
+  }, {
+    "startTime" : 1285322672829,
+    "taskID" : "task_201009241532_0001_m_000003",
+    "taskType" : "CLEANUP",
+    "attempts" : [ {
+      "location" : null,
+      "hostName" : "/default-rack/",
+      "startTime" : 1285322672838,
+      "finishTime" : 1285322673971,
+      "result" : "SUCCESS",
+      "attemptID" : "attempt_201009241532_0001_m_000003_0",
+      "shuffleFinished" : -1,
+      "sortFinished" : -1,
+      "hdfsBytesRead" : -1,
+      "hdfsBytesWritten" : -1,
+      "fileBytesRead" : -1,
+      "fileBytesWritten" : -1,
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+      "mapOutputBytes" : -1,
+      "mapOutputRecords" : -1,
+      "combineInputRecords" : -1,
+      "reduceInputGroups" : -1,
+      "reduceInputRecords" : -1,
+      "reduceShuffleBytes" : -1,
+      "reduceOutputRecords" : -1,
+      "spilledRecords" : 0,
+      "mapInputBytes" : -1
+    } ],
+    "finishTime" : 1285322675835,
+    "preferredLocations" : [ ],
+    "taskStatus" : "SUCCESS",
+    "inputBytes" : -1,
+    "inputRecords" : -1,
+    "outputBytes" : -1,
+    "outputRecords" : -1
+  } ],
+  "computonsPerMapInputByte" : -1,
+  "computonsPerMapOutputByte" : -1,
+  "computonsPerReduceInputByte" : -1,
+  "computonsPerReduceOutputByte" : -1,
+  "heapMegabytes" : 1024,
+  "outcome" : "SUCCESS",
+  "jobtype" : "JAVA",
+  "directDependantJobs" : [ ],
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+    "minimum" : -9223372036854775808,
+    "rankings" : [ ],
+    "numberValues" : 0
+  }, {
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+  }, {
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+    "rankings" : [ ],
+    "numberValues" : 0
+  }, {
+    "maximum" : 6896,
+    "minimum" : 4058,
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+      "relativeRanking" : 0.05
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.1
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.15
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.2
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.25
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.3
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.35
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
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+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
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+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
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+    }, {
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+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.6
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.65
+    }, {
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+    }, {
+      "datum" : 6528,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.75
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 6528,
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+    }, {
+      "datum" : 6528,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.85
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 6528,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.9
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 6528,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.95
+    } ],
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+  } ],
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+    "minimum" : -9223372036854775808,
+    "rankings" : [ ],
+    "numberValues" : 0
+  }, {
+    "maximum" : 9223372036854775807,
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+    "rankings" : [ ],
+    "numberValues" : 0
+  }, {
+    "maximum" : 9223372036854775807,
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+    "rankings" : [ ],
+    "numberValues" : 0
+  }, {
+    "maximum" : 9223372036854775807,
+    "minimum" : -9223372036854775808,
+    "rankings" : [ ],
+    "numberValues" : 0
+  } ],
+  "successfulReduceAttemptCDF" : {
+    "maximum" : 9952,
+    "minimum" : 9952,
+    "rankings" : [ {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.05
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.1
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.15
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.2
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.25
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.3
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.35
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.4
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
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+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.5
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.55
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
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+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
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+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
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+    }, {
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+    }, {
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+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
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+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.9
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.95
+    } ],
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+  },
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+    "minimum" : -9223372036854775808,
+    "rankings" : [ ],
+    "numberValues" : 0
+  },
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+  "jobReduceMB" : 1024
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+  "jobID" : "job_201009241532_0001",
+  "user" : "johndoe",
+  "jobName" : "WordCount",
+  "mapTasks" : [ {
+    "startTime" : 1285322651360,
+    "taskID" : "task_201009241532_0001_m_000000",
+    "taskType" : "MAP",
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+      "location" : null,
+      "hostName" : "/default-rack/",
+      "startTime" : 1285322651366,
+      "finishTime" : 1285322658262,
+      "result" : "SUCCESS",
+      "attemptID" : "attempt_201009241532_0001_m_000000_0",
+      "shuffleFinished" : -1,
+      "sortFinished" : -1,
+      "hdfsBytesRead" : 704270,
+      "hdfsBytesWritten" : -1,
+      "fileBytesRead" : -1,
+      "fileBytesWritten" : 48266,
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+      "mapOutputRecords" : 126063,
+      "combineInputRecords" : 126063,
+      "reduceInputGroups" : -1,
+      "reduceInputRecords" : -1,
+      "reduceShuffleBytes" : -1,
+      "reduceOutputRecords" : -1,
+      "spilledRecords" : 6612,
+      "mapInputBytes" : -1
+    } ],
+    "finishTime" : 1285322660778,
+    "preferredLocations" : [ {
+      "layers" : [ "default-rack", "" ]
+    } ],
+    "taskStatus" : "SUCCESS",
+    "inputBytes" : 704270,
+    "inputRecords" : 13427,
+    "outputBytes" : 48266,
+    "outputRecords" : 126063
+  }, {
+    "startTime" : 1285322651361,
+    "taskID" : "task_201009241532_0001_m_000001",
+    "taskType" : "MAP",
+    "attempts" : [ {
+      "location" : null,
+      "hostName" : "/default-rack/",
+      "startTime" : 1285322651378,
+      "finishTime" : 1285322657906,
+      "result" : "SUCCESS",
+      "attemptID" : "attempt_201009241532_0001_m_000001_0",
+      "shuffleFinished" : -1,
+      "sortFinished" : -1,
+      "hdfsBytesRead" : 577214,
+      "hdfsBytesWritten" : -1,
+      "fileBytesRead" : -1,
+      "fileBytesWritten" : 58143,
+      "mapInputRecords" : 13015,
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+      "mapOutputRecords" : 108400,
+      "combineInputRecords" : 108400,
+      "reduceInputGroups" : -1,
+      "reduceInputRecords" : -1,
+      "reduceShuffleBytes" : -1,
+      "reduceOutputRecords" : -1,
+      "spilledRecords" : 8214,
+      "mapInputBytes" : -1
+    } ],
+    "finishTime" : 1285322660781,
+    "preferredLocations" : [ {
+      "layers" : [ "default-rack", "" ]
+    } ],
+    "taskStatus" : "SUCCESS",
+    "inputBytes" : 577214,
+    "inputRecords" : 13015,
+    "outputBytes" : 58143,
+    "outputRecords" : 108400
+  }, {
+    "startTime" : 1285322660789,
+    "taskID" : "task_201009241532_0001_m_000002",
+    "taskType" : "MAP",
+    "attempts" : [ {
+      "location" : null,
+      "hostName" : "/default-rack/",
+      "startTime" : 1285322660807,
+      "finishTime" : 1285322664865,
+      "result" : "SUCCESS",
+      "attemptID" : "attempt_201009241532_0001_m_000002_0",
+      "shuffleFinished" : -1,
+      "sortFinished" : -1,
+      "hdfsBytesRead" : 163907,
+      "hdfsBytesWritten" : -1,
+      "fileBytesRead" : -1,
+      "fileBytesWritten" : 21510,
+      "mapInputRecords" : 3736,
+      "mapOutputBytes" : 275796,
+      "mapOutputRecords" : 30528,
+      "combineInputRecords" : 30528,
+      "reduceInputGroups" : -1,
+      "reduceInputRecords" : -1,
+      "reduceShuffleBytes" : -1,
+      "reduceOutputRecords" : -1,
+      "spilledRecords" : 3040,
+      "mapInputBytes" : -1
+    } ],
+    "finishTime" : 1285322666805,
+    "preferredLocations" : [ {
+      "layers" : [ "default-rack", "" ]
+    } ],
+    "taskStatus" : "SUCCESS",
+    "inputBytes" : 163907,
+    "inputRecords" : 3736,
+    "outputBytes" : 21510,
+    "outputRecords" : 30528
+  } ],
+  "finishTime" : 1285322675837,
+  "reduceTasks" : [ {
+    "startTime" : 1285322660790,
+    "taskID" : "task_201009241532_0001_r_000000",
+    "taskType" : "REDUCE",
+    "attempts" : [ {
+      "location" : null,
+      "hostName" : "/default-rack/",
+      "startTime" : 1285322660807,
+      "finishTime" : 1285322670759,
+      "result" : "SUCCESS",
+      "attemptID" : "attempt_201009241532_0001_r_000000_0",
+      "shuffleFinished" : 1285322667962,
+      "sortFinished" : 1285322668146,
+      "hdfsBytesRead" : -1,
+      "hdfsBytesWritten" : 122793,
+      "fileBytesRead" : 111026,
+      "fileBytesWritten" : 111026,
+      "mapInputRecords" : -1,
+      "mapOutputBytes" : -1,
+      "mapOutputRecords" : -1,
+      "combineInputRecords" : 0,
+      "reduceInputGroups" : 11713,
+      "reduceInputRecords" : 17866,
+      "reduceShuffleBytes" : 127823,
+      "reduceOutputRecords" : 11713,
+      "spilledRecords" : 17866,
+      "mapInputBytes" : -1
+    } ],
+    "finishTime" : 1285322672821,
+    "preferredLocations" : [ ],
+    "taskStatus" : "SUCCESS",
+    "inputBytes" : 127823,
+    "inputRecords" : 17866,
+    "outputBytes" : 122793,
+    "outputRecords" : 11713
+  } ],
+  "submitTime" : 1285322645148,
+  "launchTime" : 1285322645614,
+  "totalMaps" : 3,
+  "totalReduces" : 1,
+  "otherTasks" : [ {
+    "startTime" : 1285322648294,
+    "taskID" : "task_201009241532_0001_m_000004",
+    "taskType" : "SETUP",
+    "attempts" : [ {
+      "location" : null,
+      "hostName" : "/default-rack/",
+      "startTime" : 1285322648482,
+      "finishTime" : 1285322649588,
+      "result" : "SUCCESS",
+      "attemptID" : "attempt_201009241532_0001_m_000004_0",
+      "shuffleFinished" : -1,
+      "sortFinished" : -1,
+      "hdfsBytesRead" : -1,
+      "hdfsBytesWritten" : -1,
+      "fileBytesRead" : -1,
+      "fileBytesWritten" : -1,
+      "mapInputRecords" : -1,
+      "mapOutputBytes" : -1,
+      "mapOutputRecords" : -1,
+      "combineInputRecords" : -1,
+      "reduceInputGroups" : -1,
+      "reduceInputRecords" : -1,
+      "reduceShuffleBytes" : -1,
+      "reduceOutputRecords" : -1,
+      "spilledRecords" : 0,
+      "mapInputBytes" : -1
+    } ],
+    "finishTime" : 1285322651351,
+    "preferredLocations" : [ ],
+    "taskStatus" : "SUCCESS",
+    "inputBytes" : -1,
+    "inputRecords" : -1,
+    "outputBytes" : -1,
+    "outputRecords" : -1
+  }, {
+    "startTime" : 1285322672829,
+    "taskID" : "task_201009241532_0001_m_000003",
+    "taskType" : "CLEANUP",
+    "attempts" : [ {
+      "location" : null,
+      "hostName" : "/default-rack/",
+      "startTime" : 1285322672838,
+      "finishTime" : 1285322673971,
+      "result" : "SUCCESS",
+      "attemptID" : "attempt_201009241532_0001_m_000003_0",
+      "shuffleFinished" : -1,
+      "sortFinished" : -1,
+      "hdfsBytesRead" : -1,
+      "hdfsBytesWritten" : -1,
+      "fileBytesRead" : -1,
+      "fileBytesWritten" : -1,
+      "mapInputRecords" : -1,
+      "mapOutputBytes" : -1,
+      "mapOutputRecords" : -1,
+      "combineInputRecords" : -1,
+      "reduceInputGroups" : -1,
+      "reduceInputRecords" : -1,
+      "reduceShuffleBytes" : -1,
+      "reduceOutputRecords" : -1,
+      "spilledRecords" : 0,
+      "mapInputBytes" : -1
+    } ],
+    "finishTime" : 1285322675835,
+    "preferredLocations" : [ ],
+    "taskStatus" : "SUCCESS",
+    "inputBytes" : -1,
+    "inputRecords" : -1,
+    "outputBytes" : -1,
+    "outputRecords" : -1
+  } ],
+  "computonsPerMapInputByte" : -1,
+  "computonsPerMapOutputByte" : -1,
+  "computonsPerReduceInputByte" : -1,
+  "computonsPerReduceOutputByte" : -1,
+  "heapMegabytes" : 1024,
+  "outcome" : "SUCCESS",
+  "jobtype" : "JAVA",
+  "directDependantJobs" : [ ],
+  "successfulMapAttemptCDFs" : [ {
+    "maximum" : 9223372036854775807,
+    "minimum" : -9223372036854775808,
+    "rankings" : [ ],
+    "numberValues" : 0
+  }, {
+    "maximum" : 9223372036854775807,
+    "minimum" : -9223372036854775808,
+    "rankings" : [ ],
+    "numberValues" : 0
+  }, {
+    "maximum" : 9223372036854775807,
+    "minimum" : -9223372036854775808,
+    "rankings" : [ ],
+    "numberValues" : 0
+  }, {
+    "maximum" : 6896,
+    "minimum" : 4058,
+    "rankings" : [ {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.05
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.1
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.15
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.2
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.25
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.3
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.35
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.4
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.45
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.5
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.55
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.6
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 4058,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.65
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 6528,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.7
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 6528,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.75
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 6528,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.8
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 6528,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.85
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 6528,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.9
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 6528,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.95
+    } ],
+    "numberValues" : 3
+  } ],
+  "failedMapAttemptCDFs" : [ {
+    "maximum" : 9223372036854775807,
+    "minimum" : -9223372036854775808,
+    "rankings" : [ ],
+    "numberValues" : 0
+  }, {
+    "maximum" : 9223372036854775807,
+    "minimum" : -9223372036854775808,
+    "rankings" : [ ],
+    "numberValues" : 0
+  }, {
+    "maximum" : 9223372036854775807,
+    "minimum" : -9223372036854775808,
+    "rankings" : [ ],
+    "numberValues" : 0
+  }, {
+    "maximum" : 9223372036854775807,
+    "minimum" : -9223372036854775808,
+    "rankings" : [ ],
+    "numberValues" : 0
+  } ],
+  "successfulReduceAttemptCDF" : {
+    "maximum" : 9952,
+    "minimum" : 9952,
+    "rankings" : [ {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.05
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.1
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.15
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.2
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.25
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.3
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.35
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.4
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.45
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.5
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.55
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.6
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.65
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.7
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.75
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.8
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.85
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.9
+    }, {
+      "datum" : 9952,
+      "relativeRanking" : 0.95
+    } ],
+    "numberValues" : 1
+  },
+  "failedReduceAttemptCDF" : {
+    "maximum" : 9223372036854775807,
+    "minimum" : -9223372036854775808,
+    "rankings" : [ ],
+    "numberValues" : 0
+  },
+  "mapperTriesToSucceed" : [ 1.0 ],
+  "failedMapperFraction" : 0.0,
+  "relativeTime" : 0,
+  "queue" : "default",
+  "clusterMapMB" : -1,
+  "clusterReduceMB" : -1,
+  "jobMapMB" : 1024,
+  "jobReduceMB" : 1024

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