
'Set-Cookie' (request) header is not the same thing as the 'Cookie' (response) header. 
CookieSpec#formatCookieHeader() method produces a 'Set-Cookie' (request) header, 
whereas CookieSpec#parse() method is intended to parse 'Cookie' (response) headers

I hope this clarifies things a bit


-----Original Message-----
From: Cabbar Duzayak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 13:47
To: Commons HttpClient Project
Subject: Cookie Bug?


I am trying to run the following code for

Cookie cookie = initialState.getCookies()[0];
CookieSpec cs = CookiePolicy.getDefaultSpec();
Header h = cs.formatCookieHeader(cookie);
Cookie[] cookie2 = cs.parse(cookie.getDomain(), 80,
cookie.getPath(), cookie.getSecure(), h);

And, it is throwing an exception as:

Cookie name may not start with $"

It looks like h.getValue returns name with $ sign
(which was indeed created by the cookiespec), but the
same cookiespec can not read this back, because it has
a $ sign???

BTW, h.getValue() is:

$Domain=.google.com; $Path=/

Looks like, cookieSpec.parse is expecting the same
string without $ signs, in fact, when I remove dollar
signs manually, the code works fine.

Did I hit the jackpot and found a bug;)


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