El Tuesday 13 March 2007 22:10:03 Mike escribió:
> Johnathan, it's not as simple as just "a GPRS network in the US".  See
> my thread "What mobile service to get".  There are 12 data plans offered
> by cingular. Different prices.  Some of them have "Blackberry" in the
> title.  Can neo work with those?  How do you know?  After all, it's a
> "GPRS network".  As I said in my original response in this thread, the
> sheer volume of information, and the tentative way everyone presented it
> in my thread, indicates that finding a mobile plan is, in fact, not
> simple, and I SHOULD worry about it.
> The openmoko people had better provide us some information about what
> will work and what won't, or I'm out and advising others to do the same.

        I'm sure that your provider can do a better work at it, just call them 
ask. I called Orange this afternoon an, at least here in Spain, the plan 
names don't matter. You can get the Blackberry Foo and Windows Mobile Bar 
plans without a specific device, they don't care. In fact, they have a 
interesting Blackberry labeled plan which offers unlimited POP and IMAP 
traffic to your server (you need to give them the ip when you sign the 
contract). I've started thinking of setting up a proxy listening on port 110 
and configuring the Neo for using it for all the internet traffic[1], so I 
can get unlimited internet access for 12 €/mo.


[1] http://httppc.sourceforge.net/

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