On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 08:54:23PM -0700, Ian Stephen wrote:
> On May 31, 2008, Mike wrote:
> > If I wanted a PDA the runs linux and has wifi, and gets good battery
> > life, any suggestions?
> I've got a Nokia N800.  Much less expensive than the N810, but 810 has some 
> things 800 doesn't.

Key difference, at least for me, is that the N810 has a keyboard. Very
important for me, but YMMV.

> Battery life is from 1 day to 1 week or so depending on how I'm using it.
> Wifi reception is the best of any device I've used.
> 2 SD slots that are SDHC compatible so plenty of storage.

N810 has only one Mini-SDHC slot (in practice that means one uses a
Micro-SDHC card in an adapter in there) and 2 GB of internal (as in:
soldered in) flash card. So far I'm fine with that.

> Fits a jacket or shirt pocket just fine.
> I use GPE calendar, todo, timesheet; camera, gnumeric and Maemopad+ daily.  
> PDF viewer occasionally.  Am very happy with it.  Look forward to getting a 
> bluetooth keyboard (perhaps iFrog).

Xournal is also a very nice application. Another one is fbreader,
turning your PDA into a mobile library.
> One regret is that I didn't put a screen protector on right away.  Now has a 
> scratchy feeling place on screen where I write the most.  Oh, and the 
> hand-writing recognition works much better for me than Palm's Grafitti 2 
> does.

I never use the HWR - thats what the keyboard is for ;-)
> One gotcha to watch for is that Maemopad+ db main table data is lost if the 
> device battery runs out with the application open.  In my case I was able to 
> recover the db with data from its backup table using a cli sqlite3 client.


"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and
 looks like work."                                      -- Thomas A. Edison

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