Don't be so dismissive.  It's an interesting idea.  It may happen some
day.  But it would be pretty difficult at this point.  The path would
have to be pretty circuitous, the latency and odds of a dropped call
would keep going up and up with each new link.  I've never tried it
myself, but I've heard that GPRS latency / QOS in general is very low
and it would not be a satisfying experienice.  It seems you'd have to
use another phone to computer gateway, from the openmoko to the net,
and potentially then a second one from the net to the rest of the
plain old telephone network.  You could have a land line at home be
your own gateway... and that'd reduce some of the round trip times.

So the architecture could be:

POTN <-> gateway <-ISP-> homenet <-ISP-> gateway <-GSM-> Neo1973
or, if you have your own land line for incoming:
POTN <-> gateway <-ISP-> homenet <-lan-> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <-GSM-> Neo1973

and then when you got close to home you initiate a parallel connection
from your home network to the Neo over bluetooth or wifi and [somehow]
get that in sync and hand off:

POTN <-> gateway <-ISP-> homenet <-bluetooth/wifi-> Neo1973

Sounds fun; almost makes me glad I still have a land line.


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