O Domingo, 20 de Febreiro de 2011, Gennady Kupava escribiu:
> Hi, David,
> Yes, splash should work, as reported by someone few months ago. Splash
> simple copied from special flash partition into framebuffer, yes with
> the line you pointed. So, it should contain zipped raw image data in
> 16bit rgb format, 480x640. But frankly speaking i never tried using
> splash. And yes again, just uncomment that line


As you probably know, I had to stop using u-boot because gps not being stable 
and crashing on suspend/resume cycles.
Your patch to u-boot and kernel solved my GPS problems.

But I had to go with Qi again, because I was suffering for the same sympthoms 
with GSM in SHR.
With Qi, GSM was stable, and resistered suspend cycles with no trouble. With 
u-boot after a random number of suspend/resumes, it crashed.

Some days ago, I decided to try u-boot+ubi SHR image with your sample u-boot 
configuration. GSM just worked flawlessly in SHR for these days , and I though 
it was due to any change in FSO and/or kernel.

But yesterday it started to fail again.

It's going to sound crazy, but I think it's due to u-boot splash!

Since I flashed new configuration with splash yesterday, I lose gsm after some 
suspend/resume cycles. This morning I deactivated splash again, and gsm is 
stable again.

David Garabana Barro
jabber & google talk ID:        da...@garabana.com
Clave pública PGP/GPG:          http://davide.garabana.com/pgp.html

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