I'm attempting to build an ASU image from the asu.stable branch on a
Debian Etch system (AMD64 arch) using MokoMakefile. I've edited the
makefile to echo gta02 to local.conf instead of 01 and changed
GIT_BRANCH to asu.stable.

I've also followed the wiki instructions for building an image but
there is the first error for me. Running make update gives me the
following error:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/moko$ make update
( cd bitbake && \
          ( git branch | egrep -e ' bitbake-om$' > /dev/null || \
            git checkout -b bitbake-om --track origin/bitbake-om ))
( cd bitbake && \
          git checkout bitbake-om && \
          git fetch && \
          git rebase origin/bitbake-om )
fatal: Needed a single revision
invalid upstream origin/bitbake-om
make: *** [update-bitbake] Error 1

When building openmoko-qtopia-x11-image it seems to work properly up
until it attempts to build qtopia-phone-x11 which throws the errors
found at http://pastebin.com/m362d7e90

I've followed the wiki instructions, including cleaning the failed
package and trying thrice before complaining. :)

I'd really like to build my own images, since it appears the images on
the official buildhost are constantly out of date. Any help in
resolving these issues would be greatly appreciated!

-Kevin Dean

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