Re: State of FreeCalypso

2015-04-18 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sat 18 April 2015 21:32:21 Spacefalcon the Outlaw wrote:
> I am not
> asking you to publicly apologize for the 2 years of mental TORTURE you
> put me through - so why are people asking me to apologize for my
> reaction to that torture?

Listen buddy!
NOBODY TORTURED YOU, except you yourself did that maybe. OM not even 
approached you, we simply ignored you as far as any possible. When that's 
torturing then what is it YOU are doing to me - right now?
What would ypou say when now *I* would claim you're torturing me by not 
granting me that apardon for your inappropriate behavior? Would you appreciate 
me threatening you, your family and coworkers, to get that pardon from you? 
And you have to admit that *you* started this particular thread by addressing 
me with your extorting efforts. NOT I did anything that would now result in me 
awaiting a public apology for the former (and recent) public threatening (not 
to mention the lying and badmouthing and...)

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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: State of FreeCalypso

2015-04-18 Thread Spacefalcon the Outlaw
joerg Reisenweber  wrote:

> Thanks for brining it up, Neil. Alas, you see, it's in vain. Despite al=
> l the=20
> good will from our side. [...]

I don't hold any grudges against you.  I don't consider you an enemy.
I don't have any ill will toward you or any of your former coworkers
who badly hurt me.  I got what I needed, and at least from my side,
all past is forgiven.

But I don't believe that I owe any apologies to anyone.  I am not
asking you to publicly apologize for the 2 years of mental TORTURE you
put me through - so why are people asking me to apologize for my
reaction to that torture?

> have access to them and to threaten *us* (OpenMoko) instead of maybe TI=
> with=20
> assault and murder when we don't grant him access.

"Maybe TI"?  What makes you think that there *even one person* in the
present-day TI who even knows/remembers that they were once in that
business, let alone has a copy of any sources from those days?

As far as I know, all TI offices where that work was done were closed
and all associated employees were laid off.  I consider it very likely
that present-day TI as a company *does not have a copy* of any of
these sources, except for whatever they may have downloaded from my
FTP site or the like.

At the time of the painful 2 y long episode in question, I believed
(and had every good reason to believe) that you were holding the
world's last remaining copy.

I think it's time we put that past behind us and move on with our
lives and with whatever productive work we can do.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: State of FreeCalypso

2015-04-18 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sat 18 April 2015 09:41:03 wrote:
> I wonder if you might now consider retracting and apologising for those, and
> undertake not to repeat similar in future?

Thanks for brining it up, Neil. Alas, you see, it's in vain. Despite all the 
good will from our side. This guy was probably born in a cinema during a Rambo 
movie. ;-) Maybe he *needs* that attitude that only he and his AK-47 can 
change the world, and everybody except himself is on the wrong side of that 
AK-47. Some people need that sort of challenge to push up the importance and 
perceived burden of their own struggle.
In Germany we have the saying "Viel Feind, viel Ehr". Worst case - and with 
according mental problems - you consider your allies your worst enemies just 
to keep that attitude. And you know Leroy Jethro Gibbs: "never apologize!" ;)

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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: State of FreeCalypso

2015-04-18 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sat 18 April 2015 20:22:31 wrote:
> yeah crazy - the four freedoms on a cell phone - only a nut case would dream
> that one up
you're completely missing the point.
this guy threatening OM and me personally to kill me when I don't grant him 
access to sources which even OM had unclear permissions in (since received 
form FIC and not directly from TI, initially) and for sure would be liable 
when disclosing them to a nut case psycho who thinks it's his natural right to 
have access to them and to threaten *us* (OpenMoko) instead of maybe TI with 
assault and murder when we don't grant him access. OM was *very* liberal with 
granting access to virtually *everything* to *everybody* who showed a *little 
bit* of common sense about avoiding possible damage to OpenMoko when getting 
access to that material whatever it been. We explicitly decided that any such 
common sense is NOT to be found in *this particular person* who rather 
threatens to kill us than considering how to cooperate in a reasonable manner 
that maximizes benefit and limits possible damage on both sides.

And evidently nothing has changed, the line of argumentation is all the same 
since years.

so: futile effort. File closed.

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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: State of FreeCalypso

2015-04-18 Thread mail
>futile effort to educate persons with such mental issues.

yeah crazy - the four freedoms on a cell phone - only a nut case would dream 
that one up

David Matthews

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: State of FreeCalypso

2015-04-18 Thread joerg Reisenweber
On Sat 18 April 2015 17:41:02 Spacefalcon the Outlaw wrote:
> I would never had been able to work on a project like FreeCalypso -
> neither technically nor emotionally - while there were persons in the
> so-called "community" taunting me with "we have this source which
> would make a night-and-day difference for your project, but we'll
> never let you have it" - therefore, making plans of a life-for-a-life
> exchange (giving up my own life after torturing and killing them) was
> my only available option under those circumstances.

without any words. Guess about our motivation to cooperate with somebody as 
mad as this

futile effort to educate persons with such mental issues.

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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: State of FreeCalypso

2015-04-18 Thread Spacefalcon the Outlaw wrote:

> but I find it hard to forget the unacceptably violent threats that you've
> made in the past (on this list) towards particular people.

The people you are referring to tormented me in the most heinous
manner for a full 2 years (from the fall of 2011 till about the same
time in 2013), and the threats you are referring to were not so much
threats as tentative contingency plans.

*All* of the work that I've done on the FreeCalypso project so far has
been possible *only* because the playing field was finally leveled in
the fall of 2013 with the publishing of a source equivalent to the one
that was wrongfully denied to unprivileged persons like me in the
prior years: now everyone in the world, including nobodies like me,
has access to exactly the same set of starting point materials.

I would never had been able to work on a project like FreeCalypso -
neither technically nor emotionally - while there were persons in the
so-called "community" taunting me with "we have this source which
would make a night-and-day difference for your project, but we'll
never let you have it" - therefore, making plans of a life-for-a-life
exchange (giving up my own life after torturing and killing them) was
my only available option under those circumstances.

> I wonder if you might now consider retracting and apologising for those,

Retracting: sure, now that the playing field has been leveled and
everyone including me has access to the same set of starting point
materials, there is no longer any need for me to kidnap, torture or
kill anyone.

Apologising: hell no!  I do not owe any apology to a bunch of sadists
who got some kind of sexual gratification out of watching my life
wither away (for a full 2 years!) without access to the one and only
piece of pirate ware (TCS211 semi-src given by TI to a whole bunch of
phone and modem manufacturers in 2007) which I needed in order to have
a purposeful, meaningful and productive life.  And I *do* have that
purposeful, meaningful and productive life now, thanks to the Russian
comrade who helped me obtain (and publish to the rest of the world) a
copy of that TCS211 semi-src - but I don't owe any apologies to anyone.

> and undertake not to repeat similar in future?

Sure: the playing field is now level, I have all of the starting point
materials I need, and the rest of the world has them too through my
FTP site and physical DVD-R distributions, so there is no more need to
resort to life-sacrifice means.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: State of FreeCalypso

2015-04-18 Thread mail
>I'm impressed by‎ your dedication and detail, and I partly enjoy reading 
>your updates

+1 but s/partly/entirely [although I also didn't enjoy reading threats :-)]

Lets not forget - just one man working doggedly on the only project that offers 
any possibility of a cell phone running firmware that offers the four freedoms.

In recognition of the fact that this project is going beyond the leo2moko 
firmware port and the freerunner itself, I've updated the links to the howtos I 
wrote for the existing firmware and tools that Michael has released:-


There should not be any broken links, but if you do see any, please let me know.

Finally, please do donate generously - to Michael, not myself ^_~

David Matthews

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: State of FreeCalypso

2015-04-18 Thread neil
A non-technical comment that you can take or leave - but it is my genuine 
response to your writings...

I'm impressed by‎ your dedication and detail, and I partly enjoy reading your 
updates; but I find it hard to forget the unacceptably violent threats that 
you've made in the past (on this list) towards particular people. 

I wonder if you might now consider retracting and apologising for those, and 
undertake not to repeat similar in future?

Viva la humanidad!


  Original Message  
From: Spacefalcon the Outlaw
Sent: Saturday, 18 April 2015 07:29
Reply To: List for Openmoko community discussion
Subject: State of FreeCalypso

Hello community,

This periodic post is a summary of the goals of the FreeCalypso family
of projects and the high-level status toward their achievement.


The overall end goals of the project are, in no particular order:

1. Produce a standalone realization of Openmoko's modem. I have had
occasion to work with various GSM modems and phones acting as modems
(presenting an AT command interface) since A.D. 2000, and the modem
in the Freerunner is by far the nicest I've ever touched. TI's
implementation of the GSM specs is the richest in terms of
functionality (contrast with the lack of CSD support in most 3G+
USB "stick" modems), and thanks to the Leonardo semi-src find, we
now have full visibility into its inner workings.

But it's a shame that this awesome GSM+GPRS modem is currently
tucked away in the guts of the Freerunner, inaccessible to anyone
besides the tiny handful of active FR owners/users - and even when
one does have a Freerunner, it is not possible to take the FR's AP
subsystem out of the picture and use the modem directly from an
external host; one has to go through the AP instead, severely
limiting the ability to use this modem outside of the FR.

Hence I would like to build a modem just like Om's, but brought out
on a board by itself, with external connections for power and the
two UARTs. And throw in a quadband RFFE and a higher capacity
flash+pSRAM chip while at it.

2. Produce a practically usable phone that runs practically free
firmware, i.e., fw whose source every user is empowered to study
and improve or otherwise modify. Note the emphasis on practical
usability. I hear from FR owners that the practical usability of
the FR as a phone is rather poor, and because there is absolutely
nothing wrong with the modem (hw or fw), the defects in usability
must be the result of some flaw(s) in the AP subsystem - a
subsystem which from my PoV is nothing but unwanted complexity.
And I would never be able to use my FR as a personal phone because
it would require running something like QtMoko, and that stuff is
far too complex for my old peasant mind. Free software which is
far too complex for me to understand and work with comfortably is
little different from proprietary sw from the purely practical
standpoint - it's a impenetrable black box in practical terms.

Therefore, the only way for me to have a practically usable phone
that runs practically free firmware is to produce a non-smart phone,
a plain phone with no AP subsystem. The long-term solution is to
build my own handset hardware, but in the short term it would be OK
to use not-quite-fitting but already existing hardware like Pirelli
and Motorola phones.

3. Produce a FreeCalypso modem module that could be used in the place
of off-the-shelf proprietary ones by free smartphone projects like
Neo900. I would like to buy a couple of Neo900 units for two of my
family members, but cannot do so for as long as the product includes
a modem module from an immoral vendor who withholds source code and
documentation and imposes restricted boot barriers to alternative
firmware implementations.

To the person who emailed me off-list and asked if I could design
my FreeCalypso modem in the form factor matching Gemalto's so it
could be a drop-in replacement: yes, I still like that idea very
much and would like to do it, but I'm unsure whether I can manage
such a task by myself, so we may need to work on it together. I
also think that it would be easier if I prove my basic design first
on a non-form-factor-constrained board, and then go through the
form factor gymnastics as a second step.

So the above 3 are the overall goals of the FreeCalypso family of
projects. Out of those, goal 2 (practically usable non-smart phone
running free fw) has been my main focus because it is the one that
would improve my own quality of life: I am sick and tired of dealing
with Pirelli's proprietary fw (I use a Pirelli DP-L10 as my personal
daily phone, running its original proprietary fw as nothing better
exists yet - better as in more free *and* practically usable), and I
really, really, really want to replace it with my own free firmware.

Firmware subproject

The firmware subproject of FreeCalypso is leading up toward an
intermediate goal which is not listed among the end g