Re: [Community Updates] 2009-11-11 released!

2009-11-12 Thread Patryk Benderz
> I had to change a small thing, because the summary of what's going on in the 
> SHR land wasn't from. I just forwarded the original message from Sebastian 
> Spaeth :)
my fault, thanks for fixing this

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[Community Updates] 2009-11-25 released

2009-11-27 Thread Patryk Benderz
Hello everybody, better late then never ;).
Recent Community Update is out.
Take a look at:

and contribute to the new draft at:

Thanks to all contributors:

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
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Re: [Community Updates] 2009-11-25 released

2009-11-29 Thread Patryk Benderz
> what is the current staus of SHR-U? Can be used as daily distro? Are
> the problems fixed by now? I still have the version from September
> which rather works and try to avoid potential problems.

Your questions has been mostly answered on shr-user mailing list:

Patryk Benderz
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[CU,Templates] DistributionBox template latest changes

2009-12-09 Thread Patryk Benderz
Hi all,
Recently wiki editor Kukide, changed DistributionBos template. It was on
wiki also, thus i assume i can quote his email to me: 

> Hi, I change your templates
> and rewrite on
> all back-links. 
> I make some new templates for this page:
> In the future if some
> distribution start work on new hardware, it will be easy change in
> template for this distribution and it will change on all places in
> wiki. :) 
> And I thing in the future distributions will work on more hardware and
> it will be helpful split information about "other" device. This is a
> possible on this page: 
> I hope it will be useful. 
> Kukide

Today i started to add some entries to Community Updates. One of them
was SHR-Testing branch. I have 2 considerations about this:

1) It appeared, that after Kukide's modifications you have to add new
sub-template for each new distribution, describing hardware it works on.
In my opinion it is a flaw. Kukide kindly made template for SHR and few
other distros, but didn't make new one for SHR-Testing. This scenario
will repeat for future distributions and generates additional work for
wiki editors.

2) It also appeared, that using sub-templates we loose all history of
what distro's versions were working on what hardware.
Example: if you modify template for lets say QtMoko v123, by adding new
hardware (lets consider that QtMoko V123 works on PS3) it will appear in
all previous Community Updates, that all previous versions of QtMoko
starting from V1, V2,... also are working on PS3... which is not true.
This is a flaw also IMHO.

Conclusions: I think we should revert these changes and use old
DistributionBox template. Of course keeping in mind freedom in all
aspects I am asking all of you, what is your opinion (especially you
Kukide) before reverting those changes.

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Re: Navigation

2009-12-09 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2009-12-09, śro o godzinie 11:02 -0800, Mike Crash pisze:
> Hello everyone, I only want to inform you, that I am working on new
> navigation for the Freerunner, current name is MC Navi, but may change.
Great! Looks nice :) Right on time to todays CU release. Lets put it to
Community section until you release stable application.

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Re: [H:1] New Keyboard! t9brain

2009-12-10 Thread Patryk Benderz
Hi tony,
It would be wiser to start a new thread for this.

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Re: [H:1] New keyboard: t9brain

2009-12-11 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2009-12-10, czw o godzinie 19:20 -0600, Esteban Monge pisze:
> Why not TuxNINE? or Tux9?
sounds good for me ;)

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[Community Updates] 2009-12-09 released

2009-12-11 Thread Patryk Benderz
Hello everybody,
Recent Community Update is out.
Take a look at:

and contribute to the new draft at:

Thanks to all contributors for buuilding this issue of CU.

P.S. If it is not welcome to send a copy to Shr-User ML, please let me

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Re: Autonofix à Grenoble (France)

2009-12-13 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2009-12-11, pią o godzinie 22:19 +0100, swap38 pisze:
> Hi all,
> Autonofix party this sunday (december 13) near Grenoble (France).
> For more details :
> \Swap38
Please report such events a bit earlier so people can have more time to

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Re: QtMoko v16

2009-12-21 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2009-12-21, pon o godzinie 14:38 +0100, Radek Polak pisze:
> Hi,
> new images of QtMoko are released! They can be downloaded from sourceforge as 
> usually [1].
Thanks, nice Chrstmas gift ;)

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Re: [CU,Templates] DistributionBox template latest changes

2009-12-22 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2009-12-09, śro o godzinie 19:45 +0100, Patryk Benderz pisze:
> Hi all,
> Recently wiki editor Kukide, changed DistributionBos template. It was on
Tomorrow is a release date for next CU and it looks like nobody
(including author of the changes - Kukide) is interested in this topic.
May I assume Kukide has abandoned his project of changes in Templates
for DistributionBox ?

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Re: [CU,Templates] DistributionBox template latest changes

2009-12-22 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2009-12-22, wto o godzinie 10:57 -0500, Warren Baird pisze:
> I can't speak for Kukide - but I'd agree that the changes don't seem
> to make sense --- I like having a history available, and I don't think
> it makes sense to have to twiddle the templates everytime a new distro
> variant comes along.
Hi Warren, thank you for your answer. I will wail till tomorrow just to
be sure nobody feels otherwise. If not, i will revert Kukide's changes.

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Re: Re: [CU,Templates] DistributionBox template latest changes

2009-12-23 Thread Patryk Benderz
> 1) if I look back, yes it was me mistake
> now I thing is better make Template:DistributionBox for each
> distribution. It will be better for use on wiki and It will be on all
> page actual
Lets discuss this in separate thread, and after new year begins, as this
will be long discussion I suppose, OK?

> 2) If you want history what distro's versions were working on what
> hardware, I thing is better start make new page on wiki call something
> like: History what distributions versions working on what hardware
> In this system if you wan this information, you must brows the wiki
> and remember how it's changing 
Will you create AND *maintain* such a wiki page? If you think you have
enough time to maintain another wiki page then you are welcome to do
it :), but maybe you could dedicate this free time of yours to take care
of many old and outdated wiki pages that need fixing?

> 1) it about translating templates and using on localize page on wiki
> if you use sub-templates, it will be actual also on localize page
> which use translate Template:DistributionBox
I think templates should be universal, not translated. This can be done,
but after new year, OK?

> 2) if some distributions start work on new hardware, it thing it will
> be written like text on news
I do not understand, please explain.

> 3) I don't  know, I'm not programmer... I thing the history page of
> changing sub-templates can be use  automatically on page:
> History what distributions versions working on what hardware
I do not understand. But lets leave this history stuff for now.
> 4) On wiki:
> In the Names of Distibutions you don't use number of version
And what is the question? Because i do not know if you think it is good
or bad?
Anyway, I'll try to explain according to my knowledge. First of all
there is no section called "Names of Distributions" on this wiki page,
so please be precise. I guess you are talking about "Overview" section?
If you are talking about "Hardware/Works" boxes in "Overview" section,
than I have to admit I didn't know that these templates are used
anywhere else besides "Community Updates". Now since I know that, it
changes my point of view. Those "Hardware/Works" boxes can't be used to
keep history anymore. But they fit nicely to reduce amount of work for
wiki editors (like us).
What I do not like, is their naming schemes. Now their names suggests
that these boxes shows, what software can run under some distro.
Additionally you need to keep naming scheme consistent with other
templates (do not use spaces). IMHO it need to be changed to reflect
their purpose. Example:

Template:Works on Android -> Template:AndroidSupportedHardware
Template:Works_on_Debian  -> Template:DebianSupportedHardware
Template:Works on Gentoo  -> Template:GentooSupportedHardware
Do you mind if I ask you to rename these templates according to these
In order to help you within this work, I will add these templates to page, as they are not listed
there. Oops, I forgot to add Template:DistributonBox also, mea culpa.
Does everyone agree for this solution?

> 5) News can use Distributions box and under him write changes
> now is change in DistributonBox and it make this template useful only
> for news page
I assume you want to make separate Template:DistributonBox for each
distro? Lets discuss this in separate thread, and after new year begins,
as this will be long discussion I suppose, OK?

> I hope some of me ideas it will be useful.
> Kukide
Indeed, ideas were useful. Thanks

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Re: [H:1] New keyboard: t9brain

2009-12-31 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2009-12-10, czw o godzinie 12:49 -0500, Tony McKeehan pisze:
> Sorry, didn't realize that the mailing list handled it like that... 
> (resending)
> Screenshots from rev4 [1] [2]
> I've made a new keyboard, built specifically for the Hackable:1 distro. 
Hi Tony,
I am preparing CU release and was wondering if you considered renaming
your keyboard name from T9keyboard to TuxNINE ro Tux9 or similar? Please
let us know what name of your keyboard should we put into CU. In a
meantime i will put all three.

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Re: QtMoko v15

2009-12-31 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2009-12-17, czw o godzinie 02:20 -0800, ghislain pisze:
> I just created another installer-image, 
> QtMoko V15B  (so one can
> choose which is preferred), these are the changes:
> * Upgraded 'pkg-fso-keyring' to '2009.09.12'
> * gpsd installed
> * Working TangoGPS
> * Working Navit
> * Enabled GSM multiplexing
> * Added SMS-Receive bug-fix
Hi thanks for this installer. I had trouble with finding english version
of your page, thus I have a question. Does thia installer works only for
SD card , or do you provide .jffs images somewhere?

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Re: [Android] Android Cupcake V22 installer-image

2009-12-31 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2009-12-30, śro o godzinie 01:35 -0800, ghislain pisze:
> Penguin Embedded  has created a
> new version of Android Cupcake. I've created an installer-image for it, it
> can be dowloaded here:
> Android-Cupcake-V22 . 
Hi Ghislain,
does this installer includes FCSE patches from ARM ML, recently added by
Michael Trimarchi?

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[Community Updates] 2009-12-31 released.

2009-12-31 Thread Patryk Benderz
Hello everybody,
recent Community Update is out and ready!
Take a look at:

and contribute to the new draft at:

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Re: RPN Calculator application available

2010-01-14 Thread Patryk Benderz
> Blog post (with links):
Hi Michael,
on your blog, there is a link to 0.3 version. I suppose this is testing?

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Re: RPN Calculator application available

2010-01-14 Thread Patryk Benderz
> 0.3 is the latest and the best. I kept working on it after I posted to
> the list. Please tell me how you go with it.
No go at all. I am not testing it, just putting an entry in Community
Updates to let people who do not read ML, know about your app. If you
say 0.3 is better, than I'll put it to CU.

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Re: RPN Calculator application available

2010-01-14 Thread Patryk Benderz
> Are you the contact for community updates?
partially yes, but I am not the only one. CU as it's name says are
written by many contributors (take a look on CU edit history if you want
>  I plan to release new versions of this application and to develop
> others. I can point you to an RSS feed where I will post changes if
> that is a good way to work.
IMHO the best way would be to post RSS feed on this ML, so other CU
contributors could take advantage of it also.

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Re: Happy New Year from FSO

2010-01-14 Thread Patryk Benderz
> Let me also remind you that we have a PayPal account for donations,
> and
HI Mickey,
I was looking at 
> (1)
but wasn't able to find PayPal account for FSO. Can you provide this
data? But don't get too excited, currently I need this for CU.
BTW, are you really only one person developing/rewriting FSO to Vala?

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[Community Updates] 2010-01-14 released

2010-01-15 Thread Patryk Benderz
Hello everybody,
Recent Community Update is out. Take a look at "News" link in
"Community" box on wiki pages to read it.

For your convenience here is direct link:

and contribute to the new draft at:

Thanks to all contributors of this issue of CU:
* PaulWise
* Kichkasch
* Multi
* Baba melone
* Vanous
* Valos
* Bt4
* Linuxxr
* Deubeuliou

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Re: debian/fso on freerunner

2010-01-20 Thread Patryk Benderz
> Tell me please, I understand that debian lags behind the progress? Old
> frameworkd etc, the old kernel without the new drivers for glamo, just zhone
> updated ... Even I look at leading figures debian pass programs shr)))  Hope
> dies last)))
I think QtMoko is based on Debian and works really good. But i might be

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Re: [Community Updates] 2010-01-14 released

2010-01-20 Thread Patryk Benderz
> I know, I didn't have time to update the CU, but elmdentica's latest 
> release didn't show up :)
Hi Rui,
sorry we missed elmdentica this time, but it sometimes just happens. Can
you point me to your post on ML, where you gave info about new release?
Latest i could find in my mailbox is: "ElmDentica 0.7.0 is out!" dated
on 2009-10-12 which is rather old. Could it be, we missed it also on
previous CUs ??? If so, than I am terribly sorry, but believe me,
getting all this information from many sources and combining them
together sometimes is an uneasy task. Sometimes something gets lost in
this process.

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Re: Now someone REALLY has to help me!!

2010-01-27 Thread Patryk Benderz
> 6
> Before this menu disappears, write in the desktop shell
> dfu-util -d 0x1d50:0x5119 -a kernel -R -D uImage-om-gta02-latest.bin
IMHO it is enough to run:
# dfu-util -a kernel -R -D uImage-om-gta02-latest.bin

P.S. Great tutorial - clear, simple and shows all one might need and
nothing more.

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Re: Latest SHR-?

2010-01-29 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-01-28, czw o godzinie 19:22 -0500, Tony McKeehan pisze:
> I heard somewhere that there are some SHR-stable images on the way.
Probably you could have read it on latest Community Updates page

> Have they been released?
AFAIK no, they are still waiting for final bug reports for SHR-Testing.
You could help with releasing SHR-Stable by filing bug reports to . Until these bug reports are finished
there will be no stable version.

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Re: Latest SHR-?

2010-01-29 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-01-29, pią o godzinie 15:11 +0800, William Kenworthy pisze:
> Interesting - cant say Ive noticed anything bad - quite the reverse. 
Try image generated on 2010-01-15, it was totally unresponsive and slow.

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Re: [Shr-User] [Community Updates] 2010-01-14 released

2010-01-29 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-01-29, pią o godzinie 13:58 +0100, Vaudano Luca pisze:
> Hello!
> A little note: the Openmoko homepage doesn't show this CU in the
> 'Latest news' section.
Thanks, just corrected. BTW, we could think of some kind of triggering
to move stuff automatically...

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Re: QGPSLog to be released

2010-02-04 Thread Patryk Benderz
> When I have released v0.2 I'll send bb recipe to shr-devel, so it might get 
> integrated...
Hi Christian,
is this version already released? (I need info for CU).

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Re: OM future

2010-02-08 Thread Patryk Benderz
> or... you wait a little bit and see what's around the corner and brewing... 
> and
> trust me... stuff *IS* brewing at much bigger device makers than openmoko ever
> was - who have the money and people to pull it off. keep your ears peeled.
Hi Rasterman,
hmm... is it regarded to enlightment and/or samsung?

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Re: [Community Updates] 2010-01-14 released

2010-02-08 Thread Patryk Benderz
> could please people stop editing released updates? (meaning adding new
> stuff, don't mean fixing links and typos).
Until now i found, that in order to get rid of adding new content to
released CUs, you have to  look at history of changes, and sent a
message to a person who made a change, explaining this is a wrong way to
do it, and point that person to current CU's draft.
This was always working for me.

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Re: [ANN] Openmobility 2010 in Czech Republic + buzz & recamping fix party

2010-02-08 Thread Patryk Benderz
> Web:
Looks like it is only Czech / Slovak conference? No english talks?

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[CU] application sections

2010-02-08 Thread Patryk Benderz
Hi everyone,
looking back in time, when most of applications were distributed as .ipk
packages, there was a reason for "application updates" section of CUs,
to exist.
In present days, most of applications with their bitbake recipes are
fairly quickly added to particular OS repositories. According to this,
all users upgrading their OS, upgrades their applications also. Also
keep in mind that filling this section with data takes a significant
amount of time.
Thus a question arises: Is it still necessary to keep "Application
updates" alive?

P.S.This question does NOT include "New Applications" section.

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[CU] release cycle question

2010-02-08 Thread Patryk Benderz
Hello Community,
looking back at release dates history of last few Community Updates, you
can notice several release delays. This might show, that present 2 weeks
release cycle might be too short. Current CU draft [1] is very good
example - already delayed 10 days. 
Although present release cycle is not hardly fixed on 2-week basis, but
rather flexible, I propose to extend "official" CUs release cycle to 3
weeks or even one month.
What is your opinion, guys?


Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
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[Community Updates] released

2010-02-10 Thread Patryk Benderz
Hello everybody,
Recent Community Update is out. Take a look at "News" link in
"Community" box on wiki pages to read it.

For your convenience here is direct link:

and contribute to the new draft at:

Thanks to all contributors of this issue of CU:
* Nhv
* Jonci
* /me is immodest ;)

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Re: upcoming linux phones ...

2010-02-11 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-02-11, czw o godzinie 19:51 +1100, Carsten Haitzler pisze:
> On Thu, 11 Feb 2010 09:13:43 +0100 "RzR"
>  said:
> > Hi, If it helps
> > samsung announced bada few mounth ago
> >
> > 
> > but the SDK is not yet public to everyone ...too bad
> > I wish I can test this and review it , did you test it ? can you
> speak
> > about it ?
> bada != linux at all. dont bother following it. looks for limo
> instead.
well, is wiki mentioned above wrong? First sentence says: "bada
(pronounced /ˈbɑːdɑː/) is a Linux-based mobile operating system"

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Re: upcoming linux phones ...

2010-02-11 Thread Patryk Benderz
> Also, that's not what Raster is working on. No one knows what it is but
> only that he says it's very cool and not out.
IIRC he works on enlightment?

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Re: [qtmoko] New significant speedups coming to FreeRunner

2010-02-12 Thread Patryk Benderz
> This is an installer-image which will flash to nand, but you can flash to
> nand using dfu-util by flashing the files 'kernel.img' (== uImage) and
> 'rootfs.img' (== jffs2).
> Ghislain
And which of files is kernel with nodebug?

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
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Re: [qtmoko] New significant speedups coming to FreeRunner

2010-02-12 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-02-12, pią o godzinie 04:57 -0800, Alishams Hassam pisze:
> On Fri, 2010-02-12 at 13:39 +0100, Patryk Benderz wrote:
> > [cut]
> > > This is an installer-image which will flash to nand, but you can flash to
> > > nand using dfu-util by flashing the files 'kernel.img' (== uImage) and
> > > 'rootfs.img' (== jffs2).
> > > 
> > > Ghislain
> > And which of files is kernel with nodebug?
> > 
> It's kernel.img
Thanks, I made little test. I used this kernel with SHR-T. System loaded
fast (~30s) , applications loads fast, but all graphics related
activities like screen scrolling are painfully slow and look like a
slide show. Would you kindly advise me a better nodebug kernel for tests
with SHR-T?

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Re: elm_browser initial release

2010-02-15 Thread Patryk Benderz
> Not everyone uses the card all the time, so ~/Downloads would be
> better. You can symlink that to whatever you wish (like it used to be
> in TangoGPS).
Symlink is a good idea - I use it since "ages" but wouldn't ~/Maps
folder fit better for this?

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Re: QtMoko v19

2010-02-16 Thread Patryk Benderz
> But i hope someone will do ;-) I can help as beta-tester, or helping on
> documentation, not more.
Lets strike while the iron is hot! QtMoko's wiki [1] probably needs
attention, also there is not a single mention about this distro in
Distributions page [2]! If you really want to help you can start here.


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Re: [OT] Now someone REALLY has to help me!!

2010-03-19 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-03-18, czw o godzinie 04:50 -0800, Märta pisze:
> Ok now I'm back.
Hi Märta,

>  The tips you gave me were very helpful so now I'm a proud
> SHR Stable-user
ehm, there is no SHR Stable yet, or did I messed something?

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Re: Is Neo Freerunner a phone?

2010-03-31 Thread Patryk Benderz
> I gave up on this quest a few months back and bought an n900.   I love
> it - it has all of the advantages I liked about the FR (can ssh into
> it, run most standard linux software, etc.), *but* it works as a
> phone.
Sad, but true... for now. I believe it will be better :)

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Re: MC Navi

2010-04-01 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-04-01, czw o godzinie 00:31 -0800, Mike Crash pisze:
> Hello, I'm going to release new version of MC Navi and I want to make maps
> available for direct download. So I want to ask, what country do you need?
Hi Mike,
Poland please :)
> Second question - what do you prefer, car navigation or outdoor navigation?
> Just to know, what to do next...
Definitely car
Additionally it would be great if MCNavi would read Cloudmade's maps
binary format. Or generally some vector based map format.

Thanks for your great work, and keep going on!

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Re: Is Neo Freerunner a phone? (with Android)

2010-04-01 Thread Patryk Benderz
> Last night it just keep charging. It was on 100%, so I just unplug it.
> In the morning, when I connected the charger, it booted (?!). I
> checked the battery level and it was 4%. Next time I'll try to use
> Cleanoid to see if it still drain the battery.
I am afraid it is still draining the battery. I can use my FR for about
8~10 hours with Android - current "featured" release.

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Re: usb MTP on moko as responder?

2010-04-02 Thread Patryk Benderz
> what do you think?
Looks interesting, especially for synchronisation, but others with wider
knowledge should say what they think about this :)

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Re: [Community Updates] 2010-04-01 is out

2010-04-06 Thread Patryk Benderz
> Thanks to all contributors of this issue of CU:
> * Zeusone
> * Faltantornillos
> * TimoJyrinki
> * Hns
> * Multi
> * Vanous
> * Martix
> * Valos
> * Kichkasch
Thanks guys :)

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Re: The Origin of the Freerunner Shape!

2010-04-13 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-04-13, wto o godzinie 10:08 +0200, Vladimir Koutny pisze:
> Hash: SHA1
> Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> > I have finally found where the shape and visual appearance of the
> > Neo1973 and Freerunner come from:
> For those without google earth:
Thanks Vladimir

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Re: Community Updates 2010-05-01 released

2010-05-05 Thread Patryk Benderz
> * Kukide
> * Martix
> * Multi
> * Valos
> * Faltantornillos
> * Booxter
> * Toams
Thanks everybody :)

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Re: [ANN] Community Updates 2010-06-01 released!

2010-06-07 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-06-02, śro o godzinie 19:53 +0200, Martix pisze:
> Hello,
> New issue of Community Updates is released:
> Thanks to following contributors:
> * Toams
> * Kukide
> * M4rtink
> * Marko Knöbl
> * Jama
> * Martix
Thanks for your work guys!

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
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Re: HTC patent application for Joerg's Y-cable?

2010-06-07 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-06-05, sob o godzinie 13:08 +0100, Al Johnson pisze:
> It hasn't been granted yet, and the Y-cable was around before it was filed, 
> but perhaps not by long enough.
Should we be afraid of this patent?
Is it used in FR?

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[qtmoko v24] terminal-only after flashing

2010-06-11 Thread Patryk Benderz
Hi All,
Long time I didn't installed QtMoko. Lately, after flashing recent
QtMoko v24 or v23 into NAND I get only terminal with login prompt after
boot. I am also having trouble with reaching FR over ssh.
With v24 I was able to set up usb0 interface with correct address and
routing, but FR didn't respond to ping/nmap/ssh
With v23 i get ethX interface with correct address and routing but also
no luck with reaching FR.

Any hints on what to search for next?

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
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Re: [qtmoko v24] terminal-only after flashing

2010-06-15 Thread Patryk Benderz
Radek, Alex,
first of all, tanks for your hints, and for future reference, below is
an explanation what probably was wrong.
Few hours after my initial post I found some time and have flashed SHR.
The result was identical. This gave me idea to check the boot loader,
which appeared to be lucky shot. After flashing
all came back to normal state - QtMoko & SHR are booting normally.
The boot loader which caused troubles was the one installed with
Android SD_install_card. I can't determine precise version now, as I
have wiped it out :)

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Re: sd performance tests, bonnie++ with different filesystems.

2010-06-25 Thread Patryk Benderz
> All tests were done on .34, yesterday git (with FIFO LCM patch). Short
> tests algorithm: for each fs: create fs on same mmc partition, mount
> (with noatime) and run bonnie in mounted directory, then umount. I did
> two runs to ensure results are sane.
Great work Gennady! Just two questions.
Is it possible to tune these file systems to achieve better results?
What does "% CPU" field name stands for? Is it CPU load or idle?

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Re: New SHR-unstable images with 2.6.32 kernel

2010-06-28 Thread Patryk Benderz
> AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/dri/ failed
> (/usr/lib/dri/ undefined symbol: _glapi_tls_Context)
> That one is from /var/log/Xorg.0.log
> fsousaged : Can't
> read-open /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-0/0-0073/neo1973-resume.0/resume_reason: 
> No such file or directory
> And that one is from fsousaged.
Hi Vladimir,
please report bugs to

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Re: cpu reclocking to 500Mhz, overclocking to 533Mhz, performance tests and bootloader images

2010-07-05 Thread Patryk Benderz
> I suspend my phone when I booted from u-boot, it won't resume... I'm using a
> QtMoko installation on my SD card, I haven't tried QtMoko on NAND-flash yet
> (can anyone confirm it should work?).
Hi, I am using QtMoko on non-overclocked FR from NAND and it
suspends/resume fine.

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
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[ANN][CU] 2010-07-01 released!

2010-07-07 Thread Patryk Benderz
Hello everybody,
recent Community Update is out. Take a look at "News" link in
"Community" box on the left pane of wiki pages to read, or use direct
link below:

>From now, contribute to the new draft at:

Thanks to all contributors of this issue of CU:
* Martix
* Toams
* Blat
* Multi (special thanks for tracking down spammers)
* TimoJyrinki
* Jama
* Hum
* Leadman


P.S.What mail's subject tags would best fit your needs? I am asking
because apparently it keeps changing over time...
Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
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Re: [Shr-User] [ANN][CU] 2010-07-01 released!

2010-07-07 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-07-07, śro o godzinie 16:18 +0200, Patryk Benderz pisze:
> Hello everybody,
> recent Community Update is out. Take a look at "News" link in
> "Community" box on the left pane of wiki pages to read, or use direct
> link below:
Of course, as JaMa noticed, correct link is:

Independent of this, "News" link on wiki pages should have worked ok.

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Re: [Shr-User] [Community Updates] 2010-08-01 is out

2010-08-04 Thread Patryk Benderz
> Thanks for the latest edition to:
> - Martix
> - Sre
> - Hns
> - TimoJyrinki
> - Cmair
Thanks guys! Although QtMoko v24 was released and described in June:

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
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Re: QI Bootloader with overclocked settings

2010-08-16 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-08-16, pon o godzinie 09:29 +0200, Rashid pisze:
> Hi guys, there is a very interessting overclocked article in the wiki.
Just to clear this out, it's not wiki. It is Gennady's Kupava email to mailing list with
Message-id: <>

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Re: WikiReader sales and the future of Openmoko

2010-08-20 Thread Patryk Benderz
> and finally Google ("one ring to bind them all") the drum-beater.  But
> like a lot of drum-beaters, they could only beat the drumthey were
> bound by contracts and agreements to do things.  Even the mighty Google
> can not do everything they want to do.
Great summary :)
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Re: no ButtonPress and ButtonRelease tslib touchscreen events in xorg

2010-08-23 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-08-23, pon o godzinie 23:27 +0200, Johannes Schauer pisze:
> meh... never mind :/ 
>  this is the third problem i had today that occupied me for hours
> until i gave up and asked s.o. which resulted in me finding the
> solution by myself only minutes later... 
>  the problem was that i was still using tslib driver - using evdev
> fixed it :) 
thanks for sharing!
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Re: QtMoko Virtual Memory

2010-09-01 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-09-01, śro o godzinie 10:50 +0200, Nashvin Gangaram pisze:
> Hi
Hi, this question should go to

> I was just experimenting the other day, trying to configure my Neo
> Freerunner with QtMoko v24 to use Virtual Memory.  I created a swap
> partition on my MicroSDHC Card, using GParted on PC.  I notice than on
> startup, there is something like a "Activating Swap Configuration...
> failed" message.  So, I just had a couple of questions:
>   * Is it possible for QtMoko to use a swap partition on the SD
> Card?
IIRC, yes

>   * How can this be done?
AFAIR, you can set this in /etc/fstab as /dev/mmcblk0p4

>   * Does swap cause a significant performance increase with
> QtMoko?
IMHO, just a little performance gain. If you use logging, set /var/log
to your uSD.

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Re: Using freerunner as webcam display

2010-09-03 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-09-03, pią o godzinie 13:52 +0200, Alexander Lehner pisze:
> Hi,
> I've got a TrentNET wireless webcam and just found out how to access its 
> mpeg4 video stream and am using now my GPS-broken freerunner as permanent 
> display for this webcam:
> mplayer  -nosound -vf rotate=2 -vo fbdev rtsp://:554/mpeg4
Nice one :).

> I had to turn down the cam's fps to 2 for a real-time video without delay.
Did you discovered what is the bottleneck?

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Re: Using freerunner as webcam display

2010-09-06 Thread Patryk Benderz
> I think it's the CPU which is around 90% already at 2fps.
> Another problem is, that the mpeg stream sometimes seems to be corrupt 
> which crashess mplayer after some time.
> So I did a 'while true; do mplayer...; done' around and set codecs and 
> other parameters by hand to avoid the autodetection.
Keep in mind that there are several versions of mplayer compiled. Each
of them are better suited for different video formats or other factors:

There is some special version of mplayer with glamo support:

Also PaulTT has compiled a version of mplayer with tremor available:

Or you can use one from FSO:

I have seen a note on wiki that says:
"The kernel is now (July 2010) configured to use kernel-mode switching
(kms) for glamo. The glamo video driver has no direct control over glamo
anymore and cannot use accelerated video playing until a new driver is

Hope this will help you.

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
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Re: QtMoko v26

2010-09-11 Thread Patryk Benderz
> Hi Thomas,
> if you are you running from NAND it could be because apt-get uses mmap which
Hi Radek,
could this also trigger this bug?
Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
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Happy Programmers' Day!

2010-09-13 Thread Patryk Benderz
Best wishes to all of you guys writing code or filing bug reports for
FreeRunner devices! :)

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
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Re: My N900 experience compared to my FR experience

2010-09-15 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-09-14, wto o godzinie 15:12 -0700, Brolin Empey pisze:
> Brolin Empey wrote:
> > I have been using Maemo 5 on my N900 for a few weeks now. So far, my
> > N900 experience is *far* better than my FR experience.
> That was true about my N900 experience until the end of August,
Hi Brolin,
how about asking those questions on N900 Support mailing list?
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Re: My N900 experience compared to my FR experience

2010-09-16 Thread Patryk Benderz
> so it will stop working?
> he he.
nice ;)
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Re: dbus moving into kernel?

2010-09-17 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-09-16, czw o godzinie 17:23 +0100, Al Johnson pisze:
> kdbus is proof-of-concept at the moment, the idea being to reduce the number 
> of context switches needed for each dbus message. One synthetic benchmark 
> shows a 3x speed increase on the n900 but speedup in real world applications 
> seems much more modest.

There are a lot of complaints about Dbus IPC. That makes me wonder why
people don't use one of already existing kernel IPCs [1][2] , and
instead try to develop another one, which is not secure as I heard?

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Re: dbus moving into kernel?

2010-09-20 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-09-20, pon o godzinie 11:32 +0100, Tilman Baumann pisze:
> Patryk Benderz wrote:
> > Dnia 2010-09-16, czw o godzinie 17:23 +0100, Al Johnson pisze:
> >> kdbus is proof-of-concept at the moment, the idea being to reduce the
> >> number
> >> of context switches needed for each dbus message. One synthetic
> >> benchmark
> >> shows a 3x speed increase on the n900 but speedup in real world
> >> applications
> >> seems much more modest.
> >
> > There are a lot of complaints about Dbus IPC. That makes me wonder why
> > people don't use one of already existing kernel IPCs [1][2] , and
> > instead try to develop another one, which is not secure as I heard?
> > [1]
> > [2]
> Actually, netlink comes to mind as a transport layer for something like dbus.
> It can not all that dbus can, but most of those so called features are
> actually a total wank anyway. At least it would scale.
> But I suppose this discussion was lost when dbus was new and it is
> pointless these days. Dbus will probably have a successor some day, and
> with any luck it will have more sane foundations...
> Actually, dbus is not that bad. Some of the things it can do require a
> approach like they took. Question is, should we have sacrificed those
> features on the alter of simplicity? I'm not even sure I have a answer to
> that...
Nor do I. However I suppose Dbus should have been designed and built
conforming to Unix Philosophy [1], and it seems it was not.


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Re: qtmoko v27

2010-09-28 Thread Patryk Benderz
> Also it can compare only system clock with RTC, so we always assume that 
> system time is correct. Calypso time - do we need it at all?
Maybe to correct drifting RTC?
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Re: [Om2008.9] log of in/out SMS and calls

2010-09-28 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-09-25, sob o godzinie 09:25 +0200, Matthias Apitz pisze:
> Hello,
> Is there some log file of send/received SMS and calls in the FR in
> release [Om2008.9]?
Hi Matthias, I do not know the answer for your question, but you
definitely should move to some newer distro.
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Re: [Om2008.9] log of in/out SMS and calls

2010-09-28 Thread Patryk Benderz
> Why I should do this if the [Om2008.9] works for me?
Well, if you have such a minimalistic demands... there is no point - but
this means you are not an ordinary user of this phone and I made such
assumption while answering your previous mail, which apparently was
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Re: WikiReader / PDF, TXT or HTML?

2010-09-29 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-09-29, śro o godzinie 12:45 +0200, Angel Martin Alganza pisze:
> Hello,
> Is it possible to read other information (apart from Wikipedia
I ain't no clue, but would be nice to have *nix ManReader :) Very often
I am forced to work on systems where man pages are not installed. Such
device with all man pages contained would be very helpful. Maybe someone
skilled enough will do it some day...
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Re: Devroom for FOSDEM11

2010-09-29 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-09-30, czw o godzinie 00:41 +0100, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra
> How about:
> "Talks about the past, present and future of hackable mobile devices, 
> respective development platforms and communities"
Much better :)
Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
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Re: Voicerecording software needed

2010-10-06 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-10-05, wto o godzinie 09:36 +0200, Nashvin Gangaram pisze:
> "Voice Notes" in QtMoko works well.
Really? Does it start recording automatically when specified phone
number is calling? I doubt it...
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Re: Voicerecording software needed

2010-10-06 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-10-06, śro o godzinie 09:49 +0200, Patryk Benderz pisze:
> Dnia 2010-10-05, wto o godzinie 09:36 +0200, Nashvin Gangaram pisze:
> > "Voice Notes" in QtMoko works well.
> Really? Does it start recording automatically when specified phone
> number is calling? I doubt it...
I am sorry, I have somehow misinterpreted subject of this post. My
previous sentence regarded callrecording software, which is apparently
absent in functionality I need. Of course "Voice Notes" are working more
than fina as pure _voice_ recording software. Again my apologies :)

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Re: [ANNOUNCE] qi-bootmenu-0.2

2010-10-06 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-10-06, śro o godzinie 21:55 +0200, Marc Andre Tanner pisze:
> Hi,
> I finally had some time to hack on qi-bootmenu the result is
> a new 0.2 release 
Great! Shouldn't it also go to
Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-20 Thread Patryk Benderz
> I will keep you updated.
> Nikolaus
Thanks for sharing this, do you have some photos of this board? Looking
forward to hear more! :)

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: backup battery and case screws questions

2010-10-25 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-10-23, sob o godzinie 20:44 -0400, Benjamin Deering pisze:
> Hi,
> Both of my Freerunners lose the time when the battery is removed for 
> even a couple seconds.  I am assuming this is due to worn out backup 
> batteries.
Is there any backup battery? I was sure there was none by design - my FR
lost RTC since i bought it, even when I removed battery for just a few

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-26 Thread Patryk Benderz
> for the light of our leds we could make grids and holes... or we could
> also do an all transparent case (I'd love to see trough to view the
> electronic inside)
Like this idea :)

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-26 Thread Patryk Benderz
>  To say more of the price, it is necessary to have the design available.
This question you asked Boudewijn, is very important.
Nikolaus, do you have some design available for preview? If so, I could
also make a research in Poland, how much would it cost?

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-26 Thread Patryk Benderz
> Our results so far (I can't share all of them):
> STL + Silicone moulds: 2000 EUR setup + 50 EUR each every 100 units
> Injection Moulds: 25000 EUR setup + 20 EUR per unit
> 3D-Printing: no setup, 400 EUR every unit (quality doubtful)
> Milling from ABS block: no setup, 500 EUR every unit
> So 1-10 units does not come below 250 EUR. 100 units may come to 70 EUR.
> 1000 units to 45 EUR. 10k to 22.50 EUR. You see the volume effect and
> clear preference of injection moulds. Which also give best quality...
Could you estimate how many units do you want to produce?
Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: busted moko, anyone want it?

2010-10-26 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-10-25, pon o godzinie 14:07 -0700, jeremy jozwik pisze:
> so. my moko is broko. screen has a nick in it, usb connector broke off
> and was poorly soldered back on, a switch to the micro sd is broken
> off and it will not boot.
> right now it is in a box next to my computer. anyone want it for
> something other then collecting dust?
Hi Jeremy,
I just hope, despite of your loss, you will stay tuned, and help our
community. AFAIR you had some good ideas in the past :)

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: qtmoko v28

2010-10-26 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-10-20, śro o godzinie 11:12 +0200, Radek Polak pisze:
> Hi,
> there is now new v28 release of qtmoko ready for downloading flashing and 
> testing. You can download it from our sourceforge page under "Experimental" 
Great job Radek!
Just one makes me wonder... is alsa-utils hold back on purpose?:

neo:~# apt-get upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree   
Reading state information... Done
The following packages have been kept back:
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
Linux Registered User #377521
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: qtmoko v28

2010-10-26 Thread Patryk Benderz
> Yes, the package in debian lenny has stupid dependencies on python and i 
> wanted to avoid it, so i am installing slighlty modified alsa-utils with dpkg 
> to avoid this dependency.
damn... I have a habit to upgrade everything just after installation...
well, I assume I can live with that alsa-utils version?

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-26 Thread Patryk Benderz
> Since it seems so hard to have a custom made case, why not use an
> existing case for a HTC, nokia, iphone or the like?
> (or a chinese replica)
> The layout of the PCB needs to be alltered ofcourse, but it seems that
> it might be an easier thing to do.
>  Just my 2 cents.
Do you have someone in china to know if this option would be have better
quality/price ratio?

P.S.please cut posts

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
Linux Registered User #377521
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-26 Thread Patryk Benderz
> The first is: which one should we take? There are many candidates...
Did you looked for "Universal mobile phone casing" - maybe this would
fit in? I am pretty sure, once upon time I found something like this,
produced by Chinese manufacturers.

> Finally, it might become quite tricky to design a new PCB that fits into 
> their cases because they
> use even more special tools and components than the Openmoko design does. If 
> you look
> inside such a device they sometimes e.g. have multiple PCBs interconnected by 
> Flex PCBs.
> Or they have custom designed connectors, buttons, springs, screws etc. Which 
> is no problem
> if they produce 1 million units per month.
> Sean has given us a very important learning: we should use catalog components 
> (e.g. DigiKey,
> Farnell, Mouser, RS-Components) as good as possible. Unfortunately they don't 
> have a
> smartphone case.
But they have conector and Flex and so on, right?

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [qtmoko] Strange display on v28 with jitterless kernel

2010-10-29 Thread Patryk Benderz
> Hm, this seem more general problem with ts driver, not really related to
> jitterless patch - if you suspend while holding ts, ts driver seem hang.
hmm, seems that I am unable to suspend v28 while holding TS down. Any
hint how to reproduce?

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Someone is trying to patent Quickwriting

2010-11-09 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-11-09, wto o godzinie 08:37 -0700, Jeff Sadowski pisze:
> 8open didn't seem to be that great of improvement over the standard
> keypad 2=abc 3=def ... maybe just rearrange the letters on each key so
> that the more common ones come first
anyway, "common" is relative to used language. If what you is true, than
patent should not be granted.

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
Linux Registered User #377521
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Shr-User] [e-users] Someone is trying to patent Quickwriting

2010-11-23 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-11-23, wto o godzinie 09:13 +0100, Daniele Ricci pisze:
> Hello Carsten, thanks for your reply.
> On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 08:02, Carsten Haitzler  wrote:
> > themselves. they are forgeable. if you have an overwhelming set of such data
> > from multiple sources and witness statements with signatures on actual 
> > paper,
> > then you have something beginning to be believable.
> >
> What kind of proof do I exactly need? I mean, all I have is prof.
> Perlin Quickwriting page:
I found something interesting...
"If you are interested in licensing this technology for commercial use,
please contact". Is it possible they have already
patented this?

Regarding contacts with Ken Perlin, he claims he works at:
Games For Learning Institute
New York University
715 Broadway 12th floor
New York, NY 10003, USA
T: (+1) 212.998.2242
F: (+1) 212.995.4122 
so you can try to reach him by phone or by fax.

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
Linux Registered User #377521
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Shr-User] [e-users] Someone is trying to patent Quickwriting

2010-11-24 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-11-24, śro o godzinie 09:56 +0100, Thibaut Girka pisze:
> Le mercredi 24 novembre 2010 à 09:18 +0100, Patryk Benderz a écrit : 
> > Well, I do for example. Looking at the title of patent, it seems that
> > 8pen is French based company. Following google hits I fount French
> > patent office:
> >
> > But here after struggling for a while looking for English version, I
> > decided to ask If any of you guys know French language and could help to
> > find this patent (1058945 ) in patent office?
> I'm French, and after a quick search, I couldn't find this patent.
> Furthermore, I doubt INPI would accept this, it's about industrial
> patents, we don't have things like software patents.
I made another attempt to look for this patent at
and but failed here also. Any
ideas where to find this patent?
There is one more strangeness, looking at their schematic drawings, it
looks like this patent application is not finished yet. Maybe they have
not applied it yet?
Another fact is that they are decided to distribute their software for

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
Linux Registered User #377521
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Christmas offer Freerunner 199 eur

2010-11-25 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-11-22, pon o godzinie 08:34 +0100, Christoph Pulster pisze:
> We are selling the Openmoko for 199 eur as special christmas offer.
The company? hmm... interesting offer to consider ;)
Sorry Christoph, I couldn't stop myself

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Interesting new 'Open' Hardware & how do I build shr for it?

2010-11-29 Thread Patryk Benderz
> community now. They claim to be 'open' - maybe the community can see
> if they truly are.
I am not an expert in this matter, but it looks like they provide only
electronic schematics. What would be more useful are PCB layouts and
some CAD casing drawings. 
You could compare this to such a situation:
I wrote an application and I claim it is open source because I gave you
block diagram of how it works. And what about the source code? ;)
I know this somehow irrelevant but couldn't find better example. If you
want to know more and better ask on . It
is low traffic now, but I believe those brains working on the project
are still reading this list.

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
Linux Registered User #377521
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: wiki down?

2010-12-14 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-12-13, pon o godzinie 20:50 +0100, Petr Vanek pisze:
> Anyone knows what happened to the
I have no clue what was wrong, but it is up and running again.
Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Qtmoko repos

2010-12-15 Thread Patryk Benderz
Dnia 2010-12-14, wto o godzinie 19:31 -0600, Kosa pisze:
> He there! First of all THANK YOU for working on qtMoko. It works great.
> Next, I wonder how dangerous it might be to change to squeeze repos. I'm
> not thinkig about an apt-get dist-upgrade,
Well, I do not know if it is supported, but I made apt-get update and
dist-upgrade once and it worked :)

>  but there are a few apps
> (like pidgin) I would like to get from there.
AFAIK you can easily install standard apps, however they need to be
prepared for small screen - at least I imagine that.
Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
Linux Registered User #377521
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Shr-User] some advertising

2011-01-12 Thread Patryk Benderz
> ps if you don't like/have flash
I really appreciate this, thanks (.ogg)

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: moko v32 (experimental)

2011-01-20 Thread Patryk Benderz
> Anyone invloved with this, please email me for FREE accessories,
> I want to supply you guys with goodies. This is what I can do at least.
Good idea Christoph! This should motivate more people to contribute :)

Patryk "LeadMan" Benderz
Linux Registered User #377521
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Fwd: New theme by a french ..

2011-02-04 Thread Patryk Benderz
> > Hello (sorry, i'am french),
> > 
> > I am currently working on a theme for QtMoko.
> > 
> > I have some questions to continue but I will first present it to
> > you.
Hi Radek,
why don't you encourage this guy to subscribe to ?

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