Re: GTA01 question : what capacity of ....

2009-04-24 Thread Andy Selby
2009/4/24  :
> ... Micro SD card does it support ?
> I.e. if I buy a 8GB micro SD card, would the GTA01 be able to use it ?

I have a Transcend 4Gb sdhc card and it works fine with my neo1973.
I tried booting off of it but apparently the stock bootloader can't
boot from microSD cards

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: letter of recomendation

2009-04-23 Thread Andy Selby
> Hmm.. suppose this was not planned to be posted to community mailing list..?

I think it was meant for this other list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [qtExtended] and GTA01 - repost - sorry for the copy crap

2009-04-15 Thread Andy Selby
> i found the last 3/3/2009 image of Qt-extended.

Could you post a link?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: latest qt-embedded image

2009-04-14 Thread Andy Selby
> Could anybody point me to the latest kernel and qt-embedded image that can run
> on the NEO 1973 () so not on the Freerunner !!!

The latest I can find is the 18th of november Images.
The qtextended forums seem a bit quiet maybe qt dev is discussed
elsewhere but releases are a bit sparse from them.
Qtopia on neo was good but I'm sticking with shr.

I suppose you've seen this

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: 'dead' neo

2009-04-14 Thread Andy Selby
2009/4/13 Alexey Koptsevich :
> I have recently been in the same situation, the battery was completely dead.
> I bought "BL-6C Battery for Nokia 6235 6236i 6255 6255i 6256i" on eBay from
> the seller thamesmall, along with the wall charger "Nokia 6300 bl-5c
> bl-4c bl-6c
> Battery Charger Cradle USB" from the seller joybuy24, $12 altogether.
> FR started fine. Have neither tried the charger with the original battery,
> nor compared the battery life with the original one.

I got mine from Eastmaze and an excellent purchase they were.
See my post here for info
they are based in hong kong and ship internationally

I put my FIC battery into the bl-6c charger and it charged it enough
to boot the neo.

One problem I have had with leaving my neo plugged in overnight to
charge a dead battery was that it would boot up then run out of power
while booting and I would again have a dead battery.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Dead Neo 1973 - drained battery

2009-01-28 Thread Andy Selby
2009/1/28 Andy Selby :
> Those links are no longer active as they link to ebay offers. Could you supply
> a link to something more longterm. I'm interested in getting one of these as
> I am sure are others.

 These are the people who I got them off



 The charger is a little flimsy, I broke it slightly and have to use
 sellotape to hold the battery in.
 It has fold down, US style, prongs for insertion into an AC socket
 (again, very flimsy) I have to use a shaver adaptor to get it to work
 in the UK.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Dead Neo 1973 - drained battery

2009-01-24 Thread Andy Selby
Try leaving the battery out over night then reinserting it and charging it.
I've got a neo1973 on its original battery so yours should still work

You can get a very cheap battery and charger from ebay, I provided a
link in a previous post

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Buying a FrogPad in the UK

2009-01-04 Thread Andy Selby
Try these people
Though they don't quote a price on the website.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Funding Global Domination Mk II "The Console"

2008-12-09 Thread Andy Selby
> I was thinking that one possible area where an open platform is needed
> is The Console.

For a open gaming platform you might want to look at

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Android open sourced

2008-10-22 Thread Andy Selby
> Since i got my neo rather recently, i have only tried 4.4.1. Is 4.3 still the
> better choice? A couple of days ago i lost my daily use phone (motoming A1200)
> and so i now need to use the FR as my daily phone.

4.3 is usable as a daily phone for me (YMMV),rock solid suspend and
resume, no dialer issues.
4.4.1 is a bit unstable for daily use.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Partitionning separate /home/ floder to SD

2008-10-19 Thread Andy Selby
> Is there a way that /home/ is in my SD card? Only /home/, like we do in Linux
> distributions... so I can flash whenever i want the Neo without loosing
> configuration files, icons and stuff I am adapting for myself in the Neo?

Did you try
#link /media/card/home /home

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OT: Games for scummvm?

2008-10-05 Thread Andy Selby
> as this games are not free me guess, there is no way to get this on a legal
> way?

MAME roms are legal to download and use if you own the original, its
probably the same for any disk image, just buy the original at any
carboot, thrift store or $online_auction_site if you're worried about
the legalities, though my guess is you're not going to get into any
trouble downloading a 15 year old game by a publisher that stopped
trading long ago

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Case mod feasible?

2008-09-22 Thread Andy Selby
> Basically what I want is to add 4 rechargable AAA batteries and plug that
> into usb port.
> That gives me about 1200ma at 4.8v, which should comply with the USB
> specification (5v),

AAA batteries are 1.5 volts, so 4x1.5=6volts, if you find a diode that
has a voltage drop of 1 volt you won't need any voltage regulation

> This should avoid the requirement for sophisticated electronics,

Voltage regulators aren't sophisticated, its just a VR chip and one,
maybe two resistors for calibration.

>Anybody thinks that this is not feasible or not worth doing for some reason?

See my post here on batteries
I got a battery and charger for under £8

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Mockup or what else?

2008-09-15 Thread Andy Selby
2008/9/15 Rui Miguel Silva Seabra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> From which you also find sad news. :|
> On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 08:25:43PM +0200, Bumbl wrote:
>> I found this at
>> which is raster's homepage

The sad news being Raster's quit the openmoko project, well not quite,
he is moving to the FSO project so you can still get enlightenment on
your neo.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Get spare parts in NYC (batteries)

2008-09-09 Thread Andy Selby
> I'll be in New York beginning of October and would like to purchase 2 spare
> batteries for my FR - any hints on where I could get them? Is there a local
> distributor or buyers group with active orders, by any chance?

I've bought one of these for my neo1973
battery charge is reported accurately in Qtopia, although it wont
charge over USB

To charge it get one of these
same shop thus combining postage.

Yeah, I'd like an official FIC battery but if they don't sell them,
singly, for a reasonable price I'll go elsewhere.
The neo1973's came with headphones and a pouch so I don't need them.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Purchasing Neo Freerunner in the UK

2008-08-18 Thread Andy Selby
2008/8/18 yangm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I want to buy a openmoko. how to connect you ? and price?
> I'm living Cambridge for a business travel, and I will go back China at Sep
> 5th.

Get them from here
for £272

> How can I pay ? cash or credit card of Bank Of China.

Not sure, contact truebox here
and ask them.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Dark Smudges on neo1973 screen .. heat-related?

2008-07-17 Thread Andy Selby
> Maybe its karma or something but in the last 24 hours I've noticed
> that there is a very dark smudge on the LCD on my neo1973 .. this
> happened after I left the neo1973 on all night, and it appears to be a
> permanently damaged LCD - nothing I do has been able to get rid of
> it.  Could it be possible some heat-related issue is causing this
> damage?  I will take pics and upload shortly ..

Found this about the mura effect

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Which Distro?

2008-07-16 Thread Andy Selby
> 2. Which distro are you currently using, and why?

I'm using the official qtopia image, albeit on my neo1973 but it
should be very usable on the FR

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Volume?

2008-07-15 Thread Andy Selby
>> SSH into the device and type
>> #alsamixer
>> then adjust the sound using the sliders
> That did the trick.  Headphone and PCM were both at 95%.  Setting them
> to 90% and 80% respectively was a reasonable level.  Any lower than
> that, and I couldn't hear it at all.

Glad to be of help

>> Is there a documented list anywhere of what each slider / trigger does in 
>> alsamixer?

what I did was play a mp3 on the neo and adjusted the alsa sliders via
ssh and heard what each slider did

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Volume?

2008-07-15 Thread Andy Selby
2008/7/15 Edward A. Falk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Is there a way to control volume yet?  When I turn on my phone, the
> sounds are so loud and completely distorted that I'm afraid I'm going to
> blow out the speakers.

SSH into the device and type
then adjust the sound using the sliders

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Keyboard missing forward-slash key

2008-07-14 Thread Andy Selby
> I can enter vi to start editing the file, but having switched to
> editing mode I can't exit it (back to command mode) because there's
> no Escape key on the keyboard! Thus I can't save the edited file!

While it won't help at the moment, qtopia has included a terminal on
its latest image which has a fully featured keyboard i.e tab
autocomplete and all the symbols.
Thanks Lorn, I was just about to post, asking how to install a .qpe
package (qterminal) when I found it on there, my buying of a
freerunner has just come a little closer.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New Freerunner, factory image - "Registering..."

2008-07-14 Thread Andy Selby
> Also, this looks like a standard cellphone battery (same one that's in my 
> Nokia?). Will any cellphone battery that fits that port work in the FR, >or 
> does it need a special one?

A BL-5C will fit [1]

(No, thats not a typo, the freerunner battery page suggests looking at
the neo1973 battery page)

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New Freerunner, factory image - "Registering..."

2008-07-14 Thread Andy Selby
2008/7/14 Stroller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Anyway, once booted to the factory image I get continuously a
> "Registering..." message in the top-left corner of the Home screen.
> After 30 minutes or so this message persists.

Yeah, I get that with my neo1973 from time to time, maybe the SIM
contacts are'nt touching the phone contacts
What I do is slide my finger down the SIM holder in the direction it
locks in, press down on the holder and press down on the battery when
I insert that.
It sounds unscientific, but by gar, it works pretty much every time.
Somebody suggested to insert some paper or something to hold the SIM
card holder down, did'nt work for me.[1]
Sorry about dragging my feet over the London group purchase by the
way, I'll probably pick up a freerunner some time later.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Car charger to GTA02

2008-07-10 Thread Andy Selby
> How do you enable 1A charging via software? The "echo 'fast_cccv' >
> etc.." only seems to give me 500ma. Is there a sysfs interface to this,
> or does it have to be done by the kernel? This is for the Neo 1973 by
> the way.

I'm pretty sure the neo1973 cant charge with more than 500mA due to
the hardware, nothing in software will fix that, I think the post you
quoted was about the freerunner.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Reviews?

2008-07-10 Thread Andy Selby
2008/7/8 Kevin Dean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Speaking very honestly, I don't use my Freerunner in daily use but I
> use my 1973 with Qtopia since it's pretty stable and functional.

Are you saying a neo1973 is more reliable then a freerunner?
Is qtopia on GTA01 more stable than on GTA02?
If so I'll put off buying a freerunner for the time being.
I use qtopia aswell and my neo1973 is my primary phone.
There's life in the old device yet.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: ancient hardware?

2008-07-07 Thread Andy Selby
> So, I don't understand the comments on ancient parts.  What have we
> compromised on by choosing these parts?

There was a previous discussion on this subject that boils down to the
latest components needed to be bought in bulk,  i.e. 500,000 peices,
FIC couldn't justify buying so much so went with lesser quantaties of
components companies wanted to get rid of, also FIC wanted open specs,
 but companies don't want rival companies knowing their products specs
so they'll only open the specs on older chips .
sorry, cant' find the mail in question, it is buried in the insanely
long qvga vs vga/yummy cpu&gpu combo threads

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Which image

2008-07-03 Thread Andy Selby
>> Try here
> Is this not qtopia?
> or is ASU hidden behind this:

Sorry, I just realised I posted the exact same url as you did.
ASU does include qtopia apps, but it also has the shelf widgets (the
popdown menu at the top of the screen)

> Openmoko-openmoko-devel-image-glibc-ipk-P1-Snapshot-20080703-om-gta02.rootfs.jffs2

ASU images have *qtopia-x11* in the filename like this one from that page

>If we want to install additional packages is would FSO also be an option?

Not as far as I know, they're trying to get the basics working, last i
checked it could suspend/resume and make/receive calls, nothing more

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Which image

2008-07-03 Thread Andy Selby
> I get the impression that only qtopia has daily builds, is that correct?

No, ASU has it too

> If wee want to use ASU the most recent is the one from 2.) i.e. May 20?

Try here

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Slashdot post but no web store?

2008-06-25 Thread Andy Selby
> That said, Openmoko is getting a lot of attention right now because of
> that article, so it's probably a very good thing to have some form of
> anticipation building message or teaser product there to keep the hype
> going...

Not all of it good, If anyone has mod points on slashdot can they mod
this guy down?
He's obviously registered that account just now to troll on the project.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Slashdot post but no web store?

2008-06-25 Thread Andy Selby
> nerdyH writes "Openmoko has begun shipping its Linux-based, open source Neo
> Freerunner phone to five newly announced distributors, in Germany, France,
> and India, says the company.

/me checks Gmail and finds nothing on the announce list so heart
recommences beating.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Convert Freerunner CAD Files - IGES or STEP?

2008-06-20 Thread Andy Selby
> I have access to Pro/E and am willing to convert the Wildfire 3 files into
> something else. What do you prefer? IGES (Wireframe or Solid?), or STEP
> (Wireframe or Solid?)?

.DXF would be nice

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: When it will be possible to buy OpenMoko?

2008-06-16 Thread Andy Selby
> There was a post on engadget mobile that suggested some have been
> released.

I cant find it, you got a link?

> On Sunday 15 June 2008 00:03, steve wrote:
>> I'm not exactly sure.  I havent asked if they have a continous process or
>> if they build a bunch of PCB and then assemble. Like, build a thousand,
>> assemble a thousand, etc. I know some shipments (university customers) have
>> already landed.
> Could you explain what you meant by that last sentence?

In the neofreerunner thread on the device owners list a guy from china
explains that he bought one for  a university project, there are pics
of it as well.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Click Feedback?

2008-06-10 Thread Andy Selby
>> This means no longer being able to mix sounds, but rather stick them
>> into a queue and play them sequentially.

> Someone else has already mentioned SMS notification whilst listening
> to music, but also my GPS concept is affected. If a driver is
> approaching an accident blackspot he cannot afford for notification
> of that to be queued to play after some other application is finished.

I think the current app that is using alsa would be stopped then the
notifcation sound will play, they just mean (IMHO) that no two sounds
can play at the same time.
+1 for not having feeedback click if it can streamline the software, Mickey

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: InvisibleShield screen protectors

2008-06-08 Thread Andy Selby
> we would need you to send us one of your devices so that we can take precise
> measurements and design the invisibleSHIELD to fit your smartphone the best.

> maybe we can persuade Steve (or someone
> else at Openmoko) to send a sample to their company?

Note that they don't mention that it needs to work, just send them one
of the devices that failed PVT

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: London Groupsales

2008-06-05 Thread Andy Selby
I was going to sign up with the London groupbuy, but nobody has
asserted themselves to be the main purchaser.

HantsLUG's  groupbuy is a more attractive prospect because it is
organized through an existing LUG and includes notable people such as
Andy Smith and Alan Pope so there's less chance of them running off
with your money.

Truebox's office's are within walking distance so I might get one from
them, but their domain was only registered in October 2007, I'm not
sure I'd trust them with an advance order, after all Steve mentioned
that they were not officially a reseller.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OT: ajax image galleries

2008-06-04 Thread andy selby
> Those AJAX image widgets seem to be designed adversarially. They
> prevent tabbed browsing of images, make it difficult to link to an
> image, impose additional delays on the viewer, and introduce a new UI
> for navigating the galleries that doesn't fit in with any existing
> browser.

Yeah, I don't like them either.
What I do is right click on the image thumb and select open in a new
tab, otherwise the damn lightbox slows down my computer, and I've got
a 1.6Ghz Semperon!

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: screenshots

2008-06-03 Thread andy selby
2008/6/3 Kevin Dean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I think he was looking for pictures of the ASU.

I was hoping that a Freerunner owner would post some ASU screenies on
that site in future

2008/6/3  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> In essense I was looking for pictures that give me an Idea of the OM user
> experience to drool over :)

If you've got a neo1973, you can flash a qtopia on x11 image from;O=D
It has limited apps but I did make a call using it.
Not sure how close it is to the ASU

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: screenshots

2008-06-03 Thread andy selby
> is there any page on the wiki that shows the current GUI state of OM ?
> Especially with the 'switch' to Qt I would like to know how both environments
> interact graphically.

None there at the moment, but you might want to keep an eye on

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: using the openmoko neo101 in mass storage mode

2008-05-30 Thread andy selby
> Can the openmoko mobile be used as a mass storage device, or can it be
> networked with windows???

you should be able to transfer files over to the neo/freerunners sd
card using bluetooth.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Root password and ssh?

2008-05-13 Thread andy selby
>  am i right in thinking that the root account on the openmoko has no
>  password - if so is that not quite a large security hole what with wifi
>  and sshd being enabled, or is sshd only available over usb?

You are correct, the root account on the phone has a blank password,
Since no one has wifi on their neo at the moment its not a problem.
I tried changing the password with the passwd command (I'm using
qtopia rootfs), it seemed to work but it still let me in with a blank
password, in fact it let me in when I typed in_any_password!
A worrying development if all neos have the same ip address, hopefully
this will be fixed on the freerunner.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Software

2008-05-06 Thread andy selby
2008/5/6 David Murrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>  My current phone has birthday notifications for contact list members.

*cough* May 10th *cough* *cough* a certain phone *cough*

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Target Market (was: Re: Charger?)

2008-04-14 Thread andy selby
> Let me give you another example... I've probably showed 20 people pics of
> the Neo1973.  You want to know what I hear?  "Man, that's ugly!"  That's
> what I hear every time.  Now you're thinking "so what? it's functional".
> You and I may not care what it looks like, but consumers do.  I'm guessing
> no focus group was done by FIC way back when as the prototype was created.
> It was a bunch of techie/engineering types that generally have no clue what
> consumers want.

IIRC the neo came about because a company went to FIC and asked them
to build a prototype device (purpose unknown) but never went ahead
with the idea, so FIC had this design and Sean Moss-pultz suggested to
management that they could sell it as a completly open linux phone.
I could, of course, be completly wrong

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: LCD protector

2008-04-13 Thread andy selby
>  BTW since the Openmoko phones aren't "commercial phones", to find the
> screen protector with the right size (or something bigger), I'd need to know
> which other phone/PDA has the same screen size of the Freerunner.
>  Do you have advices for this?

There are cut-to size screen protectors available, this is one I found
for the UK
Just google for "cut to size" or "custom" and "screen protectors" in
your localality, i.e. etc..

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: CAD file

2008-04-09 Thread andy selby
>  I'll fix that when I get a chance. Meanwhile, simply rename it to remove
> the .1 extension:

Or maybe...
rename *.prt.1 *.prt *
when cd'd into the directory with the files should rename them all in
one fell swoop.
I say maybe because I dont have the zip file  but it should rename
them from anything.prt.1 to anything.prt on all files in the directory

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: WAG about spares ratios

2008-03-27 Thread andy selby
After reading the subject line, I almost flagged that as spam

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GTA01 Machine Config Renamed

2008-03-27 Thread andy selby
> The machine config file for gta01 and gta02 machines has been renamed
>  to om-gta01 and om-gta02 to reflect better the manufacturer of the
>  phones is actually Openmoko.

I thought FIC made the phones? Openmoko is software only.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Additional info

2008-03-19 Thread andy selby
>  I have a question:
>  It will be a long life cellphone? Or will it just be some fragile geek
>  toy to use with care?

Since you can install anything on it thanks to the openness of the
device, it will remain useful for as long as the device works, for
instance some people are planning to make a bluetooth remote control
out of it or you can use it as a GPS device.Try that with some other
mobile phones.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: FreeRunner delayed a further 6 months?!?!??

2008-03-16 Thread andy selby
On 16/03/2008, Michael Shiloh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
>  I'm trying to get some sort of a concrete update from the team in
>  Taiwan. I'll let you know as soon as I do.

Don't rush on the hardware, your doing a bang up job already
(translation for non-british: thumbs up), I'd rather have a solid
device 6 months down the line than a faulty device in 1 month.
My current neo (running qtopia) is satisfactory for now.
How many of you impatient I-wanna-freerunner-now types would want a
freerunner _this_second_ if you had no guarantee that it would work
perfectly and had no chance to return

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qwerty keyboard concept

2008-03-10 Thread andy selby
Sorry to burst your bubble but the Qtopia release has this already, I
haven't executed the program but it seems to be the same as qtopia's
behaviour where you hold your finger on an area of the keyboard and a
little circle comes up with an enlarged view of the keyboard so you
can precisley select the letter you want.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: About ipkg on Openmoko

2008-02-28 Thread andy selby
> Downloading
>  wget: Host name lookup failure

This tell me that your phone cannot reach the internet, did you set up
port forwarding on your pc?
Try pinging an external ip address from your phone, if this fails then
your phone can't reach the internet.
copy over the .ipkg file to your neo and do a local install

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: questions about Neo FreeRunner

2008-02-26 Thread andy selby
> Will this thing support mobile internet (like Edge or G3?) I saw support for
> G2.5, but wasn't sure if G3 was backwards compatible.

Its GPRS, it is not G3 backwards compatible

> Is there a list of standard software features that will be installed on the
> phone? Everything I saw seemed to outline just the hardware.

Go here
The freerunner should have everything (0,1st & 2nd phase apps)

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: bye bye wifi hello gifi

2008-02-26 Thread andy selby
> so when is openmoko going to implement gifi? :)

Since its good for only 10 metres its not going to replace wi-fi, it
may replace bluetooth.
What I want to know is if openmoko is going to implement wi-max.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: [link]Better than free

2008-02-17 Thread andy selby
> I know its Slashdoted, but could not hold out from sharing anyway. Sorry ;)

In the future could you put a description of what you are linking to?

It seems to be a blog entry about free culture, cant be bothered to
read much today.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Request for assistance: Need a wiki page for buying and selling GTA01

2008-02-15 Thread andy selby
Why not just have a wiki page with a link to so buyers and
sellers have a degree of protection when trading?.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: I'm back with my neo.. where to begin?

2008-01-30 Thread andy selby
> Interesting note on the qtopia image I tried.. they'd receive texts, but
> not *appear* to register on the network/allow calls.  All academic as
> this is the openmoko list though.

Do you mean the the signal strength meter did not show but a message
saying no network did?
I've come across a way that overcomes that but its very unscientific.
1. Open the back
2. Remove battery
3. Push the sim card holder in the direction it locks into (i.e.
towards the bottom of the neo)
4. When you replace the battery press it down above the sim card
Now, I know your probably thinking "do you also stand on one leg" but
this method has never failed me, I heard another guy on the mailing
list put a peice of paper  between the battery and the simcard holder
to solve this problem

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: And so with....

2008-01-25 Thread andy selby
> So in short, what happens after the GTA02?

I think anyone who's involved in getting this device to market is not
thinking that far ahead as their time is taken up with the GTA02 (now
called Freerunner)

>... that is cloud thinking at the moment.

You answered your own question

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: CAD files for the case of the Neo will be made available

2008-01-18 Thread andy selby
   creating: GTA01_dimensions/
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/_2in1_hinge_asm.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/_gbsa-100a.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/_p06.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/_v_l_any.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/antenna-bluetooth-wavefar.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/antenna_pcb_any.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/antenna_pcb_cover_any.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/batt-conn-octek-03jax.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/battery-1200mah-welldone.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/black.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/bluetooth-adhesive.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/bluetooth-delta-assy.asm.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/bluetooth-delta.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/btc-024_any.asm.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/COPYING.txt
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/ct0gps-a-mpm1.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/ct0gps-a-msk1-0.asm.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/curv.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/dsc20-14xxx00_asm_3.asm.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/dsc20-14xxx1x_af0_asm_1.asm.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/dsc20-pcb_1.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/fpc-39p-hrs.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/fpcb-bluetooth-delta.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gbsa-100a.asm.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gbsa-100a_any.asm.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gps-ant-conn.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gps-ant-ext-25109.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gps-ant-ext-conn.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gps-ant-ext-mmcx-plug.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gps-ant-ext-plug-s.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gps-antenna-ciro-15x15.asm.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gsm-ant-bottom.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gtc01-a-mah01.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gtc01-a-mah02.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gtc01-a-mcb01.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gtc01-a-mcf01.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gtc01-a-mcs01-rf-frame.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gtc01-a-mcs01-rf.asm.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gtc01-a-mcs02-rf-cover.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gtc01-a-mcs03-gps.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gtc01-a-mcs06-bb-frame.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gtc01-a-mcs06-new-bb.asm.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gtc01-a-mcs07-bb-cover.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gtc01-a-mfm01.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gtc01-a-mgs01.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gtc01-a-mgs02.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gtc01-a-mkt01.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gtc01-a-mkt02.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gtc01-a-mms01.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gtc01-a-mpb01.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gtc01-a-mpf01.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gtc01-a-mptf01.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gtc01-a-msh01.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gtc01-a-msh02.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gtc01-a-mtx01.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/gtc01-mme01.asm.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/housing__w___any.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/i-dsc20-a14xx0_af0_1.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/id-gtc-ear-deco.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/id-gtc-earjack.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/id-gtc-emergency-key-0609.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/id-gtc-front-deco.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/id-gtc-front-pre.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/id-gtc-front-ring.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/id-gtc-front.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/id-gtc-gps-preliminary.asm.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/id-gtc-gps.asm.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/id-gtc-lens-pre.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/id-gtc-lens.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/id-gtc-middle-ekey-0609.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/id-gtc-middle-pre.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/id-gtc-middle-spk-opining-mdfy.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/id-gtc-middle.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/id-gtc-power-key.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/id-gtc-rear-deco.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/id-gtc-rear-pre.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/id-gtc-rear-ring.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/id-gtc-rear.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/id-gtc-sd-cov.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/id-gtc-speaker-deco.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/id-gtc-stacking.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/id-gtc-usb-cov.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/lcm-28-slim-toppoly.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/mic-d4-smd-aac.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/microsd-card_1.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/miniusm-2ubmb01-singatron-a.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/mm8430-2600b.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/p06.asm.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/pad__w___any.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/patch_da15_any.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/phonejack-jar02062101-unconn.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/phonejack-tg286d.prt.1
  inflating: GTA01_dimensions/pin__w___any.prt.1
  inflating: G

Re: New to OpenMoko

2008-01-16 Thread andy selby
On 16/01/2008, Wilkinson, Alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, OpenMoko newb (waiting for FreeRunner release) - so bare with me.
> Why would I use Qtopia images as opposed to OpenMoko images ?

I haven't flashed an openmoko image in a while so I'm not sure how
easy it is to get it usable as a phone but qtopia worked straight away

*I like the UI
*There is a gps app on qtopia
*Usable with fingers (I lost my stylus)
* ..Err help me out here Lorn


*there is no terminal
*if it doesnt register to the network the phone stays locked
* battery life of ~ 5hours

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: CAD files for the case of the Neo will be made available

2008-01-14 Thread andy selby
> What is your favorite Linux CAD tool for actual 3D work?

Blender seems to import .dxf files though I've never tried any thing
other than native files.
Get it at

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Design of the outer edge of phone case

2008-01-14 Thread andy selby
> here can you find nice photos from a complete black device.
> <= the DSC* files.
> The photos has been shot by mickeyl :)

The site is down at the moment but I did find this at
posted today by Mickey, note the all silver banding around the neo's
circumference although it still has two speakers so I'm guessing this
is not a freerunner.
Will there be two versions, one, all black and one with all silver trim?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: community update, Thursday, January 10, 2008

2008-01-11 Thread andy selby
>   Michael,
>   Are you aware of any online sites that might have done any video of this?

Try this

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: WiFi chip squeezes 802.11n into MicroSD cards

2008-01-10 Thread andy selby
Would the fact that the microSD card is buried inside the neo
attenuate the signal?
Looks like a good way of retro-fitting wi-fi into my GTA01

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo faulty?

2008-01-01 Thread andy selby
> I've used the Neo (last revision, with latest OpenMoko or qt images) now
> for almost one month. When fully charged, I can use the Neo for several
> hours. I often use it only for one hour and then I shut it off
> completely. The next day I try to power it on - with no success at all.

Yeah, the battery seems to run down even when the device is off completly.
I keep mine plugged in to the usb cable all the time, alternativly you
could pull the battery out whenever you aren't using it.
(hope this is fixed with the GTA02)

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo1973 and Qtopia with GPS application

2008-01-01 Thread andy selby
>My image togehter with the kernel uImage can be downloaded from here:


>regards gxl

I've got a problem with that image, the contents of my sd card must
have been erased when I flashed the image and when i reupload the
files to it they don't show up on the neo but ssh'ing  shows they are
Trying to mount the sd card says it doesn't recognise vfat as a
filesystem, was the kernel compiled with vfat enabled?
Can the sd card be formatted while in the neo? mkfs.ext3 says
/media/card is not a block special device.
and comes up with this error message when i proceed

mkfs.ext3: Device size reported to be zero.  Invalid partition specified, or
partition table wasn't reread after running fdisk, due to
a modified partition being busy and in use.  You may need to reboot
to re-read your partition table.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo1973 and Qtopia with GPS application

2007-12-30 Thread andy selby
> Have you had problems running gllin under Qtopia?
> My Neo doesn´t get a "fix" from the satellites...

Yeah, it took me ages to get a fix too, I only got one by standing
outside, maybe the neos GPS antenna is not as sensitive as a dedicated
GPS receiver .
Its very good, goxboxlive, the display could be clearer and the back
button doesn't work, also the start,stop and quit buttons may be
better in the options menu but I applaud you for your work.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo unusable for playing ogg

2007-12-23 Thread andy selby
> today I copied a number of ogg files onto the Neo and started playing
> them with the Media Player. The result was very dissapointing, since
> there was a constant skipping noticable.

I have the 27/11 relese of qtopia on my neo and some ogg files play
fast, about double speed, specifically all those from lugradio but their sister podcast doesn't have that problem.
mp3's work fine.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Fluffy Spider Technologies

2007-12-12 Thread andy selby
That shut me up

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Fluffy Spider Technologies

2007-12-12 Thread andy selby
> Can anyone comment on this company?

that picture of the neo is an early photoshopped version from the
openmoko press office with a screenshot of their software superimposed
on it.
couldn't they get a SH1 neo to demonstrate it on?
maybe the picture below it is also photoshopped.
they dont appear on the adc's list of exhibitors

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Can openmoko and FIC help the Redux model 1?

2007-11-29 Thread andy selby
On 29/11/2007, Jay Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> give me 20 phones in a neat box just like the gta01 arrived in, and
> i'll do my best to sell a box a week.  seriously!

The current plan is to_sell_them. seriously!

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Can openmoko and FIC help the Redux model 1?

2007-11-29 Thread andy selby
On 29/11/2007, Gabriel Ambuehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wednesday 28 November 2007 23:41:11 andy selby wrote:
> > I left a message on the blog to contact Sean (hope that's alright), I
> > should have mentioned something about enlightenment on the neo because
> > they seem to like iPhone like eye candy.
> Aren't they in essence describing a stripped down N800?

Pretty much, although reading through the site there seems to be no
clear vision on how to go about building it,  only a lot of high end
specs, that it should look like apple made it and it should work with
apple peripherals.
The comment I left seems to have been removed, well If they haven't
contacted FIC (or anybody) about their candidate designs its probably
too late now.
Meh... forget I mentioned it.

>Jay Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I would dearly love being able to buy GTA02's in bulk - say 20 at a
>time, personally.

FIC are planning to do this with GTA02, so local resellers can
distribute them instead of end users paying for international shipping
and tax like us lot with our GTA01's.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Can openmoko and FIC help the Redux model 1?

2007-11-28 Thread andy selby
At a recent conference the hosts gave away a free iPhone to its
attendees but they were annoyed that they couldn't buy them in bulk
and other things, long story short for the next conference they have
proposed designing and building a completely open Internet tablet.

One of the designs uses the neo1973 and openmoko as its base

They seem to have some seriously heavy hitting sponsors (especially if
they can pay for a full price iPhone for each conference attendee).

I left a message on the blog to contact Sean (hope that's alright), I
should have mentioned something about enlightenment on the neo because
they seem to like iPhone like eye candy.

With their money and FIC/the openmoko community's experience we could
do for Internet tablets what we're doing for phones.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Qtopia flash image 11/9

2007-11-14 Thread andy selby
> Not sure if thats good or bad. :)
> I have noticed some oddities on first boot as well. Sim contacts don't
> always seem to get populated.

This doesn't seem to be a qtopia issue, more of an neo issue.
I've found opening the back, taking the battery out and fiddling with
the sim card holder seems to work.
Its listed in bugzilla as 312
Extend my appreciation for the all the hard work everyone at trolltech
have done on the qtopia release Lorn, not to belittle the efforts of
the people at openmoko but for the forseeable future I will be running
qtopia on my neo.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: OpenMoko phone comparisons

2007-11-11 Thread andy selby
> Anyone willing to placate my concerns, or point out other phones that
> meet my requirements (must fill _all_ the requirements I listed, so
> please check carefully).

Since your asking on the openmoko list I'd be surprised if anyone
recommends anything but the neo1973

> As a final point, I'll note I'm a long (long)
> time embedded and ARM linux developer, so don't mind doing occasional
> work to improve either kernel or userspace stuff.

Yes I can definatly recommend you buy a neo1973

> Also, if you're following up, please don't uneccesarily quote
> signatures, taglines and bits you aren't responding to.

O.K. I wont

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: i'm going to lose my neo....

2007-11-08 Thread andy selby
> what i would like is a (v. small) device that i can carry in my
> wallet, or somewhere, that sounds a reminder (on the phone, or
> external device) when it moves out of range.

How about hacking a bluetooth dongle to sound an alarm when the thing
is out of range of its paired device (the neo), but you may forget
that aswell

> it doesn't have to be any fancy bluetooth or wi-fi or GPS thing, some simple 
> technology for
> measuring proximity and triggering a signal would suffice

Failing that, why don't you try the simple technology called the
lanyard and carrying pouch that came with the neo.
Since my neo sometimes doesn't register the sim card and has crap
battery life (thanks qtopia) it sits on my desk.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: 2 beginner questions

2007-11-05 Thread andy selby
> 1. Is there a place where the latest tested image and rootfs is available
> for download. the wiki links to a number of files and one is not sure which
> image matches the rootfs.

Well blow me down, the tested kernel/rootfs wiki page has been updated
at last,
with a build from yesterday, scroll down to the bottom and try that.
Otherwise click on the links in the repositories page and then click on 'last
modified' twice to bring the latest added to the top of the page,
although these may not have any feedback about them.

> 2. When I have connected the usb cable to a powered usb port and the neo is
> switched off is it charging (there is no indicator)

The neo is charging when it is off, when my neo is on and connected to
my pc it disconnects my usb modem so I _only_ charge it via usb when
it is off.
By the way, in my bios I have set 'halt' to 'all but keyboard' so my
usb periphs are on even when the pc is off so I can charge the neo
when the pc is off, though it may be only 100ma

> thanks
> Rakshat
> PS i am going through the wiki but if there is a forum where these questions
> have already been answered please guide me there so i don't mail the entire
> list every time.

There is a forum,I forget where but its low volume, instead type into google
your search term here
to search the wiki using google.
If you want to ask questions about the neo1973 you should post to the
device owners mailing list.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Homebrew Open Phone

2007-10-28 Thread andy selby
> > > Compulab does have, and has always had, very interesting
> > > embedded boards.

> does anyone know the word on openness of their hardware?

If you want open hardware, Balloon boards at
seem the most likely candidate, buy enough and you can specify your
own components
Buy them from

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: qtopia flash image update

2007-10-02 Thread andy selby
On 02/10/2007, Lorn Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have uploaded a Qtopia snapshot version flash image for the Neo.

> a few Known issues:
> * suspend/resume not fully working. must restart Qtopia to get modem working
> again.
> * inputmethod covers some widgets (bluetooth settings)
> * no modem mux (no gprs)
> * no mms support (no wap stack integrated)
> * bluetooth audio not tested on Neo yet, probably needs work.

Err.. how about the software is locked as default and shutdown the
device doesn't work?
but I'm sure the rest of the software is good, keep up the good work.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Release schedule GTA-2

2007-08-30 Thread andy selby
> I have some pictures of GTA02a1 and GTA02a2 (still in progress) here
> for anyone interested:

Why are the file sizes so big? especially on the screenshots, why
aren't they 640x480?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Karl Good is out of the office

2007-08-24 Thread andy selby
Somebody from Symbian is reading this list?
Its good we've caught the eye of some major players in the smartphone field.
Maybe he should tell the IT admin he's left so they can recinde his email address.

>I loved it when I receive a vacation response from Nokia, and now
>symbian ;)

Look at at the dates, 2.7 years vacation?
What software is he using to send his vacation response that it gets
sent 9 months late?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Can't flash smaller root-fs through dfu-util?

2007-08-22 Thread andy selby
> > If you upload rootfs image that is smaller that previous one it
> > won't work - you need to attach to bootloader, erase NAND and then
> > upload your rootfs first:
> >
> > cu -l /dev/ttyACM0
> > GTA01Bv3 # nand erase rootfs
> This *should* help but I am trying to understand why dfu-util can't
> do that? And what do I do if I have no serial interface? Does this
> mean I can't ever again flash a (smaller) rootfs?

Just type
screen /dev/ttyACM0
into any pc while the device is in u-boot mode attached by a usb
cable, that will give you the GTA01Bv3 prompt

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Neo Debug Board Schematics or Pinouts

2007-08-18 Thread andy selby
> > I will like to to have a peek at the Neo debug board's schematics or
> > pinouts. I need to access the uarts as well as the jtag. Does anyone have
> > any idea?
> >
> we already are in the process of releasing the neo debug board
> schematics since we believe that it would be useful not only for the
> moko, but for a lot of different usecases for the embedded hacker community.

Are these the pinouts your looking for?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Isn't this a little early?

2007-08-13 Thread andy selby
I sent the following to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>The domain which is in your IP range is giving false
>The worst of it is that the "testimonials" claiming to have received a
>Neo 1973 phone were up on the website before the phone was even
>The website also does not say that the device is not a fully
>operational phone, it is a developer preview which is not suitable for
>daily use, which is why its less expensive than comparably specced
>The site should also say it is not affiliated with the openmoko
>project, the openmoko company or FIC.
>Please ask them to correct it or kindly take down their site.

I'll post any follow up with them

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: buildhost site down?

2007-08-06 Thread andy selby
> the site still seems to be some kind of offline.
> --16:12:57--
>=> `index.html'
> Resolving
> Connecting to||:80... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
> 16:12:57 ERROR 404: Not Found.
> any ideas?
> thx
The site is still up but it seems the
directories you want have been removed,  the only images available are
from April.
Use either jasons mirror/repository or try
the latter one has a nicer UI and lots of games but it doesn't have
the top left menu which I can't do without.
My advice is to use, I downloaded the latest rootfs
image but could'nt tell the difference, could you post some release
notes if possible Jason?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: 2007.2 - questions

2007-08-05 Thread andy selby
> > I can't find a way to power off under .2 though.  :-)
> init 0 :P

Or try the halt command, its only four taps,

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: ...Order shipped: OpenMoko direct order

2007-07-26 Thread andy selby

> > It shipped!
> >
> I'm so jealous I live abroad and have to wait another day to have my
> neo sent, and than wait some time, just to wait to pay tax at customs
> when neo arrives to Poland!
> ;-)

So, the shipping for rest of the world?

Mine's coming tomorrow and I live in the U.K.
A UPS person phoned and said I could pay the customs charge over the
phone with a credit card or a cheque made out to UPS handed over to
the delivery driver.
The charge is £43.41p

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Camera on GTA02

2007-07-23 Thread andy selby

Okay, since I seem to frequently function as the injector of some
reality into these discussions (aka "wet blanket"), yes, drilling a hole
in the case is straightforward. Now, how do you propose to actually wire
the camera module into the rest of the system, dare I ask...?

The gpio pins?
although I'm not sure which ones and it'll be a different pinout for
the upgraded processor in GTA02.
I'm not sure wether you could connect a USB camera with a hacked USB
cable with 3 or 4 1.5V batteries in line to provide power.
If the NEOs battery is ~5V could you route wires from the battery
terminals to the USB socket? therefore having a powered USB socket.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Neo 1973 release time

2007-07-06 Thread andy selby

Just in case your worried about being at work when goes
live, here's a handy website
Input the 9th and Taiwan into the field to 'convert from' and input
your location into the 'convert to' fields.
Assuming openmoko goes live at 00:00 (Sean, could you fill us in?)
Taiwan time it will tell you the local time you need to be at a
computer, credit card in hand, furiously hitting refresh.
It seems the U.K. will get it on the 8th of july at 5 O'Clock in the
afternoon just when I get home.
(If I'm 401st in line I'm going to kick myself for giving you this info)

OpenMoko community mailing list

Neo 1973 release time

2007-07-06 Thread andy selby

Just in case your worried about being at work when goes
live, here's a handy website
Input the 9th and Taiwan into the field to 'convert from' and input
your location into the 'convert to' fields.
Assuming openmoko goes live at 00:00 (Sean, could you fill us in?)
Taiwan time it will tell you the local time you need to be at a
computer, credit card in hand, furiously hitting refresh.
It seems the U.K. will get it on the 8th of july at 5 O'Clock in the
afternoon just when I get home.
(If I'm 401st in line I'm going to kick myself for giving you this info)

OpenMoko community mailing list

openmoko story on slashdot

2007-06-28 Thread andy selby

I submitted a story to about the openmoko project but it
got voted down ( no shortage of storys about the iPhone though) so
could any slashdot members who want to see a story about
on slashdot head to this link and vote it up, or alternativly you
could submit your own story.
Theres still a lot of PR work to do, no members of my local LUG (4
people) knew about openmoko and the neo 1973.

OpenMoko community mailing list

Why not taking pre-orders?

2007-06-04 Thread andy selby

It seems to me that the OpenMoko project is waiting to have usable
phones before accepting peoples money, this is an "order", not a
pre-order that the wiki says there's a possibility of.
O.K. so there's only a possibility but I'd be willing to part with
$350 (~£175) now (or back in march actually) so that OpenMoko can turn
some of those volunteers into paid employees, hire some more open
source devs or QA testers and judging by the buying interest list
there's plenty more willing to do the same.

OpenMoko community mailing list