Koolu announces Beta 6 of Android on the Freerunner...

2009-04-20 Thread Brian Code

Greetings everyone!

Koolu is proud to announce Koolu-1.0 Beta 6 for the Android on  
Freerunner project. Release files, installation notes, and a change  
log can be found at: http://freerunner.android.koolu.com/release-files .

In addition, one can check out the exact code used for Beta 6 to build  
their own tree, or to provide patches and fixes.

repo init -u git://git.koolu.org/freerunner/platform/manifest.git -b  

repo sync

Please see http://git.koolu.org/ for more details.

We have also created a suite of tools to make it easier to collect and  
submit patches to Koolu. You can view the git project at: http://git.koolu.org/?p=tools/koolu.git;a=summary

Those who are interested in asking live questions, we can be found on  
#freerunner-android on irc.freenode.net.

Brian Code, Marcelo Magallon and
The rest of the Koolu Team.___
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Best thing to run on Freerunner and Neo1973 machines today?

2009-02-19 Thread Brian Code

Hi David,

There is a how-to write-up for Linphone that I did a while ago that is  
now at http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Linphone .

In addition, there is a thread on this mailing list with the subject  
"VoIP on Freerunner working properly (using linphone and SIP)" that  
might be helpful.

Openmoko community mailing list

New Android Release and Resources...

2009-01-21 Thread Brian Code
Greetings All,

I just wanted to let everyone know that there is a new release  
available at http://freerunner.android.koolu.com . In addition, the  
site contains the status of the project, where the project is headed  
as well as test lists and results.

As well as the new site, there are two other places for Android  
related information. An Android on Freerunner mailing list is now  
available at http://android.koolu.org/listinfo.cgi/android-freerunner-koolu.org 

Lastly, there is a new IRC channel on Freenode.net where people are  
gathering to ask questions and provide peer support. #freerunner- 

Brian Code

Openmoko community mailing list

Android on Freerunner from Koolu...

2008-12-01 Thread Brian Code
Greetings all,

I just wanted to give a quick update on the status of Android on the
Freerunner as supported by Koolu. Currently we are looking at licensing
issues with respect to the global market with particular reference to the
media codecs included in Android, but are still making great progress on an
image for distribution. Ironically, this puts us in a situation where it
will be easier for us to release actual source code, build tools and
instructions, before actual binary images. We will be announcing everything
tomorrow from a telecommunications conference in Brazil.

In the last two years of working with Koolu, I have had the opportunity of
being in direct tutelage of Jon "Maddog" Hall, which has helped shape my
views on open source. With his permission, I am posting the message below on
his behalf to insure that it made it to the community list.

Best regards,
Brian Code

Greetings to the list,

First of all, I might say the the role of "Chief Advocate" for Openmoko was
the idea of the conference organizers, not me.  I was happy to be either the
CTO of Koolu or the Executive Director of Linux International, but since I
was at the conference at the request of Openmoko, and since I was on a panel
representing the "openness" of their philosophy, the organizers wanted a
title that reflected that...

Secondly, Koolu does "work" with Openmoko in many ways, so I did not
"indicate" that we were working together.  We are working together.

Third, I am an "open source advocate", actually leaning toward "Free
Software".  But I am also a pragmatist, and there are some times when you
have to tread lightly with "openness" until you  find out what is going on.

So a short time ago Google released a massive amount of code called
"Android".  Since Koolu was not part of the Open Handset Alliance we could
only look at it from the outside like a lot of other people.  Recently an
issue was brought up regarding patent royalties due on various codecs inside
of the code.  Even though the code itself is under the Apache license, in
various jursidictions royalties have to be paid on the distribution of that
code due to patents that are infringed.

Sometimes a lot of these royalties are bunded with the hardware, so software
people do not really have to recognize them.

Some distributions of Linux get around this by writing code that allows for
these royalty-bearing segments to be dynamically linked separately from a
code build.  Ubuntu and Debian both do this
as distributions.

Unfortunately we found that while the royalty bearing code for Android was
in a separate source code directory, the code could not be built without
that royalty bearing code being included in the binaries.

This created the issue of Openmoko removing the binaries from their server.
In my opinion they did the right thing.  Rather than jeoprodise Android,
Openmoko and Google, they temporarily removed the offending code.  I say
"temporarily" because I feel that once the issue is completely understood
there will be a work-around that will allow open source developers to move

In the meantime our team of programmers is working on the issue.  We are
talking with the companies that originally wrote the code trying to
understand the exact use of it, and we are talking with the licensing
agencies to understand the implications.  I am encouraging the company that
first introduced the multimedia codecs to work with the Open Handset
Alliance to identify these areas and other potentially royalty-bearing areas
that might affect Android, and to make them more visible, so people can
understand and deal with them.

I can not speak entirely for the company of Koolu.  While I am the CTO, I am
not a major stockholder nor a director of the company.  I can tell you that
Andrew Greig, the CEO and Brian Code, the Technical Director both know,
understand and appreciate Open Source.  As far as I know it is the intention
of Koolu to contribute back the changes that we make to the Android code to
the community.  Koolu understands the leverage that is inherent in Open

Recently we made some announcements of timeframes for putting the code up on
the web.  Those were formulated before we knew about this royalty "issue",
but our intent is to proceed as fast as possible to meet those goals.

I hope this answers people's questions and issues around this.

Warmest regards,

Openmoko community mailing list

VoIP on Freerunner working properly (using linphone and SIP)

2008-09-18 Thread Brian Code


After reading through many postings and becoming increasingly  
frustrated, I buckled down and found a way to get the command line  
linphone working on OE based distros (tested on Qtopia, but should  
work on 200x.x and others). Ideally this could be interfaced with the  
dialer somehow.

Initial testing of this had the audio routed properly through the  
earpiece and good audio from the microphone. There was some echo on  
the non-Freerunner side, and on initial connection, a bit of a beeping  
sound. Otherwise, it's a go. Linphone uses only about 10-12% CPU (was  
using a PCM codec). Sound was decent to a cell phone in Canada using a  
Wifi connected Freerunner based in Costa Rica.

Here is a quick and dirty how-to. Enhancements can be made to both the  
voip-handset.state and asound.conf files (these were my initial  
working scripts). Thanks to Celtune for the excellent repository that  
is used below.

Brian Code

echo "src/gz celtune http://rabenfrost.net/celtune/ipk/armv4t"; >/etc/ 

opkg update
opkg install libmediastreamer0
opkg -nodeps install linphone
opkg -nodeps install liblinphone2 linphonec linphone-rings
opkg install libexosip2

cd /etc/
wget http://www.koolu.org/asound.conf
wget http://www.koolu.org/voip-handset.state

alsactl -f voip-handset.state restore (This step required to set  
proper audio parameters).

soundcard use 0
proxy add
Enter proxy sip address: sip:sip.provider.com
Your identity for this proxy: sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Do you want to register on this proxy (yes/no): yes
Specify register expiration time in seconds (default is 600):
Expiration: 600 seconds or so

Openmoko community mailing list