Re: [GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

2010-10-27 Thread Fabian Schölzel
2010/10/27 Radek Polak 
> Another idea - i wonder if i could make the case of wood. That would be very
> environment friendly and wood is also good material. But that's just idea.

I often thought about this, and i think its a very nice idea. It would
give a nice feeling in the hand, i think. Maybe especially for people
with sweaty hands, like me.

But you have to rethink a whole lot. I think wood can be bended like
plastics, but its not as elastic as plastic, it will wear off faster.
You cannot make a clip mounting for the back cover, like it is now.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [qtmoko] New significant speedups coming to FreeRunner

2010-02-16 Thread Fabian Schölzel
2010/2/16 Radek Polak :
> I think that this is very unfortunate explanation. To me it looks like
> somebody said that freerunner's graphics sucks and there is no way it will
> ever be faster and it was taken as a fact.

I'm no hardware guru, but if i remember it correctly, it was the fact,
that the processor and the graphics chip can't access the RAM at the
same time. Both of them lock the channel to the RAM, so they block
each other. To make things worse, the uSD card is connected with the
same channel.

Please correct me, if i'm wrong.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OT: Where can I meet a female companion with similar interests and personality /in person/?

2010-01-24 Thread Fabian Schölzel
On Sunday 24. January 2010 13:38:27, Stefano Cavallari Cavallari wrote:
> What about opening a free blog and write your thoughts/happenings there?

I think that's a good idea!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OT: Re: gender-neutral English usage

2010-01-19 Thread Fabian Schölzel
On Tuesday 19. January 2010 17:55:18, arne anka anka wrote:
> well, since a lot of (most?) languages have those, there's certainly a
> need for that :-)

And only the most important words have the privilege to have two or more 
genders. In Germany, it's the almighty "Joghurt". It's allowed to use all 
three genders! (Really. [1])



Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OT: Where can I meet a female companion with similar interests and personality /in person/?

2010-01-14 Thread Fabian Schölzel
On Thursday 14. January 2010 22:15:16, Brolin Empey Empey wrote:
> I agree with you, Fabian.  However, I think you should use “he or she”
> instead of using masculine pronouns as if they were sex/gender-neutral.

I had a bad feeling when writing this. :) My mother tongue is german, so i 
think this is translated badly. In Germany, we have a phrase "Jeder wie er 
mag.", wich would be "Everybody how he likes." in word-for-word translation. 
Would "One should do as one likes." be better?

"Guten Abend und schöne Grüße!" ;)

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New significant speedups coming to FreeRunner

2010-01-12 Thread Fabian Schölzel
Am 10. Januar 2010 18:44 schrieb Fabian Schölzel
> Hm... i've done that, but i'm getting the cycles, too. I can't even connect
> through ssh now. Will there be a v17 release soon, or do i have to revert the
> kernel?

It seems i hadn't v16 installed, so i didn't worked. Now i have it
working, and... wow, it's really faster. That's amazing!

Thanks to all involved!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: New significant speedups coming to FreeRunner

2010-01-10 Thread Fabian Schölzel
On Sunday 10. January 2010 15:10:31, Radek Polak Polak wrote:
> You need to unpack modules for newer kernel first.
> ssh r...@neo
> cd /
> wget
>  v17.tar.gz
> tar xzvpf modules-v17.tar.gz

Hm... i've done that, but i'm getting the cycles, too. I can't even connect 
through ssh now. Will there be a v17 release soon, or do i have to revert the 

(Besides, thank you for your work with qtmoko, Radek!)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Some questions about TangoGPS

2010-01-08 Thread Fabian Schölzel
2010/1/8 Yorick Moko :
> and I almost always top-post, so what :)

So i'm trying middle posting right now! ;)

> I made a joke about his "In the name of..." heading, but I don't care what
> people write
> to me it's about the same as "yo nigga biatches, whats up?";
> not really my kind of talk, but hey, if it rocks your boat..

I didn't meant you with my comment, Yorick.


(Maybe thats enough OT for now :) )

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Some questions about TangoGPS

2010-01-08 Thread Fabian Schölzel
2010/1/8 Jens Seidel :
> That's also not a religious list.

In the name of religious equality: Thats true. So religious
collocations should not be a thing to comment. :) I think dehqan
behaves quite fine on this list.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OT: Where can I meet a female companion with similar interests and personality /in person/?

2010-01-07 Thread Fabian Schölzel
Hi rhn,

i understand your point of view. Everybody should do as he wish. But i
think if somebody wants to give that gift to everybody, he should be
"allowed" to do so, while others are free to say "no thanks, i don't
want to know". For my self, i think it is some kind of different to
your way, but in the end, it comes out the same. The people that know
me most, are the people i like most. That is so, because i spend more
time with people i like, therefore i talk more with them than others.
That is why they know more (or/and deeper). I would tell others the
same stories and infos about me, in the same deepness - if they are
interested. The topic and the deepness will change with the people and
they're interests, of course.

But then again, "teh interwebs" is different. One can be as verbose as
he likes, and others can read what they like.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OT: Where can I meet a female companion with similar interests and personality /in person/?

2010-01-06 Thread Fabian Schölzel
Hi Ben,

i think it is clear that you want to tell him this in a positive way, but it 
quite sounds like you think it is a absolute and inevitable law to act as you 
propose. Maybe you don't see it that strict and you just want to give him good 

Well, it is right, that nobody wants to bore others with one's stuff and 
feelings - just because nobody has benefit from a monologue. But this is a 
mailing list and not a discussion with on or more persons face to face, and so 
you don't have a fixed number of listeners, nor have you direct feedback from 
their face or words. On a mailing list, you have as much listeners, as there 
are people who read the mails from Brolin just because they have interest. If 
there is only 1, that would be enough. Me for my self, i find a part of me in 
the thoughts and things Brolin describes. And i have interest.

You also said, that he could run into trouble because of the things he writes 
here. Well, that may be. Myself i think, only people, that are not able to 
deal with that amount of info and openness, would generate trouble out of this 
writings. I don't really see, where one can be too open and honest about 
himself. Is that really possible? We are all human beings, why would we want 
to hide parts of our existence? Why would we want to let taboos about what to 
say and what not to say stay? If someone don't want to read some specific 
stuff, then he should go on and do not read it. If someone (in 10 years for 
example) will make decisions or estimations on the basis of Brolins writings 
here and now - well, as i said, that may happen. Often people say "imagine 
they google you and don't give you a job". I would say: "Gladly, Brolin don't 
have to work and talk with people, who are just lost in the age of 

I don't know if i am expressing my self correct, as english is not my mother 
tongue. What i want to say is: If more people are more open and honest and 
tell others about themselves, the only thing that happens is, that we get to 
know each other better and better. In my opinion, it can in no way be a good 
advice, to not say what you want to say.

Hm, i hope i made my self understandable. Please ask me, if not.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Freerunner gone...

2009-12-15 Thread Fabian Schölzel
On Tuesday 15. December 2009 15:29:45, Martin Šenkeřík Šenkeřík wrote:
> The story was that, one guy was on the walk with dog, which brought to
> him bag with black thing. He didn't know what is it, so he gave it to
> his friend. Friend realized, that there is probably linux system
> (according to scrolling text when booting :-)), but that was all - and
> started googling. He told me, if that is normal phone, he would
> probably not try so much to find info about it...

Now *that* is a nice story. You are now owning the dog-rescued special edition 
of the Freerunner. :)

May the curiosity of dog owners always be with you,

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: future phones that you can hack. news.

2009-11-18 Thread Fabian Schölzel
2009/11/18 Carsten Haitzler :
> Who it is - will wait for future announcements. What, when and where will also
> need to wait. How open it is, will also need to wait. But you can guess that 
> if
> we are fiddling with it - it's already partly open.

Sounds interesting! Please keep us informed!


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: vi vs. nano in shr user manual (was Re: SHR first experiences & user manual)

2009-08-28 Thread Fabian Schölzel
2009/8/28 Risto H. Kurppa :
> I have no problems accepting that some prefer more vi than nano but I
> have hard time accepting it being suggested in a manual where you
> can't be sure people know how to use it as it isn't as
> self-explanatory as nano, no matter how much Ctrl you have to use.

I agree. Manuals should be as easy. Mentioning Nano in manuals isn't
better because Nano is "better". Nano is an editor, that anybody can
use _immediately_. If someone is using vi, i think he will be smart
enough to know, that he can use vi instead of nano without breaking


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Mechanical Design of the Freerunner/gta02-core/gta03

2009-08-25 Thread Fabian Schölzel
2009/8/25 Adolph J. Vogel :
> Why not just use something like git to handle the revisions? Personally I`m
> not a fan of archane filenames...

I'll have to look into this, i am not really into software revision
systems. Maybe it depends on the file format for parts/drawing we will
use. If the file format is binary, there is no sense for a diff. But
maybe this functionality is deactivatable. I'll take a look.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Mechanical Design of the Freerunner/gta02-core/gta03

2009-08-25 Thread Fabian Schölzel
2009/8/25 Robin Paulson :
> depends on the number of drawings you have. having worked on projects
> (admittedly slightly larger than the neo...) with hundreds of
> drawings, it helps no end having your fire protection set labelled
> differently to the aircon, and again labelled differently to the
> sanitary systems and structural steel.

My english is not that good: By "helps no end" you mean "helps really
good"? If you meant it like that, i agree with you. It helps to
identify a part at first by its number, where and what it is. But
maybe the Freerunner has not so much parts, that you dont really need
it. But - it would help people, that are new.

So, i imagine something like this:
- Version of the whole design (2 digits) (this is unassociated to the
name of the "product", so "07" can be the final design for GTA02-core)
- Type of document (3-4 letters)
- document number (maybe 6 digits?)
- revision index (digits or letters)

That makes: 07-PART-001208-A

The part with the document number is straight numbered without any
logic from 00 to 99. Version 07 can inherit parts from other
versions. New revisions makes the older ones obsolete.

But something tells me, that document numbers doesn't have to be fixed
in size. Maybe we can make it just start with 1 and dont show/type
unnecessary leading zeros. Also the revision index can go that way.
This way we dont make ourselves any borders.

I hope i could make myself clear - as said, my english is not that good. :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Mechanical Design of the Freerunner/gta02-core/gta03

2009-08-25 Thread Fabian Schölzel
(See below for a mail, that i posted to gta02-core list on the
weekend. I repost it here for more audience. Please answer here. Thank

Hi List,

in the community list we discussed sometime ago what tools we want to use. But
i thought we can hardly choose the right tools, if we dont define, what there
is to get done - and even more than that - how to get it done. Do we need 2D-
Sheets? How to host the parts central, so that changes are visible immediately
for everyone (maybe standard software revision tools are applicable)? What
type of document numbering system is needed?

Ok, that are my questions, i will investigate them myself this weekend. Im
opening the cad files in Autodesk Inventor to look around a bit. This mail
also asks the community, if there are other people, who want to help getting
mechanical changes done for the freerunner. Please speak up.


(The news from the weekend are: Inventor will not start correctly with
"normal" graphic drivers. :/ )

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Wiki] Hall of Fame created

2009-08-12 Thread Fabian Schölzel
2009/8/12 Marcel :
> As I said on there, that would be useful for keeping only high
> quality software listed. (And maybe gives software authors a
> reason to fix some bugs, respect is everything [>> GTA2]) :)

I think this may end up in a list, where not every entry may meet
every ones personal definition of "stable and usable". It also may
lead to some nice flame wars, as it has to be discussed, if a software
is "good". Hm...

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Evopedia 0.2.1

2009-08-12 Thread Fabian Schölzel
My 8GB-Card is working again, so i can finally try this out. Im eager
to see, where the "near article" feature will point me to! Im also
eager to see, what my team-mate says, when his favorite wikipedia
junkie is more ready than ever to take a timeout in a discussion to
look for facts. :)


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Qi installed properly?

2009-08-11 Thread Fabian Schölzel
Is the Freerunner vibrating, before it boots from nand? This is the
case if a kernel is unbootable or skipped.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [QtMoko] new images v6 - problems over problems.

2009-08-06 Thread Fabian Schölzel
Am Donnerstag 06. August 2009 08:02:25 schrieb Radek Polak:
> You can try put it in NAND instead of SD card. I think Freerunner/kernel
> do not work well with some kind of SD cards. E.g. i have bought Kingston
> 8GB SD card. QtMoko booted only like in 50% cases resulting mostly in
> some mmc related kernel messages scrolling on the screen. So i changed
> this card with friend's SanDisk 4GB and this one works just fine.

Hey, good to know. I have a 8GB Kingston SD card, too, and i have very similar 
problems. But i never had problems like this before - but since 3-4 weeks this 
is happening.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FSO core team founds BGB company

2009-07-30 Thread Fabian Schölzel
Am Donnerstag 30. Juli 2009 12:18:14 schrieb arne anka:
> well, with a name like
> "Lauer, Lübbe, Schmidt, Willmann, GbR".
> it's hard to say ... ;-)

There you are, you tiny little GbR! To say it in german: "Argh...!"

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FSO core team founds BGB company

2009-07-30 Thread Fabian Schölzel
Am Donnerstag 30. Juli 2009 10:08:56 schrieb arne anka:
> hardly, what with being a bgb company.

Which type of german company is it? GbR?

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FSO core team founds BGB company

2009-07-29 Thread Fabian Schölzel
Am Mittwoch 29. Juli 2009 17:51:20 schrieb Michael 'Mickey' Lauer:
> The core-team members of the project today announced
> the founding of a legal entity offering consulting, training, and
> implementation services around the middleware
> platform, also known as FSO[1].

Congratulations! I hope everything goes well with the company. Is there a way 
to make tax deductible donations?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [CU] voting required

2009-07-29 Thread Fabian Schölzel
Am Freitag 24. Juli 2009 20:27:09 schrieb Patryk Benderz:
> Hello list,
>   As i have finished layout for DistributionBox templates, please take a
> look at [1] to see how DistributionBox would look like, which you like
> most and post your votes here or on wiki discussion page.
>   After lets say a week or two, we will count votes and winner will be
> included in coming CU as a template for distro - if any will be released
> of course :)
>   Anyone interested how template is constructed can take a look here [2].
> [1]
> [2]

May i propose some different layout? Wouldnt it be better, if the 2-columns 
have the text left and the screenshot/infobox on the right? Thats a layout 
thats very common. Then the continuous text would be in center vertically 
(from left to right: wiki-thingies | text | infobox), wich is easier for the 

I then also would integrate the actual version, codename, homepage etc... in 
the infobox, and leave only the name of the distro as title. If the text gets 
some longer, the informational data would get seperated a bit, which should be 


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: posting style preferences was Re: Why one cannot recommend the freerunner as a daily phone (was Re: Is a FreeRunner sufficient for me?)

2009-06-26 Thread Fabian Schölzel
Long long ago, someone wrote :
> And sometimes, you just dont have to quote, because
> the discussion hierarchy isnt lost within mailing lists.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Freerunner's Future

2009-06-16 Thread Fabian Schölzel
Werner Almesberger wrote:
> But I think a case-making project that follows the same approach as
> gta02-core, namely reconstructing and prototyping the existing
> design with Free tools (and making some small changes) could be
> rather useful for establishing the know-how that can later be used
> for more ambitious work.

I'm not an engineer, but a draftsman, so I could also help with the mechanical 
design and modeling of the case and other things related to the project. I 
will take a look at the mentioned CAD-Tools.

Fabian Schölzel

Openmoko community mailing list