Re: Freerunner for sale! (Germany)

2009-08-09 Thread Joerg Lippmann
Me again!

Because of the demand: here are some unedited full-size pics of the very 
device. Made just a few minutes ago:

Two pictures feature the small scratch in comparison to a Euro cent. You see, 
it's really tiny. Apart from that the device is almost like the first day. I 
don't know which revision it is. The date code says 2008530.

Awaiting your bids!

Take care.

Openmoko community mailing list

Freerunner for sale! (Germany)

2009-08-08 Thread Joerg Lippmann

I'm selling my Freerunner (originally sold by Pulster). I used it for about a 
year, so it's not really in mint condition, but it's ok. Everything works, but 
there's a small (3mm) but visible scratch in the middle of the display. I got 
the buzzfix by golden delicious, so it comes with a second new battery. You get 
everything from the original packaging:

Openmoko Freerunner with Buzzfix
Power cable with two adaptors
Laserpen (w/o batteries)
black/green box
2 original batteries
512MB uSD-card
Original Invoice and Handbook.

If you are interested, make me a reasonable offer in EURO via mail:


Don't hesitate to write me in case of questions or if you would like photos.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Any distro with working calls?

2009-07-20 Thread Joerg Lippmann
Am Montag 20 Juli 2009 schrieb Eildert Groeneveld:
> As of last week there is a new release of android available at koolu:
> stable, polished, also the battery issue seems to have been solved.

Isn't that the one that cannot receive calls...?


Openmoko community mailing list

Debian on Freerunner installation: broken FSO-Packages?

2009-07-20 Thread Joerg Lippmann

I thought I give debian another try. I use the manual from

It always stops at:

* Zhone GUI: true
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  zhone: Depends: python-edbus but it is not going to be installed
 Depends: python-ecore but it is not going to be installed
 Depends: python-edje but it is not going to be installed
 Depends: python-evas but it is not going to be installed
 Depends: libevas-engines (>= but it is not 
 Depends: zhone-illume-glue but it is not going to be installed
E: Broken packages

What can I do about it?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: why openmoko is so slow? Is it a joke?

2009-07-14 Thread Joerg Lippmann
Am Montag 13 Juli 2009 schrieb Nicola Mfb:
> On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Ivan Shirokov
> wrote: [...]
> >> Well, I would say it was a very bad joke. I spent eq. of 400 dolars, I
> >> was waiting 1 year for glamo acceleration etc, etc. that would make the
> >> phone usable etc, and it turns out, that it will never be. With the slow
> >> bus, one can forget about acceleration... What can be accelerated if you
> >> have to send information about complex bitmaps...
> >
> > That's really sad =(
> AFAIK there is still some space for improvement in general responsiveness.
> Actually there is a busy loop eating CPU to wait for graphical
> operations to complete.
> There are working in progress to avoid that. When the fix will be
> ready *and* adopting a good design pattern for applications (e.g.
> GUI/logic multithreading split, fusion of frequently used phone tasks
> in monolitic one-shot load and forget applications) we may see an
> acceptable speedy freerunner.

When will that be? When the device is completely obsolete?

Sorry, but after a year of waiting I still have an expensive brick that I can 
neither use as a proper phone (speaker still WAY to low, too unstable, too 
slow, too battery-hungry) nor as a PDA (no usable software available). So I 
really regret my decision to buy it. But then again, it was touted as a real 
phone for end-users back then and being a happy Linux-User for 14 years, I 
thought that I could live with some minor flaws...

I'm really for the idea of freeing the phone (thats why I bought one), free 
hardware and the community. And I really loved to see this effort to succeed. 
But I came to realize that I start to hate this sluggish, instable device 
without good software. I cannot help it. I haven't found a single distro that 
works well out of the box. The best ones so far were QTopia/QTe and Android. 
And neither are really community efforts. So I consider my personal experiment 
(buying a community-driven phone for 300 EUR) as failed. Sorry.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Why one cannot recommend the freerunner as a daily phone (was Re: Is a FreeRunner sufficient for me?)

2009-06-22 Thread Joerg Lippmann
Am Montag 22 Juni 2009 schrieb Ben Wong:

> I want to thank Joerg for taking the time to give a clear list of
> reasons why a person might consider the Freerunner unsuitable as a
> phone.  I think it'd be helpful if these and other points were put on
> the wiki so that potential buyers can see the arguments against the
> Freerunner, and what the community response is.  (E.g., Solved?
> Kludged?  In progress?  Unfixable?)

Good starting point!

I'd like to thank everyone who answered my disgruntled mail in a constructive 
manner. You all made a good case for the freerunner/openmoko and I appreciate 
that. I think I see clearer, why I'm so unhappy with it now and maybe that's 
the case for other people, too. 

I think, most of the technical answers totally missed my point. 

The guy wanted a smartphone. He didn't ask for an exiting piece of hardware 
experimentation lab and developer paradise. If you recommend to tweak this 
mixer-setting and install that tool and use that kernel-fix, then you prove, 
that it's not for him. 

I listed a lot of points, where I got stuck or where I got frustrated with the 
Freerunner to show, where he might get stuck, too.

Granted, most of my points may be solved in distro A or fixed in Kernel B, or 
fixable by tweaking settings in illume. but the point is, that there is (to my 
knowledge) not a single distro out there, that works perfectly out of the box 
and has all the fixes already installed. Thats whats needed, if you want to 
recommened it to the end-user.

You are offering me and this guy single proofs-of-concept, and that is great 
for further development, but thats not a working everyday smartphone.

let me cite another mail (from Vasco Nevoa):

"Yes, it needs A LOT of attention and tweaking for about 3 months until 
you get it "just right" for yourself, but after that it's "good enough" 
as a phone and GPS, and a pretty good PDA."

See my point? 

Best wishes!

Openmoko community mailing list

Why one cannot recommend the freerunner as a daily phone (was Re: Is a FreeRunner sufficient for me?)

2009-06-20 Thread Joerg Lippmann
> On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 10:49 AM, Joerg Lippmann 
> > Then the Freerunner is not for you.
> > It may sound harsh, but it's definitely *not* suitable for daily use.
> > Period.
> Brolin,
> I must respectfully disagree with Joerg's advice to you.  There are
> flaws, including the ones Joerg points out, but they do not
> necessarily make the Freeruner unsuitable as a daily phone.  I think
> it depends on the person.  I use mine daily as my only phone and it
> works well for me.  From your description of yourself, I suspect you
> would be happy with a Freerunner as well, as long as you don't expect
> it to do everything you want out of the box.

OK, maybe I should explain. 

My mail should not be taken as FUD. I have a freerunner since it came out a 
year ago and - being a linux user since 1994 - I was prepared to get something 
rough and unfinished. But I hoped that it would one day be sufficient to 
first my phone, then my Palm Tungsten C and maybe my Etrex-GPS. It does neither 
in a satisfactory way.

I used it for about year now, installed this and that distro and during that 
time I defended all the shortcomings as being a work-in-progress and a 
community effort. But all in all I cannot recommend it to anyone as a daily 
phone. Here's why:

- The device wakes up too slowly, I lost some calls.
- The vibrator is too weak, I missed more calls.
- The volume is way to low, You can really only use it indoors.
- The Display is too dark for sunny days, even in the shade.
- I lost many SMS. I eventually receiced most of them after restarting the 
- The battery lasts only a few hours, again, I lost many calls (this depends 
on the distro. But even with a »good« one, I had cases in which the device did 
not suspend due to something crashing)
- Sometimes I cannot access the phonebook (Android, SHR)
- Wifi does not work reliably and it takes a long time to connect.
- The device/software is terribly slow. How fast was even the oldest palm in 
- the on-screen keyboards are all terrible for finger-typing. I liked the one 
from QTe, but you have to install german wordlists by hand. Also it was 
impractical to switch upper/lowercase. Best solution would be to use landscape 
- Even simple tasks like inserting the number of the caller into the 
addressbook is sometimes impossible or very complicated.
(- Many people I called complained about terrible buzz, but I hope to get the 
fix soon)
- The alarm clock does not work reliably.
- When the battery is completely empty, it takes ages to reload the phone and 
you're not able to turn it on even when plugged in.
- You cannot sync dates or even contacts, PIM-functions are virtually non-

(And I did not mention nice things like video-playback, a good MP3-Player, 
voice-notes, a nice email-Interface or a feed-aggregator...)

Granted, most things depend on the distro you're using. But neither is really 

OM: 2007: very stripped down, although I liked the simple interface.

QTe: Overall quite OK, but no Sync, no working wifi, no usable browser, no 
GPRS, no usable GPS-Application

SHR: good battery life when not crashing. some bad design decisions 
(animations are useless on this phone), slow (especially the setup-menus and 
finger-scrolling), ugly phone-function, contacts crash very often, tangogps is 
working, many SMS and calls lost. Keyboard either english-only or only usable 
with a pen.

Android: Best of the bunch so far. But volume too low, missing keyboard in 
stable versions (cupcake one looks better, but is not stable enough at the 

I'm trying to honour the work of the many developers, but in my book, this is 
still not a working everyday phone. Let alone a smartphone.

Today, I slipped my SIM-card back into my old Siemens M55. What an experience: 
I got every call immediatly! I could hear what the other side was talking! I 
could send an SMS in a few seconds without problems and received an answer! I 
could also insert the number from a caller directly into my addressbook. You 
should try it once.

My freerunner will stay in my drawer. Maybe when Android works perfectly, I 
will give it another try.

Am Samstag 20 Juni 2009 schrieb Ben Wong:

> The sound quality is "terrible" according to Joerg, but that has not

It's just way too low. I can only unterstand the other side well, when I'm in 
a quiet place. While with a real phone you can talk on the street or in a car, 
with the freerunner I can't. I tried also other alsa-state-files and fiddled 
myself, but without real success.

> Joerg also mentioned that the device is "lame".  I'm not quite sure
> what he means. 

Sorry, I meant "slow". See above.

Please, developers, don't feel like I want to thrash your work. It's just not 
ready for primetime, yet. I really like the design and th

Re: Is a FreeRunner sufficient for me?

2009-06-18 Thread Joerg Lippmann
Am Donnerstag 18 Juni 2009 schrieb Brolin Empey:

> I need all of these features:
> * a *reliable* phone for SMS and brief voice calls. 

Then the Freerunner is not for you.

It may sound harsh, but it's definitly *not* suitable for daily use. Period. 
I tried OM2007, 2008, QTe, SHR, FSO, Hackable:1, Android, Android-cupcake. QT-
Extended-Improved. All are incomplete and have huge flaws. Apart from that the 
battery life is mediocre at best, the device is lame and sound is terrible. 

Sad but true.

We will bring freedom and Leberwurst to the Welt, ob sie will oder nicht.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GSM buzz-fix party in Braunschweig, Germany

2009-03-22 Thread Joerg Lippmann
Am Sonntag 15 März 2009 schrieb Daniel Willmann:

> In order to gauge interest and plan ahead wrt ordering
> Resistors/Capacitors I'd like to know how many phones would come. The
> party will probably take place in mid April.
> If you are interested and would show up please mail me privately and
> also tell me how many phones you would bring.
> If all goes well I'll be doing this with support from Openmoko and will
> be able to replace any Freerunners I break in the process.

Hmmm, Braunschweig is about 300km from my home town. Is there a way to get my 
phone fixed as well without spending the whole day on the road (maybe send it 
to you?)

I have terrible buzz *always* when I use my phone at home, no matter what 
distribution. So all the time when I happen to be at home and get a call I 
have to shout to the other party to call me on the land line. Really 
embarrassing to have to use an expensive phone thats broken by design and the 
manufacturer does not bother to fix it immediatly at no cost.

It's really a pity that openmoko (the company) is such a disappointment 
concerning the buzz fix...

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Qt Extended update ?

2009-01-31 Thread Joerg Lippmann
Am Montag 26 Januar 2009 schrieb HouYu Li:

> On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 10:27 AM, Chris Samuel  wrote:

> > Does anyone know if there's any updates for Qt Extended in the pipeline ?

> I am looking forward to it.

Does the silence here mean that no one here is working on QtE or that no one 
can/wants to give any information?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR] how to add buttons to illume's launcher?

2008-11-27 Thread Joerg Lippmann
Am Donnerstag 27 November 2008 schrieb Joel Newkirk:
> On Thu, 27 Nov 2008 22:20:54 +0100, Marcel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Am Thursday 27 November 2008 21:44:32 schrieb Robin Paulson:
> >> 2008/11/28 Joerg Lippmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >> > After some updating, my tangogps start button is gone from shr's
> >
> > Illume.
> >
> >> > But tangogps is still there. How can I create a new start entry?

> > Especially the categories are important here, some of them (don't ask me
> > which) are not being displayed by illume by default.

> If you see "application" change it to "applications".

Hey guys!

I got it back on the map by setting


just like in midori.desktop. That's fine for me. Thanks for your help!

Openmoko community mailing list

[SHR] how to add buttons to illume's launcher?

2008-11-27 Thread Joerg Lippmann

After some updating, my tangogps start button is gone from shr's Illume. But 
tangogps is still there. How can I create a new start entry?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: us network and Uuntu 8.10 - is there a better way?

2008-11-24 Thread Joerg Lippmann
Am Montag 24 November 2008 schrieb Torfinn Ingolfsen:
> Hello,
> I recently upgraded my laptop to Xubuntu 8.10, and now I run into the
> issues described in USB Networking[1] on the wiki:
> - editing /etc/network/interfaces doesn't work
> - Network Manager setup (with /etc/udev/rules.d/80-freerunner.rules
> and /usr/local/sbin/ doesn't work.
> Manual setup still works, but it is cumbersome.
> Is there a better way?

Hmm, I have also Intrepid and I use the following lines at the end of my 
/etc/network/interfaces: (instructions from the very wiki)

iface usb0 inet static
up iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE -s &
up echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward &
up iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT &
down iptables -D POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE -s &

After plugging in the NEO, just 

sudo ifup usb0

does the job quite fine. You may have to change /etc/resolv.conf on the NEO 

When you re-insert the NEO, just issue

sudo ifdown usb0 && ifup usb0

Hope it helps

Openmoko community mailing list

Where can I get the last reasonably stable SHR-Version?

2008-11-24 Thread Joerg Lippmann

I've tried SHR just after the last milestone-release and it worked quite well. 
At least a lot better than the most recent version I pulled yesterday where I 
have no GPS anymore and the power-management ignores tapping on the screen, so 
that NEO falls asleep while I'm typing... This version is useless for me. 

But the trac-server only has few newer versions, not the one of the milestone 
release. Where can I get the latter?

Thanks for any help!

We will bring freedom and Leberwurst to the Welt, ob sie will oder nicht.

Openmoko community mailing list

"hypermiling" SHR for GPS-only usage?

2008-11-19 Thread Joerg Lippmann
Turn off the Airconditioning and use higher tyre pressure?

How can I reduce the energy usage to a minimum when I just want to use my OM 
as a GPS-only device? Is ist enough to remove the GSM card to shutdown the 
phone stack? How can I stop other hungry service? 


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Android open sourced

2008-10-27 Thread Joerg Lippmann
Am Mittwoch 22 Oktober 2008 schrieb Lorn Potter:
> Jim Morris wrote:
> > Lorn Potter wrote:
> >> Jim Morris wrote:
> >>> Cédric Berger wrote:
> >>
> >> Just because 4.4.1 might be unstable doesn't mean qt extended will
> >> always be that way. It just means that 4.4.1 was buggier than expected.
> >
> > Oh I know it will get better, I was just disappointed it was less stable
> > than the previous version.
> We all were. The truth is, 4.4.1 was pushed out before it was ready. But it
> couldn't be helped.

Wouldn't it be great to release an intermediate version soon, in which the 
most severe UI-bugs are fixed (like the finger-scrolling/selection-Bug or the 
way-to-sensitive-keyboard where it's almost impossible to 
switch to special characters)? I'm quite sure it's just a matter of settings 
as it worked in the former version.


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Ringtone and vibration configuration

2008-07-25 Thread Joerg Lippmann
Am Freitag 25 Juli 2008 schrieb Jeff Tickle:

> For the Vibration, my very limited testing indicates it will accept a
> range of 0-255, with 0 being off and 255 being full force.  So, you can
> actually set the strength of vibration.

I wonder when the first one comes up with a tool to play music using the 
vibrator like they did with the step motor of the floppy drive (!) of the 


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Matchbox Keyboard Layout Change

2008-07-21 Thread Joerg Lippmann
Am Sonntag 20 Juli 2008 schrieb Alexander Syring:

> I made an howto change matchbox layout


Is it also possible to change the size of the keys? They are so tiny. I'd like 
to reduce the size of the shift and ctrl keys to have more space for the 
letters. Also we should get rid of the unused space between the keys.


Openmoko community mailing list