FS/FF: 2*GTA02A5

2011-04-25 Thread Tom Yates
With great regret, I have given up on my FreeRunners and transitioned to a 
Nexus S running Cyanogen Mod.  I'm pretty sure I'll regret this at some 
point down the line; being free felt excellent.

I've enjoyed my time in the fully-free phone community very much, and 
while I'm grateful to Sean M-P and the original OM guys, I'm *hugely* 
grateful to the FSO and SHR guys who have given of their time for free to 
make my OM as good as it was, as well as the authors of some of the killer 
apps (TangoGPS, YAOUH, Mokomaze, etc.).  I still tell people that *as a 
tiny, portable, highly-converged, highly-interconnected computer* the OM 
was a resounding success; it just never really made it for me *as a 
'phone*, and while I'm sure a lot of the problems were my fault, they 
finally got the better of me.

So, I have two FRs available.  One has the buzz fix, the bass fix and the 
#1024-recamping fix applied by the very professional guys at Golden 
Delicious; the other is stock.  Both have had screen protectors on them 
their whole lives.  I am pretty sure they are A5s but I can no longer 
quite remember how to check (sorry).

I'd like to sell one of them, but the other is available for free to a 
needy developer.  Obviously, I would prefer to sell the fixed-up one and 
give away the stock one, but I'm flexible.

Please don't reply to me on-list; I'll be unsubscribing after I send this.

If you want to buy the fixed-up 'phone, please email me an offer.

If you want to make a bid for one or more of the phones as a developer, 
please email me why you want it; if you can enclose any sort of testament 
to your achievements as a developer from someone I'll recognise (one of 
the big heroes from SHR, say) it'll make my decision easier.  If you *are* 
one of the heroes, that makes it easier still.  I'll pay the postage; if 
you're outside the EU, I'll mark it as a gift (which it is), but local 
taxes are your problem.

I'll make final decisions about the disposition of the units within two 
weeks.  Thanks to everyone, yet again.  It's been a great community to be 
a part of.


  Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: ventura upgrades, https and self-signed certificates

2010-04-20 Thread Tom Yates
On Tue, 20 Apr 2010, urodelo wrote:

> Since I use ventura, my whole shr experience is much better. finally a
> decent web browser! before it was impossible to surf the internet with
> woosh or others. only dillo was usable for me, but with ventura i can
> finally go through https too. i find the pg buttons etc very useful.
> thanks a lot

i, too, am much enjoying ventura over previous browsers.  that said, i 
posted this query to shr-user originally, but got no answers, so i thought 
i'd try here.  hope that's OK.

i had thought i was having a problem with ventura and https pages, because 
in menu -> URL, the https drop-down doesn't select (i click it, but it 
keeps coming up http), plus i couldn't follow a link to an https page i 
wanted (my webmail service).

but it seems that https links are fine provided the certificate is 
properly signed; it's only that i run my own webmail service and the 
certificate is self-signed.  is there any way to tell ventura not to check 
the certificate chain, but just to load the page?


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Serious problems after failed upgrade

2010-03-17 Thread Tom Yates
On Tue, 16 Mar 2010, vancel35 wrote:

> After the reboot, I have a few problems, and I'm not sure how to fix it.
> 1) the boot menu doesn't come up (aux-power)
> 2) when booted normally, it doesn't recognize the USB connected, and the
> battery doesn't charge.
> 3) I can't start any programs except the terminal. (this means I can't dim
> the backlight to make the battery last longer and gain more time to solve
> this problem)
> I have an A6 FreeRunner, and since the "brick" problems were fixed by the
> boot menu, I didn't buy the debug board.
> Is there any way to recover my phone?  If I need to buy a debug board, 
> hopefully I'll be able to find one.  If there's something I can do to 
> get it to even get to the boot menu, I'd be happy.

assuming i understand your situation correctly (which i may well not) i 
have done the same thing a few times recently (as a result of 
update-alternatives linking init to busybox) and thanks to the 
dual-boot-environment nature of the freerunner you definitely haven't 
bricked it.  you will need the dfu-util tool to upload a new kernel and 
rootfs, but i assume you have this already; you can get it via the wiki 
if not.

1) get a new flashable kernel (uImage*.bin) and root fs 
(shr-*-rootfs.jffs2) from 

2) disconnect USB cable.

3) boot into NOR flash (power off, hold down AUX, hold down POWER until 
you see the NOR boot screen, release AUX and power).

4) connect USB cable directly between PC and phone; do NOT use a hub. 
use dfu-util to upload the new root fs and kernel images; precise 
incantations can be found at 
http://www.teaparty.net/technotes/openmoko-3.html#Upgrading-the-OS , 
though the filenames are old Om2008 ones, and you will need to substitute 
your new rootfs and uImage files.  if the phone powers off, which it will 
do after about 30s of indolence, repeat step 3.

5) power off, reboot.

it will be blank but properly-installed and ready for you to re-customise.

i hope this is of some use, and that i have not misunderstood the problem 


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: hands-free kit

2010-01-09 Thread Tom Yates
thanks to all who replied for both the pointer and the advice!  i'll pass 
them all on.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

hands-free kit

2010-01-09 Thread Tom Yates
does anyone out there supply just the handsfree kit that comes with the 
stock openmoko (two earpieces, integral mic with cut-off switch and 
four-connector 2.5mm jack)?  or does anyone have a suggestion for 
known-equivalent equipment, preferably for supply in france?

my sister would very much like to order one, having tried mine with her 
new DECT phone, and she lives outside paris.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: freeware != free software??? Re: Navigation

2010-01-05 Thread Tom Yates

On Tue, 5 Jan 2010, arne anka wrote:

[Sebastian Krzyszkowiak wrote:]

I think you're now confusing free software with freeware. Free
software app has to be open source (but not in opposite way -
 freeware and open source apps not always are free software)

huh? since when and who made that decision? for all i know, the line 
goes between open source and free. open source has not to be free and 
free has not to be open source.

to signify what you have in mind, the term foss was coined. and just the 
need to add "f" signifies that free is not open source per se (and vice 
versa of course).

Remember, in "free software" term free means freedom, not free beer
(as in freeware) :P

that is only _one_ meaning. as human language goes, the very same word 
might have a lot of meanings -- depending on context, speaker, time or 

for the sake of record keeping (and because i think it's an important 
distinction, though i accept that others disagree):

the term "free software" was coined in or before 1989, when the GPLv1 was 
published by the free software foundation [1].  it quite clearly embedded 
the definition of "free" that sebastian refers to when it said:

"When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. 
Specifically, the General Public License is designed to make sure that you 
have the freedom to give away or sell copies of free software, that you 
receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the 
software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know you 
can do these things. ".

the term "free software" may well have been in use before then, but it was 
set in stone by 1989.

the term "open source" was coined in early 1998 [2], nearly a decade 
later, by a group of people who _inter alia_ objected to the ambiguous 
meaning of "free" in ordinary english.  FLOSS and FOSS were terms coined 
later, off the back of the term "open source".

it's true that english is still ambiguous in its definition of "free", but 
it's not fair to say that "free software" is an ambiguous term.  it has 
been precisely defined for over 20 years, long before the term "open 
source" was coined.  when sebastian speaks of "free software", i think 
he's right to impute the FSF's definition of freedon to it.

please by all means use the terms "open source", FOSS, FLOSS and so on if 
you find they help crystallise your thinking, but arne, whilst i hugely 
admire your software chops and appreciate the work you've done, i think 
you're wrong to insist that others join you because you think free 
software means only "free as in beer".

hopefully i'm not offending anyone by jumping in with a bit of history!


  Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

[1] http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-1.0.txt

[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source :
"The decision by some people in the free software movement to use the 
label “open source” came out of a strategy session held at Palo Alto, 
California, in reaction to Netscape's January 1998 announcement of a 
source code release for Navigator."___
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [FSO] Activate GPRS more than once?

2009-12-28 Thread Tom Yates
On Mon, 28 Dec 2009, Neil Jerram wrote:

> Can anyone with an FSO-based system activate GPRS more than once?
> i.e. ActivateContext, DeactivateContext, ActivateContext again.
> For me - on Debian, and using openmoko-panel-plugin to do the
> activation and deactivation - the first ActivateContext and
> DeactivateContext are fine, but the second ActivateContext call fails.
> The openmoko-panel-plugin logs say that there was no reply to the
> ActivateContext call.  The frameworkd logs have no trace at all of the
> second ActivateContext call, even with logging level set to DEBUG.
> I'm wondering if this is just me, or just Debian, or affecting
> everyone?  All thoughts appreciated.

i'm running SHR-U, and i'd noticed someting similar, and done a little 
digging, and it seems to be FSO-related.  i summarised my problem and the 
digging i'd done on the FSO list last month, see 
, but i got no replies.

i'm not sure what to do about it.  possibly having more people log their 
experiences in the FSO tracker at 
http://trac.freesmartphone.org/ticket/474 would help.  once i get home 
after Christmas, and can bring up GPRS without paying humungous US roaming 
charges, i'll try to do that.

it's not fatal, but it's the last big thing in between me and a 
fully-functional 'moko.  it'd be nice to get it resolved.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

[WikiReader] LWN article

2009-12-17 Thread Tom Yates
today's LWN has a quite positive article on the wikireader, which can be 
found at http://lwn.net/SubscriberLink/366927/9874880118356de2/ for those 
who are interested.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Pub meet: Cambridge, UK, 22.9.2009

2009-09-16 Thread Tom Yates
There will be a Cambridge OpenMoko pub meet at the Granta, which is on 
Newnham Terrace., next door to Darwin College, at 7.30pm on tuesday 
22.9.2009.  All are welcome; if you have an OpenMoko, you are encouraged 
to bring it.  For those navigating by silicon, the postcode is apparently 
CB3 9EX.

To be directly informed about future meets in Cambridge, and/or to
have a hand in planning them, please join the mailing
list at http://www.teaparty.net/mailman/listinfo/om-cambridge .


Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OpenMoko Cambridge pub meet

2009-09-01 Thread Tom Yates
On Tue, 1 Sep 2009, Ken Young wrote:

> I'm afraid he means *real* Cambridge - as in England.

sadly, yes.  sorry not to have been clearer.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR] Setting regional codes

2009-09-01 Thread Tom Yates
On Tue, 1 Sep 2009, Sebastian Krzyszkowiak wrote:

> Everything contact lockup related in SHR and opimd works for me, and I
> can't see why it couldn't work with correct configuration. In case it
> doesn't work for you - please send here phone number which is reported
> by network, phone number in contact book and phone-utils
> configuration. If not me, then i'm sure DocScrutinizer will know what
> you're doing wrong ;)

what can i say?  i'm an idiot, or must have screwed up one of the tests. 
now i have my contacts listed as 0044abcdefghij , they work for all three 
applications: incoming calls, incoming SMS, and call log.

thank you all for your help and persistence!


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

OpenMoko Cambridge pub meet

2009-09-01 Thread Tom Yates
we're trying to schedule another one, probably at the granta at about 8pm, 
like the last one was.

vote for preferred dates at http://www.doodle.com/f88b5xmcbudhnmdg .


       Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR] Setting regional codes

2009-09-01 Thread Tom Yates
On Tue, 1 Sep 2009, Robin Paulson wrote:

> NZ, but it shouldn't matter

i agree, but how the local network presents a number does seem to vary 
widely from network to network - and, indeed, application to application 
(my incoming numbers on texts are a different format than those on calls).

> incoming calls: i probably make/receive one call a month, if that, so
> i can't help at the moment
> call log: yes
> messages: yes

blast, the two i have working now are the two that you have working.  the 
one that's not working is for real-time incoming calls.  don't suppose you 
fancy calling yourself (not picking up, so hopefully no cost) from another 
phone and letting me know what happens?

sebastian, can you confirm that contact lookup on incoming calls works for 


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [SHR] Setting regional codes

2009-08-31 Thread Tom Yates
On Mon, 31 Aug 2009, Robin Paulson wrote:

> 2009/8/31 Tom Yates :
>> secondly, does that not mean that a call from 01223456789 (in the UK)
>> should match a contact listed as +441223456789, when the following
>> settings apply?
> it works perfectly for me - i didn't put anything except a '0' in the
> area code field though

that's great news.  are you in the UK?

and if so, could you let me know a) your /etc/phone-utils.conf b) a couple 
of contacts from your address book (i don't want to know the numbers, just 
the first three or four digits so i can see what format you store them in) 
and c) confirmation that the numbers are resolved to contact names for 
incoming calls AND call log entries AND SMS messages?

Sebastian Krzyszkowiak wrote:
> International prefix is *never* +. Most probably (as in whole Europe)
> you have to set it as 00.

ok, done.  i tried both, and it didn't help.

> What is that area_code=1223? Try with area_code blanked.

that's my local area code (comparable to "179" in the wiki article i sent 

i have blanked it out (though i had to edit the file by hand for 
that as the GUI won't take an empty value, saying it must be a number) but 
i still don't have perfect resolution.

at the moment:

/etc/phone-utils.conf says

my first contact is now (six zeros substituted for real number)

and her call log entry is right, her text messages show as coming from 
her, but her incoming calls still show up as just "0797100".

thanks to both of your for your follow-ups, hopefully you can help me get 
this 100% working!


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

[SHR] Setting regional codes

2009-08-31 Thread Tom Yates
well, i've switched to SHR, and i may i first say how much it's improved 
since i last tried it - very very nice!  though i am looking forward to a 
testing branch emerging.

the wiki at 
http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/SHR_User_Manual#Set_Regional_Codes suggests 
that if the regional information is set correctly in /etc/phone-utils.conf
(or by using the settings -> phone -> phoneutils settings option, i take 
it) that incoming numbers will be correctly looked up.

firstly, do others believe this is so?

secondly, does that not mean that a call from 01223456789 (in the UK) 
should match a contact listed as +441223456789, when the following 
settings apply?


if not, how about

have i just botched a setting, or am i completely misunderstanding this?


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Om2009

2009-08-28 Thread Tom Yates

On Thu, 27 Aug 2009, Xavier Cremaschi wrote:

Angus Ainslie a écrit :
Now I have a question of all of you. Should I continue to maintain 
Om2009. From the recent poll by rhk it seems that SHR users outnumber 
OM users by ~ 7:1. So what I'd like to know is does anyone still think 
Om2009 is a worthy venture or should I move over to SHR and see what 
help I can be there.

As a Om2009t5 user it's a big YES for me.
I know that numbers speak against Om2009, but I use and love this distrib.
I am using it since 1st july, and I find it :
- usable (hi Paroli !)
- stable while using (few reboots, only when battery exhausted or when I
need to change SIM, which is rare)
- stable while upgrading : I was used to break lots of things while
upgrading my SHR-U, it's far better with Om2009

i completely agree with xavier; 2009t5 has been both stable and complete 
enough to be a working phone OS for me for some time now.  i would love to 
see work on it continue, at least to take it across the line from 
testing-n to release-1 .  but i also accept that OM2009 users are few and 
far between, and it may simply not be the best use of quality development 
time to maintain it any further.

so i'm bracing myself to start looking at SHR.

but i do rather get the feeling, reading between the lines, that SHR is so 
busy forging ahead that it completely lacks any kind of functional stable 
branch.  i acknowledge Michal Brzozowski's suggestion that i

just flush one of the SHR-u images that people report as stable and 
don't upgrade... That's what I do.

but identifying which -U images are fully-functional and which are boxes 
of part-broken bits seems a bit of a black art.  any of you SHR chaps care 
to tell us OM2009 stick-in-the-muds how the knowledge of which releases 
are functional and which are less so is transmitted?  any chance of you 
developing a release schedule that has a place in it for people who need 
their phones to work slightly more than they need them to keep forging 


  Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net___
Openmoko community mailing list

the joys of GSM devices you don't control, part 6438

2009-07-18 Thread Tom Yates
i haven't seen any mention of this on here yet, and it came from the 
latest SANS newsbytes (v11 n56).  it gave me a grin to think of yet 
another thing i don't have to worry about as an openmoko user, because my 
GSM device is entirely under my control, and i can inspect the source for 
everything i run, if i want to.

  --Blackberry Update Found to Contain Spyware
(July 14, 2009)
A United Arab Emirates service provider pushed out a BlackBerry update
that contains spyware capable of intercepting users email and text
messages and sending them back to the server. The
performance-enhancement patch was sent as a WAP Push message to 100,000
users. Its spyware capabilities were discovered only after one user took
a closer look at the update because it appeared to be draining the
devices battery. The battery was being drained because the application
was trying to register with a central server that became overwhelmed
with the traffic, so the devices repeatedly tried to make contact.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Anti-Whining: Happy Moko Moments

2009-07-17 Thread Tom Yates
i know this isn't really impressive, but i use mine as a phone.  every 
day.  it's been my main phone since i got it last august, and while it's 
not been trouble-free, fully-updated OM2009t5 is perfectly usable for me.

however, my great moments have all come from having this device that can 
do lots of *other* things.  gprs+tango to make some emergency navigation 
decisions out in the cambridgeshire fens; various web browsers when i was 
out and about and desperately needed to check some random fact; using the 
thing as an ssh client, to access a remote server to run whois when i 
needed to check domain name availability there and then; impressing my 
11-year-old niece, who has high standards for device coolness, by running 
mokomaze - even though the phone doesn't come in pink or mirror-finish.

i wouldn't have carried devices around to do any of these things, but with 
the moko, i get them all thrown in for free.  and the sense of community 
at mokomeets has been pretty good fun, as well.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [OM2009] gsm don't start after opkg update-upgrade

2009-07-14 Thread Tom Yates
On Tue, 14 Jul 2009, Previdi Roberto wrote:

> hello list. I updated my OM2009 installation (3-4 days old) with opkg 
> update - opkg upgrade. After having accepted the new config files and 
> rebooted the gsm service cannot start anymore.


i'm not sure i can learn anything from your dmesg - i'm not that much of a 
guru - but i just ran into a very similar problem myself.  here's what 
happened, plus how i fixed it, in case it's useful for you.

i upgraded to the latest 2009t5, when i reboot, gsm service doesn't sart 
and paroli bitches at me.

a little digging showed that frameworkd.log was unahppy with gsm0170muxd:

2009.07.14 09:32:09.593 ogsmd.modem.abstract DEBUGtrying to open channel 
2009.07.14 09:32:09.601 ogsmd.modems.ti_calypso INFO Requesting new channel 
from 'gsm0710muxd'
2009.07.14 09:32:13.569 ogsmd.modem.abstract ERRORcould not open channel 
MISC, retrying in 2 seconds

which just looped and looped.

an strace on gsm0710muxd was unhelpful, but when i killed the daemon and 
ran it manually, i got the following on stdout:

/usr/sbin/gsm0710muxd[1711]: gsm0710muxd.c:1705:start_muxer(): Configuring modem
/usr/sbin/gsm0710muxd[1711]: gsm0710muxd.c:1709:start_muxer(): Modem does not 
respond to AT commands, trying close mux mode
/usr/sbin/gsm0710muxd[1711]: gsm0710muxd.c:1714:start_muxer(): system-error: 
'Resource temporarily unavailable' (code: 11)
/usr/sbin/gsm0710muxd[1711]: gsm0710muxd.c:1819:watchdog(): Could not open all 
devices and start muxer errno=11

which also looped and looped.

i did a little googling on the error "Modem does not respond to AT 
commands, trying close mux mode" and found the bug at 
http://trac.freesmartphone.org/ticket/367.  this is an old, closed bug but 
it does indicate that not keeping up with BIOS upgrades can cause this 

so i upgraded my qi to the one in the testing5 repository, rebooted and 
*bingo*!  my phone now works beautifully and i can discover the joys of 
the latest paroli.

so here's a tip to people using 2009testing: the BIOS is important.  it 
mediates stuff between the OS and hardware.  i now see that the heroes who 
put the testing images up recommend particular BIOS (qi, u-boot) versions 
for a reason - pay attention to them!


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: OM2009t4: failure to suspend

2009-05-28 Thread Tom Yates
On Wed, 27 May 2009, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:

> On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 10:04:27PM +0200, Hans Zimmerman wrote:
>> Tom Yates wrote:
>>> my bugbear is failure-to-suspend, which happens after nearly every
>>> incoming call, and because the phone will then suspend neither on quick-
>>> push-of-power-button nor idle-timeout, it rapidly runs out of battery.
> I've a strong feeling it's related to missed calls, or even received 
> calls in certain conditions. Mirko mentioned there are many fixes going 
> in frameworkd and paroli.

thanks to those who have offered up their experiences.  i see that there 
is an open 'moko tracker related to this issue at 
https://docs.openmoko.org/trac/ticket/2284 , and an FSO tracker explicitly 
about it at http://trac.freesmartphone.org/ticket/435 .

i found some interesting things with testing yesterday, which seem to 
point much lower than paroli.  once my phone stops suspending on 
power-button-push, "apm --suspend" wakes straight back up with "device or 
resource busy", and any attempt to talk to the modem to find out what it's 
doing with mickeyterm fails with

r...@tom-gta02:~# mickeyterm
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/bin/mickeyterm", line 520, in 
 port = iMuxer.AllocChannel( "mickeyterm.%d" % os.getpid() )
   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/dbus/proxies.py", line 68, in __call__
 return self._proxy_method(*args, **keywords)
   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/dbus/proxies.py", line 140, in 
   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/dbus/connection.py", line 622, in 
 message, timeout)
dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freesmartphone.GSM.MUX.NoChannel: All 
channels are used

once i get home and near a browser with my tracker credientials stored, 
i'll put them into the FSO tracker (the 'moko tracker has a pointer to it, 
thanks to khiraly).  may i encourage others who are having the problem to 
add their experiences to the FSO tracker?  and if anyone has any ideas 
about how to diagnose this further, maybe pop them in there, too?

i should also thank Laszlo KREKACS, who was working on this and sent me 
modified .py files to try generating more log information.  they stopped 
my phone working, so i had to back them out, but i know he's looking at 
the problem.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

OM2009t4: failure to suspend

2009-05-27 Thread Tom Yates
on the whole, i'm very happy with 2009t4.  it works well for me as a 
phone, the audio control is good, i have little echo reported (generally), 
and paroli is really growing on me (thanks, mirko).

my bugbear is failure-to-suspend, which happens after nearly every 
incoming call, and because the phone will then suspend neither on quick- 
push-of-power-button nor idle-timeout, it rapidly runs out of battery.

so in practice i have to reboot after most incoming calls.

does anyone else get this?


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

sending SMS from paroli's People list (OM2009T4)

2009-05-26 Thread Tom Yates
i just stumbled across the way to send an SMS to a particular contact.  in 
the people screen, slide the contact name to the right, a "Msg" button 
appears, which you can press to start composing an SMS.

i'm sure i'm not the first person to find this, but i couldn't find any 
references on the list after a cursory search, so i thought i'd mention 
it.  i know people have asked about this in the past.  i also put a note 
in the wiki.

sorry if everyone already knows this; i thought it was really rather 


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPRS and "incall" volume adjustment OM2009 and hackable?!

2009-05-25 Thread Tom Yates
On Mon, 25 May 2009, Steffen Winkler wrote:

> Is there a graphical setting application with which I can activate and 
> configure (passwd, username and provider) GPRS?

yes, there is, and it works for me.  in paroli, using testing 4, hold the 
AUX button for two seconds until the settings screen appears, then all the 
GPRS variables can be set under there (APN is the provider, or more 
precisely it seems to be what should follow at+cgdcont in your existing 
make-a-gprs-connection script).

i don't need a username and password, so i can't say these work for sure. 
but with just an APN given, mine is fine.

tap "status" to get paroli to bring the connection up; it will change to 
"active" after conn is made (5-10s for me), and the little GPRS "G" 
appears in the top RH corner.  tap again to bring it down.

> And now the second question: Voice adjustment during a call. In
> hackable, there is a slider for this, but it doesn't seem to do anything
> functional?!
> In OM2009, if I read the wiki page correct, there is already such a
> thing. But for what is it? Is it the adjustment of my microphone, or the
> adjustment of my speakers? Or both?

afaict, speakers only.  but someone more qualified than i may want to 
correct me.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Om2009 testing release 4

2009-05-22 Thread Tom Yates
On Thu, 21 May 2009, Angus Ainslie wrote:

> As I think we've fixed more things than we broke it's time for another 
> testing release. As usual there are additional instructions here.

thanks to angus and all behind this.  i note paroli goes to gitr46.

initial impressions are very good, though i've only had it running for an 
hour.  more feedback later.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

RE: [Om2009] testing Release 3: first impressions

2009-05-22 Thread Tom Yates
On Thu, 21 May 2009, Staley, Daniel L wrote:

> 3.)  This is a big one for me:  When someone sends me a text message, 
> the number does not get looked up in the addressbook.  The lookup works 
> fine when someone calls me, but not when an sms comes in.  I just see 
> the number instead of the name.

is it possible that this is http://www.paroli-project.org/trac/ticket/145 
?  if so, please feel free to add a report!  not too many people seem to 
be upset about this at the moment (which is of course fair, if it doesn't 
bite them).


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Om2009] Suspend not working after recieving a call

2009-05-14 Thread Tom Yates
On Thu, 14 May 2009, Laszlo KREKACS wrote:

> On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 5:19 PM, Angus Ainslie  wrote:
>> You can attach it here .
>> https://docs.openmoko.org/trac/ticket/2284
> Done.



   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Om2009] Suspend not working after recieving a call

2009-05-14 Thread Tom Yates
On Thu, 14 May 2009, Angus Ainslie wrote:

> Please include the whole log as an error with frameworkd can occur long 
> before the problem manifests itself. You can sanitize phone numbers from 
> it but I would prefer that no other editing is done.


i have a paroli.log and frameworkd.log from just such a situation last 
night (SMS came in, phone could not suspend).

how would you like me to get them to you (post-sanitisation)?  is there a 
trac open they should be appended to?


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Om2009] Suspend not working after recieving a call

2009-05-13 Thread Tom Yates
On Tue, 12 May 2009, Laszlo KREKACS wrote:

> Looks like bug #144. Could you check how many paroli windows are open 
> (with illume top bar)? If more than two paroli windows, its bug #144.

it might well be.  next time i run into it, i'll check.  thanks for the 
prompt feedback!


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Om2009] Suspend not working after recieving a call

2009-05-12 Thread Tom Yates
On Tue, 12 May 2009, Ben Thompson wrote:

> Has anyone else noticed that Om2009 does not suspend anymore after
> recieving a call? I think this only happens if it wakes from suspend
> in the first place.

i noticed that too.  in at least one case, for me, it can also make no 
more calls itself (the call button in the tele screen does nothing).

mirko, you sound like you've got a good handle on this.  would more logs 
be helpful, or should i just say "me too" and sit down again?


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Om2009 testing Release 2

2009-05-09 Thread Tom Yates
On Fri, 8 May 2009, Tom Yates wrote:

> On Thu, 7 May 2009, Angus Ainslie wrote:
>> This is fixed with the current unstable but some new issues have shown
>> up.  If you would like to test the fixes change the repo from testing to
>> unstable. For now don't upgrade framework just "opkg install paroli".
>> Once the issues with the framework are sorted there will be a new image.
> ok, thanks for that.  i'll try to upgrade before logging any call-related
> bugs.

i got the latest directly from the unstable URL 
(http://downloads.openmoko.org/repository/unstable/armv4t/) and installed 
it with opkg.  for reference, it was paroli_0.2.1+gitr23+*.ipk , and since 
installing it i've had no more call handling issues.

that said, i've only made and received about six calls, but that's 
definitely more stable than before (which needed a reboot after every 
other call, tops).

now i can get calls more reliably, it's time to rip that vile ringtone out 

if anyone's curious, i'm starting to jot down notes about what i'm doing 
to my 2009, they're at http://www.teaparty.net/technotes/openmoko-4.html . 
they're not pretty, yet, though.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Om2009 testing Release 2

2009-05-08 Thread Tom Yates
On Thu, 7 May 2009, Angus Ainslie wrote:

> Please report them to https://docs.openmoko.org/trac and set the
> milestone to Om2009

happy to.  i just went off to report my first (that the paroli call screen 
often disappears during a call, making it hard to hang up) and saw on the 
"new ticket" page (https://docs.openmoko.org/trac/wiki/NewTicket) the 
statement "Never set Priority, Severity or Milestone - thats for the QA 
team only!".

should i follow your instructions, or theirs?  if theirs, how would you 
like these issues tagged?

> This is fixed with the current unstable but some new issues have shown
> up.  If you would like to test the fixes change the repo from testing to
> unstable. For now don't upgrade framework just "opkg install paroli".
> Once the issues with the framework are sorted there will be a new image.

ok, thanks for that.  i'll try to upgrade before logging any call-related 

> I'm pretty sure I got my side of this fixed now ( again currently in
> unstable ). The current workaround is
> cp /etc/freesmartphone/oeventsd/paroli_rules.yaml 
> /etc/freesmartphone/oeventsd/rules.yaml

for the benefit of anyone reading the list archives, that seems to be 
"/etc/freesmartphone/oevents/..." not ".../oeventsd/...", and it works for 
me - holding down the power button for 10s and releasing it starts the 
shutdown (within a few seconds).

> Thanks for testing

thanks for coding!


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Om2009 testing Release 2

2009-05-07 Thread Tom Yates
On Tue, 5 May 2009, Petr Vanek wrote:

> Hi Angus,
> thank you for the info and hard work.

hear, here.  i had begun to fear that work had completely stopped on 2009 
- but this is clearly not so!

> I have been testing paroli every two to three weeks (regularly i use
> shr). today i have flashed the testing release 2 image and used it this
> afternoon. the testing release seems to be full of new features. i
> flashed it to nand, i use qi.

i have also flashed testing release 2 (1.5.2009, the paroli image) and am 
using it as my main phone (this may seem unwise, but i'd managed to roach 
2008.12 so badly that qpe reliably crashed within 60s of rebooting the 
phone).  i'd rather put my effort into going forward than replicating the 

where would you like us to report bugs?  here, or is there a tracker?  and 
what about things which are not necessarily bugs (ie, possible RFEs)?

> two times (huh, now again.. so three times) the tele crashed during
> phone call (call did not get disconnected so i could finish it.) then
> paroli restart or neo restart...

i'm getting this, both with calls made and calls received.  what can i 
provide that will help diagnose this?

> i never really understood the time changing by pressing the AUX
> button... and how do you set alarm time?

now there's an interesting feature!

> autosuspend although enabled did not work, autodim does work

i also find this.

>> Bugs fixed
>>  Power button does not shutdown device
> not for me :)


> i still have it on so i can do more tests if necessary...

and i'll have it on for a while.

is there any documentation on the format of the paroil address book so i 
can try to get my contacts over in bulk?


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Flashing GSM firmware

2009-03-09 Thread Tom Yates
On Thu, 5 Mar 2009, Joerg Reisenweber wrote:

> rootfs is a standard FSO-console MS5 patched to fix "doesn't boot on r/o 
> mounted fs" issue. Kernel is recent Andy tracking with GSM sysfs node 
> patch created originally by PaulFerster based on my suggestions.

then, thank you to all of those people.

> MOKO11 was a corporate work involving quite a number of people on IRC, 
> mainly PaulFerster, Werner, Lindi (iirc), and me. Dieter checked for the 
> bugs we spotted and fixed them in calypso's FW.

that's interesting, i hadn't realised that any people in openmoko had 
access to the calypso firmware source; i thought the project was still 
dependent on TI fixing bugs as the community found them.  good to hear 
this is not so, and thanks to those above who are improving it!

> The uSD image was entirely created, tested and published by me.
> Original idea: roh.

then thanks to the both of you, too.  one of my showing-off points for the 
'moko is the way that custom distributions can be created to do specific, 
complex tasks; this is a perfect example.

and to paul fertser: i happily concede that it's perfectly possible to do 
the firmware upgrade using the very precise and helpful instructions on 
the wiki, and thanks for reminding people that this works fine.

the attraction of the SD-based method to me was that neither the tools 
(nor any dependencies they may drag in during the install) have to live on 
my 'moko in normal operation, with their attendant (though doubtless 
small) risk of destabilising it; i run the phone environment when it's a 
phone, and the upgrading environment when it's upgrading the firmware, and 
ne'er the twain shall meet.  thanks to tar (to back the card up before the 
dd) and fdisk+tar (to restore it after flashing), it doesn't need a spare 
SD card.  also, i have two mokos, and it's quite a time-efficient way to 
do a bunch of them.

as a user, i was given a choice of ways to do a complex but desirable 
task, and i was able to pick the one that best suited my temperament and 
situation; i got freedom, is what i got.  thank you all for it!


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Flashing GSM firmware

2009-03-05 Thread Tom Yates
On Thu, 5 Mar 2009, Paul Fertser wrote:

> Alternatively, try Joerg's uSD automated image:
> http://people.openmoko.org/joerg/calypso_moko_FW/moko11/flash-moko11_uSD-image.tar.gz
> It works and reliably flashes the firmware for you.

yaaay joerg and thank you!  i just safely and efficiently upgraded both my 
freerunners with that image.  if you are not aged 22 and thus do not have 
the eyes of an eagle (i'm not, and i don't) you may need a magnifying 
glass to read the screen properly, esp. when the text goes blue-on-blue. 
you may wish to get the magnifying glass ready first, instead of going 
into a panic when it's already running, like i did.

if anyone else is minded to try it, there are a few more details at 
http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/GSM/Flashing#uSD-card_Image .


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: the best Freerunner cover/skin

2009-02-05 Thread Tom Yates
On Thu, 5 Feb 2009, Mickael Labrousse wrote:

> I'm looking for the perfect Freerunner cover/skin but the all my search 
> results linked me to the invisibleSHIELD of Zagg. It's a great product 
> but not really the one I need.

if you want to cover the whole thing, i can't help.  but i protect my 
screen using some old Concept Kitchen WriteRights, left over from much 
earlier PDA days.  a quick google suggests that Concept Kitchen went >pop< 
but that Fellowes are selling the product these days.

i haven't yet peeled the first one off my 'moko, but i've never had 
problems getting these off any other touch-screen device on which i've 
used them over the years.  they don't seem to substantially affect touch 
responsiveness and i get about six months use out of mine before they 
need replacement.  ymmv.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Pub meet: Cambridge, UK, 30.1.2009 - reminder

2009-01-30 Thread Tom Yates
a gentle reminder of this evening's pub meet in cambridge.  all are 

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 10:14:05 + (GMT)
From: Tom Yates 
To: community@lists.openmoko.org
Subject: Pub meet: Cambridge, UK, 30.1.2009

There will be a Cambridge OpenMoko pub meet at the Granta, which
apparently is on Newnham Terrace., next door to Darwin College, at 7.30pm
on friday 30.1.2009.  All are welcome; if you have an OpenMoko, you are
encouraged to bring it.  For those navigating by silicon, the postcode is
apparently CB3 9EX.

To be directly informed about future meets in Cambridge, and/or to
have a hand in planning them, please join the mailing
list at http://www.teaparty.net/mailman/listinfo/om-cambridge .

Openmoko community mailing list

Pub meet: Cambridge, UK, 30.1.2009

2009-01-16 Thread Tom Yates
There will be a Cambridge OpenMoko pub meet at the Granta, which 
apparently is on Newnham Terrace., next door to Darwin College, at 7.30pm 
on friday 30.1.2009.  All are welcome; if you have an OpenMoko, you are 
encouraged to bring it.  For those navigating by silicon, the postcode is 
apparently CB3 9EX.

To be directly informed about future meets in Cambridge, and/or to 
have a hand in planning them, please join the mailing 
list at http://www.teaparty.net/mailman/listinfo/om-cambridge .


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPRS unreliable: long lasting connection fail

2009-01-12 Thread Tom Yates
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009, Niccolo Rigacci wrote:

> I use a car lighter adapter :-)

ah, ok.  i don't have a car, and it's trickier to do the wiring on a 

> I can pass from cell to cell through long highway tunnels and the
> GSM modem handles the connection recover transparently, pppd does
> not notice it.

ok, we both see that behaviour.

> But if the pppd notice the failure (due LCP echo request timeout), it 
> cannot recover.
> I had experience of PPP over DSL lines, where "persist" and
> "holdoff" parameters did the trick, but it seems that pppd on the
> FreeRunner has a bug.

then i'd have to say i see that behaviour, too.  at those times i bounce 
pppd manually, and the connection generally comes back fine.  but if what 
you're saying is that when the underlying connection goes away long enough 
for pppd to notice, it doesn't autorecover, then i'd say i see the same 
thing.  it just doesn't happen often enough to me that i've looked into 


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPRS unreliable: long lasting connection fail

2009-01-12 Thread Tom Yates
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009, Niccolo Rigacci wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 08:13:56AM +0000, Tom Yates wrote:
>> i use 2008.12 with gsm0710uxd, and i've had fairly long travelling GPRS
>> calls (15-20 minutes on the train back from london).
> Please tell me: with gsm0710uxd the connection is still done by
> pppd/chat?

it definitely is.  read my writeup at 
http://www.teaparty.net/technotes/openmoko-2.html#GPRS if you want to see 
exactly what i'm doing (my writeup's about 2008.09, but it's identical to 
the setup i just did for 2008.12 save that gsm0710muxd was in the 
repository so i didn't have to get the packages manually.

> I hope to last 12 hours or so, because I do GPS live tracking
> with position upload to the internet every 5/10 seconds.

my battery won't last that long!

> But the real problem is that if the connection fails, it will not
> restart again. I can add a cronjob to test connection and restart
> it, but I know that pppd should manage the fault.

i have *definitely* had pppd drop and autorecover the connection on 
shorter calls (eg, on the train - the cambridge-london line has tunnels on 
it, which provide a handy means of testing drop/recover).

i'm not sure that pppd is handling the autorecovery, though; i have a 
vague feeling it's the call handling between the calypso chip and the base 
station(s) that are responsible for setting up my GPRS connection again). 
i can post my ppp and ping logs next time i see this behaviour, if you'd 
like, so we can see if ppp even appears to notice the outage?


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: GPRS unreliable: long lasting connection fail

2009-01-12 Thread Tom Yates
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009, Niccolo Rigacci wrote:

> I tried Om2007.2 and Om2008.12 without GPS multiplexing: I
> just stop gsmd (2007.2) or qpe (2008.12) before starting pppd and
> chat, but the problem is still there.
> - Can gsm0710muxd (GSM multiplexer) help in some way?
> - Does GPRS require pppd or are there different software
>  solutions? Don't know FSO, etc...
> What are other experiences with long-lasting GPRS calls?

i use 2008.12 with gsm0710uxd, and i've had fairly long travelling GPRS 
calls (15-20 minutes on the train back from london).  since i have an 
all-you-can-eat GPRS plan, i'd happily try this for myself and give you 
feedback.  how long is "long-lasting", for you?


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: so i try manually starting the x server with:

2009-01-09 Thread Tom Yates
On Fri, 9 Jan 2009, Harry L. Lee wrote:

> thanks! I was at the boot menu and tried dfu, thus:
> ha...@galaxy:~$ .//dfu-util -l
> dfu-util - (C) 2007 by OpenMoko Inc.
> This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
> ha...@galaxy:~$
> which does not look encouraging.

i found that it needed privilege, ie has to be run as root, to do the 
operations it needs on the USB bus.

one of my writeups is at 
http://www.teaparty.net/technotes/openmoko-2.html#Upgrading-the-OS and may 
or may not be helpful.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

LWN.net reviews android dev phone

2009-01-08 Thread Tom Yates
...which may be of interest to people on this list.  the article is part 
of this week's edition, which is still on paid-only general acccess, but 
users of this list can read the article (without registering) at 
http://lwn.net/SubscriberLink/311715/01e7686dee76f148/ (_kudos_ to lwn for 
their send-a-link feature).

some interesting comments about how tied-to-google the phone seems to be:

"More annoying, though, is that the phone requires the creation of a Gmail 
account as part of its setup process. The fact that one does not have - 
and does not want - such an account is not relevant. So now your editor 
has an entry in the Gmail account database which will never be used.

That, of course, ties in to why Google has gotten into this exercise in 
the first place. There are many features of the Android platform which are 
designed to tie the user in more closely to services provided by Google. 
[...] It is possible to use many of the features of the device without 
connecting back to the Google mother ship, but it's not the natural mode 
of operation."

anyway, it's there if you're interested.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Buying a FrogPad in the UK

2009-01-05 Thread Tom Yates

On Mon, 5 Jan 2009, Sam Kuper wrote:

2009/1/5 Thomas White 
  Will do.  Watch out for the next Cambridge OM pubmeet as well.

Thanks. Is there a separate mailing list/etc over which the pubmeet will be

good idea!  there is now, see 
http://www.teaparty.net/mailman/listinfo/om-cambridge for more details.

if you're receiving this as a personal addressee, instead of (or as well 
as) via the openmoko list, then i'm about to pre-subscribe you to the list 
(i hope you will forgive me for the presumption, you can trivially 
unsubscribe yourself if you aren't happy, or grumble directly to me and 
i'll take you off).

anyone else who might be interested in trekking to a cambridge (UK) pub 
for a meet-up should visit the above URL to sign up.  when dates are fixed 
i'll continue to announce them to this list.


  Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net___
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [2008.12] Unusable due freezings?

2008-12-30 Thread Tom Yates
On Fri, 26 Dec 2008, Giorgio Marciano wrote:

> I've made your suggested changes and it works fine.
> But now i can't change illume background! Using the illume wallpaper in
> "wrench" i obtain the following:
> "Enlightenment was unable to import the picture due to conversation error"!
> What's the problem? do you know how to change the wallpaper manually?

after i did an opkg install edje-utils, enlightenment had the tool it 
seemed to want (edje_cc) in order to import an image.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: how to turn on screen blanking on 2008.12

2008-12-30 Thread Tom Yates
On Sat, 20 Dec 2008, Peter Abplanalp wrote:

> On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 12:17 PM, Will Siddall  wrote:
>> If you don't want to use testing, you can just install 'illume-config'
>> which will give you the wrench
> whenever i try to install illume-config, opkg tells me that
> illume-theme-asu is installed and up to date:
> r...@om-gta02:~# opkg install illume-config
> Package illume-theme-asu (0.0+svnr4783-r7.04) installed in root is up to date.
> it also looks like the illume theme is already installed, opkg
> list_installed says:
> illume-theme-illume - 0.0+svnr36882-r1.01 -
> any help on either getting the wrench or activating the illume theme?

make a backup copy of /etc/enlightenment/default_profile and change 
E_PROFILE="-profile asu" to E_PROFILE="-profile illume" in the live 
version of the file.  you may also find you need to change the engine from 
SOFTWARE_16 to SOFTWARE to prevent enlightenment crashing (see the tips 
and tricks section of 
http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Community_Updates/December_29th%2C_2008 for 
(slightly) more details).


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Newbie: Converting a brick to a phone

2008-12-08 Thread Tom Yates
On Mon, 8 Dec 2008, Roland Whitehead wrote:

> Yes there are many different distributions out there but what is very 
> clearly missing are simple, obvious instructions on how to go from a 
> brick to a working device - just a machine that will turn on and off, 
> will ring, answer and make calls, not hang and not have buzzing when on 
> a call.

modulo the buzzing, which i never had and cannot therefore say how to get 
rid of, my OM running 2008.09 does all that.  it's my day-to-day business 
and personal phone.

full instructions, including the version of images i'm booting from and 
what i've done to fix each of the problems, are at 
http://www.teaparty.net/technotes/openmoko-2.html .

> If you have a working machine, could you blat it and rebuild it to get 
> to the same position as you are in now?

yes, i've done so twice, that's what the instructions are for.  but 
hopefully they'll be of some use to you, too!


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Om2008.9] gsmspeakerout.state - headset working

2008-11-19 Thread Tom Yates
On Wed, 19 Nov 2008, Matthias Apitz wrote:

> one don't need extending the desktop to launch 'alsactl -f
> gsmspeakerout.state restore'; when you're in a call there is a small
> menue on the left buttom side called 'Options' which let you switch
> between 'handset' and 'speakerout';

you star!  from that, moving gsmspeakerout.state to one side and linking 
gsmheadset.state to gsmspeakerout.state means that, whilst i don't need 
speakerphone mode much, i can now switch to headset - which is very 
important for me - inside a call.

i notice now that there's a headset option that shows up there 
*sometimes*, but it's less-easy to access than "speakerphone" and anyway 
it doesn't work as well.  perhaps it loads headset.state instead of 

if anyone else wants the details, they're at 
http://www.teaparty.net/technotes/openmoko-2.html#Headset . 
interestingly, this has reduced the list of things that prevent my 'moko 
from being a perfectly good everyday phone to zero.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FDOM and Ticket #1024 - gsm modem oscillating between registrated / not-registrated

2008-11-12 Thread Tom Yates
On Wed, 12 Nov 2008, Margo Koppelmann wrote:

> I'm sorry, i'm so stupid, but I don't understand what does mean "I used
> AT%SLEEP=2 with FDOM". How do i use it? Where do I write it?

*assuming you're using 2008.08, 2008.09 or FDOM, and that you have 
gsm0710muxd installed and running* (this may be true by default on FDOM), 
my instructions and noddy little chat script at 
http://www.teaparty.net/technotes/openmoko-2.html#Calypso may be helpful.

if you don't have gsm0710muxd installed (and qpe configured to use it), 
these instructions will be of no use.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Contacts - Fdom vs. OM2008.8

2008-10-29 Thread Tom Yates

On Wed, 29 Oct 2008, Chris Drumgoole wrote:

I am running the latest daily build (yesterday), and the folder structure is
slightly different from 2008.9:

/home/root/.config/Trolltech.conf    is a configuration file
/home/root/.config/Trolltech/ is a directory with a few files, one of
which is Contact.conf

Contacts.conf has the [default] section, where you can add the line you
mentioned, Tom.

ooops, that was my mistake - i had the same file structure and did the 
same thing you did.  bad cut-and-paste on my part.

I modified the wiki page.

thank you a LOT!


  Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net___
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Contacts - Fdom vs. OM2008.8

2008-10-29 Thread Tom Yates
On Mon, 27 Oct 2008, David Samblas wrote:

> One of those dirty things is change config files, the standard 2008.9 
> has this feature you only have tell it to not be so shy and show it :) 
> If you look at the FDOMizer. script you will find all the dirty thing we 
> have done to it :)

that is most useful to know - thank you!  i have written this up on my log 
at http://www.teaparty.net/technotes/openmoko-2.html#Contacts and also put 
it in the wiki at http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Contacts/2008.8#Searching 
.  i had to make the contacts page in the wiki in order to put that tip on 
it, so if anyone could have a quick look at the page and remove anything 
that's wrong (or better, add things that are right) that'd be grand.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: FDOM and Ticket #1024 - gsm modem oscillating between registrated / not-registrated

2008-10-26 Thread Tom Yates
On Mon, 27 Oct 2008, William Kenworthy wrote:

> My mistake - but then why are you saying its working?  2008.8/9 cant
> even make reliable phone calls and constantly loses/delays sms messages
> - hardly working ..., and no updates

i know me-toos are unhelpful, but i have to agree with Heat.  i'm now 
happy with 2008.09 stable; it does everything i need it to do in order to 
be my regular GSM phone *after i apply a few simple fixes*, one of which 
is the AT%SLEEP=2 fix for bouncing calypso on each reboot.  none of my 
test calls has failed to get through since then.

i agree that sometimes inbound texts don't wake the phone up, but they 
always seem to be sitting on the screen ("a new text message has arrvied, 
read now?") when i wake the 'phone up, so it may be that i just miss the 
beep when they arrive.  certainly, the old bouncing-calypso behaviour, 
where i had to send a "flushing" SMS through twice a day to ensure that i 
got any other SMSes that had come through when the modem was deep- 
sleeping, is gone.

the 'phone's definitely good enough for day-to-day use now, at least for 
me.  i think my wife agrees, as she seems to be using hers most of the 
time now, instead of her old nokia. the full list of what i've done is, as 
ever, at http://www.teaparty.net/technotes/openmoko-2.html .

i'd still like the headset to work automatically, and knowing that the 
AT%N0187 echo-cancelling fix was being automatically applied *every call* 
(so i can crank the gsmhandset.state speaker volume) would be useful. 
but unlike bouncing calypso, i can live with those, at least _pro tem_.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [2008.x] GPRS Instructions on the Wiki

2008-10-22 Thread Tom Yates

On Wed, 22 Oct 2008, Alastair Johnson wrote:

GPRS and 3G data rates in the UK vary hugely between supplier and call 
plan. On the prepay SIM I'm testing with 1 uk pound gets me 'unlimited' 
use for a day, though they're likely to suggest I change if I exceed 
250MB, and I'm not supposed to use VoIP or connect a PC to it. Unless 
they've changed the terms yet again. There are better rates if you're 
going to use it every day, and there are rates almost as bad as the one 
mentioned above.

in the UK, on a contract SIM, i get unlimited GPRS for (effectively) £5 a 
month.  i'm sure there's an acceptable-use limit, but i've not come 
anywhere near it so far.


  Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net___
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [2008.9] Wifi very unreliable

2008-10-08 Thread Tom Yates
On Sun, 5 Oct 2008, Steve Mosher wrote:

>  Thanks,
>Maybe you could work with micheal to put this on the wiki.

i also wrote up my positive experiences with openmoko (see at 
http://www.teaparty.net/technotes/openmoko-2.html , if you like).  is 
there some mileage in a wiki page where people can link to their 
writeups, each with perhaps a paragraph of "this is what i managed to do, 
and it's documented here and here and here"?

i know in an ideal world i'd've written all my stuff up on the wiki 
itself, but i just writing it all down was hard enough work; wikialising 
it was more than i could bear, and i may not be the only such person.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [Om2008.9] launching GPRS by hand

2008-10-01 Thread Tom Yates
On Wed, 1 Oct 2008, Matthias Apitz wrote:

> I've read this before, but all this information is outdated because it
> talks about starting gsmd (which is not there anymore in Om2008.9) and I
> don't even know if the Qtopia's qpe is aware of handling this device of
> Multiplexing;

i have it working under 2008.09.  you can read my writeup at 
http://www.teaparty.net/technotes/openmoko-2.html#GPRS , which points in 
turn to florian hackenberger's excellent step-by-step guide to turning on 
gsm muxing, at 
http://lists.openmoko.org/pipermail/community/2008-August/028495.html . 
you need to do all of it up to but not including the bit that starts "Now 
you can request a new device for the modem using".

it's not very complex to follow, and it means you won't need to shut down 
qpe every time you want to do GPRS.

> is there a working example of Multiplexing with qpe?

see above.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [OT] First rumors about first Google phone

2008-09-23 Thread Tom Yates
On Tue, 23 Sep 2008, David Samblas wrote:

> any news about the real openess of android?

from this month's linux format magazine, duscussing the software that the 
'phone will come with:

"One ommission [sic], which has been removed for 'security reasons' is 
the GTalk application, which would have given users free VoIP facilities 
over a Wi-Fi connection"  (LXF111, p.7).

i'd say that was looking pretty bleak on the device-openness front. 
yy openmoko.  shame the article didn't mention them.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [2008.9] Suspending questions

2008-09-23 Thread Tom Yates
On Tue, 23 Sep 2008, Christoph Siegenthaler wrote:

> I've got the following problem: suspending the FR works (by pressing 
> on/off and automatically) but every time I wake it up (by pressing 
> on/off) the device wakes up for about 2s and returns straight back to 
> its suspended state - until I press on/off again. The second time, 
> resuming works ok. Any hints on how to fix this?

i find this also, in 2008.08 updated to P1-Snapshot-20080919-r1.  i'd be 
happy to try and snip some logs, but i'm not clear about where information 
about snoozing and waking decision might be logged.

three more small data: it doesn't happen every time i wake the device up, 
for me; but it does happen about two out of three wakeups.  i've also had 
it happen a second time, although it's much rarer.  and i've never even 
had it happen a first time when i'm on USB.  that made me wonder if it 
might be power-manaagement related?


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: 2008.9 Basic questions

2008-09-20 Thread Tom Yates
On Sat, 20 Sep 2008, Hire wrote:

> Instead I find it very usable and better stability. The only thing that 
> I find totally useless is the OM-Locations... we need a very usable gps 
> sotfware like navit ( with complete maps as navteq o telealtas and a 
> routes engine ) so why don't port it onto Openmoko and use it instead of 
> Om-Locations?

i don't think it offers a routing engine, but have you tried tangoGPS?  it 
does everything else you want, given the excellent hooks to 
openstreetmap.org.  i am told that others are working on general-purpose 
routing engines using PSM data, but i can't find confirmation.  anyway, 
having a map's the main thing for me.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [2008.8] gsm muxing and GPRS: am i missing something?

2008-09-10 Thread Tom Yates
On Wed, 10 Sep 2008, Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:

> We should preferably have an archive of such traces so that people can 
> compare their traces against what the working case looks like. If you 
> have time can you check if the wiki allows you to upload 130k gzip'd 
> attachments?

it accepted the uncomnpressed file, which is now linked to from the wiki 
page at 
(at the bottom of this section).  i hope that's OK.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: [2008.8] gsm muxing and GPRS: am i missing something?

2008-09-06 Thread Tom Yates
On Fri, 5 Sep 2008, Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:

> Tom Yates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> i'd be happy to; can you point me to any resource that lets me know a
>> way of doing that?  does the muxd have a flag that tells it to hive
>> off a copy of the datastream (that'd be really handy about now)?
> The low-level way is to
> strace -o gsm0710muxd.strace -p `pidof gsm0710muxd` -s4096 -f -tt
> but you might get lucky if you just set "log_level = DEBUG" in
> frameworkd.conf

i couldn't find that latter file, but i attached an strace to gsmmuxd and 
i have the debug file.

however, i am annoyed to report that the test call rang through.  that is, 
everything is as mickey lauer recently suggested it would be:

On Fri, 5 Sep 2008, Michael 'Mickey' Lauer wrote:
[Tom had earlier written:]
>>  or should i be able to take an incoming call while the GPRS is up?
> Only, if the connection is kind of idle at this point, i.e. it might 
> work while you are pinging a host, it might not work when you are 
> wget'ting loads of data.
>>  and if so, should the GPRS suspend while i do, or should i be able to 
>> run them both simultaneously?
> GPRS will nicely suspend once you were lucky enough to accept the call. 
> It will automagically resume.

that is in fact exactly what happened.  since my link was idle, i saw the 
new call request coming through the modem in the trace (i have blanked 
out part of the calling number for privacy reasons):

1397  09:08:05.057420 read(5, "~\5\357\r\n%CPI: 
1,0,1,0,1,0,\"07971226XXX\",129\r\n\337~", 2048) = 44
1397  09:08:05.061490 write(6, "\r\n%CPI: 1,0,1,0,1,0,\"07971226XXX\",129\r\n", 
39) = 39
1397  09:08:05.867654 read(5, "~\1\377\343\5\7M\266~~\5\357\r\nRING\r\n\337~", 
2048) = 22

and my openmoko rang.  once i'd answered the call and hung up, pppd seemed 
to autoresume without complaint (pings went through within seconds of 
hanging up).

i quite understand that there will be no good or reliable way to detect an 
incoming call when the modem is flooded with data; all i wanted was to be 
able to keep the pppd line up for (eg) tango map download-on-demand and 
periodic checking of email, without having "blackout windows" hours long 
when i can't be contacted.  i can now do that.

so, thank you, timo, for your help, and mickey, thanks for the 
clarification.  i can confirm that my phone does all that can be expected 
of it in the context of a GSM network!  timo, would you still like a copy 
of my trace file for reference (it's about 130k)?


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: gsm muxing and GPRS: am i missing something?

2008-09-05 Thread Tom Yates
On Fri, 5 Sep 2008, Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:

> Tom Yates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> i can make a GPRS connection.  when it's up, i can place a call, and the
>> outgoing GPRS connection temporarily suspends.  when it's up, incoming
>> calls go straight to voicemail; the phone doesn't even give me the choice
>> of accepting the call.
> I can answer incoming calls but I need to restart GPRS after each
> call. Can you please capture everything sent/received to the GSM chip
> in your case?

i'd be happy to; can you point me to any resource that lets me know a way 
of doing that?  does the muxd have a flag that tells it to hive off a copy 
of the datastream (that'd be really handy about now)?


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: NjuBee - questions

2008-09-03 Thread Tom Yates
On Tue, 2 Sep 2008, Gunnar Stahl wrote:

> - Sound: How do I adjust the speaker volume? Currently it blows my ears
> into oblivion when it is too close to my head.

you may that find my settings at 
"http://www.teaparty.net/technotes/openmoko-2.html#Audio to other mobiles" 
are more bearable; i certainly do.  they crank the mic gain and makes the 
voice in the speaker quieter.  perhaps a little too quiet; i hope to 
adjust the speaker volume up once i have loaded florian hackenberger's 
echo-cancelling patch (thanks, florian!).

> - Is there any user-friendly way to turn on gprs/edge?

i don't know how friendly you consider a one-liner from the terminal shall 
to be, but you can find my writeup at 
http://www.teaparty.net/technotes/openmoko-2.html#GPRS if you want.  i 
will be putting it behind a stub GUI app shortly.

> Any usefull suggestions?

if i may, persevere.  with the changes i've made above, the 'phone is 
verging on the fully-usable for me [1].  you may well be able to sort 
out the four or so things that are show-stoppers for you, with a little 
hacking and ingenuity, and the help of the excellent user community!

i will admit that i spent three hours yesterday re-flashing from the 
20080827 root FS image and re-doing all my customisations, in order to 
back out that dreadful Qtopia upgrade that's buggered so much stuff (qv 
everywhere on this list).  if you can't find a copy of 20080827 and want 
one, let me know and i'll send you mine.

so with a little work it can be got nearly there, and you can't expect 
much more than that from a fully-free device.  hopefully, between the 
community and openmoko, it'll get better and better as time goes on.  my 
wife, who's no dewy-eyed enthusiast for free software (she's a unix 
sysadmin, like me) reckons it'll punch the iphone out in a year's time if 
it reaches its potential.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

[1] most of my remaining gripes are about it's lack of rock-solid 
behaviour as a 'phone (no headset yet, i call it about 10 times a day to 
make sure it's still on the network and 2-3 times it doesn't ring, esp. if 
it's been suspended a while).

Openmoko community mailing list

gsm muxing and GPRS: am i missing something?

2008-08-31 Thread Tom Yates
i've pretty much got this working under 2008.08, following various wiki 
and other writeups, for which many thanks to the authors.

my writeup's at http://www.teaparty.net/technotes/openmoko-2.html#GPRS , 
if anyone's interested; i went for "with GSM multiplexing but without a 

i can make a GPRS connection.  when it's up, i can place a call, and the 
outgoing GPRS connection temporarily suspends.  when it's up, incoming 
calls go straight to voicemail; the phone doesn't even give me the choice 
of accepting the call.

my understanding from the wiki was that "GSM multiplexing allows both a 
GPRS connection and a phone call to be handled at the same time".  so i'd 
sort of assumed that i could still take an incoming call, even if that 
would temporarily suspend the GPRS connection.

so: have i misunderstood completely?  is the MUXing simply about sharing 
access to the modem, rather than the "line" (ie, connection between modem 
and network) as well?  or should i be able to take an incoming call while 
the GPRS is up?  and if so, should the GPRS suspend while i do, or should 
i be able to run them both simultaneously?

before i start trying to find out *how* to configure pppd to do what i 
want, i'd like to know if the phone is capable of it!  i'd very much 
appreciate any ideas or insights anyone has on this.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: No suspend since last update

2008-08-30 Thread Tom Yates
On Sat, 30 Aug 2008, umaxx wrote:

> On Sat, 30 Aug 2008 11:23:46 +0200
> julien cubizolles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> My Freerunner won't automatically suspend since last update from
>> http://downloads.openmoko.org/repository/Om2008.8/. I can still
>> suspend manually though. Anybody experienced the same ?
> yes, same here. open a ticket?

i can confirm it too (/etc/angstrom-version says "Angstrom 
P1-Snapshot-20080830").  if you could bear to open a ticket, that would be 
most kind.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: contacts: lookup on incoming call

2008-08-29 Thread Tom Yates

On Fri, 29 Aug 2008, Nishit Dave wrote:

FWIW, I think phones normally check the last few digits of a phone 
number, and ignore the country code / area code part when looking up for 
contact name.  Are you sure this is not just an issue with delay in the 
dialer look up routine because of the call?  One way to check is if the 
name can be seen in your call logs.

i'm fairly sure it's not so.  i've just tested by editing the contact. the 
incoming call when the contact was listed as +441223... showed as coming 
from a 'phone number, but when i edited the contact entry to 01223..., the 
call showed as coming from my home 'phone.

i'm not sure when the call log does the lookup - at time of call, or time 
of later examination of log - so i'm not sure that's a useful test.  i 
think my questions stand: does anyone else see this?


  Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net___
Openmoko community mailing list

contacts: lookup on incoming call

2008-08-29 Thread Tom Yates
using ASU (specifically, 20080826-asu-stable-uImage.bin and
20080827-asu-stable-rootfs.jffs2) i have a contacts database full of 
friends, imported via vcard, in which almost all the phone numbers are in 
internationally-qualified form (eg fred friend, +44 7971 123456).  that 
way, i can dial them whatever country i happen to be in.

but when i'm in the UK, and a UK call comes in, it shows up as just having 
a local number (eg 07971 123456).

these two numbers are functionally the same, but the contacts-lookup that 
happens won't identify the caller as fred friend unless i edit the 
contacts entry to say 07971... rather than +447971... .

a) do other people find this also?

b) does this qualify as a bug?

c) if so, is it a qtopia bug, and therefore (if i follow the discussion 
aright) not something that should be entered into the openmoko bug 


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: ASU keyboards

2008-08-28 Thread Tom Yates
On Thu, 28 Aug 2008, Carsten Haitzler wrote:

> On Thu, 28 Aug 2008 09:03:47 +0100 (BST) Tom Yates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> babbled:
>> getting rid of the qtopia keyboard in favour of a full, non-predictive 
>> qwerty keyboard is one of my fondest aims at the moment, so i'd 
>> appreciate any help you can give, and am happy to test stuff!
> then testing does not have the changes i've made in asu.dev - you'll 
> have to wait until they filter through.

thanks for the clarification, rasterman.  i'll keep an eye out for 
illume-config-illume turning up in the output of "opkg list".

until then, thanks for the suggestion, minh, i now have the matchbox 
keyboard working fine.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: ASU keyboards

2008-08-28 Thread Tom Yates
On Thu, 28 Aug 2008, Carsten Haitzler wrote:

> ok. i suck. i have screwed this defsault_profile monkey. 1 last time for 
> the dummies (i.e. - me).
> 1. opkg install illume-config-illume (get illume's config panel and 
> illume keyboard by default - this should be available)

which repository or repositories should i have enabled to get 
illume-config-illume?  i'm running 20080827-asu-stable-rootfs with not too 
much in the way of modification (yet; i only got the phone on 26/8).  i'm 
sorry if i've jumped in in the middle of the discussion and have missed an 
important pre-requisite.

> 2. opkg install illume-config (get qwery button)

that works, yup, thanks.  didn't see a wrench, though, which i was vaguely 
expecting; have i misunderstood other postings?

> 2. echo 'E_PROFILE="-profile illume"' > 
> /etc/enlightenment/default_profile (switch to the illume profile from 
> asu)

sadly, that's what my /etc/enlightenment/default_profile already has in 

> 3. reboot (easiest way to get your x session going again as the 
> default_profile is a command-line hack). :)
> that should do it!

ummm, it didn't - i just lost the qwerty button, and still the same old 
keyboard popped up when i entered (eg) terminal.

getting rid of the qtopia keyboard in favour of a full, non-predictive 
qwerty keyboard is one of my fondest aims at the moment, so i'd appreciate 
any help you can give, and am happy to test stuff!


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

Openmoko community mailing list