I really like this app for geocaching (it is probably the app I show off the
most to people on the freerunner!) and was dismayed when I found that it had
stopped downloading the caches correctly in the most recent version.

However, not wanting to work on my finals, I decided to track down why this

The error it seems is on line 545 of geocaching.py
(located at: /usr/lib/site-python/advancedcaching/core.py)

The regex used to find the lat/lon is not taking into account the
possibility of a negative value.  Changing the line to the following will
fix the error and allow you to download caches again!

coords = re.compile('lat=(-?[0-9.]+)&lon=(-?[0-9.]+)&').search(line)

Hope this helps anyone else that was having this problem...and enjoy

-Dan Staley
Openmoko community mailing list

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