Salve Jesse!

On Fri, 26 Jan 2007, Jesse Ross wrote:
> There was some mention on this list a while ago about an iPhone-style  
> Visual Voicemail system.
I wouldn't mention apple as refference for this idea - 
apple like to claim patents for solutions and like to sue...

> The following service could be a really good  
> replacement, if your carrier supports it:
> Discovered via: 

Looks like a Email inbox - so no need to name it 

Some ongoing ideas
-what about picutes with names?
-what about having a  SMS/Email/Voicemail=Unified message overview?
-what about filter so seperate what's most important - instead of lifo
 (last in, first out) or fifo
-voice meneu for the voice mailbox that the caller could leave
 an importance level and number of hours untill this messige have
 to be heard
- different pictures or freames around the picture for the
  importance of the calls
- from neo to neo some information could be transmitted during
  call, like relaxed, stressed, emergency, very sad/happy
- sound analysing if the caller sounds normal or stressed...
- picture of the wave form to separate the soundfiles better

- voice recognition - reading is quicker than listen, it 
  could be done externaly with commercial voice regongnition
- simple voice recognition could help to separate soundfiles better

-automaticaly merge messages from the same caller when playing back

-on/of switchable voice anouncment of time/date/person before playing

- quick play 1,5 speed

- skipping messages and move it into the folder "not so important yet"
  marked as new...

Just 3 minutes brainstorm what else would be nice with voicmail system,
much much ore then just iphone...
What more? :)))

Don't get me wrong, I like your mail with this link,
it is focusing on the core function of the phone:
calling / call management ;)


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