While Afrinic experts across Africa to predict IPV6's good word and good 
practices to break down public IPV4 addresses, most of the USA, CANADA and 
europeans embassies operating in african countries use The principle of 1PC for 
a public IP. This means that each workstation operating on the local network is 
directly connected to the internet through its public address (not even dynamic 
NAT with a public IP pool).
This is to ask questions if the reasons for migration to Ipv6 apply or will 
only be for a specific category of Internet users. In my opinion, at IANA 
level, it should be advisable to make an inventory of used IPv4 addresses and 
actually used. Since there are apparently many entities that have sold a war 
treasure in terms of public IVP4 revolving or transferable from one area to 
another but not yet used.

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