Re: QtMoko image for Freerunner based on debian wheezy

2013-04-13 Thread Matth
Hi Radek,

I tried both QtPedometer and NeronGPS, this works together, but it confuses 
the number of sattelites next to the GPS symbol in the top bar.
I also tried SMS send and receive as well as talking - OK.
GPRS works also and does not disconnect the modem anymore, so I closed the 

Do You have a checklist what You want to be tested?


Openmoko community mailing list

Re: QtMoko image for Freerunner based on debian wheezy

2013-04-04 Thread Matth
On Mittwoch, 3. April 2013, Radek Polak wrote:
> So please if you have time, give it a try and report if something does not
> work as expected. It would be really nice if we could move to wheezy so
> that GTA04 and GTA02 images are more similar.

Hi Radek,

Thanks for the image. I have flashed it and made 
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade. Then I had to upgrade qtmoko-neo by 
apt-get install qtmoko-neo

So far I only found that navit is crashing at start. It was installed by the 
option "More Apps" -> "gps" -> "navit" -> "Click here to install".

I also installed QtPedometer same way, this starts OK. I will test function on 
my way to work later.

I tried QMplayer, this triggered the installation of mplayer which went fine.

I will try in the next few days and report further.

Regards Matth

Openmoko community mailing list

QtMoko image for Freerunner based on debian wheezy

2013-04-03 Thread Radek Polak
you can now download wheezy-based QtMoko image from here:

I have tested it a bit and havent found any obvious problems except that i 
cant connect to wifi router at work. But i couldnt even with squeeze based 

So please if you have time, give it a try and report if something does not 
work as expected. It would be really nice if we could move to wheezy so that 
GTA04 and GTA02 images are more similar.


Openmoko community mailing list