segfault in qtmoko v32 too

On Tue, 8 Mar 2011 19:39:36 +0100, Alfa21 <> wrote:
> 2011-03-05@17:14 Alfa21
>> > > * got some segfaults changing the theme and then opening the dialer

>> > 
>> > IIRC it crashed here to, but after restart it was ok.  
>> yeah, the same here... it's not a show stopper bug.
> another segfault always reproducible and no workaround available AFAIK
> sort items in preferred menu:
> - long pres aux button
> - in starred tab, long press on the item you want to move up/down
> - select in contextual menu "move"
> - select its final position in the list
> => segmentation fault, qpe restarts, items keeps old positions
> this was ok in the previous qtmoko release I had (v31)

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