Dear All,

I think I have been told that red wriggler worms
Reproduce themselves by 4 every four months.

If that is correct, then...

Twenty Red Wrigglers Become 80 Red Wigglers Become 320 Red Wrigglers Become
1280 Red Wrigglers Become 5120 Red Wrigglers Become
20,480 Red Wrigglers Become 81,920 Red Wrigglers

In a year and a half.

Is that correct?

Soil Mix for Raised Bed Gardening

Some have told me to use composted soil "straight up" for raised bed
With that soil developed over a few years in static piles of wood chips,
Veggie wastes, coffee grounds, brewers yeast, cardboard.

Others have said I should do l/3 composted, l/3 top soil, l/3 sand.

And when I asked about using leaf compost 3 years in the making,
Some suggested l/4 leaf compost, l/4 mixed compost, l/4 sand, l/4 top soil
w. clay in it.

Thanks for any "idears."

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