April 13 <http://rooffarmer.wordpress.com/2009/04/14/april-13/> April 14,
2009 by rooffarmer

So.   I have big flat roof on my commercial building in Milwaukee, which I
turned into a vegetable “farm” using raised beds.    Last summer was my
first season, and the results were good enough that I decided to start a
CSA, with the goal of selling 10 shares.  One of the advantages of a raised
bed garden (the roof helps but mainly it’s the raised beds) is the ease of
season extending.

While most CSAs aroound these parts prepare their first market baskets
sometime in late May, last week was my first.   I expect go keep them
coming well into December.   The varieties right now are limited to lettuce
and greens, but fresh whole heads of buttercrunch ready in early April? Are
you kidding me?

Starting lettuce and greens in Febrary in zone 5 the easy part.   More
difficult will be making a blog about it interesting!  The answer (not to
making things interesting) is hoop houses.   I took 3/4″ pvc pipes and
arched them from one side of the box to the other, drilling holes in the top
of the box in which I could seat the pipe.  This  is covered with 6 mil
plastic, and, voila, instant heat whenever there is sun.   I have also built
some ones with clear corrugated polycarbonate sheets.  These reflect less
light and are useful inside the “greenhouse.”

more at...



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