Dear All,

I wonder if Will Allen's MacArthur Genius Award and, now, Michael Pollan's
"Farmer in Chief" NYT Sunday Magazine essay...

Will inspire Thomas Friedman to connect the dots and discover the link
between the local, good food,  "sun food" movements and ET, green job
development, environmental stewardship, national security, public health,
and more.

Please send him an e-mail inspiring him to read and seeking his response to
Pollan's brilliant essay.

And thanks to Roger Dorian and Daniel Bowman Simon for their intense work
these past couple of years to inspire visions of a White House organic food
garden.  Pollan's article concludes with that image, which, methinks,
Michelle Obama, will help make happen.

Pollan's piece is the first for me that focuses on the notion of "sun food"
versus "oil food," and offers helpful concepts like "diversified sun
farming," "sun based fertility," skilled solar farming," and "rocket
lettuce," i.e. arugula, my favorite!

Thank you Roger Dorian, Daniel Bowman Simon, Michael Pollan, and...

Thomas Friedman!

I eagerly await Friedman's sun food essay!

>From the Contemplatives In Action House
An Urban Retreat Center in Lower Garden District of New Orleans
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