Thursday, October 28, 2004 

Oh ... the apple of my eye ...

Jason Cox | Leader File Photos | Shots from harvest at Reisinger's Apple 
Country in Watkins Glen, N.Y. 
Staff and wire reports

So far, Anne Kregness has made and canned 24 quarts of applesauce. She's got 
five bags of apple slices in her freezer along with several half-gallon jugs 
of cider.

She's baked apple cakes, apple pies and apple crisp, all using fruit from 
trees on her small farm north of Duluth, Minn.

And she's just getting started.

Kregness, who runs the food preservation effort of the Duluth Community 
Gardening Program, likes to can 52 quarts of applesauce each fall, one for each 
week of the year, using whatever apples she has on hand. She also cans apple 
butter and freezes bags of apple slices that she'll later use for pies, cakes 
apple crisp.

"I'm sure I'll do more of everything as well as try to store some," she said 
last week as her apple harvest was under way.

It's been a good year for apples and folks are making the most of the 
bountiful harvest.

"Apples are extraordinary this year," said Bob Olen, horticulture educator 
for the University of Minnesota St. Louis County Extension Service.

This is true all over the country. Apple orchards in the Finger Lakes region 
of New York are experiencing another banner year, with an abundant and 
high-quality crop. There are about 30 apple orchards in Steuben, Schuyler, 
and surrounding counties benefitting from the impressive harvest.

Karen Reisinger, co-owner of Reisinger's Apple Country in Watkins Glen, N.Y. 
said she gets creative, coming up with all sorts of ways to use the nearly 
3,000 bushels of apples harvested at the farm.

She makes a wide variety of products, including apple butter - "it's spicy 
and sort of like a thick applesauce" and can be put on bread, she said; cider 
apple jelly; apple dump-lings - "made with brown sugar, cinnamon and butter and 
baked like pie ... and eaten like pie," Reisinger said; and oatmeal apple 
cookies. Cider is also pressed at the farm.

She said Idared and Cort-land apples are selling well among those who like to 
bake. And Gala and Empire apples are tops among children due to their 
smaller, more manageable size.

Reisinger noted that as the month of October winds down, so does the apple 
picking. However, that doesn't mean people have to say good-bye to apples all 
together. If stored properly, in the refrigerator or a cold spot like the 
or basement, apples can stay fresh and crunchy for months, according to 

Dan Hurley, owner of Bradley Farms in Elmira, recommends bagging the apples 
up though, if they are being stored along with any green vegetables. He said 
apples naturally emit a gas that will wilt greens.

He said he prefers to eat apples "right out of hand," but applesauce runs a 
close second.

"It's so easy to make and it's good for you," Hurley said.

He said it's great for people who have a whole lot of apples and not a lot of 
time. Just make some up, freeze it and thaw as needed.

This year's larger crop - about 26.5 million bushels was the New York Apple 
Association's early estimate - was thanks to nearly ideal growing weather. A 
bright, warm spring accounted for a long, early pollination period, and the 
apples were also given a boost from the abundance of rain, as water helps "bulk 
up" the size of the fruit.

The most popular varieties in New York are McIntosh, which account for 19 
percent of all apples grown in the state; and Empire, which account for 11 

Other major varieties include Red Delicious, Red Rome, Cortland and Idared.

About 50 percent of apples are used for processed foods such as apple sauce, 
apple slices, juice and cider. The other half are sold fresh.

Apples are the third most popular fruit sold in grocery store produce 
sections - ranking just behind bananas and grapes, according to the NYAA.

And although the crop matured late this year in the Western part of the 
country, many of the trees hold an abundance of apples. Some Northland 
like Sonja Ulvi of New Duluth, Minn., report bigger than usual apples.

Ulvi's 10-year-old Wolf River apple tree, which only produced one or two 
apples in previous years, is bursting with apples as big as grapefruit.

"Everybody that comes over and looks at them can't believe apples grow that 
big," she said.

The tart apples are only good for baking, she said, and only four or five of 
this size are needed to make a pie.

"I just pulled a pie out of my oven," she said last week. "That's about the 
twelfth pie I've made. I bake them and freeze them."

The good apple harvest is being attributed to the capacity set two years ago, 
when forest tent caterpillars consumed so many leaves that the apple trees 
weren't able to set blossoms for the next year. Last year, trees had good 
foliage with a good growing season, Olen said.

"That allowed trees to set blossoms for this year," he explained. "It's a 
three-year sequence."

This summer's cool temperatures also helped keep pests, such as the apple 
maggot, at bay.

Kregness is just thrilled that her trees survived the caterpillar invasion 
and are producing again.

"It's such a multipurpose fruit, such a universal fruit," she said of apples, 
noting their many uses. "And they're good storers, not like other fruits that 
are so perishable."

When Anne Kregness of rural Duluth, Minn. makes applesauce, she uses this 
recipe from the University Of Minnesota Extension Service.


Select apples that are sweet, juicy and crisp. For a tart flavor, add 1 to 2 
pounds of tart apples to each 3 pounds of sweeter apples.

An average of 21 pounds of apples is needed for a canner load of 7 quarts; 
about 13 1/2 pounds is needed for 9-pint canner load.

Wash, peel and core apples. Slice. If desired, drop into water containing 
ascorbic acid, available in drugstores, to prevent browning and then drain. 
slices in an 8- to 10-quart pot.

Add 1/2 cup water. Stirring occasionally to prevent burning, heat quickly 
until tender (5-20 minutes, depending on maturity and variety). Unless seeking 
chunky sauce, press through a strainer or food mill.

If desired, add 1/8 cup sugar per quart of sauce. Taste and add more, if 
desired, but sauce may be made without sugar.

Reheat sauce to boiling. Fill jars with the hot applesauce, leaving 1/2-inch 
headspace. Wipe jar rims. Fasten lids and place in a boiling water bath: 20 
minutes for pints, 25 minutes for quarts.

Yield: 7 quarts or 9 pints


For apple butter, Kregness uses this recipe from the University of Minnesota 
Extension Service. Good choices for apple butter include Jonathan, Winesap, 
Stayman, Golden Delicious and McIntosh apples.

8 pounds apples

2 cups cider

2 cups vinegar

2 1/4 cups white sugar

2 1/4 cups packed brown sugar

2 tablespoons ground cinnamon

1 tablespoon ground cloves

Wash apples and remove stems. Quarter and core apples. Cook slowly in cider 
and vinegar until soft. Press fruit though a colander, food mill or strainer. 
Cook fruit pulp with sugar and spices, stirring frequently.

To test for doneness, remove a spoonful and hold it away from steam for 2 
minutes. It is done if the butter remains mounded on the spoon. Another way to 
test for doneness is to spoon a small quantity onto a plate. When a rim of 
liquid does not separate around the edge of the butter, it is ready for canning.

Fill hot mixture into sterile jars, leaving 1/4-inch headspace. Fasten lids 
and place in a boiling water bath: 10 minutes for half-pints or pints; 15 
minutes for quarts.

Yield: 8 to 9 pints


Apple rings can also be canned and preserved for later use. This recipe for a 
spiced version is another recipe from the University of Minnesota Extension 

12 pounds firm, tart apples (up to 2-1/2 inches in diameter)

12 cups sugar

6 cups water

1 1/4 cups white vinegar (5 percent acidity)

3 tablespoons whole cloves

3/4 cup red hot cinnamon candies or 8 cinnamon sticks

1 teaspoon red food coloring (optional)

Wash apples. To prevent discoloration, peel and slice one apple at a time. 
Immediately cut crosswise into 1/2-inch slices, remove core area with a melon 
baller and immerse slices in ascorbic acid solution.

Make a flavored syrup by combining sugar, water, vinegar, cloves, cinnamon 
candies or cinnamon sticks, and food coloring in a 6-quart saucepan.

Stir, heat to boil, and simmer 3 minutes. Drain apples, add to hot syrup and 
cook 5 minutes. Fill wide-mouth jars with apple rings and hot flavored syrup, 
leaving 1/2-inch headspace. Adjust lids and place in a boiling water bath for 
15 minutes.

Yield: 8 to 9 pints

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