Good morning, 
Sit down and have a cup of coffee. 
Here's the story.  This is what I gleaned from a telephone conversation last 
night with Jack Linn, the NYC Parks Commissioner who is Edie Stone's (the 
current Green Thumb Director)  boss. I like Jack, he's a Park 
professional,who's been around forever,  and like a true professional takes 
responsibility for the actions of his subbordinates. And for policy decisions. 
First, to understand: The NYC Community Garden Insurance that we previously 
carried under NOSC provided $1 -3 Million dollars in coverage. This was to 
serve as an insurance "buffer," for claims, so the larger insurance coverage 
pool, the self-insured NYC, would not be touched. The legal dept of the City of 
New York required all Green Thumb gardens to have this insurance as a component 
of their leases with the City. In other words, to not have this insurance was 
to be in technical default of your lease with the City of New York, your 
If you have a Green Thumb Garden, the supplementary community garden  insurance 
coverage that was provided through the Neighborhood Open Space Coalition ended 
over the summer. After searching through what was available on the insurance 
market, the price per garden fee of about $550 or so  was deemed to be too much 
for community gardeners to pay by Parks. So NOSC got out of the insurance 
provider game, insurance checks that had been sent out by gardens were 
returned, but no word went out to the gardens and gardeners. It was assumed by 
NOSC that Green Thumb would notify the community gardens of their loss of this 
supplementary insurance. 
This was not done. 
And the fact that all the community gardens that were covered by this 
supplementary insurance would be in technical default of their community garden 
leases with NYC was considered to be a minor detail. 
It was deemed to be too difficult or cumbersome by Parks & Green Thumb to 
notify all of the city's community gardeners of this fact, via e-mail or post 
card. This is a decision with which I vigorously disagree. 
When I learned of this in mid-October, I went ballistic. After all, Parks could 
always call or e-mail any of our gardens when they needed us to testify at the 
NYC Council, lobby with politicians, write letters to the NY Times, host an 
annual  city-wide community garden celebration, and do various and sundry 
lobbying efforts.
 However, when a "minor detail" like insurance came up,and all the gardens 
would be in technical default of their leases,  and some of us, who are 
incorporated, have greater insurance exposure than un-incorporated gardens, it 
was deemed, by the Parks powers that be, that we need not be informed. 
Ignorance is not bliss. And as the winter is coming, it is hoped that our new 
supplementary insurance will be in place for next spring - perhaps sooner, when 
discussions with NYC Legal and the Comptroller's dept are completed. 
So the bottom line is that we should  engage in usual gardening activities, 
avoid performing  crazy or reckless acts that would not be in the ususal run of 
gardening, and dissuade our visitors from  doing so as well.  and we're  
covered, for the interim by the blanket NYC Parks insurance. 
But we won't be getting it in writing from Parks. Or in an e-mail. But that is 
the story from Parks. And Parks is our landlord. And possession is 9/10s of the 
Just be sure to get your sidwalk shovelled at the first sight of snow, make 
sure there are no obstructions to trip over, and keep your fingers crossed, in 
your mittens if need be,  until that supplementary insurance is finalized - 
when its finalized. So we will not be in technical default of our community 
garden leases.
And perhaps, just perhaps, someday, we'll get organized leadership at Green 
Thumb that treats us a true partners and acknowledges that we're grown up 
enough to be informed, in a timely matter, about matters like insurance.
Adam Honigman
-----Original Message-----
From: doggielama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 21:48:06 -0400
Subject: Re: [tb-cybergardens]: NYC Community Garden Insurance Clock - 119 Days 
and Counting....

I thought we had insurance in force for a year, from summer to summer?  You 
mean we have no insurance now?


It has been 119 days since our Green Thumb community gardens lost the 
supplemental community garden insurance required by our Green Thumb leases....
Adam Honigman

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