Hi all, I finally got around to producing an 0.8.10 release. Here are the
details, which are also posted on my blog <http://blog.northfield.ws>.

It took a bit of setup and cook time but compiz 0.8.10 tarballs are ready
now including addons-experimental plugin package. Anyone who has installed
compiz before knows it can be confusing so here, I will focus on installing
0.8.10 using the tarballs

Step 1)  –  Install Xubuntu 14.10 or your variant of *buntu based Linux
distribution with sudo installed.

Step 2)  –  Open a terminal

Step 3)  –  Install git

$ sudo apt-get install git

Step 4)  –  Download the build scripts with

$ git clone git://northfield.ws/compiz/scripts -b release-0.8.10

Step 5)  –  Run the INSTALL script

$ ./scripts/INSTALL


Step 6)  –  Start ccsm by typing ccsm in the terminal and verify it runs

$ ccsm

Step 7)  –  Enable basic plugins such as Window Decoration, Move Window,
Place Window, Resize Window and maybe Wobbly so you know it’s working

Step 8)  –  Start compiz with

$ compiz –replace ccp

Step 9)  –  Open another terminal

Step 10)  –  Start a compiz window decorator

$ emerald –replace

If everything is working, then congratulations! You can add ‘emerald’
(without quotes) to ccsm>Effects>Window Decoration>Command field so emerald
starts when compiz does.  If not, you can ask in #compiz or #northfield on
irc.freenode.net using your IRC client. Enjoy!

INFORMATION: This information is targeted toward those familiar with Linux
distributions and GNU open source software.

WARNING: This software and other 0.8.x versions may conflict with any 0.9.x
compiz, ccsm, emerald or other compiz 0.9.x components.

DISCLAIMER: Not responsible for soggy corn flakes, mistreated kittens or
spontaneously combusting laptops.
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