Please distribute to others who may be interested...

You are hereby invited to a seminar in our twelfth interdisciplinary series
on Evolution, Complexity and Cognition <>
(ECCO 2015-2016)

Time: Friday September 23, 14h-18h

Place: *room * *D.1.05*, building D, VUB

Exponential Self-Organization: Measures and Mechanisms
Georgi Georgiev <>
(Associate Professor of Physics, Assumption College)

The question how complex systems become more organized and efficient with
time is open. Examples are, the formation of elementary particles from pure
energy, the formation of atoms from particles, the formation of stars and
galaxies, the formation of molecules from atoms, of organisms, and of the
society. In this sequence, order appears inside complex systems and
randomness (entropy) is expelled to their surroundings. Key features of
self-organizing systems are that they are open and they are far away from
equilibrium, with increasing energy flowing through them. This work
searches for global measures of such self-organizing systems, that are
predictable and do not depend on the substrate of the system studied. Our
results will help to understand the existence of complex systems and
mechanisms of self-organization. In part we also provide insights, in this
work, about the underlying physical essence of the Moore's law and the
multiple logistic growth observed in technological progress.

Upcoming Seminars

Our new seminar season will start in October, and there will also be a
seminar on September 23. See our website for the latest news.

See also the ECCO/GBI calendar
You can add this calendar to your calendar application through here

More info about the ECCO seminar program:


ECCO Group (VUB) <>

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