on 19x19 board, any thought on getting computer to win all the games with 
handicap 9(may be started at 13), then improve to handicap 8,7...?

Olivier Teytaud wrote:
>> Has the program become that much stronger on 9x9 recently?
>> (Compared to the version was trying?)
> *Parallelization: MPI ==> ~80% vs no mpi in 9x9 (for same number of
>  cores).
> *Monte-Carlo improvement ==> strongly depends on number of simulations
>    and number of cores (as the multi-core reduces the influence of the
>    computational overhead), ~55% I guess.
> *Openings: 58%, for games with constant time per move (should be higher
>    for games with given total time), if we only keep the openings which
>    are still efficient in the new version of the code. Human-based
>    openings do not work :-(
> *less interestingly, we have a better hardware than at that time (more
>    cores, more GHz).
> ==> no doubt that this mogo is by far stronger than the one at
> Amsterdam 07.
> The improvement is much higher in 19x19, but humans are really too
> strong in 19x19 :-)
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