On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 7:33 PM, David Fotland <fotl...@smart-games.com> wrote:
> GPL is not infectious through looking at source code, but I didn't want any
> appearance of wrongdoing.  And I was put off a little by Stallman's
> rhetoric.
> David

I have mostly stayed away from GPL projects for the same reasons.
Instead I preferred discussing things on the list here, occasionally
asking how others do things instead of looking at source-code that is
under license. Looking is not infectious. But taking code and re-write
it is, even if there's little to no resemblance with the original.
It's a very slippery slope what is the difference between the two and
very hard to prove.

I don't know Stallman myself, but I have heard from several people who
had beef with him. It's not something I'd want to get into.

There are probably good cases where GPL is appropriate, but most of
the time it has always seemed a bit childish to me.

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