Quoting Darren Cook <dar...@dcook.org>:

Interesting position attached, white to play. Both Many Faces and Mogo
utterly miss the correct move (white H2). And they don't even get it
after black fills F4 - they both still believe they are winning (though
Many Faces' static score gets it right at that point, as does gogui

Valkyria selects this move before it searches... and then spends 90% of search on H2.

The reason for is simple. Valkyria recognize this type of seki in the playouts and can therefor accurately evaluate the situation. Programs who do not do that are doomed because in such playouts black will probaly fill in and break the seki in playout.

This having nothing to do with search algorithm, seki is something that has to be reconized in the playouts in order to be handled properly. Valkyria handles some common seki shapes but not all of them, and would also fail miserably in such positions.


Magnus Persson
Berlin, Germany
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