rtayek5 (W:O): 87.5 to Littlewolf (B:#): 96.0
game completed.
Removed game file rtayek5-Littlewolf from database.
Game rtayek5-Littlewolf-18-09-25 mailed
*Littlewolf*: Thx.(by Go Bible Android client)

mf 12 says:

White has:
74 surrounded points (marked)
13 prisoners
  6.5 points komi
93 1/2 points total

Black has:
90 surrounded points (marked)
6 prisoners
96 points total

there's a: KM[6.5] i the .sgf file.
seems like igs did not give me the komi or somethings.

does anyone know what's going on here?


Honesty is a very expensive gift. So, don't expect it from cheap people - 
Warren Buffett

Attachment: rtayek5-Littlewolf.sgf
Description: application/go-sgf

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