You will be better served by reading those commentators who are insightful enough to recognize that the iPad is a new category. We now need to identify the computer users who fit into that new category.

For creatives the need for a real computer remains. Getting an iPad does not cause me to no longer need my desktop. I use the desktop computer for what it does best and the iPad for what it does best. I won't give up the desktop. I just don't want to use it for things that the iPad does better.

For non-creatives, what you say is true. Those people never had a real need for a desktop computer, but used one because there was no alternative. These people will no longer have a need for a computer.

Then we have mobile creatives. They will want both.

On Jun 29, 2010, at 10:42 PM, wrote:
The Mac as we know it—a full featured personal computer—is slowly
going away, to be replaced by ever more mobile and increasingly
capable devices.

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