Register for this FREE Event via e-mail to bc...@cpcug.org ===================================================================

Capital PC User Group (CPCUG)
Entrepreneurs and Consultants Special Interest Group (E&C SIG)
(Meets the 3rd Saturday of most months)

CLEVELAND PARK LIBRARY, 1st Floor, Large Meeting Room
3310 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC **************************************************************

Saturday, March 20, 2010, 12:45-3:15 pm

Speaker: Mark Mabee, IT Network Pro

Microsoft released its Windows 7 operating system in October 2009. Did all the release candidate features make it into the final product? Is now the time for you to get a new computer with Windows 7, or does the new operating system have more bugs than you have time to deal with? Can you look forward to using Windows 7 effortlessly after suffering through or working around the Microsoft Vista operating system? Is it true that some of the features of Windows 7 make it more like a Mac in appearance and functionality?

Join us on Saturday, March 20, 2010, as long-time CPCUG member Mark Mabee demonstrates Windows 7 and investigates its capabilities. Bring your questions.

Using Windows 7 now? Join us and share your experiences.

Speaker: Mark Mabee, an IT network professional, is a long-time member of CPCUG. He has been the featured presenter at a number of CPCUG events and has handled technical questions during pre-presentation Q&A sessions at other events.

Mark uses both PCs and Macs.


Cleveland Park Library, 1st Floor, Large Meeting Room
3310 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC
(west side, between Macomb and Newark Streets)

Metrorail: Cleveland Park Subway Station Red Line
Connecticut Avenue, NW
Just 1.5 blocks north of meeting site

Parking: Street

For additional Information about the CPCUG E&C SIG and its events (including any updates on topics, speakers, dates, times, and locations; agenda; area map; related Web links; and more), visit the CPCUG Entrepreneurs and Consultants SIG Web pages--


These events are FREE and open to all.

Advance RSVPs are requested for event planning and to let registrants know about any change in event date, location, topic, or speaker.

To RSVP: Send e-mail to Barbara Conn, bc...@cpcug.org

Saturday, March 20, 2010, 12:45-3:15 pm
Speaker: Mark Mabee, IT Network Pro
http://entrepreneur.cpcug.org/310meet.html **************************************************************

Dates/Times of Future Meetings:

Saturday, April 17, 2010, 1:00-3:15 pm
Smartphones, Netbooks, Accessories, Plans, Software,
     Services, and More
Speaker: Rob Pegoraro, _The Washington Post_

Saturday, May 15, 2010, 1:00-3:15 pm
Joy Butler, Attorney, Author, and
     Principal Sashay Communications

Saturday, June 19, 2010, 1:00-3:15 pm
Topic and Speaker: To Be Announced

Barbara Conn                            bc...@cpcug.org
Capital PC User Group (CPCUG)     "Users Helping Users"
Chair, CPCUG Entrepreneurs and Consultants SIG
http://entrepreneur.cpcug.org/ *******************************************************
CONENT-D: CPCUG Entrepreneurs and Consultants SIG list for
   event announcements and discussion of business,
   technology, and computer hardware and software
   selection, setup, installation, maintenance,
   and upgrade (usually low volume) To subscribe:
http://entrepreneur.cpcug.org/index.html#listsub *******************************************************
CPCUG E&C SIG Registration for FREE Events:
Send e-mail to bc...@cpcug.org *******************************************************

**  List info, subscription management, list rules, archives, privacy  **
**  policy, calmness, a member map, and more at http://www.cguys.org/  **

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