Moose Jerky
3-5 pounds lean moose, Sara Palin, or caribou meet.
    2/3 cup worcestershire sauce
    2/3 cup soy sauce
    1 Tbsp. salt
    1 tsp. pepper
    1 tsp. garlic powder (not salt)
    1 tsp. onion powder (not salt)
    1 Tbsp. liquid smoke (unless using smoker)

Cut meat into strips about 1/4 inch thick and 1 inch wide. Remove fat.

Mix marinade:

    2/3 cup worcestershire sauce
    2/3 cup soy sauce
    1 Tbsp. salt
    1 tsp. pepper
    1 tsp. garlic powder (not salt)
    1 tsp. onion powder (not salt)
    1 Tbsp. liquid smoke (unless using smoker)

Put meat and marinade in ziplock bag or plastic container; DON'T use metal!! Set in refrigerator for anywhere from a few hours to overnight. The longer you leave it in, the more marinade it will absorb, meaning more flavor!!

Dry in a Little Chief smoker or in the oven at lowest heat setting and the door cracked open. Add liquid smoke to the recipe if using the oven or if you won't be using wood chips in the smoker. SLOW drying is the key to a good jerky so be patient.

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