I am also getting rid of Comcast for Verizon FIOS.  I am scheduled for
Friday, July 18 for the FIOS install. Verizon told me to wait until I was
completely sure that the FIOS install was done properly before canceling
Comcast.  I figure that the weekend will be long enough for me to see if
the FIOS is working, and I will be canceling the following Monday.
I have a Comcast (dis)service center less than a mile away and will be
taking my cable box and remote there and cancel in person.  I suspect
that I will have to pay out for the whole billing period, though.


On Mon, 7 Jul 2008 15:10:28 gerald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Date:    Mon, 7 Jul 2008 15:10:28 -0400
From:    gerald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: cancelling Comcast

anyone have experience cancelling comcast. both internet and TV. I have had comcast since the day they arrived in my area a few years ago. it finally works.

i have decided to go to FIOS.

i had verizon high speed internet at my factory. they answered the phone better than comcast.

lead time?

where to call?

any charges?

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