c'est pas beau ça ? Depuis, leur site marche de nouveau, mais ils expliquent 
qu'il marche sous Linux !

      .~.        http://katalogdeutsch.free.fr 
      /V\        annuaire des ressources internet
    //    \\      pour l'allemand
  /(       )\    
    ^`~'^     powered by Linux

Title: Visipix.com

Sorry - our server is temporarily out of order, we suffer under the typical Microsoft problems.

When can we expect product liability for software?

We are in the process of throwing all MS-licencies out of the window and are right now installing a solid Linux system with Apache, MySQL and our new visipix search engine. We try to make it the best in the world. It does things that even Google and EBay dont. 50.000 new pictures are ready for publication.

Your visipix.com - Team

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