Call for Submissions

Joint Session of Electronic Media Group and Archives Conservation
Discussion Group

AIC 46th Annual Meeting

Houston, TX

May 29-June 2, 2018

*Preserving the Protest: Collection and Care of Social Movement Archives*

The Electronic Media Group (EMG) and the Book and Paper Group’s Archives
Conservation Discussion Group (ACDG) seeks panelists for a joint session at
AIC’s 46th Annual Meeting in Houston in May 2018.  The program will address
the preservation of physical and digital objects used in political and
social demonstrations, with a focus on how the format of these objects can
affect acquisition, archival processing, and researcher access.  We will
consider ephemeral, paper based, or mixed media works, as well as the
digital images, video, and social media posts that are integral to
contemporary protest movements. We are seeking a number of short (5-10
minute) presentations to be followed by a panel discussion.

Possible topic ideas include:

·        *Conservation treatment and housing solutions for ephemeral
objects - posters, banners, puppets, buttons, crocheted hats, etc.;*

·        *Digital preservation of social media organizing and protest
campaigns, digital images and video connected to social movements;*

·        *Acquiring and archiving materials in "real time"; “rapid response
collecting”, crowd-sourcing materials and community-driven collecting;*

·        *Collaborations with activists and community organizers*

Submission Deadline:  November 3, 2017

To submit an abstract, please contact the co-chairs of *both* the
Electronic Media Group (EMG) and the Archives Conservation Discussion Group
(ACDG) at the following email addresses:

Patricia Falcao, EMG co-chair,

Stephanie Gowler, ACDG co-chair,

Dawn Mankowski ACDG co-chair,

Flavia Perugini, EMG co-chair,

Crystal Sanchez, EMG co-chair,

Dawn Mankowski
Special Collections Conservator
Barbara Goldsmith Preservation & Conservation Department
New York University Libraries
212.992.9017 <(212)%20992-9017>
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