Care and Conservation of Manuscripts 22-24 April 2020

Dear all.

The call for papers for the 18th seminar on the care and conservation of
manuscripts is now open.

The seminar will be held in Copenhagen at the Arnamagnæan Institute from
the 22nd to the 24th of April 2020.

For further information see the website:

Please feel free to pass this information on to your colleagues and others
you think might be interested in presenting a paper at the seminar.

The deadline for proposals is 1 August 2019.

With best regards on behalf of the seminar organisers.


*Ragnheiður Mósesdóttir*

*Informationspecialist KUB-SC*

Co-ordinator of Care and conservation of manuscripts 18

The Arnamagnæan Institute

University of Copenhagen

Njalsgade 136

DK-2300 Copenhagen S
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