Dear colleagues, 

A meeting on the theme of the Preservation of natural history wet 
collections will take place in Paris from December 5 through 7, 2018. 

Organized by the French Center on Research for Preservation, under the 
CNRS, the French natural History Museum and the French Culture Ministry, 
the meeting will be held in the very heart of Paris, at the Grande 
Galerie de l’Evolution (French natural History Museum, Jardin des Plantes). 

This meeting intend to gather the various French and Europeans players 
involved in the preservation of natural history wet collections. Through 
the sharing of experience, we hope to provide an inventory of 
preservation issues threatening these valuable collections and to 
discuss potential solutions that has been tested in different environments. 

We would be glad if you, or your colleagues, could attend the meeting as 
a listener or through an oral presentation. Registration is free of 
charge but mandatory, according to availability 

A brief presentation of the meeting and the call for papers are available on 
the website

Kind regards, 

The organizing committee 

Dr Sophie Cersoy 

Associate professor 

00 33 (0)1 40 79 53 05 

Centre de Recherche sur la Conservation, CNRS USR 3224 
Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle 
36, rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 
CP 21 
75005 Paris - France

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