With Archiva and Continuum both being webapps now, its should be straightforward to deploy them both to your favourite container, and as long as they are configured to utilise the same repository you'll get what you need.

- Brett

On 25/08/2006, at 5:46 PM, Tomasz Pik wrote:

I'm jumping into middle of discussion with some kind of separate (but not too
separate) question/problem.
As I understood Continuum should be located in some kind of
'dedicated' location,
so it won't have influence on main development (developers decides, when to push new snapshot to shared repository, when perform release and so on,
Continuum 'just check current versions').
So (and maybe here I was wrong) Continuum should be separated from
Now, if users will be able to perform releases through Continuum (which is
a super thing), picture changes a bit.
So my question is - will there be a possiblity to integrate Continuum
and Archiva,
so they may run together on one host/address/port/plexus instance?
So both of them will make a kind of 'maven server'?


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