zze-Amicom HUGONNET E ext RD-TECH a écrit :
I'm trying to get the Jabber Notifier working on Continuum 1.0.3.
If I define the notifier by using the web interface all is working fine :).
But, alas, I want to define my notifier with my POM.xml so I have defined in my application.xml :
<role>org.codehaus.plexus.jabber.JabberClient</role> <implementation>org.codehaus.plexus.jabber.DefaultJabberClient</implementation>

and in my POM.xml :
<!-- Gestion pour l'intégration continue -->
<configuration> <address>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</address>

but I don't see the jabber notifier in the web interface, I just see the mail notifier :( and after the build nothing is send thought Jabber :( I can't find some working example of this configuration. I would like to know if such a configuration is possible. And if yes, where I am missing something.

Well I have found the solution:
        - Remove the configuration in the JabberClient component
        - add the following notifier in my POM

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